Submitting PDF Forms

If you are submitting the form using your school email account, please use the following steps to successfully send the email.

Step One: Click the “Lock Form and Email” button on the bottom of the form.

Step Two: You will be presented with a question regarding the type of email you use.  Select “Internet Mail”.

Step Three:  You will be prompted to save the form.  You can save it to a convenient location like your H:\ drive, a USB flash drive, or your desktop.

Step Four: Login to the Outlook web client and create a new email.

Step Five: Select the recipient(s) and compose your message.

Step Six: Attach the PDF form.  Click the paperclip icon.  Then, browse for the form that you saved in Step Three.  Click the Attach button once you’ve selected the form.


Step Seven: Send the email by clicking the Send button in the upper left corner.