Regular Meeting Minutes – November 19, 2012




Monday, NOVEMBER 19, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.

This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, November 19, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board Vice-President, Tom Bigler, called the meeting to order at 6:31 P.M.


Present:           Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President
Mr. Peter Geise, Treasurer

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Linda Adams, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Steve Aykens

Mr. John Johnson

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary

Absent:            Mr. John Mauer, President

Roll call was taken with 6 board members present.


M/S/Aykens/Bramstedt to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Aykens to approve the minutes of the October 22, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the November 12, 2012, Special Board Meeting, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Aykens to approve the accounts for October, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for October, 2012, were $1,687,854.14.  Receipts for October, 2012, were $156,072.88.

Bemis Manufacturing was honored as part of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) 2012 Business Honor Roll program.  Linda Verfuerth, Bemis employee, accepted a certificate on their behalf.  The program recognizes school districts and local businesses that have partnered to provide additional learning opportunities or support for students, staff, and their local communities.

Ed Hughes, High School Technology Education Teacher, the Robotics Mentor Team, and Sheboygan County Robotics Team Members Brian Schlagenhaft and Cameron West, presented to the board on the First Robotics Program.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born: Reminder State Convention is January 23-25, 2013.  Early bird registration is December 14th, 2012.  Seemed to be agreement with legislators that a per pupil increase may be a possibility; vouchers for private schools and special education are still in discussion.  Strategies continue on the skills gap.  WASB Certificates of appreciation for achievement in member recognition were presented to Tom Bigler and Victoria Bramstedt.


Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal, Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; and Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, gave their monthly reports to the Board.

Committee Reports:


Personnel…Geise/Adams.. Met on November 5th and discussed personnel compensation.


John Mauer joined the meeting.


Public Relations…Adams/Geise/Aykens.. Met on November 15th and discussed Phase I of CESA 6’s Communication Plan- the internal examination of our school’s communication.

Policy…Mauer/Bigler.. Nothing to report.

Finance…Bramstedt/Mauer.. Nothing to report.

Facilities…Bigler/Bramstedt…Possible discussion later in the meeting.


Recreation Board…Nothing to report.

CESA #7…Bigler.. Nothing to report.

Legislative/WASB…Adams.. Nothing to report.


School Foundation/Geise.. Nothing significant to report.


Technology team, Barry Ludvik, Joshua Schuren and Phil Marr, presented to the board on their technology plan and what is happening in the district.  Items included Citrix/Infrastructure, Chromebooks-Chromeboxes, Increased Google Apps Usage, BYOD(Bring Your Own Device), Data Warehouse, BIRTS (on-line bullying reporting program), 4K-12 internet safety curriculum and document cameras.


There was no discussion on facility planning.


M/S/Mauer/Aykens to Convene into Executive Session per Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c)(e) for discussion on the development of negotiating strategies with regard to potential acquisition of real estate and discussion on negotiation strategy.  Geise/Yes, Mauer/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Adams/Yes, Aykens/Yes, Johnson/Yes.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The board discussed negotiating strategies with regard to potential acquisition of real estate.

The board discussed negotiation strategy.


M/S/Adams/Johnson to return to open session.


The board returned to open session.


M/S/Adams/Geise to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The meeting adjourned at 9:46 p.m.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on December 17, 2012.


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk