Announcements 1/13/20-1/17/20

Elementary School



will be no school on Monday, January




We know that illness can strike any of us at
any time.

The Wisconsin Department of Health Services
recommends that everyone age 6 months old and older get vaccinated against the
flu. The vaccine is safe and effective and can prevent long absences from
school and work.

In addition, there are steps the whole family
can take to prevent and stop the spread of illness. These include:

·         Wash
your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.

·         Cover
your cough or sneeze with your upper sleeve, and try to avoid touching your
face with your hand.

·         If
you use a tissue, throw it away after one use.

·         Never
share drinking cups, straws, and utensils.

·         When
possible, avoid being exposed to people who are sick with flu-like symptoms.

·         Eat
nutritious meals, get plenty of rest, and do not smoke.

·         Frequently
clean commonly touched surfaces, like doorknobs, the refrigerator handles, your
phone, and faucets.

If your child shows signs of illness, such as
a high fever, cough, sneezing, or runny nose, please keep them home until 24
hours after the symptoms pass to prevent them from spreading illness to classmates
and staff. You can find our policy on absences in the district handbook.

Working together, we can
make this a healthy school year for everyone.