October 18th 2021

Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements:

October 18th 2021

No School Friday October 22nd

A Note From Mrs. Lorge and Mr. Uselding: October is National Bully
Prevention Month! We invite staff and students to wear Falcon colors,
kindness shirts, or bully prevention t-shirts on Wednesdays for the rest of
this month.

Scholastic Book Fair (EXCITING NEWS!!) is here this week only

Hours for the Scholastic Book Fair will be:

Monday (10/18) -10 a.m. until the end of the school day

Tuesday (10/19) – all day and through evening conferences

Wed (10/20) – all day until the end of the school day

Thursday (10/21) – 9:30-11:30 a.m. and then 1 p.m. until the end of the
school day

If interested in helping signup.com/go/BJrkUWG

Middle school conferences are scheduled to occur on Tuesday, October 19th
from 4:00-8:00 p.m. and Tuesday, October 28th from 4:00-7:00 p.m.
Parent/Teacher conferences can be scheduled through

A Note From Amy Lawerenz: all students were given a card with their lunch
bar code. This is their form of payment this year, touchless sales. They
will not be able to purchase ala carte without their card.

Yearbook Committee:Yearbook meeting is scheduled for this Tuesday November
2nd. Please email Miss Beaudry if you will be attending or if you will not
be attending.

Student Council: Meeting will be Monday, October 25th 3:10-4:00

in Mrs. Powers’ room 125.

Sheboygan Falls PTO;

Our Facebook group is SFMS Families and Educators United. We welcome all
new parents! The FEU PTO meets the 1st Wednesday of each month at 5:30 in
the conference room in the office. Come and join us!!!

7th and 8th graders interested in joining the Dance Team should sign up
using the link in the Canvas – Extra Curricular – Sports class.First
practice is Monday, October 25. All forms (physical, concussion, and fee)
should be in before this day. If you are unable to find the link, please
email Mrs.Cotter. Dance Team Sign-up: forms.gle/4RZxACxtnk6TZKUA6


Cross Country Meet

Monday October 18th

Sheboygan Falls @ Sheboygan Lutheran demise at 2:20 pm


Monday, October 18, 2021

Sheboygan Urban @ Sheboygan Falls

Forensics: “Forensics students: Individual Sign-Up Sheets will be posted on

the grade-level neighborhood bulletin boards today (Tuesday). Sign up for

to practice your pieces and get ready for the November tournaments.

“SFMS is hosting a forensics meet on Monday, November 1st from 3:30-6:00

7th & 8th GRADE BOYS BASKETBALL PLAYERS: If you are interested in playing
basketball this year, please sign up using the “Boys Basketball Signup”
Classlink app. The first practice for 8th grade will likely be Monday,
October 25 and 7th grade Tuesday October 26th but the schedule is still
being finalized. All paperwork needs to be turned into the office before
you will be allowed to practice.

This includes:

* signed Athletic Code

* signed Parent Permission

* physician signed physical exam

* signed concussion forms

* paid extra-curricular fee

All forms can be found on the school district website or you can pick them
up in the office.We look forward to seeing you on the court!

Coaches Johnson, Nikson, Schuren, and Berg