Regular Meeting Minutes – July 25, 2011




JULY 25, 2011

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.

David Berlowski, 418 Adams Street, Sheboygan Falls, addressed the board regarding his recent resignation. He thanked the board for all their hard work and dedication and wanted to thank staff/members personally for all their influence on his career.  He also thanked his fellow 4th grade team for all their help and support.  Ed Michaels, 980 Huron Trail, Sheboygan Falls, welcomed Jean to the district as new administrator.


This scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, July 25, 2011, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board Vice President, Tom Bigler, called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.


Present:           Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary

Absent:            John Mauer, President


Roll call was taken.


M/S/Bramstedt/Adams to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the minutes of June 20, 2011Regular Board Meeting and the July 5, 2011 Special Board Meeting as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Lacey to approve the accounts for June, 2011, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for June, 2011, were $4,642,829.97.  Receipts for June, 2011, were $4,056,882.14.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born: The board was made aware of the resignation of Shelley Juedes, Food Service Director.  Jean spoke on her transition into the new position and welcomed Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, who unfortunately was unable to attend this meeting.  The phone system will be implemented in September due to some minor setbacks.

Luke Goral, Associate High School Principal, Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal,and Ann Roy, Director of Pupil Services gave the board their reports.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams:  Met on July 14th and discussed the teacher evaluation wording that we currently have in place.


Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise:  Have not met.


Policy/Lacey/Mauer:  Have not met.


Finance/Bigler/Geise: Met July 18th and discussed the budget.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Meeting on August 2nd.


Rec Board/Lacey:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  There are seminars coming up this fall that board members may be interested in.  Please check your connections flyer and let Julie Hahn know if you are interested in attending any of those seminars.


Legislative/Wessel: Nothing to report.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: Met on July 19th and the group is still committed to moving forward.


Site Councils:  No discussion


M/S/Seifert/Geise to approve the contract for Jen-Li Ko, High School/Middle School Chinese Teacher and Jodie Van Dixhorn, Middle School Special Education Teacher.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Seifert to accept the resignations of David Berlowski, 4th Grade Teacher, and Sloan Allen, Middle School Social Studies Teacher, upon the satisfaction of the individual contract release fee, with gratitude and regrets.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The board also accepted the resignation of Shelley Juedes, Food Service Supervisor.


M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to approve, with thanks, the $500 donation to the District from the Vollrath Company, toward a trip to Florida for five of our students who competed in the FBLA Nationals.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to Adjourn into Executive Session per Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  A roll call vote was taken.  Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Geise/Yes, Adams/Yes. Motion Carried Unanimously.


John Mauer joined the meeting.


M/S/Geise/Seifert to return to open session.


The board returned to open session.  No action taken.


The 2011-2012 Budget Meeting and Annual Meeting took place.


M/S/Seifert/Bigler to Adjourn into Executive Session per Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c) Considering employment, promotion, compensation or performance evaluation data of any public employee over which the governmental body has jurisdiction or exercises responsibility.  A roll call vote was taken.  Mauer/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Geise/Yes, Adams/Yes. Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Geise to return to open session.


The board returned to open session.  Action taken.


M/S/Seifert/Adams to allow Jean Born to present an addendum to the memorandum of agreement.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Bigler to implement the discontinuation of collection of union dues by the district.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Seifert/Bigler to adjourn.  Motion carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 9:19 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on August 15, 2011


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk