September 6th 2022
Thursday 8th- Picture Day
Monday 12th- Volleyball Game (home)
Tuesday13th- PTO Meeting Middle School office
Thursday 15th-
*Cross Country meet( Valders)
*Volleyball game(Two Rivers)
SFMS Athletics Registration: Required Paperwork for Middle School Athletes
to Participate in Sports: Athletes require clearance the first day of
practice in order to participate in any sport. The following items are to
be completed and turned in to the Middle School office prior to the first
practice.Note: For your convenience, all links will open in a new
tab/window.Athletic Code of Conduct
Physical Form
.Concussion Agreement Form: Read the Concussion Information for Athletes
Read the Concussion Information for Parents
Print the Concussion Agreement Form
Release (OPTIONAL) Complete this form
only if a parent or guardian will provide transportation to or from an
2022 Cross Country Sign-Up: If you love running, being outdoors, and
improving your fitness while having fun – then cross country is for you!
Practices will begin Tuesday Sept. 6th after school at 3:15 in the Commons
area (all forms would need to be turned in by the first practice). A
parent meeting will also take place right after the first practice at 4:15
in the Commons area. If interested please sign up using the link:
You can also find the link on the MS website: MS Athletics: Cross Country.
Any questions please contact Mrs. Hughes ([email protected]
Middle School Golf
Where: Sunset Hills
When: September 13th – October 6th
Tuesdays and Thursday 3:30-5:15
Who: 6th-8th grade Boys and Girls
Information: Please contact Mr. Johnson [email protected]
Must have your own set of clubs to participate
Full swing, chipping, putting
Proper golf etiquette
Welcome to Middle School!
Calling ALL 5th Grade Students & Families!
All fifth grade students and parents are invited to attend a fun learning
experience on Thursday September 15th from 5-6pm. Parents and students
will have an opportunity to get to know the fifth grade teachers, and spend
some time together learning about Fifth Grade! Any Questions: Please
contact your child’s fifth grade check in teacher.
Scout Information Night!
Interested in scouting and want to learn more? Your local Cub Scout Pack
3885 and Scouts BSA Troop 885 are holding an information night on Monday,
September 19. It will include details about scouting, fun activities, free
food with outdoor cooking demos, and the opportunity to meet some of our
friendly scouts and leaders!
Cub Scouts is open to boys and girls grades K-5.
Scouts BSA is open to boys and girls grades 6 and up.
We hope to see you and your family there!
Time: 6-8pm
Location: Saint Paul’s Lutheran Church, 730 County Hwy PPP, Sheboygan
Falls. Go to the back of the parking lot near the garage and basketball
For questions or additional info they can contact Cubmaster Brian Wildman
at [email protected]
To help keep track of your child/children’s work or stay up to date on what
is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District here are some apps to help.
Sheboygan Falls School District App
Stay connected and engaged with the middle school!
Sheboygan Falls Middle School
Sheboygan Falls Middle School