April 24th 2023
April 24th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

April 24th 2023

Monday 24th

Student Council bust up party

Tuesday 25th

Track Meet @ Sheboygan South

Thursday 27th

Track Meet @ Falls

May Monday 1st

*PTA Meeting

*6-8 Choirs

Spring Concert 7:00 pm MS Gym

Tuesday 2nd

*Track Meet @ Falls

Thursday 4th

5th Grade Spring Music Informance

[image: image.png]

Tuesday May 2nd is Teacher Appreciation day: the PTA wants to show our
teachers some love! Help us make it the best Taco Tuesday ever!! We want
to provide lunch for the teachers. Use the link below to sign up to send a
few items in that morning!


Prodigy and More Math Club! Spring 2023!

WHO! Open to students in grades 5 -8!

WHAT! Students will have the opportunity to continue on their own
personal Prodigy
journey. In addition, a weekly math-related challenge will be presented
through a variety of games, puzzles, explorations, and math mysteries.

WHEN! Tuesdays after school until 4:00 PM, April 11th through May 9th

WHERE! SFMS Computer Lab 155, located on the first floor, next to the STEM

WHY! Math is FUN!!

HOW! Complete the Prodigy & More Math Club Google Form
<forms.gle/FMhuFNr67tyQL4vA7> no later than Tuesday, April 11th.
Questions can be directed to Mrs. Fiorini at
[email protected] or in Room 237.

At dismissal, students should bring their coats, backpacks, and their charged
CHROMEBOOK with them to the computer lab. Students will be dismissed from
the main entrance of the middle school at 4:00 pm for pickup.

*The 5th Grade Spring Music Informance* has been rescheduled for Thursday,
May 4th at Noon in the gym and will highlight 5th grade music skills.
Parents/Guardians are asked to arrive no earlier than 11:45 am to check in
and find their seats.

Diversity Club Featured We will be Celebrating Autism Awareness Month
throughout April! Diversity Club will also be discussing living with
diabetes and other autoimmune disorders at our April Meetings.

Autism Fact #2:It’s something you’re born with. Signs of autism might be
noticed when you’re very young, or not until you’re much older. If you’re
autistic, you’re autistic your whole life. Autism is not a medical
condition with treatments or a “cure” By: Josey H – Diversity Club Member

Week #1 Top Trap Shooters:

The top middle school shooter for boys was Chaise Burt with a score of 31.
Emmett Devine was second with a score of 30 and Miles Hanke 3rd with a
score of 28. The top middle school shooter for girls was Addison Baumann
with a score of 20. Stefanie Pernat was second with a score of 17.

We are excited to announce the inauguration of a competitive youth dance
team for grades 1-8 in parts of Sheboygan county through the Sheboygan
Falls Dance Association. This exciting opportunity will allow dancers to
get acquainted with a variety of dance styles, compete locally, and develop
their dance skills. We are passionate about continuing to build the dance
legacy in our community. Please fill out our interest form linked below to
get on our email list! If you have any questions please email us at

sheboyganfallsdanceassociat [email protected]

Sheboygan Falls Dance Association Interest Formdocs.google.com

Alexis Schroeder

Varsity Dance Team Coach

aaschroeder@sheboyganfalls. k12.wi.us

A Note From Sheboygan Falls High School Varsity Volleyball Head Coach Nick
Erdman: Any current 8th grader interested in volleyball there will be
spring open gyms as well summer league through the Sheboygan Falls Y. The
schedule for the Spring open gyms are April: Thursday 27th 6 – 8 pm
May: Thursday
4th 6-8 pm, Saturday 6th 10 – 12 pm, Thursday 11th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 13th
10 – 12 pm Thursday 18th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 20th 10 – 12 pm, Thursday 25th
6 – 8 pm, Saturday 27th 10 – 12 pm. All open gyms will be held at the high
school, any 8th graders are welcome. The YMCA summer league is from June
through August on Tuesday nights. If you are interested in Summer league
please reach out to Coach Erdman, [email protected]

Caddie Program at Pine Hills Country Club: Boys and girls ages 13 and over
are invited to attend Pine Hills caddie program training. Caddie Training
is May 5, 6, 12 & 13 from 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm. Attendees are required to
attend 3 of the 4 training days.Parents are asked to attend the first 20
minutes on May 5 to learn about our caddie program.

Caddying offers numerous opportunities to learn lifelong traits.

