Elementary School
Picture Re-Take
Thursday, September 27th
Reminder: When writing out food payments please
make sure you write your checks out to SDSF.
SFES is raising money for Field Trips &
Teacher Support (Hansen fundraiser)
Turn in money and orders
Tuesday, September 25th
Payment must be in with orders
Checks Payable: Falcon
Families of SFES
Please print student
name and group name at the top of the order form.
ALL product will need to be picked up on November
5th from 4-6pm in the ES cafeteria.
Thanks in advance!
From the Nurses:
Wisconsin requires that all students K-12 must present
written evidence of being in compliance with the state immunization law by
having either received the required number of vaccinations, or by having a
signed waiver. If you have any questions on your students vaccination
compliance please check with your primary doctor or check with you school nurse. Generally
students entering 5k, and 6th grade are in need of Vaccinations. Your
nurses will be sending out letters very soon!
3rd-8th Grade
NWGBL/NWBBL Basketball
Mandatory Signup Day on Sunday,
September 23rd at 4:30pm in the SFHS Gym. Practices begin on Sunday,
October 28th. If you would like to coach a team (head or assistant), please
contact Bryan Hansen at 467-7827 or [email protected]
3rd-8th grade boys
teams will once again be playing in the NWBBL. 3rd-8th grade girls teams
will be playing in the newly formed Lakeshore Basketball League (LBL).
Registration forms and
more information can
be found at the
Aquatic Center front desk, any of the SF School offices, or on the Rec
Department website here: Youth Basketball Info
Greetings, Falcon Families!
In an effort to balance our academic routines
with important social and cultural opportunities for our students, we’d like to
share information on our classroom celebrations. We hope this helps your
family to plan and enjoy some exciting social milestones in your elementary
child’s experience.
Several holiday-centered celebrations have
developed into traditions in our building. Students and their families
look forward to these special themes and celebrations, and it may be helpful to
know these traditions as your child progresses through school. Halloween,
in particular, is an exciting time. We
wish to tie our school celebration to curriculum to use our time wisely, create
excitement surrounding learning pieces (such as reading, Wisconsin history, and
science), and remain sensitive to families’ unique approaches to this
traditional holiday. Our grade levels celebrate at the end of October in
the following themes:
EC, 4K and Kindergarten
When I grow up, I want to be: Students dress
First Grade
Story Book celebration: Students dress as
Second Grade
Everyday Heroes: Students
Third Grade
Mad Scientist day: Students dress as
Fourth Grade
Wisconsin theme: Students dress to reflect our
We ask that families refrain from dressing their
child with potentially scary accessories such as fake blood, weapons, masks,
etc. Please also keep in mind that costumes worn for the entire school
day still need to allow for daily activities.
Students will still need to go to recess, physical education class,
perform typical daily tasks, eat lunch, etc. These guidelines help all
students to enjoy the day.
While our themes are intended to spark
creativity and support learning, we understand that the themes may not coincide
with your family’s chosen costumes for this traditional holiday. Please
don’t feel that you need to make an additional purchase to enjoy this school
dress-up experience. Our school mission, vision, and commitments
emphasize innovation, so it’s great to see creative use of common
clothing or materials to share the excitement of imagination!
Please feel free to contact your child’s teacher
or the school office with specific questions.
Thank you!
Lynn Bub, SFES Principal
For your reference, here are our overall
guidelines for celebrations:
- School celebrations (or parties) typically occur during
a portion of the day (as opposed to an entire day). Students may
wear themed attire on a variety of special days (100th day, pajama day, Dr.
Seuss celebration, and many other examples), but the actual “party” or
“activity” does not typically last all day. - Grade level teachers communicate with one another to
offer a similar experience for all students at each grade level. - Parents may be invited to assist with a celebration;
grade levels plan these opportunities together, as well. Every
attempt is made to share opportunities with multiple families, just as we
do for field trips (some celebrations may not require parent helpers). - While it is tempting to attend every activity or
celebration with your child, these events are meant to extend our academic
learning during a portion of the day and are not all meant to be
performances or family events. We welcome your presence whenever possible,
and try to balance family pieces with student independence and appropriate
social development. - Please check classroom communications for information
on upcoming celebrations so you can prepare your child for their