Regular Meeting Minutes – July 26, 2010





JULY 26, 2010

6:30 P.M.

Community/Public Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 p.m.

The Sheboygan Falls Cheerleaders and coach Sue Witt addressed the board wondering if there had been any decision on the reinstatement of the winter cheerleading season.  The squad performed a demonstration for the board.  Coach Witt was advised that the finance committee has addressed this issue and will report later in the meeting.

This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, July 26, 2010, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:38 P.M.

Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary

Excused: Mr. Peter Geise

M/S/Bigler/Seifert to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to approve the minutes of June 21, 2010, Board Meeting as printed with the exception of one correction under professional contracts-Lindsay Douglas not Lindsay McDonald.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the accounts for June, 2010 as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for June, 2010, were $4,302,919.13.  Receipts for June, 2010, were $4,052,539.12.

Administrative Reports:

District/Dave Wessel:  Mr. Wessel shared an invitation from CESA 7 to attend a free dinner meeting addressing the core state standards.  Mr. Wessel will be attending the Annual WASDA Legal seminar this week, July 28-30, 2010. The PGA will be renting the elementary school the week of August 9-13 to house their daycare/child care needs.

John Phelps, High School Principal, gave a powerpoint presentation to the Board introducing himself and giving them some background on his career.  He gave an overview of what is happening at the high school.  Kellie Manning gave a brief update on the elementary school including summer school classes, and readiness for the PGA coming in.  Ann Roy updated on her building and the progress of her new secretary and their preparing for the audit.  Jean Born updated on the mentoring program, staff development, and upcoming school year.

Committee Reports:

Personnel/Mauer/Bramstedt/Lacey: Will meet in August. There is an offer on the table for support staff negotiations.

Public Relations/Seifert/Geise/Adams: Working on researching community involvement and a possible school community day.

Policy/Mauer/Bramstedt: Nothing to report.

Finance/Bigler/Lacey/Geise:  Met and discussed cheerleading budget – will be addressing the coach and letting her know the budget/money she has and seeing how creatively she can work with that.

Facilities/Bigler/Seifert/Adams:  Nothing to report.

Rec Board/Seifert: Nothing to report.

CESA #7/Bigler:  Nothing to report.

Ann Roy left and returned to the meeting.

WASB/Seifert/Adams: Sandy Seifert reported that WASB is still looking for resolutions.

Legislative/Wessel: Met last Monday – Legislative Breakfast.

Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: Nothing to report.

H.S. Site Council/Bramstedt/Phelps:  Does not meet in the summer.

M.S. Site Council/Seifert/Markofski:  Does not meet in the summer.

Elem. Site Council/Bigler/Manning:  Does not meet in the summer.

M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the charge of $.90 for school breakfast as presented with a review at 2nd semester to see how the program is doing.  Motion carried unanimously.

Steve Thimmig joined the meeting.

M/S/Lacey/Seifert to adjourn into the budget meeting at 7:33 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

The 2010-2011 Budget Meeting and Annual Meeting took place.

M/S/Adams/Bramstedt to return to the regular July 26, 2010 Board Meeting at 8:27 p.m. Motion carried unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Lacey to approve the final reading of the NEOLA On-Line Courses Policy as presented.  Motion carried unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to approve the contract of our new 60% High School Business Education Teacher, Kyle Scharhag, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bramstedt/Adams to accept the resignation of our 60% High School English Teacher, Lindsey Douglas, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bramtedt/Bigler to adjourn into Executive Session Per Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) to review administrative evaluations.  A roll call vote was taken.  Mauer/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Adams/Yes.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

The Board adjourned into executive session at @ 8:48 P.M.

M/S/Bigler/Seifert to return to open session.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

Return to open session.

M/S/Bigler/Seifert to Adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

Adjournment @ 10:16 p.m.

Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary

Approved by the Board of Education on August 16, 2010

Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk

“Upon request to the District Administrator submitted twenty-four (24) hours in advance, the District shall make reasonable accommodation including the provision of informational material in an alternative format as necessary for a disabled person to be able to participate in this activity.”