For applications or if you have questions – Please contact:

John Wallrich, PGA Head Professional

Pine Hills Golf Shop


[email protected]

SFMS parents – we are looking for folks willing to step up to be part of
the PTA board in the 2023-24 school year. Curious about the commitment?
We have 5 meetings each school year and a bit of communication/work for
various roles in between.

Here are the key roles:

President – leads meetings, cosigns checks

Vice President – leads meetings in president’s absence

Treasurer – maintains and reports out on budget, cosigns checks

Secretary – primary communicator of events/meetings, takes meeting notes

All officers encourage parent and teacher participation, help with ongoing
fundraisers and events, and communicate with key stakeholders. Questions?
Please reach out to Jen Bryant @ [email protected] or

Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/> Twitter

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canva <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>s Campus
Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on
Google Play

April 17th 2023
April 17th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

April 17th 2023


Jazz Concert – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – 7:00 pm – HS Auditorium


Track meet @ Sheboygan North High School


Student Council bust up party


Track Meet @ Sheboygan South


Track Meet @ Falls

Prodigy and More Math Club! Spring 2023!

WHO! Open to students in grades 5 -8!

WHAT! Students will have the opportunity to continue on their own
personal Prodigy
journey. In addition, a weekly math-related challenge will be presented
through a variety of games, puzzles, explorations, and math mysteries.

WHEN! Tuesdays after school until 4:00 PM, April 11th through May 9th

WHERE! SFMS Computer Lab 155, located on the first floor, next to the STEM

WHY! Math is FUN!!

HOW! Complete the Prodigy & More Math Club Google Form
<forms.gle/FMhuFNr67tyQL4vA7> no later than Tuesday, April 11th.
Questions can be directed to Mrs. Fiorini at
[email protected] or in Room 237.

At dismissal, students should bring their coats, backpacks, and their charged
CHROMEBOOK with them to the computer lab. Students will be dismissed from
the main entrance of the middle school at 4:00 pm for pickup.

Diversity Club Featured We will be Celebrating Autism Awareness Month
throughout April! Diversity Club will also be discussing living with
diabetes and other autoimmune disorders at our April Meetings.

Autism Fact #2:It’s something you’re born with. Signs of autism might be
noticed when you’re very young, or not until you’re much older. If you’re
autistic, you’re autistic your whole life. Autism is not a medical
condition with treatments or a “cure” By: Josey H – Diversity Club Member
Next Meeting April 17th room 226, 3:15-4:30.

We are excited to announce the inauguration of a competitive youth dance
team for grades 1-8 in parts of Sheboygan county through the Sheboygan
Falls Dance Association. This exciting opportunity will allow dancers to
get acquainted with a variety of dance styles, compete locally, and develop
their dance skills. We are passionate about continuing to build the dance
legacy in our community. Please fill out our interest form linked below to
get on our email list! If you have any questions please email us at
[email protected]

Sheboygan Falls Dance Association Interest Formdocs.google.com

Alexis Schroeder

Varsity Dance Team Coach

aaschroeder@sheboyganfalls. k12.wi.us

A Note From Sheboygan Falls High School Varsity Volleyball Head Coach Nick
Erdman: Any current 8th graders interested in volleyball there will be
spring opengyms as well summer league through the Sheboygan Falls Y. The
schedule for the

Spring open gyms are April: Thursday 13th 6 – 8 pm, Thursday 20th 6 – 8
pm, Thursday 27th 6 – 8 pm May: Thursday 4th 6-8 pm, Saturday 6th 10 – 12
am, Thursday 11th 6 – 8 pm,

Saturday 13th 10 – 12 am Thursday 18th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 20th 10 – 12 am,
Thursday 25th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 27th 10 – 12 am all open gyms will be held
at the high school and any 8th graders are welcome. The YMCA summer league
is from June through August on Tuesday nights. If you are interested in
Summer league please reach out to Coach Erdman,
[email protected]

Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/> Twitter

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canva <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>s

Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on
Google Play

April 11th 2023
April 11th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

April 11th 2023

Wednesday April 12th

Caan’s Flower Sale Due

Monday April 17th

Jazz Concert – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – 7:00 pm – HS Auditorium

Tuesday April 18th

Track meet @ Sheboygan North High School

Prodigy and More Math Club! Spring 2023!

WHO! Open to students in grades 5 -8!

WHAT! Students will have the opportunity to continue on their own
personal Prodigy
journey. In addition, a weekly math-related challenge will be presented
through a variety of games, puzzles, explorations, and math mysteries.

WHEN! Tuesdays after school until 4:00 PM, April 11th through May 9th

WHERE! SFMS Computer Lab 155, located on the first floor, next to the STEM

WHY! Math is FUN!!

HOW! Complete the Prodigy & More Math Club Google Form
<forms.gle/FMhuFNr67tyQL4vA7> no later than Tuesday, April 11th.
Questions can be directed to Mrs. Fiorini at
[email protected] or in Room 237.

At dismissal, students should bring their coats, backpacks, and their charged
CHROMEBOOK with them to the computer lab. Students will be dismissed from
the main entrance of the middle school at 4:00 pm for pickup.

Diversity Club Featured We will be Celebrating Autism Awareness Month
throughout April! Diversity Club will also be discussing living with
diabetes and other autoimmune disorders at our April Meetings.

Autism Fact #1: About 1 in 100 children has autism. Characteristics may be
detected in early childhood, but autism is often not diagnosed until much
later. The abilities and needs of autistic people vary and can evolve over
time. By: Josey. H – Diversity Club Member

Next Meeting April 17th room 226, 3:15-4:30.

We are excited to announce the inauguration of a competitive youth dance
team for grades 1-8 in parts of Sheboygan county through the Sheboygan
Falls Dance Association. This exciting opportunity will allow dancers to
get acquainted with a variety of dance styles, compete locally, and develop
their dance skills. We are passionate about continuing to build the dance
legacy in our community. Please fill out our interest form linked below to
get on our email list! If you have any questions please email us at
[email protected]

Sheboygan Falls Dance Association Interest Formdocs.google.com

Alexis Schroeder

Varsity Dance Team Coach

aaschroeder@sheboyganfalls. k12.wi.us

A Note From Sheboygan Falls High School Varsity Volleyball Head Coach Nick
Erdman: Any current 8th graders interested in volleyball there will be
spring open gyms as well summer league through the Sheboygan Falls Y. The
schedule for the

Spring open gyms are April: Thursday 13th 6 – 8 pm, Thursday 20th 6 – 8
pm, Thursday 27th 6 – 8 pm

May: Thursday 4th 6-8 pm, Saturday 6th 10 – 12 am, Thursday 11th 6 – 8 pm,

Saturday 13th 10 – 12 am Thursday 18th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 20th 10 – 12 am,
Thursday 25th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 27th 10 – 12 am

all open gyms will be held at the high school and any 8th graders are
welcome. The YMCA summer league is from June through August on Tuesday
nights. If you are interested in Summer league please reach out to Coach
Erdman, [email protected]

Follow us on social media:


Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/>


To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>

Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on
Google Play

April 3rd 2023
April 3rd, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

April 3rd 2023


*Student Council Meeting

*Track Practice


Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am in the Library


No School

Good Friday


Professional Development

No School

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up is open to 6th-8th
graders. Please complete your concussion form,excurr code form and a
physical from your doctor. All paperwork and the fee have to be turned in
by April 3rd. Forms can be found on the website or they are available in
the office. Please sign up using Classlink. Thank you! Coach Debbink & Ogea

Diversity Club We will be Celebrating Women’s History Month throughout
March! Diversity Club will be “commemorating and encouraging the study,
observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.”

Featured Woman: Greta Thunberg

Swedish environmental activist who is known for challenging world leaders
to take immediate action for climate change mitigation. At 15, she
organized a school climate strike movement under the name Fridays for
Future. After Thunberg addressed the 2018 United Nations Climate Change
Conference, student strikes took place every week all around the world.
Meetings after school on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month from

in Mrs. Kaiser’s Room (226). (April 3rd and 17th)

A Note from Mrs. Winkler and Mrs. Stowers: Hello 8th Grade Band & Choir
Families,We are so excited about our upcoming opportunity to participate in
the 2023 Beyond The Notes Music Festival scheduled for Thursday, May 25,
2023 at the Kalahari Resort and Convention Center in Wisconsin Dells. Our
students will have the opportunity to listen to and perform for an ensemble
of their peers, work with a clinician to grow their musician skills, and
spend time in either the Water Park or Adventure Park. Attached you will
find the Participation/Activity/T-Shirt Form
Paper copies are available in both the band and choir classrooms. Completed
form and cash or check (made payable to SDSF) are due on/before Thursday,
April 6, 2023.We are in need of parent chaperones. Cost for chaperones is
$50 which covers a Waterpark Wristband or Adventure Park Pass, Pizza Meal,
and Coach Bus. Please reach out if you are interested/available and we will
get back to you if you are needed.

The Sheboygan Falls school district tennis program is selling Kwik Trip
car wash cards.They are $36 for 5 car washes. You get cheaper car washes
and our

program gets a portion! It’s a win-win! If you are interested in
purchasing a car wash car, please send an email to @Keenan McKenna

A Note From Sheboygan Falls High School Varsity Volleyball Head Coach Nick
Erdman: Any current 8th graders interested in volleyball there will be
spring open gyms as well summer league through the Sheboygan Falls Y. The
schedule for the spring open gyms are April: Thursday 13th 6 – 8 pm,
Thursday 20th 6 – 8 pm, Thursday 27th 6 – 8 pm May: Thursday 4th 6-8 pm,
Saturday 6th 10 – 12 am, Thursday 11th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 13th 10 – 12 am
Thursday 18th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 20th 10 – 12 am, Thursday 25th 6 – 8
pm, Saturday
27th 10 – 12 am all open gyms will be held at the high school and any 8th
graders are welcome. The YMCA summer league is from June through August on
Tuesday nights. If you are interested in Summer league please reach out to
Coach Erdman, [email protected]

We are excited to announce the inauguration of a competitive youth

dance team for grades 1-8 in parts of Sheboygan county through the
Sheboygan Falls Dance Association. This exciting opportunity will allow
dancers to get acquainted with a variety of dance styles, compete locally,
and develop their dance skills. We are passionate about continuing to

build the dance legacy in our community. Please fill out our interest form
linked below to get on our email list! If you have any questions please

email us at sheboyganfallsdanceassociat [email protected] Sheboygan Falls
Dance Association Interest Formdocs.google.com

Alexis Schroeder

Varsity Dance Team Coach

aaschroeder@sheboyganfalls. k12.wi.us

Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/> Twitter

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas> Canvas
Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App
Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play

March 20th 2023
March 20th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

March 20th 2023

Monday March 20th

Diversity Club

*Friday March 24th*

End of 3rd quarter

Staff Vs Student basketball game

Spring Break March 27th-31st

*Monday April 3rd*

*Student Council Meeting

*Track Practice

Wednesday April 5th

Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am in the Library

*Friday April 7th*

No School

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up is open to 6th-8th
graders. Please complete your concussion form,excurr code form and a
physical from your doctor. All paperwork and the fee have to be turned in
by April 3rd. Forms can be found on the website or they are available in
the office. Please sign up using Classlink. Thank you! – Coaches Debbink,
Ogea and LaPine

Diversity Club We will be Celebrating Women’s History Month throughout
March! Diversity Club will be “commemorating and encouraging the study,
observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.”

Featured Woman: Greta ThunbergSwedish environmental activist who is known
for challenging world leaders to take immediate action for climate change
mitigation. At 15, she organized a school climate strike movement under
the name Fridays for Future. After Thunberg addressed the 2018 United
Nations Climate Change Conference, student strikes took place every week
all around the world.

Meetings after school on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month from

in Mrs. Kaiser’s Room (226). (April 3rd and 17th)

A Note From Sheboygan Falls High School Varsity Volleyball Head Coach Nick
Erdman:Any current 8th graders interested in volleyball there will be
spring open gyms as well summer league through the Sheboygan Falls Y. The
schedule for the spring open gyms are April: Thursday 13th 6 – 8 pm,
Thursday 20th 6 – 8 pm, Thursday 27th 6 – 8 pm

May: Thursday 4th 6-8 pm, Saturday 6th 10 – 12 am, Thursday 11th 6 – 8 pm,
Saturday 13th 10 – 12 am Thursday 18th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 20th 10 – 12 am,
Thursday 25th 6 – 8 pm, Saturday 27th 10 – 12 am all open gyms will be held
at the high school and any 8th graders are welcome. The YMCA summer league
is from June through August on Tuesday nights. If you are interested in
Summer league please reach out to Coach Erdman,
[email protected]

“Bowls and plates from the Art Party Fundraiser last month are now
available for pick up in the office! Please have your child bring them
home before spring break (stop by the office this week)!

Follow us on social media:


Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/>


To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>

Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App

Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play

March 13th 2023
March 13th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

March 13th 2023



*Wrestling conference tournament @ Chilton High School




*Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am in the Library


*MS Play performance for ES students – 9:00am


*MS Play 7:00 pm


*MS Play performance for MS students – 9:00 am

*MS Play 7:00 pm

Get you tickets for:

Beauty and the Beast Jr.

Tickets are on sale in the

Middle School Office.

Shows are:

~Thursday March 16th at 7pm

~Friday March 17th at 7pm

~Saturday March 18th at 2pm & 7pm

Child/Seniors/Military – $5

Adults – $10

Child under 5 – Free

SFMS PTA, Families and Educators United

Meeting Tuesday

In middle school conference room

at 5:30 pm

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up is now open to sixth
graders. Please complete your concussion form,excurr code form and a
physical from your doctor. All paperwork and fee has to be turned in by
April 3rd. Forms can be found on the website or they are available in the
office. Please sign up using Classlink. If you have not had a physical, it
is best to schedule one as soon as possible. Thank you! – Coaches Debbink,
Ogea, and LaPine

Diversity Club We will be Celebrating Women’s History Month throughout
March! Diversity Club will be “commemorating and encouraging the study,
observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.”

Featured Woman: Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women’s rights
activist who played a pivotal role in the women’s suffrage movement. Born
into a Quaker family committed to social equality, she collected
anti-slavery petitions at the age of 17.

Meetings after school on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month from
3:15-4:30 in Mrs. Kaiser’s Room (226). (March 6th and 20th)

Trap: registration is open Wednesday February 1st till Sunday March 19th.
Trap is open to students 6th grade through 12th grade. For returning
students/athletes you can register through the Wisconsin High School State
Clay Target League, any new students please have your parents contact me,
Daniel Lensink via email [email protected].

Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/>

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>
Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the: Sheboygan Falls School District App

Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play

March 6th 2023
March 6th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

March 6th 2023

Monday 6th

*Diversity Club meeting

Wrestling meet Plymouth High School

Tuesday 7th


*Wrestling Meet Ozaukee

Wednesday 8th

5th grade Field Trip to Milwaukee Symphony

Thursday 9th

*Wrestling @ Sheboygan Falls High school

*Parent/teacher conference 4-7


Friday 10th
8th grade Spanish field trip to Kohler Memorial Center

Monday 13th


*Wrestling conference tournament @ Chilton High School

Tuesday 14th


Wednesday 15th

*Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am in the Library

Thursday 16th

*MS Play performance for ES students – 9:00am


*MS Play 7:00 pm

Friday 17th

MS Play performance for MS students – 9:00 am

*MS Play 7:00 pm

Parent/teacher conference: Please use the picktime link. Middle school
conferences are scheduled for Thursday, March 9th from 4:00-7:00 p.m. All
middle school conferences will be 10 minutes.To schedule a conference with
your child’s teacher, please click on the link www.picktime.com/sfms
. Please sign up to meet with your child’s check in teacher and any other
teachers who you would like to discuss concerns with. Click on the
grade-level of your child and then follow the steps from there to schedule
your conference. (For fifth grade students, please select your child’s
check-in teacher for their scheduled conference.)

If you do not have gmail, you will be asked to sign in with a google
account. After clicking on the video link, you will be prompted to log in
using the following:

Username: [email protected]

Password: SFfalcons

SFMS PTA, Families and Educators United
<www.facebook.com/groups/sfmspta/>: MS families – we have the
opportunity to bless our teaching staff with a meal during spring
conferences on March 9 – would you consider helping out?

*It’s Scholastic Book Fair time! *The book fair is this week from Monday,
March 6th to Friday, March 10th!

Hours: Monday, Tuesday and Friday: 7:30 am to 3:30 pm

Wednesday: 7:30 am to 2:30 pm

Thursday: 7:30 am to 7:30 pm (also open during parent teacher conferences!)

Follow this link to our book fair homepage. You can shop online if you
can’t shop in person and this year you can also set up an e-wallet, a safe
cash-free way for your child to shop at the fair.


Every purchase supports your students’ reading and our school!

Note From Mrs. Beekhuizen: Thanks to everyone who participated in the
library’s “Blind Date With a Book ” last month. Over 70 blind dates
happened! Everyone that returned the “Rate Your Date” slip was entered into
a drawing. The winners are: Greta Schliewe (5th Grade), Danika Kaat (6th
Grade), Lila Miller (7th Grade), Zoe Donahou (8th Grade). Be sure to stop
by the library for your prize!

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up is now open to sixth
graders. Please complete all of the paperwork by April 3rd. Please sign up
using Classlink. If you have not had a physical, it is best to schedule one
as soon as possible. Thank you! – Coaches Debbink, Ogea, and LaPine

* Tickets for Beauty and the Beast Jr. go on sale on*

Monday, February 13th in the Middle School Office.

Child/Seniors/Military – $5

Adults – $10

Child under 5 – Free

Diversity Club We will be Celebrating Women’s History Month throughout
March! Diversity Club will be “commemorating and encouraging the study,
observance and celebration of the vital role of women in American history.”

Featured Woman: Susan B. Anthony

Susan B. Anthony was an American social reformer and women’s rights
activist who played a pivotal role in the women’s suffrage movement. Born
into a Quaker family committed to social equality, she collected
anti-slavery petitions at the age of 17.Meetings after school on the 1st
and 3rd Mondays of the month from 3:15-4:30 in Mrs. Kaiser’s Room (226).
(March 6th and 20th)

Trap: registration is open Wednesday February 1st till Sunday March 19th.
Trap is open to students 6th grade through 12th grade. For returning
students/athletes you can register through the Wisconsin High School State
Clay Target League, any new students please have your parents contact me,
Daniel Lensink via email [email protected].

Follow us on social media:

Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/>

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>
Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the: Sheboygan Falls School District App

Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play

February 27th 2023
February 27th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

February 27th 2023


Maker Space

Wrestling @ Mishicot High school



March 1st

Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am




Business Expo




*Wrestling @ Sheboygan Falls High school

*Parent/teacher conference 4-7


spanish field trip 8th grade Mariachi Herencia de México band at the Kohler
Memorial Center

Parent/teacher conference: SFMS families have the opportunity to meet with
teachers to discuss your child’s academic and social/emotional progress in
school during parent/teacher conferences. Please use the picktime link.
Middle school conferences are scheduled to occur on Thursday, March 9th
from 4:00-7:00 p.m. All middle school conferences will be 10 minutes in
length and held either via phone conversation or in person.

To schedule a conference with your child’s teacher, please click on the
link below. Please sign up to meet with your child’s check in teacher and
any other teachers who you would like to discuss concerns with. Click on
the grade-level of your child and then follow the steps from there to
schedule your conference. (For fifth grade students, please select your
child’s check-in teacher for their scheduled conference.)

If you do not have gmail, you will be asked to sign in with a google
account. After clicking on the video link, you will be prompted to log in
using the following: Username: [email protected] Password:
SFfalconsIn preparation for your scheduled conference time, please take a
moment to review your child’s academic progress on Infinite Campus so that
you can have your questions for your child’s teacher prepared ahead of time.

If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child’s
teacher or the middle school office at



Ryan Zak

SFMS Principal

PTA will be organizing dinner for teachers. If interested in helping:

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up for 7th and 8th graders
begins Wednesday, February 8th, until March 1st. If we do not meet the
limit of 60 runners then sixth grade students may sign up. Please complete
all of the paperwork by April 3rd. Please sign up using Classlink. If you
have not had a physical, it is best to schedule one as soon as possible.
Thank you! – Coaches Debbink, Ogea, and LaPine

Tickets for Beauty and the Beast Jr. go on sale on Monday, February 13th in
the Middle School Office. Child/Seniors/Military – $5

Adults – $10

Child under 5 – Free

Business Expo: The 7th grade needs your help with supplies for the Business
Expo.Thank you to those of you who have already donated supplies to our 7th
graders for our Business Expo project. We have narrowed down the list to
these specific items that we are in need of. If you have any of these items
lying around your house please bring them to Mrs. Harms’s room: Egg
cartons, glass jars, ice cream buckets, soda tabs, metal jar lids (from
pickle jars or baby food jars), tin cans, magnets, empty soda bottles,
straws, popsicle sticks, and snack/cereal/butter boxes. Thank you!

Diversity Club -We will be Celebrating Black History Month throughout
February! Diversity Club will feature a young individual from the
black community that are present day history makers!

Featured Youth: Amanda Gorman→ Wordsmith. Change-maker.

Amanda Gorman is the youngest inaugural poet in U.S. history, as well as an
award-winning writer and cum laude graduate of Harvard University, where
she studied Sociology. She has written for the New York Times and has three
books forthcoming with Penguin Random House. (

Meetings after school on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month from
3:15-4:30 in Mrs. Kaiser’s Room (226). (March 6th and 20t

Trap: registration is open Wednesday February 1st till Sunday March 19th.
Trap is open to students 6th grade through 12th grade. For returning
students/athletes you can register through the Wisconsin High School State
Clay Target League, any new students please have your parents contact me,
Daniel Lensink via email [email protected].

Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/>

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>
Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the: Sheboygan Falls School District App

Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play

The SFMS PTA needs your help to make the spring book fair a success! Please
sign up for a shift (or two!) to help students with selections and check
out. The book fair will be at the middle school Monday March 6th

till Friday March 10th

Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements February 20th 2023
February 20th, 2023
Monday 20th

Wrestling Meet@ Manitowoc High School

Tuesday 21st


Thursday 23rd


Monday 27th

Maker Space

Wrestling @ Mishicot High school

Tuesday 28th


Wednesday March 1st

Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am

Thursday 2nd


Friday 3rd

Business Expo

Middle School Families: Looking for a fun experience to do with your
child? The SFMS PTA is hosting an art party on Tuesday, February 21st.
Each attendee will have the opportunity to paint a bowl or plate of your
choosing which will then be glazed for your student to pick up at later
date. Only 2 more spots available!

*Cost is $50 per twosome.

*Art supplies and light snacks/refreshments will be provided!

*Each student must be accompanied by an adult attendee.

*Spaces are limited, so this offer is on a first come, first serve basis.

Sign up here:

Payment can be made via PayPal:

Questions re: this fundraiser? Please contact [email protected]

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up for 7th and 8th graders
begins Wednesday, February 8th, until March 1st. If we do not meet the
limit of 60 runners then sixth grade students may sign up. Please complete
all of the paperwork by April 3rd. Please sign up using Classlink. If you
have not had a physical, it is best to schedule one as soon as possible.
Thank you! – Coaches Debbink, Ogea, and LaPine

*Tickets for Beauty and the Beast Jr.* go on sale on Monday, February 13th
in the Middle School Office. Child/Seniors/Military – $5

Adults – $10

Child under 5 – Free

Business Expo: It is that time of year again! The 7th grade needs your help
with supplies for the Business Expo.Thank you to those of you who have
already donated supplies to our 7th graders for our Business Expo project.
We have narrowed down the list to these specific items that we are in need
of. If you have any of these items lying around your house please bring
them to Mrs. Harms’s room: Egg cartons, glass jars, sporks, empty scotch
tape rolls, paint, CDs, ice cream buckets, thread, soda tabs, metal jar
lids (from pickle jars), tin cans, magnets, empty soda bottles, broken
crayons, scrapbook paper, straws, popsicle sticks, and snack/cereal/butter
boxes. Thank you!

Trap: registration is open Wednesday February 1st till Sunday March 19th.
Trap is open to students 6th grade through 12th grade. For returning
students/athletes you can register through the Wisconsin High School State
Clay Target League, any new students please have your parents contact me,
Daniel Lensink via email [email protected].

Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/>

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>
Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App

Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play

The SFMS PTA needs your help to make the spring book fair a success! Please
sign up for a shift (or two!) to help students with selections and check
out. The book fair will be at the middle school Monday March 6th till
Friday March 10th www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44ADAD2EA7F85-sfms1

February 13th 2023
February 13th, 2023
Sheboygan Falls Middle School Announcements

February 13th 2023

Monday 13th

*Girls Basketball

Two Rivers @ Sheboygan Falls(Both Games at MS)

7th at 4:00 pm
8th at 5:00 pm
*Student council meeting

Tuesday 14th


Wednesday 15th

*Yearbook Meeting 7:30-8am in the Library

*Baseball Registration Due

*Thursday *16th

*Girls Basketball @ Lake Country Academy

7th Gr at 4:00 pm

8th Gr. at 5:00 pm)

* Makerspace

*Friday *17th

Professional Development-

No School for students

Tuesday 21st


Thursday 23rd


Solo & Ensemble: We have 14 singers and 25 instrumentalists performing at
this year’s Solo & Ensemble Music Festival in Kiel on Saturday, February

Baseball Registration: for the SF Rec Department 4K-8th Grade Baseball and
4K-9th Grade Softball programs for the 2023 summer season. Please note that
the signup deadline is Wednesday, February 15th.

The form for the youth baseball camp put on by the SFHS Baseball Team in
April is also attached.

