Elementary School
Picture Re-Take
Thursday, September 26th
Health Tips
Please remember to
make sure you to communicate your children's immunizations to your school
nurses. If you are new to the district, or have a student entering 4k, 5k, or
6th grade you need to provide a copy of updated immunization records.
We also want to remind
you of our policy of when not send your children to school. This information is
also on the district website and in the handbooks
Throat/Cough: A child with a severe cold and hacking cough should remain home
and rest even though they may not have a fever. If your child complains of a
sore throat and has no other symptoms he/she may go to school. If white spots
can be seen in the back of the throat or a fever is present, keep the child
home and call your physician
Stomach Ache/Vomiting/
Diarrhea: Contact your doctor if your child has a stomach ache which is
persistent enough to limit his/her activity. If vomiting occurs, keep your
child at home until he/she can keep solid food down. A child with diarrhea
should be kept home. Contact your doctor if improvement does not occur.
Fever: A fever is a
warning that all is not right. NO child with a fever of 100 degrees (without
fever reducing agents) should be sent to school. Do not allow your child
to return to school until he/she has been fever free for 24 hours.
Rash: A rash may be
the first sign of one of the many childhood's illnesses, such as chicken pox. A
rash may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area. Do not send your
child with a rash to school until your physician has said it is safe to do so.