December 18th 2020

*Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements:*


” Jump start your day with a free breakfast! “

From: Amy Lawrenz Food Nutrition Director

*NO School- *Winter break: Monday December 21st – Friday January 1st


*7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball Players: * Your season will hopefully
begin in about a month. Please use the Basketball Signup app in Classlink
to let us know you plan on playing. The earliest we can start will be Jan.
4, but that may change. Make sure you have all of the necessary paperwork
(physical exam, athletic code, parent permission, and fee) turned into the
office before we start. Coaches Bohman, Berg, Harms, and Schuren *Here’s
the link to sign up *


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*The National Guard has extended testing days *

*A note from Mrs. Fiorini:*

*Waelderhaus Gingerbread Contest Goes Virtual!* Take a virtual tour of a
variety of imaginative edible creations made by kids, families, and a
variety of community groups. Visit the *Gingerbread Festival LINK HERE
<>* to
learn about the festival and to vote for your favorites in a variety of
categories. Look for the entry by members of our own middle school and if
you are so inclined, cast your vote *once per week* through December 31st.


8th Grade baby pictures can now be submitted to the yearbook through
Friday, January 8th. Please send pictures to
[email protected].

*A Note From Mrs. Fritz: *if you can’t remember your Destiny Log In, please
email [email protected]

Fall Into Reading with our 2 Reading Challenges:

~Increase your reading each day, explore new genres, and win a prize by
completing the library’s *40 Book Challenge

*~*Remember to check out Sora, our online library, to read hundreds of
ebooks and audiobooks. *

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*Who needs to Quarantine? *

People who have been in *close contact* with someone who has COVID-19. This
excludes people who have had COVID-19 within the past 3 months.

People who have tested positive for COVID-19 do not need to quarantine or
get tested again for up to 3 months as long as they do not develop
symptoms. If they develop symptoms of COVID-19 they should isolate until
they are well for at least 24 hours, or if an alternative diagnosis is
made, until they can return to school according to that diagnosis.
Encourage the individual to be evaluated by their healthcare provider for
an alternative diagnosis other than COVID-19.

What does it mean to be a *”**close contact**”*?

You are a close contact if any of the following situations happened while
you spent time with a person with COVID-19 (even if they didn’t have
symptoms and were wearing a mask):

You were within 6 feet of the person for a total of 15 minutes or more over
the course of a day. You provided care at home to the person.

You had direct physical contact with the person (hugged or kissed them).

You shared eating or drinking utensils with the person.

You had a sleepover with the person.
They sneezed, coughed, or somehow got respiratory droplets on you.
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*A Note From Mrs. Fritz: *Let our library books take you on your next

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*SFMS Spelling Bee- *It’s as easy as A,B,C… Start practicing now for the
annual SFMS Spelling Bee. Classroom competitions will begin the week of
December 14th. Grade level study guides can be accessed on the SFMS Extra
Curricular Canvas Page, or ask your teacher for the link. Printed copies
can be found outside Room 234. It is recommended that you study all lists,
especially the grade above and the grade below your grade level.

Grade Level Finalists will compete in a Spelling Bee the week of January
4th, followed by a school level competition in which the winner will be
sent to the Regional Spelling Bee. (more details to come!) The 2021
Scripps National Spelling Bee is scheduled for June 1-3, 2021, in National
Harbor, Maryland. Contact Ms. Falk for more information

*Yearbook:*Paper forms will be going out in the near future Parents keep a
near future Parents keep an eye out for digital flyers from Jostens. You
can order a yearbook from either the Jostens digital flyers or from this
link: (*

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