Regular Meeting Minutes – July 23, 2012




JULY 23, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.

This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, July 23, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:31 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mr. Peter Geise, Treasurer

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Linda Adams, Clerk Pro-Tem

Ms. Kari Riddell

Mr. Steve Aykens

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary


Roll call was taken with 7 board members present.


M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the minutes of the June 18, 2012 Regular Board Meeting, July 12, 2012 and July 16, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the accounts for June, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for June, 2012, were $3,498,278.84.  Receipts for June, 2012, were $3,588,431.56.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  WASB Business Honor Roll- we have nominated Bemis Manufacturing. Legislative Update: WRS study done and no plan to make changes, webinars are up and running, survey on DPI website, and updates on the changes to No Child Left Behind.  District: Technology Fair in early August for staff, District Registration, Blood Drive and Athletic meeting on July 26th, and Registration on August 2nd.

Luke Goral, High School Principal gave his monthly report to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Personnel…Geise/Adams/Riddell.. Met and discussed all the changes involved with Act 10.  Meeting on July 31st to discuss compensation for 2012-2013 and the district administrator evaluation tool.

Public Relations…Adams/Geise/Aykens.. Met and outlined a community response plan.

Policy…Mauer/Bigler.. Nothing to report.

Finance…Bramstedt/Mauer.. Met and discussed budget prior to the annual meeting.

Facilities…Bigler/Bramstedt/Riddell.. In mid-September the Board will conduct a community-wide survey to seek input from their stakeholders on some key questions regarding their next steps in facilities’ planning. The full board will meet on August 13th and 27th, and their regular monthly meeting on the 20th.

Recreation Board…Riddell.. Nothing to report.

CESA #7…Bigler.. Nothing to report.

Legislative/WASB…Adams.. Seeking member to serve on WASB State Superintendent’s Special Education Advisory Council, 3 year term, representing the WASB.

School Foundation/Geise.. Nothing to report.

M/S/Bramstedt/Geise to approve the contract for Kevin Dulmes, Facilities Manager, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


There were no staff resignations to act on.


M/S/Bramstedt/Geise to approve the gift to the district of $500 from Blattner’s Piggly Wiggly for the Sheboygan Falls Girls Basketball program, with gratitude and thanks.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The 2012-2013 Budget Meeting and Annual Meeting took place.


M/S/Bramstedt/Adams to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 6:54 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on August 20, 2012.


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk


Regular Meeting Minutes – June 18, 2012




JUNE 18, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.

Mike Lorge and Scott Neerhof, Sheboygan Falls Lions Club, presented to the board the two defibrillators that were previously approved at our November 2011 meeting, one will be placed at the elementary announcer’s booth/concession stand and one will be placed at the high school concession stand.  At this time they also presented a check for $200 to be used for FBLA leadership attendance which will be approved later in the meeting.

Cindy Dorn, W2549 CTH O, Sheboygan Falls, spoke on behalf of the Sheboygan Falls faculty association. Cindy shared with the board a study stating reasons why it is hard to keep teachers in their profession and the concern of graduates not going into the education field and its future.  She also referenced the results from a survey that was given to the teachers on the recent insurance changes.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, June 18, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:39 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mr. Peter Geise, Treasurer

Mrs. Linda Adams, Clerk Pro-Tem

Ms. Kari Riddell

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent:            Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk


Roll call was taken with 5 board members present.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Geise to approve the minutes of the May 21, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the June 5, 2012, Special Board Meeting, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the accounts for May, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for May, 2012, were $1,740,747.52.  Receipts for May, 2012, were $381,516.59.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  One area that the $25,000 grant money may be used for is the pond area in the back of school.  Administrators and the new school leadership team will travel to Madison this week for the Leadership Academy.  One applicant, Steve Aykens, has come forward for the opening we currently have on the board.  Jean made the board aware of a joint convention that is coming up.


Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Nothing to report on committees: New committees were presented to board members tonight.


Facilities will meet on Thursday, June 21st and the focus of that meeting will be on property and site discussions.  Options will also be discussed if time allows.


M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the one year non-renewable contract for Britne Stanke, Middle School Counselor, and a contract for Curt Coenen, Middle School Computer Applications/Keyboarding Instructor, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


There were no staff resignations to act on.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Revised NEOLA Policy 7540, Computer Technology Network, and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Revised NEOLA Policy 7540.03, Acceptable Use Policy for Students as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of Revised NEOLA Policy 7540.04, Acceptable Use Policy for Employees as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the final reading of NEOLA Policies 3242 Professional Growth Requirements (Revised), Policy 3431/4431 Employees Leaves (New), Policy 3432/4432 Sick Leave (New), Policy 6520 Payroll Deductions (Revised), Policy 8320 Personnel Records (Revised), Policy 9700 Relations with Special Interest Groups (Revised).  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Adams to approve the following gifts to the district: $300 from the Booster Club to help defray the cost of the 2012-2013 Events/Athletic Calendar, $200 from the Sheboygan Falls Lions Club for FBLA Leadership Conference, they also presented the two defibrillators tonight, $31,691.80 – 8 Generator/Engines from Kohler Company, and a $250 anonymous donation to purchase distance markers for the baseball field, with gratitude and thanks.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Luke Goral presented to the board the new high school schedule for the 2012-2013 school year which was made to accommodate the RtI initiatives.


M/S/Bigler/Riddell to approve the 7th-8th grade chorus trip to Chicago, December 12, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve as presented the 2012-2013 Events & Athletic Calendar. Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Geise/Bigler to approve Applied Population Laboratory, UW Madison/Extension, to complete the school enrollment projections study, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Riddell to approve contracting with School Perceptions, to begin preparations for the community survey on facilities that will be distributed in the fall of 2012, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the administrative contract to include the 2012-2013 and 2013-2014 school years.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

Mary A. Blaha, Director of Business Services, presented on the 2012-2013 budget.
M/S/Adams/Geise to approve the preliminary budget for the 2012-2013 school year as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Geise to assign the 2011-2012 year end surplus to Assigned Fund Balance to offset the debt service levy for the next two fiscal years, the remainder of the fund balance to be used for cash flow purposes, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Bigler to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 8:11 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on July 23, 2012.


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk


Regular Meeting Minutes – May 21, 2012




MAY 21, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.


Two high school students, Amy Zhang and Zoe Riebe, from Mr. Nikson’s Human Anatomy and Physiology Class, presented to the board a class project showing the correlation between education and learning a second language at an early age.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, May 21, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:31 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Linda Adams

Ms. Kari Riddell

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent:            Mr. Peter Geise


Roll call was taken with 5 board members present.


M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Bigler to approve the minutes of the April 16, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the May 1, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the accounts for April, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for April, 2012, were $1,639,379.13.  Receipts for April, 2012, were $490,808.15.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  Jean noted one retirement this year, Orben Mielke, Head Custodian at the high school.  He will retire officially on June 30, 2012.  We have hired a grant writer for the district and we are currently in the running for a $25,000 State Farm grant.  Discussed at legislative breakfast was investing in early childhood education and state poverty rates which continue to climb.  Representative Endsley visited the middle school on May 8th, where he toured several classrooms including special education areas.  End of Year banquet is June 4th, luncheon and awards program.


Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Item #14 moved to this portion of the board meeting with the board’s permission.


M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the gift of two additional basketball hoops for the high school gym from the Basketball Association and Athletic Booster Club, with gratitude and thanks.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to accept a gift from the Peter McNulty family to the Middle School Read 180 program, with gratitude and thanks.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Adams: Met and discussed was the District Administrator’s evaluation and health insurance changes.


Public Relations/Adams/Geise: Next step will be to address the wording of “life coaches” in our vision/mission statement.
Policy/Mauer:  Will address later in the meeting.


Finance/Bigler/Geise:  Nothing to report.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Suggested that the full board meet to debrief on the recently held community workshops and discuss the next steps.


Rec Board/:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Adams:  Addressed at legislative meeting was the No Child Left Behind waiver program, budget in the state, state graduation rates, and how property taxes are affected by schools who are under levying.


Legislative/Born:  Covered above.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise:


Maureen Krueger, Roy Schwab and Kris Williams, elementary staff, presented to the board on their guided reading curriculum and how it develops readers. Maureen Krueger, Reading Specialist, recently received the Outstanding Service Award from the Wisconsin Title I Association for her outstanding efforts in the RLAP program.

Election of Officers took place.  Jean Born, District Administrator, temporarily chaired the meeting to ask for nominations for the office of School Board President.


Tom Bigler nominated John Mauer as School Board President.

No other nominations came forward.  Nominations closed.

There was a unanimous vote for John Mauer for School Board President.


President John Mauer took over the chair of the meeting.


Victoria Bramstedt nominated Tom Bigler as School Board Vice President.

No other nominations came forward.  Nominations closed.

There was a unanimous vote for Tom Bigler for School Board Vice President


Victoria Bramstedt nominated Peter Geise as School Board Treasurer.

Linda Adams nominated Kari Riddell as School Board Treasurer.

No other nominations came forward.  Nominations closed.

The board cast 3 votes for Peter Geise for School Board Treasurer.


Tom Bigler nominated Victoria Bramstedt as School Board Clerk.

No other nominations came forward.  Nominations closed.

There was a unanimous vote for Victoria Bramstedt for School Board Clerk.


Tom Bigler nominated Linda Adams as School Board Clerk Pro-Tem.

No other nominations came forward.  Nominations closed.

There was a unanimous vote for Linda Adams for School Board Clerk Pro-Tem.


M/S/Bramstedt/Adams that National Exchange Bank and Wisconsin Government Pool be appointed as the District Depository for the 2012-2013 school yearMotion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Adams to continue with the Falls News as the official District newspaper for the 2012-2013 school years.  The board thanked Jeff Peterson and his staff for the great job that he continues to do for the district.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Bramstedt that we continue with Davis and Kuelthau as the official District legal firm for the 2012-2013 school year.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Committee appointments were discussed and board members should contact John Mauer with their interest and he will finalize the appointments.
M/S/Bramstedt/Adams to approve the final reading of NEOLA Policies 3132,4132 Vacancies (Revised), 3425, 4425 Benefits (New), 3430, 4430 Leaves of Absences (Revised), 6510 Payroll Authorization (Revised), 3120.08 Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular activities (Revised), 3131, 4131 Reductions in Staff (Revised), 3139, 4139 Staff Discipline (Revised), 3140, 4140 Termination, Non-Renewal and Resignation (Revised), 5410 Promotion, Placement, and Retention (Revised), 5112 Entrance Age (Revised).  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Adams/Bramstedt to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policies 3242 Professional Growth Requirements (Revised), Policy 3431/4431 Employees Leaves (New), Policy 3432/4432 Sick Leave (New), Policy 6520 Payroll Deductions (Revised), Policy 8320 Personnel Records (Revised), Policy 9700 Relations with Special Interest Groups (Revised).  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Mary Blaha and Victoria Bramstedt, Personnel Committee Chair, presented to the board the health insurance changes for the 2012-2013 school year.  M/S/Adams/Riddell to approve the insurance changes for the 2012-2013 school year inclusive of the employees cost share of 11.44%.  After extensive discussion a vote was taken.  Bigler/No, Bramstedt/Yes, Riddell/No, Adams/Yes, Mauer/No. Motion Did Not Carry 3No/2Yes.  M/S/Bramstedt/Adams to approve the changes to the insurance plan that bring us to the 3% reduction.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Bigler to act on administrative recommendations concerning 78 open enrollment applications received from students who are requesting to attend school in Sheboygan Falls in the (NEXT) school year under Open Enrollment guidelines.  59 applications are approved pending receipt of requested special education records, special education cost estimates, and discipline records. 19 applications are denied, 6 denied special education, 6 denied no space-no waiting list, and 7 denied no space-but on a waiting list.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Bigler to approve administrative recommendations concerning the 125 applications received from students who are requesting to attend school in surrounding Districts in the (NEXT) school year under Open Enrollment guidelines.  All 125 applications are approved pending receipt of requested special education records, special education cost estimates, and discipline records.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Adams to approve the resignation of Graig Stone, Middle School Business Teacher, for the 2012-2013 school year, with regrets and gratitude.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The board discussed the current vacancy left by the resignation of Chris Lacy in April.  The board discussed how to proceed in filling this position and the timeline involved.  It was decided that we will post the vacancy with a deadline of applications of June 11th in the district office and conduct a special board meeting on June 28th for the interviewing of candidates and selection of a candidate to fill the vacancy.


Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, discussed the 2011-2012 and the 2012-2013 budgets.


