JANUARY 16, 2012
6:30 P.M.
Community Open Forum: 6:30 – 6:45 P.M.
This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, January 16, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School. Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:36 P.M.
Present: Mr. John Mauer, President
Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President
Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer
Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk
Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem
Mr. Peter Geise
Mrs. Linda Adams
Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Roll call was taken with 7 board members present.
M/S/Geise/Lacey to approve the agenda as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Adams/Seifert to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2011 Regular Board Meeting as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to approve the accounts for December, 2011, as prepared. Motion Carried Unanimously. Expenditures for December, 2011, were $2,071,996.86. Receipts for December, 2011, were $581,492.25.
Administrative Reports:
District/Jean Born: A draft of the handbook is ready for preliminary board review which will be at a special board meeting held January 23rd. The board is invited to school on Monday for a panel discussion with Rockline and Bemis along with tours of both companies. The recreation department manager is in the process of evaluating all programs currently in place along with exploring expansion, which may include adult opportunities.
Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction and Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, gave their monthly reports to the Board.
Committee Reports:
Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Have not met.
Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Met and are progressing. Will discuss later in the meeting.
Policy/Lacey/Mauer: Have not met.
Finance/Bigler/Geise: Have not met.
Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Nothing to report.
Rec Board/Lacey: Nothing to report.
CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.
WASB/Seifert/Adams: Nothing to report.
Legislative/Born: Topics discussed were: Open Enrollment and teacher layoff extension which may be held off until May. Mandatory reporting of child abuse is now required by ALL employees of the district. The district is waiting for materials from DPI for training of our employees. Read to Lead legislation is being proposed focusing on some topics such as 4 and/or 5 year old screening tools, early intervention for reading, initial educator licensing focusing on literacy, professional development, and creation of public/private partnership. Administration will share with the board the pieces that are already in place for the students who have not met reading proficiency by Grade 3.
Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: Have not met.
M/S/Geise/Bramtedt to approve the resignation of Stephanie Brusky, 40% Middle School Art Teacher, as presented with regrets and gratitude upon payment of the contractual liquidated damage fee of $322.00. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Laura Dell Landazuri, World Language Instructor at the high school, is requesting an approval to travel with Travel Adventures with approximately 20 students and 2 chaperones to Chicago which would allow a low cost option for a Latin Experience in our own country. M/S/Seifert/Bigler to approve an overnight travel for the World Language class to Chicago tentatively for March 9-10, 2012. Motion Carried Unanimously.
District Administrator Jean Born and the administrative team bring to the board for approval a proposed 2012-2013 school calendar. The board previously reviewed the proposed calendar. M/S/Adams/Bramstedt to approve the 2012-2013 school calendar as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Jean Born informed the board of a new state law that requires students to earn a minimum of 1 ½ credits in physical education as part of the high school graduation requirement. School boards now have the authority to allow a student who participates in sports or another organized physical activity, as determined by the Board, to complete an additional ½ credit in English, social studies, math, science or health education in lieu of ½ credit in physical education. If the board chooses to enact this law, they are responsible through its policies to determine how it will be implemented. This will require some additional discussion from the Board on how they would administer the law. The physical education staff will present at the February board meeting on their k-12 curriculum and the importance of it.
The Public Relations Committee provided the Board with an update from their previous committee meetings and may seek input on next steps. The committee has met with a consultant and discussed their branding/vision and mission statement and how this will drive their communication and direction in the future.
M/S/Lacey/Geise to approve the proposed changes to the 2011-2012 budget as presented by Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Mary Blaha also provided information for discussions regarding the upcoming 2012-2013 budget.
The board plans to meet in the future as a special board meeting/open forum to educate the community with the challenges that our district faces in the next years’ budgets.
The board will also look at one additional meeting in February and one additional meeting in March with EUA and entertain conversations and decisions that will need to be made in the next few months.
M/S/Geise/Bigler to adjourn. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Adjournment @ 8:05 P.M.
Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary
Approved by the Board of Education on February 20, 2012
Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk