September 25th, 2024
A Message from the Principals
Welcome back, Sheboygan Falls Elementary!
We are so excited to be back in action, launching our routines, diving into new learning, and making connections at school. Thank you for all you do at home to engage in your child’s learning. Engagement can mean so many things! While we have many opportunities to engage with our school in person, your engagement with your child’s learning can include simple conversations and interest in their learning every day. Ask your child about their math workplaces, the interactive read aloud books from the week, what they did in specials (i.e. related studies, such as art, music, physical education, library and counseling), or what connections they made at school with their friends, classmates, and teachers. We sincerely hope that these kinds of questions help you connect with your child’s learning more than just “how was your day?” Because every day is a great day to be a Falcon. Welcome back!
Lynn & Jen
Lynn Bub, SFES Principal
Jennifer Andrews, SFES Associate Principal
Mark Your Calendars
Friday, September 27th: NO School for Students (Inservice for Staff)
Monday, September 30th – Friday, October 11th: Fall AimsWebPlus Math and Literacy Screening at SFES
Tuesday, October 1st, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Community Information Session at Sheboygan Falls High School (More Details Below)
Thursday, October 3rd, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Community Information Session at Sheboygan Falls Elementary School (More Details Below)
Week of October 7th: Fire Safety Week and Fire Safety Lessons 4K-4th Grade
Tuesday, October 15th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Community Information Session at Sheboygan Falls Elementary School (More Details Below)
Friday, October 18th: NO School for Students (Inservice for Staff)
Week of October 21st: Title I Family Days
Tuesday, October 22nd, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Community Information Session at Sheboygan Falls High School (More Details Below)
Tuesday, October 29th: 4K Title I Day
Referendum Update
Dear Families,
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is a big point of pride in our community. With our promise to Expect the Exceptional at the forefront, we strive to be a School District of choice. At the same time, we have a series of facility-related challenges that we must address soon.
Over the past two years, the Board of Education has been evaluating the District’s facility needs and investigating possible solutions. This work is part of the District’s long-range facility planning process.
On Tuesday, November 5th, 2024, our community will vote on two proposed capital referendum questions. If they are approved, the District will move forward making key facility improvements at both our Elementary School and High School.
Question #1 asks voters to approve general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $78.3 million. These funds would go toward Elementary and High School improvement projects, including:
- Addition of a Community Fitness Center
- Addition of a 4-year-old kindergarten and childcare space at the Elementary school
- Addition of an expanded career and technical education wing at the high school
- Replacement of basic building systems
- Safety and security upgrades
- Upgrades to educational spaces
- Improvements to building finishes
- Furniture, fixtures, and equipment
If the first question is approved by voters, the estimated annual tax impact would be $1.33 per $1,000 of equalized property value.
Question #2 asks voters to approve general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $21.5 million. These funds would go toward recreation and athletic improvement projects, including:
- New auxiliary gymnasium ($14.9 million)
- Improvements to outdoor athletic facilities ($6.6 million)
If the second question is approved by voters, it would have an estimated annual tax impact of 90 cents per $1,000 of equalized property value.
If both questions are approved, the tax impact will be $2.23 per every $1,000 of equalized property value in our community. A home valued at $300,000 would see a property tax impact of $669 per year (or $55.75 per month), starting in the 2024-25 school year.
We are committed to providing as much information as possible and answering our community members’ questions ahead of election day. We would like to invite you to our upcoming Community Information Sessions and School Tours, which will be focused on our facility-related challenges and the proposed solutions. Below are the dates, times, and locations:
Tuesday, October 1st, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Sheboygan Falls High School
Thursday, October 3rd, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Sheboygan Falls Elementary School
Tuesday, October 15th, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Sheboygan Falls Elementary School
Tuesday, October 22nd, 6:00-7:30 p.m. – Sheboygan Falls High School
We invite you to learn more about the District’s facility needs and the proposed solution on the ballot this November by visiting
We look forward to sharing more information and continuing to engage our community around these important issues in the weeks ahead. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Zach Pethan, Superintendent
Board of Education Updates
The School District of Sheboygan Falls will hold its next monthly regular board meeting on Monday, October 28th at 6:00 pm. Please join us! You can find more information about upcoming meetings, your Board Members and more HERE.
Can’t make It? You can view the Board Agendas and Minutes at HERE.
Safety Update
Our first drill of the year in September is a fire drill. This drill helps us all practice leaving the building calmly and quietly, following the directions of our teacher, and reflecting on fire safety at school and at home. October is fire safety month, so we will also prepare to welcome our local fire departments (City and Town of Sheboygan Falls) for some fire safety education on October 7th. Now is also a great time to review the fire safety plan with everyone at your home.
We help students prepare for drills using this conversation slide deck.
New Assessment Tool
As part of our goal to ensure that our students receive the best instruction, we are adding a new assessment and reporting system this year called aimswebPlus. aimswebPlus provides data that help us adjust the level and intensity of instruction to the needs of each student. The aimswebPlus reading and math assessments are used for two main purposes: 1) Universal Screening, to identify students likely to struggle so that these students can receive extra instruction in a timely manner; and 2) Progress Monitoring, to track the progress of students receiving extra instruction and ensure that they are on schedule to meet their year-end reading and math goals. Find more information HERE.
In an effort to balance academic routines with important social and cultural opportunities for students, we’d like to share information about our classroom celebrations HERE. We hope this helps your family to plan and enjoy some exciting social milestones in your elementary child’s experience.
REMINDER: Canvas Observer Accounts
A reminder that Canvas Observer Accounts are ready to go! If you’d like to monitor your child(ren)’s digital coursework, you can create a Canvas Observer Account. Step-by-step instructions can be found on the District’s website HERE.
Falcon Families News
Musician in Residence (All Year Long!)
Many of our students and families look forward to our annual spring visit from Miss Claudia. Miss Claudia and Mr. Dan have maintained their relationship with us and have a special tie to co-authoring our school song. This week, their new album, Pieces of Home, became available! Students may remember getting a sneak peek of “Little Pal of Mine” this past spring, and would love the chance to sing along. Check it out HERE.
SFES Life Lately
REMINDER: The WI Department of Health has released new school immunization requirements for the 2024-25 school year. These changes will improve protection for children across the state by protecting them against vaccine-preventable illnesses, including meningitis and chickenpox. Please see the linked information and check with your children’s health care provider to make sure immunizations are up to date.
District and Related Employment Opportunities
Looking for part-time work? Full-time work? Flexibility?
The District and Related Organizations have some great opportunities!
SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities within the School District can be found using the below links. Note that if you are looking for flexibility, we are actively seeking Substitute Teacher positions which can be found under the Certified Positions.
Certified Positions –
Assistants / Aides –
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SHEBOYGAN COUNTY: Afterschool program fees are waived for children of parents who work at the Boys & Girls Club! If you are interested in part-time work, your child can be enrolled in the afterschool program for FREE while you work for the Club. Learn more about available opportunities or apply at