M/S/Adams/Bramstedt to approve the Support Staff Handbook as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Adams to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 10:03 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on June 18, 2012.


Linda Adams, Board Clerk Pro-Tem


Regular Meeting Minutes – April 16, 2012




APRIL 16, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, April 16, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:32 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent:            Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer


Roll call was taken with 6 board members present.


M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Adams to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the March 22, 2012 and April 12, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the accounts for March, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for March, 2012, were $1,707,696.17.  Receipts for March, 2012, were $2,503,260.77.


President John Mauer read a letter from Christopher Lacey resigning his current position from the school board.
Jill Preissner, Lakeshore Technical College Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator, presented plaques to the Youth Apprenticeship graduates of Sheboygan Falls High School.  The Youth Apprentice Program at LTC provides valuable skills and work experience to high school juniors and seniors who want hands-on learning in an occupational area along with classroom instruction.  Kyle Martin, mechanical design/engineering with Kohler Company, Kaylee Graf, health care/CNA with Aurora Memorial Medical Center, and Dylan Setzer, finance/banking with United One Credit Union, were Sheboygan Falls students to receive plaques.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  In the last several weeks since Legislature adjourned, Governor Walker has signed a number of important education bills into law.  The foundation has leased a one acre plot on the Miley property.  Bemis has donated mulch at the Miley property, has tilled the acreage, fertilized and fenced it.  Bemis also donated mulch at the high school.  Davis and Kuelthau will be presenting a post Act 10 seminar on Monday, April 30th from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.

Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Nothing to report.


Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Will report on later on the agenda.

Policy/Lacey/Mauer:  Will address later in the meeting.


Finance/Bigler/Geise:  Nothing to report.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Met on April 2nd   and discussed the Facilities Planning Timeline

and the Special Board meeting with EUA and CG Schmidt set for April 12th.


Rec Board/Lacey:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  Nothing to report.


Legislative/Born: Unable to attend this morning’s meeting.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise:  Still in the formative stage.

Luke Goral updated the board on the panel discussion/visits to Bemis/Rockline which our staff attended for their January professional development inservice.


M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to approve the overnight travel requested by Deb Wehrman to take 12 of her students on an overnight outdoor learning experience to Pine Ridge Campground in Waldo, May 16-18, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the travel of the high school Fishing Club to take approximately 15 students on a fishing trip to Black Bear Lodge in Red Lake, Ontario, Canada, July 6-14, 2012.  The Fishing Club has been taking this same trip for many years.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

The Public Relations Committee brought to the board the most recent draft of the vision/mission brand.  This has been shared with the administrators and will be taken to the staff and community in the future.


M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to approve the final reading of NEOLA Policies 3125 Wisconsin Quality Educator Initiative (Number correction only), 3217, 4217, 5772, 7217 Weapons (Revised), 5200 Attendance (Revised – State Statute change), 5330 Administration of Medications/Emergency Care (Revised), 5514.02 Student Use of Service/Companion Animal (Deletion), 8210 School Calendar (Revised), 8410 School Safety and Crisis Intervention (Revised), 8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle (Revised), 9160 Public Attendance at School Events (Revised), as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Geise to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policies 3132,4132 Vacancies (Revised), 3425, 4425 Benefits (New), 3430, 4430 Leaves of Absences (Revised), 6510 Payroll Authorization (Revised), 3120.08 Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular activities (Revised), 3131, 4131 Reductions in Staff (Revised), 3139, 4139 Staff Discipline (Revised), 3140, 4140 Termination, Non-Renewal and Resignation (Revised), as presented, with the following changes:  clarification of number of days, being working or business days in policies #4132,#3132, and #4131, and also omit “and comprehensive”, but leave competitive, in #3425 and #4425.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the first reading of revised NEOLA Policies #5410 and #5112, as presented with the change/addition of wording and/or Director of Pupil Services added in #5410, and 5112 #C, give to five.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Bryan Hansen, Recreation and Aquatic Director, gave an annual report to the board.  Overall total attendance was at an all-time high second to the 2007-2008 school year


M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve gifts to the district of $10,947.82 from the Booster Club, with gratitude and thanks.  Booster Club gifts included $5000 to supplement the athletic budget, $1500 for the athletic trainer that we hire, $1500 for discus cage for track and field, $1296 for football helmet reconditioning, $275 kicking package for football, $359.85 for softball travel bags, $161.97 for softball game balls, $660 for a set of catcher’s gear for the varsity baseball and $195 for baseball tees.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, presented to the board changes to the nutrition break and lunch prices for the 2012-2013 school year.  M/S/Adams/Geise to approve the changes as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the proposed changes to the 2011-2012 budget as presented by Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, discussed the 2012-2013 budget with the board.


M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the Professional Staff Handbook as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The board discussed the district administrator’s evaluation process.  M/S/Adams/Geise to allow Sandy Seifert and Chris Lacey’s written evaluation summary to be included in the materials which the board references for this year’s evaluation, of both itself and the District Administrator, to be provided within three weeks from present date.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


As this was Sandy’s last board meeting, President John Mauer thanked Sandy Seifert, on behalf of all, for her time and service to the board and School District of Sheboygan Falls.


M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 8:36 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on May 21, 2012.


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk


Regular Meeting Minutes – March 19, 2012




MARCH 19, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.

The board recognized four members of the 2012 wrestling team that qualified for state this year.  Members included:  Lucas Lambrecht, state wrestling champion for the 2nd year in a row, Alex Fitzgerald, finished 6th, Jeff Becker and Drew Setzer.  Congratulations to all the wrestlers.


Carol Schwobe, W3183 Cty PP, approached the board on AP Calculus.  She advised that she had heard that options were being explored on how AP Calculus is going to be offered next school year and she showed concern regarding the possibility of the lack of “face-to-face” instruction here at our location.  Chris Bilkey, 735 Denison Circle, and Dan Mathieu, 161 Summer Street, also expressed their concerns on the possibility of the class being offered off-site and concerns included driving to that location and safety, along with students being with their classmates.


Dan Mathieu, 161 Summer Street, President of the United Football League, also addressed the board on the positioning of lighting being added and Administrator Jean Born added that she will share with him recent information she has learned.


The board offered its sympathy and condolences to the family of Peter McNulty.  They thanked them for his involvement and commitment to our school and community.  A thank you letter was read from his family.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, March 19, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:45 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent:            Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer


Roll call was taken with 6 board members present.


M/S/Geise/Bramstedt to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the March 5, 2012, and March 8, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Adams to approve the accounts for February, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for February, 2012, were $1,544,641.81.  Receipts for February, 2012, were $2,994,770.23.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  Jean shared that 2012 Wisconsin Robo Riot regionals will take place on March 22-24 at the US Cellular Arena in Milwaukee.  Legislative breakfast topics included the voucher expansion bill fix, special education voucher bill, seclusion and physical restraint, concussions/head injuries in youth athletics, read to lead, and voter registration at high schools.


Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Nothing to report.


Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Met on March 13th and through a process, have come up with a draft of a vision/mission for our district.  The process began with the meeting with staff, gathering information from them and incorporating the information into the vision/mission.
Policy/Lacey/Mauer:  Will address later in the meeting.


Finance/Bigler/Geise:  Nothing to report.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Full board is meeting on March 22th to discuss criteria for facility planning.  The community is also invited.


Rec Board/Lacey:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  Nothing to report.


Legislative/Born: Covered above in District report.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise:  As several organizations support the school, the coordination of fund-raising may be best done through the foundation.

M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve the final reading of NEOLA Policies 2260.01 Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Discrimination Based on Disability (Revised), 1623/3123/4123 Section 504/ADA Prohibition Against Disability Discrimination in Employment (New), 1422.02/3122.02/4122.02 Nondiscrimination Based on Genetic Information of the Employee (New), 1460/3160/4160 Physical Examination (Revised), 1461/3161/4161 Unrequested Leaves of Absence/Fitness for Duty (Revised), as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policies 3125 Wisconsin Quality Educator Initiative (Number correction only), 3217, 4217, 5772, 7217 Weapons (Revised), 5200 Attendance (Revised – State Statute change), 5330 Administration of Medications/Emergency Care (Revised), 5514.02 Student Use of Service/Companion Animal (Deletion), 8210 School Calendar (Revised), 8410 School Safety and Crisis Intervention (Revised), 8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle (Revised), 9160 Public Attendance at School Events (Revised), as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to approve personal leaves without compensation for Cindy Kwekkeboom, Middle School Food Service, for March 14-16, 2012 and for Olivia O’Keefe, Part-Time Elementary Instructional Assistant,  from the finish of her family medical leave, through the remainder of the 2011-2012 school year.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Under Act 114, school boards must determine the number of available spaces for regular and special education open enrollment students.  At the February board meeting, preliminary numbers were presented to the board for initial discussion, which are the numbers presented to the board this month for approval.    M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve 7 spaces for 4K, 7 for 5K, 1 for Grade 1, 5 for Grade 2, 2 for Grade 3, 3 for Grade 4, 2 for Grade 5, 0 for Grade 6, 0 for Grade 7, 1 for Grade 8, 5 for Grade 9, 5 for Grade 10, 5 for Grade 11, 5 for Grade 12, 0 special education spaces for Grades 4K – 12, and 2 special education spaces for EC (early Childhood),  for the 2012-2013 school year.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


The board continued its discussion on the new state law which would involve high school graduation physical education credit requirement change.  The board will put together a smaller group to look into the possibility of this change.


M/S/Adams/Seifert to accept the gift of $250 to the High School Robotics Program from Pemco, $400 gift for the high school football team from Knox Furniture, and the gift of $260 for the high school girls soccer program from St. Peters Episcopal Church, with thanks.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, reviewed the food service, debt service and community service budgets.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 8:01 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on April 16, 2012


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk


Regular Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2012




FEBRUARY 20, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, February 20, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:33 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent:            Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer


Roll call was taken with 6 board members present.


M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve the agenda as printed with the exception of moving item # 8 and #9, 2 presentations, below item #5.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the January 23, 2012, February 2, 2012 and February 16, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the accounts for January, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for January, 2012, were $1,993,598.32.  Receipts for January, 2012, were $3,922,114.52.


Middle School Teachers, Mr. Stone, Business Education teacher, and Mrs. Hittman, 5th grade teacher, shared their experience with 5th and 8th grade students at the Junior Achievement financial literacy events, Biz Town and Finance Park.

The K-12 Physical education department, Paul Houwers, Doug Johnson, Jennifer Traas, Deb Federer, Matthew Pfister, Chuck Baranek, and Cindy Dorn, presented to the board an overview of their curriculum and its importance.  Following the presentation was a question/answer period.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  Met today and items discussed were the choice charter bill, school accountability progress into legislation, non-renewal date deadline which has been moved to May 15th, and the open enrollment window which has been extended until April 30th.  The Public Health Department recently reported back that our district had an excellent review.


Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Discussion in executive session before and after the meeting tonight.


Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Have been working with a facilitator and have a document ready for the proposal of a message/brand model.

Policy/Lacey/Mauer:  Will address later in the meeting.


Finance/Bigler/Geise:  Meeting tomorrow morning.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: March 8th meeting of the full board, with the community invited.


Rec Board/Lacey:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  Nothing to report.


Legislative/Born: Addressed above.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise:  Have not met.

M/S/Geise/Bigler to approve the overnight trip with Falcon Academy students and instructors, Jason Peters and Mike Kobelsky, to Shawano Lake on May 15th-May 18, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the overnight trip for the Close-Up Club and instructor, Amanda Roethle, to travel to Washington, D.C., on March 4 – 9, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Bryan Hansen, Recreation and Aquatic Director, had a request from adults from the community that currently use our gym space on Wednesday evenings to expand that to include Sunday mornings in the MS gym.  They would continue to pay an entrance fee for usage and one of our HS physical education teachers would be in charge of collecting this fee at no cost to the district.  The MS gym is available during that time.  M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the request as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.


At last month’s board meeting, Jean Born informed the board of a new state law which would involve high school graduation physical education credit requirement change.  The physical education staff presented tonight on their K-12 curriculum and the importance of it.  This is a chance for the Board to further discuss the state law change to the Physical Education requirements and their position on it.


M/S/Geise/Bramstedt to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of the revised NEOLA Policy 8510: Wellness, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Bramstedt to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policy updates- Section 1, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Under Act 114, school boards must determine the number of available spaces for regular and special education open enrollment students.  Preliminary numbers were presented to the board for initial discussion.  The approval of the available spaces will be necessary at the March board meeting.

M/S/Adams/Seifert to approve that the rollover of contracts be postponed until June by which time the personnel committee will have developed a protocol and timeline for the rollover process.  Mauer/No, Adams, Yes, Bramstedt/No, Geise/No, Bigler/No, Seifert/No.  Motion Did Not Carry.


M/S/Bramstedt/Geise to rollover the administrative contracts for the additional year and develop a protocol to further address the implications of our budgetary needs.  Mauer/No, Adams/No, Bramstedt/Yes, Geise/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Seifert/No.  Motion Did Not Carry.


M/S/Seifert/Geise to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 9:45 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on March 19, 2012


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk



SFSD Summer School

Summer School 2012

The registration period for summer school has ended.
High School

Middle School

Elementary School

Regular Meeting Minutes – January 16, 2012




JANUARY 16, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, January 16, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:36 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary


Roll call was taken with 7 board members present.


M/S/Geise/Lacey to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Seifert to approve the minutes of the December 19, 2011 Regular Board Meeting as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to approve the accounts for December, 2011, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for December, 2011, were $2,071,996.86.  Receipts for December, 2011, were $581,492.25.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  A draft of the handbook is ready for preliminary board review which will be at a special board meeting held January 23rd.  The board is invited to school on Monday for a panel discussion with Rockline and Bemis along with tours of both companies.  The recreation department manager is in the process of evaluating all programs currently in place along with exploring expansion, which may include adult opportunities.


Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction and Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Have not met.


Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Met and are progressing.  Will discuss later in the meeting.


Policy/Lacey/Mauer:  Have not met.


Finance/Bigler/Geise:  Have not met.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Nothing to report.


Rec Board/Lacey:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  Nothing to report.


Legislative/Born: Topics discussed were:  Open Enrollment and teacher layoff extension which may be held off until May.  Mandatory reporting of child abuse is now required by ALL employees of the district.  The district is waiting for materials from DPI for training of our employees. Read to Lead legislation is being proposed focusing on some topics such as 4 and/or 5 year old screening tools, early intervention for reading, initial educator licensing focusing on literacy, professional development, and creation of public/private partnership.  Administration will share with the board the pieces that are already in place for the students who have not met reading proficiency by Grade 3.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise:  Have not met.


M/S/Geise/Bramtedt to approve the resignation of Stephanie Brusky, 40% Middle School Art Teacher, as presented with regrets and gratitude upon payment of the contractual liquidated damage fee of $322.00.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Laura Dell Landazuri, World Language Instructor at the high school, is requesting an approval to travel with Travel Adventures with approximately 20 students and 2 chaperones to Chicago which would allow a low cost option for a Latin Experience in our own country.  M/S/Seifert/Bigler to approve an overnight travel for the World Language class to Chicago tentatively for March 9-10, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


District Administrator Jean Born and the administrative team bring to the board for approval a proposed 2012-2013 school calendar. The board previously reviewed the proposed calendar.  M/S/Adams/Bramstedt to approve the 2012-2013 school calendar as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Jean Born informed the board of a new state law that requires students to earn a minimum of 1 ½ credits in physical education as part of the high school graduation requirement.  School boards now have the authority to allow a student who participates in sports or another organized physical activity, as determined by the Board, to complete an additional ½ credit in English, social studies, math, science or health education in lieu of ½ credit in physical education.  If the board chooses to enact this law, they are responsible through its policies to determine how it will be implemented.  This will require some additional discussion from the Board on how they would administer the law.  The physical education staff will present at the February board meeting on their k-12 curriculum and the importance of it.


The Public Relations Committee provided the Board with an update from their previous committee meetings and may seek input on next steps.  The committee has met with a consultant and discussed their branding/vision and mission statement and how this will drive their communication and direction in the future.


M/S/Lacey/Geise to approve the proposed changes to the 2011-2012 budget as presented by Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Mary Blaha also provided information for discussions regarding the upcoming 2012-2013 budget.


The board plans to meet in the future as a special board meeting/open forum to educate the community with the challenges that our district faces in the next years’ budgets.

The board will also look at one additional meeting in February and one additional meeting in March with EUA and entertain conversations and decisions that will need to be made in the next few months.


M/S/Geise/Bigler to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 8:05 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on February 20, 2012


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk