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Announcements 4/29/19-5/3/19

Elementary School


Reminder: When writing out food payments please
make sure you write your checks out to SDSF.


Boys and Girls Club


The Boys and Girls Club will
be closed
the second Friday of each
for Staff Development trainings. The next Friday will be Fri, May 10th. Please plan
accordingly with your children.


BGC Summer Information


Health Tips

Allergies! This is
a physical reaction to substances called allergens that are otherwise harmless.
Symptoms can be mild or life threatening. Unfortunately, allergies cannot be
cured: however once identified, they can be properly managed to minimize
symptoms. Contact your doctor if you are having concerns managing symptoms of
congestion, sneezing, itching of the throat, roof of the mouth, nose and

2019 Falcon Summer
Basketball Camp

July 8th and July 9th

Athletes going into 4th – 6th Grade

9:00 – 11:00 @ the ES Gym

This year’s falcon summer camp will focus on developing offensive and
defensive skills by providing instruction, drills, and competition designed for
individual improvement. Stop in the ES for more information and sign-up!