Message from the Principals
Greetings, Falcon Families:
As we approach the half-way mark of the school year, we’d like to thank you for your participation and support in our school community. Check out opportunities to engage with our PTO group, Falcon Famiies of SFES below.
Also, just a reminder that we play outside every day that the temperature and wind chill are zero or above. Dig out those extra mittens and hats for safe and fun play. Thank you and Happy New Year!
A Message from Superintendent Annalee Bennin
I want to take a second and say “THANK YOU”. As the calendar turns to the new year and many think about goal setting, I always push to think about “gratitudes”. Who and what am I grateful for and do they know? This year, I am grateful for our wonderful community and all of our staff. We have been asked to do things or have grace in moments that we could never have imagined two years ago. We have probed our noses more than the average toddler and started to consider it a norm. We have learned to express ourselves not only by what comes out of our mouth, but by the design of what covers our mouth. We can debate what works and what does not…if the pandemic has improved or if it will ever end…where is the quickest testing location and what does the test tell me…the list could go on, but we have not let it.
As a COMMUNITY we have pushed through and because of that our children have learned how to be resilient through our example. How to offer grace in times of struggle. How to support our neighbors when they are in need. They have also continued to learn academically and socially among their peers. They have been able to access school counselors when the world got heavy and work through what is on their mind. They have been able to find the athletics and co/extracurriculars that allow them an outlet from everything they cannot control in the world.
Thank you for being their rock, for being our rock, and for trusting your child(ren) to us each and every day. It is not easy work, but it is important for us to meet your needs and ensure your children are safe and learning! Keep being a proud Falcon, reach out to myself or school administration when you have a concern, and lean on each other to be the best community and learning organization we can be.
With warm regards,
Annalee Bennin
Thursday, January 12th: Join us for our first FALCON FAMILIES meeting of 2022 (6:15 p.m. in the SFES Library). The agenda is attached HERE. We look forward to seeing you!
Monday, February 14th: Valentine’s Day! As we prepare to celebrate friendship on February 14th, a reminder NOT to send food items, for those who love to include a “treat”, many we suggest a non-food treat such as a pencil, eraser, stickers, etc. Otherwise, old fashion cards are great too!!!
Eastern Wisconsin Excellence in Education
We are excited to announce that twenty-seven school districts are partnering with Channel 5 to recognize exceptional school employees in a program called the “Eastern Wisconsin Excellence in Education” awards. This program is similar to the “Golden Apple” and “Shining Stars” programs in Green Bay and the Fox Valley.
This program allows parents, students, community members, and staff to nominate deserving school employees in the following categories:
- Innovation in Work (How has the employee demonstrated innovation in his/her work area?)
- Culture Creator in the Work Environment (How has the employee gone above and beyond in creating a positive school culture?)
- Social / Emotional Well-Being (How has the employee impacted the social/emotional well-being of students and/or the school environment?)
- Community Involvement (How has the employee positively impacted the community?)
- Student Connection (In what ways has the employee built positive relationships with students?)
Nominations need to be submitted by February 4, 2022. Following the submission deadline, a panel of judges will review each nomination to determine finalists. These finalists will then be asked to elaborate on the work outlined in the nomination. The judges will then select the award recipients in each of the five categories.
The awards show ceremony will be held on Saturday, May 14, 2022 at the Kiel Area School District Performing Arts Center. The program will be live streamed on Channel 5’s, website.
Drop Off/Pick Up Refresher
Did you know that students can enter both Door 4 (by the playground) AND Door 3 (parent lot entrance) in the morning? Please pull forward and follow staff directions to keep our car line safe and moving!
Please view this video for a refresher about drop off and pick up on our campus: Traffic Video Link.
Indoor Soccer Skills Camp
The Sheboygan Falls FC is hosting an Indoor Soccer Skills Camp this winter for Grades 1-8, beginning February 9th. Check out the details HERE.
Reminder – Outside Play Every Day!
Oh the weather outside is….. well, it is difficult to say! Please be sure to monitor weather conditions and send your child with appropriate outerwear.
Play is the social work of childhood, and we play outside every day that the temperature (including wind chill) is above zero degrees Fahrenheit. If you need assistance with outerwear, reach out to the school office or one of our school counselors.
District and Related Employment Opportunities
Looking for part-time work? Full-time work? Flexibility?
The District and Related Organizations have some great opportunities!
SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities within the School District can be found using the below links. Note that if you are looking for flexibility, we are actively seeking Substitute Teacher positions which can be found under the Certified Positions.
Certified Positions –
Assistants / Aides –
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SHEBOYGAN COUNTY: Afterschool program fees are waived for children of parents who work at the Boys & Girls Club! If you are interested in part-time work, your child can be enrolled in the afterschool program for FREE while you work for the Club. Current open positions include Site Coordinator and After School Activity Leader. Learn more or apply at
HEIDENREITER BUS SERVICE: Heidenreiter Bus Service has opportunities for school bus drivers. Find more information HERE.
January Youth and Family Resource Guide
Please see HERE for January Youth and Family opportunities.
Another Family Opportunity – READING IS SNOW MUCH FUN!
Is reading together with your child your New Year’s Resolution? Start your New Year off with the Family Resource Center learning about the importance of literacy and reading by creating your child’s own snowman reading buddy and other winter themed activities. Sign up HERE, spots are limited! (Activities are recommended for children ages 2-5 years old.)
What do I do if I test COVID-19 Positive?
Updated COVID-19 Return to School Plan
REMINDER: As communicated last week Friday, January 7th, with the recommendation of CDC and the county health department, effective Monday, we changed the required quarantine times for positive cases and household contacts. While students and staff may return at day six if symptom free, they MUST mask (days 6-10). Families that do not wish to mask can continue to quarantine for 10 days.
If your child is out with symptoms, please be sure to email or bring along you negative test results before returning to school. This will prevent your student from being asked to sit in the office while we confirm results.
Remember that free COVID-19 testing is available for all staff, students and household members. It is located in a kiosk behind the high school.