SFES Communicator – December 21, 2022


December 21st, 2022

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A Message from the Principals

Thank you for an amazing start to the 2022-23 school year and for your partnership wtih your child’s success! 

We wish you a safe and enjoyable holiday season. 

Lynn Bub, SFES Principal

Dave Pieters, SFES Associate Principal

Mark Your Calendars!

December 23rd – January 1st: Winter Break / No School

(Return to School Monday, January 2nd)

Thursday, January 12th: Falcon Families PTO Meeting @ 6:15 PM (SFES Library)

Tuesday, February 7th: 4K Preview Night for Incoming 4K Students and Families

i-Ready Diagnostic is coming in January. i-Ready helps teachers effectively assess the growth of their students and provides resources and individualized instruction based on each student’s unique needs. More information will be forthcoming from your student’s teacher. In the meantime, note that diagnostics are planned as follows:

Week of January 9th ~ i-Ready Diagnostic for 1st – 4th Grade

Week of January 16th ~ i-Ready Diagnostic for Kindergarten

Need a break from the kitchen? Mark your calendars for these upcoming 2023 Dine and Donate Dates, benefiting Falcon Families and the School District.

Reading, Writing and Arithmetic!

We have had a successful launch of our academics this year, thanks to some great materials, new learning for staff, and increased student engagement.  Hopefully, you have seen some of the Home Connections pieces for our Bridges math materials, word cards on rings, or some amazing writing shared by your student(s).  Remember that time spent reading together, or using math in real life (such as measuring, cooking, and playing games) is the BEST homework, as it creates memories as well as providing academic practice.

Safety Update

On Friday, December 16th, SFES practiced our second fire drill of the school year.  Our goal during a fire drill (or any controlled evacuation) is to move all 600 students and 80+ staff out of the building efficiently and safely.  Students did an excellent job using a zero volume and walking feet so that everyone safely exited the building.  Have you reviewed your home fire evacuation plan and meet-up point? Winter break is a great time to have that discussion at home.

Play is the Name of the Game

Play is essential for student social development (and to get the wiggles out!). We play outside every day that the combined temperature plus wind chill is zero degrees or above. Students need a jacket and snow pants, boots, and a hat / mittens. If you need support with these items, please contact our school counseling office at 920-467-7820.

In addition, we continue to need Recess / Playground Supervisors who enjoy being outside, and can offer consistent, calm support in helping students practice their social skills. More details HERE.

ES Life Lately …

4K families decorated cookies and prepared reindeer food as part of our winter outreach! We saw a lot of older siblings, who were excited to join in the fun too. 

Third graders had an opportunity to help their 4K buddies build gingerbread houses.

During Running Reindeer, special adults in our building visit each pod to do a little holiday reading. Thanks to all of our reindeer! We hope you’ll do more reading over the break at home, too!


The Holiday Singalong 2022

From the Nurses …

Your nurses are wishing you a happy and healthy holiday break! 

Some things have not changed:  STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK!

While RSV is finally decreasing, influenza is still the prevalent respiratory illness right now. If you are interested in this data, THIS REPORT is updated weekly on the DHS website, you can keep an eye on it over the winter.

Connect with Us!!!
Social Media Channels
Did you know we are on Facebook? Instagram? And even Twitter!?!? We love our community, and as a team, we want to keep you updated on all the great things happening within the District. Thus, we have launched new and updated social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Use the QR code below for details or find them HERE.

District and Related Employment Opportunities

Looking for part-time work? Full-time work? Flexibility?
The District and Related Organizations have some great opportunities!
SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities within the School District can be found using the below links. Note that if you are looking for flexibility, we are actively seeking Substitute Teacher positions which can be found under the Certified Positions.
Certified Positions –
Assistants / Aides –

BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SHEBOYGAN COUNTY: Afterschool program fees are waived for children of parents who work at the Boys & Girls Club! If you are interested in part-time work, your child can be enrolled in the afterschool program for FREE while you work for the Club. Learn more about available opportunities or apply at www.ThePositivePlace.com/careers.

HEIDENREITER BUS SERVICE: Heidenreiter Bus Service has opportunities for school bus drivers. Find more information HERE.
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