More information (including league info, practice/game days/times, etc) can
be found on the Rec Department website here:

Track and field: practice begins April 3rd. Sign up for 7th and 8th graders
begins Wednesday, February 8th, until March 1st. If we do not meet the
limit of 60 runners then sixth grade students may sign up. Please complete
all of the paperwork by April 3rd. Please sign up using Classlink. If you
have not had a physical, it is best to schedule one as soon as possible.
Thank you! – Coaches Debbink, Ogea, and LaPine

Josten will be here February 14th.This will be the last day of club and
group photos for the Yearbook. These will include the following: 8th grade
class, Yearbook Club, Track and Field, Choir, Band/Jazz Band, Musical
participants, Makerspace, Diversity Club, Student Council, Trap and any new
students or staff that did not get an individual portrait taken in the
fall. Students/Clubs will be called to the social stairs when it is their

FINAL CALL to purchase your yearbooks! Deadline is February 28th. You can order
online here
<www.jostens.com/yearbooks/students-and-parents/about-yearbooks> or
fill out this form
and return it to the MS office with your cash or check payment made out to
SDSF. Thank you!

It’s time for Makerspace! If you like crafts, projects, working with your
hands, and simple circuits join us for Makerspace! We will meet in Mrs.
Cotter’s room on Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school until 4:15.Anyone
interested in joining Makerspace is still welcome! Stop up in Mrs.
Cotter’s room (Rm 247 in the 8th grade neighborhood) after school to
participate…upcoming dates are 2/9, 2/14, and 2/16 from 3:10-4:15.

Business Expo: It is that time of year again! The 7th grade needs your help
with supplies for the Business Expo.Thank you to those of you who have
already donated supplies to our 7th graders for our Business Expo project.
We have narrowed down the list to these specific items that we are in need
of. If you have any of these items lying around your house please bring
them to Mrs. Harms’s room: Egg cartons, glass jars, sporks, empty scotch
tape rolls, paint, CDs, ice cream buckets, thread, soda tabs, metal jar
lids (from pickle jars), tin cans, magnets, empty soda bottles, broken
crayons, scrapbook paper, straws, popsicle sticks, and snack/cereal/butter
boxes. Thank you!

Trap: registration is open Wednesday February 1st till Sunday March 19th.
Trap is open to students 6th grade through 12th grade. For returning
students/athletes you can register through the Wisconsin High School State
Clay Target League, any new students please have your parents contact me,
Daniel Lensink via email [email protected].

Diversity Club -We will be Celebrating Black History Month throughout
February! Diversity Club will feature a young individual from the
black community that are present day history makers!

Featured Youth: Thaddeus Coates,

also known as Hippy Potter

Hippy Potter is a model and illustrator, with vivid art that focuses on
beloved cartoon characters reimagined through Thaddeus’s eyes. He describes
his art style as “afrofuturistic,” sharing on his website that his goal is
to “redefine social stereotypes through provocative and vibrant images.” (

(Photos: www.hippypotter.org/) Meetings after school on the 1st and
3rd Mondays of the month from 3:15-4:30 in Mrs. Kaiser’s Room (226). (The
next meeting will be February 20th)

Middle School Families: Does your family enjoy getting crafty? Looking

for a fun experience to do with your child? The SFMS PTA is hosting an art
party on Tuesday, February 21st.We are excited to partner with Mrs.
Fischer, our middle school art teacher, to offer a parent (or other adult
family member) and student art night fundraiser for the MS PTA! Each
attendee will have the opportunity to paint a bowl or plate of your
choosing which will then be glazed

for your student to pick up at a later date. Only 3 more spots available!

Cost is $50 per twosome.

Art supplies and light snacks/refreshments will be provided!

Each student must be accompanied by an adult attendee.

Spaces are limited, so this offer is on a first come, first serve basis.

Sign up here: www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44ADAD2EA7F85-artparty

Payment can be made via PayPal:

Questions re: this fundraiser? Please contact [email protected]

*The SFMS PTA needs your help to make the spring book fair a success!*
Please sign up for a shift (or two!) to help students with selections and
check out.https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D44ADAD2EA7F85-sfms1

To follow your child/children’s assignments/process in school login into:

Log In to Canvas <sheboyganfalls.instructure.com/login/canvas>
Campus Portal Login

To stay up to date on what is happening at Sheboygan Falls School District
download the:

Sheboygan Falls School District App

Sheboygan Falls School Dist. – Apps on Google Play


Follow us on social media: Facebook
Instagram <www.instagram.com/sfmsfalcon/> Twitter