Sheboygan Falls Middle School
Student Announcements
Attention all 5th-8th grade girls: You are invited to participate in the
Microsoft Girls Workshop. This is a free event, held Tuesday, March 17th
from 4-6pm in the Commons. Come and learn how to use some new, fun coding
technology! Women from area sponsors (Acuity, Kohler, Bemis, Rockline,
Johnsonville, National Exchange Bank) will be working with participants.
Snacks will be provided. Please see the middle school newsletter for online
sign-up link, or see Ms. Probst. This event is limited to 50 girls. Hope to
see you there!
Registrations will be taken until we have 50; however, to guarantee a
t-shirt, they must be received no later than March 1.
*MS Conference Sign Up*
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled to
take place on Tuesday, March 10th from 4pm-7pm. To schedule your child’s
conference, please go to the school district website, click on Middle
School, and under the main picture, and click on the Parent-Teacher
Conferences icon. On the conference scheduler page, please pay close
attention to the notes at the top of the page. If you are unable
to schedule a conference with a particular teacher, please contact that
teacher via e-mail to set an alternate date/time. Any questions that you
may have regarding scheduling your child’s conference, feel free to contact
the middle school office at 467-7880.
Our deadline has been extended through the weekend!
If you have not yet ordered your SFMS student a yearbook, you now have
until March
to guarantee your copy! Order online at or pick up
an order form in the middle school office!
Sheboygan Falls Middle School presents ….. Mary Poppins Jr. @ SFMS
March 12th at 7pm
March 13th at 7pm
March 14th at 2pm and 7pm
Ticket prices are: $5 adults, seniors, students
SF students are free and children 5 and under are free
Tickets are sold in MS office
Attention 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. It is time to sign up for track and
field. The season begins April 6. *Sixth graders might be able to
participate.* All grades must click this link to learn more: 2020 Track
Sign Up Information
The SFHS Varsity Dance Team has a limited number of the purple and white
Love Your Melon hats left. If you are interested in purchasing one, please
stop in the Middle School office or contact Lisa Berg at
[email protected].
The 2020 MS Musical will be March 12-14th.
*Rehearsal Schedule*
Friday – Full Show
Saturday – Full Show
Jazz Ensemble will be meeting on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 7:00am in
the Middle School Band Room Jazz Ensemble Jan-Feb Rehearsal Schedule
Student Council dates from 3:05-4pm
Mon., March 2
Mon., March 16
Mon., April 6
Mon., April 20
Mon., May 4
Monday, May 18 (bust-up party)