Announcements 9/21/20 – 9/25/20

Elementary School




Please join us for our first virtual Falcon Families of SFES
meeting of the new school year!


Thursday, September 17th


6:15 pm


Meeting ID: 987 6993 5836 



Attending meetings is a great way to be involved in your
school and support your child’s education.  Falcon Families helps our
school by funding field trips, technology, teacher requests, new playground
equipment and much more!


See you there!


Link for Zoom Meeting:

Lakeshore Dental


If you are interested
in signing your child up for dental care here at school or would like more
information please use the link below to do so. This is a great offering for
our students…check it out!


Our webpage:


Picture Day


October 1 and Friday, October 2.



Greetings, Falcon Families!


In an effort to balance
our academic routines with important social and cultural opportunities for our
students, we’d like to share information on our classroom celebrations.  We
hope this helps your family to plan and enjoy some exciting social milestones
in your elementary child’s experience. 


Several holiday-centered
celebrations have developed into traditions in our building.  Students and
their families look forward to these special themes and celebrations, and it
may be helpful to know these traditions as your child progresses through
school.  Halloween, in particular, is an exciting time.  We wish to
tie our school celebration to curriculum to use our time wisely, create
excitement surrounding learning pieces (such as reading, Wisconsin history, and
science), and remain sensitive to families’ unique approaches to this
traditional holiday.  Our grade levels celebrate at the end of October in
the following themes:


EC, 4K and

When I grow up, I want
to be: Students dress to reflect an idea they have about what they will do
when they grow up!

First Grade

Story Book
celebration: Students dress as their favorite story book character and share
their favorite book.

Second Grade

Heroes: Students can chose to dress up as an everyday hero that they
admire! Someone who is strong, brave, selfless, honest, and/or kind. Some
examples are: a military member, a sports hero, a family member, a community
hero, or a past hero.

Third Grade

Mad Scientist day:
Students dress as scientists and participate in a day of science
demonstrations, experiments, and more.

Fourth Grade

Wisconsin theme:
Students dress to reflect our Wisconsin heritage. This can include sports
team apparel or Wisconsin history. Accurate creativity encouraged!


We ask that families
refrain from dressing their child with potentially scary accessories such as
fake blood, weapons, masks (other than their current face covering), etc. 
Please also keep in mind that costumes worn for the entire school day still
need to allow for daily activities.  Students will still need to go to
recess, physical education class, perform typical daily tasks, eat lunch,
etc.  These guidelines help all students to enjoy the day.


While our themes are
intended to spark creativity and support learning, we understand that the
themes may not coincide with your family’s chosen costumes for this traditional
holiday.  Please don’t feel that you need to make an additional
purchase to enjoy this school dress-up experience.
 Our school
mission, vision, and commitments emphasize innovation, so it’s
great to see creative use of common clothing or materials to share the
excitement of imagination!  


In previous years, your
child’s classroom may have hosted a brief celebration including treats, outside
visitors, etc.  We ask that you do not send treats this year for safety
reasons.  We will focus on celebrating the themes within our school community
that do not tie to food.


Please feel free to
contact your child’s teacher or the school office with specific questions.

Thank you!


Lynn Bub, SFES Principal                                  Shelley Hyde,
SFES Associate Principal