Regular Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2011
MAY 16, 2011
6:30 P.M.
Community Open Forum: 6:30 – 6:45 P.M.
This scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, May 16, 2011, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School. Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.
Present: Mr. John Mauer, President
Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President
Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer
Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk
Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem
Mr. Peter Geise
Mrs. Linda Adams
Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
M/S/Bigler/Lacey to approve the agenda as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Geise/Bigler to approve the minutes of April 18, 2011 Regular Board Meeting as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bigler/Lacey to approve the accounts for April, 2011, as prepared. Motion Carried Unanimously. Expenditures for April, 2011, were $1,604,527.98. Receipts for April, 2011, were $1,430,735.07.
Administrative Reports:
District/Dave Wessel: Dave reported that Len Burzynski, Facilities Manager, has completed a WASBO Facilities Manager Core Certification and Facilities Manger Continuing Education Program. Dave also reported that he attended the WASDA conference last week in Green Bay and talks/topics focused around the Budget Repair Bill and the state budget.
John Phelps, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; and Jean Born, Director of Instruction gave their monthly reports to the Board.
Committee Reports:
Personnel/Mauer/Bramstedt/Seifert: Has not met.
Public Relations/Seifert/Geise/Adams: Met and structured a marketing plan of committee ideas which has been sent to administration for their view and feedback.
Policy/Bramstedt/Mauer: Nothing to report.
Finance/Bigler/Lacey/Geise: Met and discussed a new telephone system, 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 budgets, student fees, and a referendum timeline.
Facilities/Bigler/Lacey/Adams: Met and Bob Vaigrt, an architect from EUA attended. He presented a contract for the board to view which would help us move forward with the building/future of our facilities. Referendum timelines were also discussed. Fees and language changes were also discussed within the contract.
Rec Board/Seifert: Have not met.
CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.
WASB/Seifert/Adams: Nothing to report.
Legislative/Wessel: Met today and one legislator was in attendance. The changes in the open enrollment law and special education changes were discussed. Budget Repair Bill and the state budget continue to be topics of discussion.
Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: The foundation met and the foundation board has decided to be more proactive.
H.S. Site Council/Bramstedt/Phelps: Met and discussed what we can do to “dress up the school”.
M.S. Site Council/Seifert/Markofski: Did not report.
Elem. Site Council/Bigler/Manning: Did not report.
Tech Prep Coordinator, Nicole Kiss, from Lakeshore Technical College presented Youth Apprentice Certificates to Emily Paul placed in the culinary field and Kyle Schroeder placed in the welding field, along with their company mentors. Mike Schade and Diana Woodworth, Sheboygan Falls faculty members, were also presented a small gift as they oversee our students and the program on the school side. The Youth Apprentice Program at LTC provides valuable skills and work experience to high school juniors and seniors who want hands-on learning in an occupational area along with classroom instruction.
Election of Officers took place. Dave Wessel, District Administrator, temporarily chaired the meeting to ask for nominations for the office of School Board President.
Peter Geise nominated John Mauer as School Board President.
No other nominations came forward. Nominations closed.
There was a unanimous vote for John Mauer for School Board President.
President John Mauer took over the chair of the meeting.
Victoria Bramstedt nominated Tom Bigler as School Board Vice President.
No other nominations came forward. Nominations closed.
There was a unanimous vote for Tom Bigler for School Board Vice President
Sandy Seifert nominated Chris Lacey as School Board Treasurer.
No other nominations came forward. Nominations closed.
There was a unanimous vote for Chris Lacey for School Board Treasurer.
Linda Adams nominated Victoria Bramstedt as School Board Clerk.
No other nominations came forward. Nominations closed.
There was a unanimous vote for Victoria Bramstedt for School Board Clerk.
Tom Bigler nominated Sandy Seifert as School Board Clerk Pro-Tem.
No other nominations came forward. Nominations closed.
There was a unanimous vote for Sandy Seifert for School Board Clerk Pro-Tem.
M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey that National Exchange Bank and Wisconsin Government Pool be appointed as the District Depository for the 2011-2012 school year. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Adams/Geise to continue with the Falls News as the official District newspaper for the 2011-2012 school year. The board thanked Jeff Peterson for the great job that he continues to do for the district. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Lacey/Seifert that we continue with Davis and Kuelthau as the official District legal firm for the 2011-2012 school year. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Committee appointments were discussed. John Mauer will finalize appointments and get information to the board by the end of the week to look over and he will then look for feedback.
M/S/ Bigler/Seifert to approve the contract for Barry Ludvik as Educational Technology Specialist. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the contracts of Lizabeth Miller as 80% Early Childhood Teacher, Bradley Hoffmann as High School Science Teacher, and Sheila Kloepping as Speech and Language Pathologist. Motion Carried Unanimously.
The board was made aware of the retirement of Mary Roerdink, Special Education Instructional Assistant. The board accepted this retirement/resignation with thanks and appreciation for her 20 years of service to the district.
A layoff notice will be issued to one elementary teacher with low seniority. M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the layoff notice of one elementary staff. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Seifert/Lacey to approve the revised organizational chart as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Luke Goral brought to the board the discussion of the advertising and naming rights for the signage on the new baseball fence. Additional revenue could be made by posting signage on the fence. The board showed interest in Luke pursuing the possibility/moving ahead of businesses being able to advertise on these signs/boards. WIAA does not have any restrictions on these signs. The board expressed concern on signage that would include alcohol advertising, and our current policies will be reviewed.
M/S/Geise/Lacey to approve a gift of $21,830 from the Booster Club to the district for miscellaneous items for sports with thanks. Some of these items include a roboflex machine for the weight room, portable scoreboard/timer for volleyball, wireless headsets for football, a new scoreboard for track and football, soccer balls and equipment and numerous wrestling items.
M/S/Geise/Bramstedt to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policy 7540: Computer Technology Network, and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Adams/Bramstedt to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policy 7540.03: Acceptable Use Policy for Students. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bigler/Adams to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policy 7540.03: Acceptable Use Policy for Employees. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Lacey/Seifert to approve the first reading of revised NEOLA Policy 6235: Fund Balance with the change in the policy wording, last sentence, first paragraph, avoid TO minimize. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Geise/Lacey to approve compensation of $25 per month towards the District Administrator’s cell phone. Motion Carried Unanimously.
The board and administration discussed at length the next steps in Facility Planning. Dave Wessel will check with our school attorney and secure names of architects to obtain quotes from regarding our next phase. The school facilities update press release was tabled.
Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, discussed the 2010-2011 and the 2011-2012 budgets.
M/S/Bigler/Lacey to approve using the fund balance to purchase a new phone system. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve miscellaneous student fees for the 2011-2012 school year. These increases are needed to help plan for/offset the upcoming budget deficit. Increases will include: $5 per semester increase in parking for high school students, $5 increase in MS/HS co-curricular activity fees and also eliminate the student/family max/cap, a $3 transcript fee for graduates, and ES/MS student $1 admission fee to all high school events. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bramstedt/Seifert to approve the contract with the Sheboygan Falls Faculty Association for the 2011-2012 School Year. Motion Carried Unanimously.
As there was no need for executive session the board moved to adjourn.
M/S/Bigler/Adams to adjourn. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Adjournment @ 10:13 P.M.
Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary
Approved by the Board of Education on May 31, 2011.
Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk