November 11th 2024
Monday 11th
Boys Basketball @ New Holstein
Forensics meet Kiel Middle School
Tuesday 12th
PTA Meeting
Wednesday 13th
Thursday 14th
High School musical: Mamma Mia @ 7pm
Friday 15th
High School musical: Mamma Mia @ 7pm
Monday 18th
*Jazz Ensemble 7:00pm(HS)
*Forensics meet Riverview Middle School
Tuesday 19th
*Boys Basketball Home (8th @ MS)
*Boys Basketball 7th grade @ Manitowoc Washington
Wednesday 20th
Thursday 21st
Friday 22nd
Sheboygan Falls Middle School is looking for a track coach. If you are
interested please contact Lindsey Schreurs
[email protected]
You student should have come home with information about our annual
fundraiser with Milwaukee Pretzel Company and Marcus Theaters! If you
don’t have it, there are extras available in the office and a digital copy
Please remember that even when an event at the theater is listed as “no
passes,” you can purchase tickets at the theater, and receive the value
that you paid for them towards your purchase of tickets. Also, if a
showing allows passes, you can redeem vouchers in the app!!!
ORDERS ARE DUE BACK ON THURSDAY NOVEMBER 21ST (there is a misprint on the
information sheet). Items will be sent home with students on Monday
December 16th.
If you have any questions, please reach out to Katrina Martin 920.912.3316
(text/call) katrinapc@att,.net