January 16th 2023
Monday 16th
*Diversity Club Meeting
*Musical rehearsal (All Cast)
Tuesday 17th
*Girls Basketball game @ Horace Mann
*Musical rehearsal (All Cast)
Wednesday 18th
Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am in the Library
Thursday 19th
Musical rehearsal (All Cast)
*Girls Basketball game @ Home 7th at SFES 8th at SFMS
Friday 20th
No School
Monday 23rd
*Girls Basketball game @ Plymouth (1-7th Gr at 4:00 pm./1-8th Gr. at 5:00
*Student council meeting
*First Wrestling Practice
*Musical rehearsal (All Cast)
Tuesday 24th
Musical rehearsal
Select Cast:
Belle, La Fille, Mrs. Potts, Madame,
Gatson, Lefou, Beast,Lumiere, Cogsworth, Babette 3-4:30
*Thursday *26th
*Girls Basketball game New Holstein @ Sheboygan Falls
7th at SFES 8th at SFMS
* Musical Rehearsal (All Cast)
SFMS PTA Fundraising Opportunities: Want to support the Middle School PTA
but don’t have a lot of spare time? Your middle school PTA is excited to
offer two brand new options for you! The PTA has also created a website
<sfmspta.org/> for families to use.
Guilt Free Fundraiser Donate directly via PayPal instead of participating
in each and every fundraiser! Every cent you donate goes straight to
supporting efforts at the middle school.
Amazon Smile Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ch/84-3472680 Select Families
and Educators United as your charity to have .5% of your purchases go to
support our school!
Middle School Wrestling program- Wrestling is open to 5th-8th graders.
Our first day of practice will be Monday, January 23rd. If you are planning
on playing, please use the Classlink app to sign up. You’ll need to make
sure all of the necessary paperwork is completed
Student Council is sponsoring a soda tab collection. Bring in your tabs
this week. Use the funnel to pour your tabs into your grade level blue
jug. The grade level collecting the most tabs will receive a treat!
There is still time to order your 2022-2023 Yearbook! If you have not done
so already, visit www.Jostensyearbooks.com
<www.jostensyearbooks.com/> and find Sheboygan Falls Middle School
to order your copy. Please note, January 27, 2023*, is the last day to
purchase personalization and icons for your yearbook. *Yearbooks may still
be purchased after that day.
To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:
Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>
Campus Portal Login
To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:
Sheboygan Falls School District App
Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play
Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/> Twitter