October 30th, 2024
A Message from the Principals
Thank you for continuing to find your family’s path to engagement in your child’s learning, whether that is asking about what they are learning, reading or measuring with them, attending school sponsored events, communicating with school, or staying involved in their social practice. It takes a village, and families are a child’s first teachers; your excitement for learning means the world to them.
Fall is a very exciting time for children, including some of our local traditions, fall sports, music and drama events, and of course, preparations for the holiday season. As we celebrate these important pieces, we can also provide a sense of stability and predictability for children by following our routines and schedules against the backdrop of fall fun. Your child’s teachers and counselors are a great resource for ideas if you need help with this piece. We appreciate your partnership as we all help our students feel ready-to-learn each day!
For November and December, we move on to another Energy Bus tenet: Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy! Schoolwide we will focus on how positive thinking and communication improve results in our personal and professional lives.
Finally, fall is also a great time to learn about engagement through our PTO Group, Falcon Families. Our next meeting is Thursday, November 21st from 6:15-7:30 PM in the SFES library. We would love to have you join to learn more and possibly find a new way to engage with our school community.
Lynn & Jen
Lynn Bub, SFES Principal
Jennifer Andrews, SFES Associate Principal
Interested in what’s happening at the other SDSF schools? Take a look at the Middle and High School newsletters:
And, check out these other ways to keep connected!
Mark Your Calendars
Thursday, October 31st: Halloween (Observed) School Celebration (tied to curriculum)
Monday, November 4th – Thursday, November 14th: Falcon Families Book Fair (Hosted in SFES Staff Lounge)
Tuesday, November 5th: National Election Day
Thursday, November 7th / Thursday, November 14th: Parent Teacher Conferences
Friday, November 15th: No School for Students (Professional Development for Staff)
Week of November 18th: American Education Week
Thursday, November 21st: Falcon Families (PTO Group) Meeting (6:15 PM in SFES Library)
Tuesday, November 26th: Schoolwide Assemblies (Energy Bus Theme: Fuel Your Ride with Positive Energy)
Wednesday, November 27th – Friday, November 29th: No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Donuts with Grown Ups
Special thanks to Falcon Families for purchasing donuts for all students and for hosting this family engagement event for each grade level between November 5th and 13th in honor of the Book Fair. See HERE for more information. And, to get an accurate count for donuts and coffee, PLEASE RSVP by COMPLETING THIS FORM by Friday, November 1st.
Referendum Update
Dear Families,
Next week our community will vote on two referendum questions for the School District of Sheboygan Falls. I wanted to take a moment to remind our families and community about our school facility needs and why the Board of Education has decided to propose these two questions as potential solutions.
Question #1 asks voters to approve general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $78.3 million. These funds would go toward Elementary and High School improvement projects, including:
- Addition of a Community Fitness Center
- Addition of a 4-year-old kindergarten and childcare space at the Elementary school
- Addition of an expanded career and technical education wing at the high school
- Replacement of basic building systems
- Safety and security upgrades
- Upgrades to educational spaces
- Improvements to building finishes
- Furniture, fixtures, and equipment
If this first question is approved by voters, the estimated annual tax impact would be $1.33 per $1,000 of equalized property value.
Question #2 asks voters to approve general obligation bonds in an amount not to exceed $21.5 million. These funds would go toward recreation and athletic improvement projects, including:
- New auxiliary gymnasium ($14.9 million)
- Improvements to outdoor athletic facilities ($6.6 million)
If this second question is approved by voters, it would have an estimated annual tax impact of 90 cents per $1,000 of equalized property value.
The approval of both questions would result in a property tax impact of $2.23 per every $1,000 of equalized property value in our community. A home valued at $300,000 would see a property tax impact of $669 per year (or $55.75 per month), starting in the 2024-25 school year.
For more information about the District’s facility needs and the proposed solution on the ballot November 5, please visit www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/o/sfsd/page/referendum.
Polls will be open from 7:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. on election day. Eligible voters may register at the polls if they have not yet done so. Polling place and voting information is available at https://myvote.wi.gov.
If you have any final questions ahead of election day, please do not hesitate to contact me. Once again, thank you for your engagement on these important issues as we plan for the future of the School District of Sheboygan.
Zach Pethan, Superintendent
Board of Education Updates
The School District of Sheboygan Falls will hold its next monthly regular board meeting on Monday, November 18th at 6:00 pm. Please join us! You can find more information about upcoming meetings, your Board Members and more HERE.
Can’t make It? You can view the Board Agendas and Minutes at BoardDocs.com HERE.
Safety Update
October was Fire Safety Month, and we once again welcomed our local fire departments (City and Town of Sheboygan Falls) for fire safety education on October 7th. Have you discussed a fire safety plan for your family at home? Having a reunification point is a good place to start!
We also held our first Building Safety Drill (ALICE oriented) on October 15th, with support and observation from our School Resource Officer, Rick Allen, and District Safety Coordinator, Mark Thompson. The learning from this drill will help us plan for staff professional development around this topic with Officer Rick at our November 15th inservice.
We help students prepare for drills using this conversation slide deck.
Family Engagement Updates
Title I Learnings and Visits
Thank you to those family members who were able to join us for Title I Family Days October 21st-25th and 29th. We had an amazing turnout and a great opportunity for families to see how their children work on ownership in their learning, which leads to confidence and greater academic and social growth! If you were not able to join us this time, you can learn a bit about Title I and Title III HERE. In-person engagement is just one way to participate in your child’s education, so stay tuned for other ideas and opportunities.
More Ways to Engage: Right to Read Act Steps and Fall Screening
We are well on our way to learning and growing in our literacy practice, as well as continued growth in our math practices. Our student scores are showing our growth, as well, which is a huge celebration for our school community. This fall, we began use of our new, State-designated screening tool, AimsWebPlus. Your child’s classroom teacher sent math and literacy snapshots out for your student digitaly by October 25th for you to view. HERE is more information about this tool, the Right to Read Act (also known as Act 20), and how to help your child on their learning journey.
Parent Teacher Conferences
Our fall Parent Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, November 7th and Thursday, November 14th. More information can be found HERE.
To sign up for conferences, please use our sign-up genius link, and remember to scroll down to find the correct teacher sign up page. If you need additional help, please call the school office at 920-467-7820. We look forward to seeing you there!
Falcon Families News
SFES Life Lately
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Pertussis, also called whooping cough, a serious illness, caused by bacteria that attaches to the lining of the lungs. It can infect people at any age, but it is most serious in infants and young children.
Pertussis is known for uncontrollable, violent coughing that often makes it hard to breathe. After coughing, someone with pertussis may need to take deep breaths that result in a “whooping” sound.
Whooping cough can cause pneumonia, which is an infection in the lungs. Half of all babies with whooping cough need care in a hospital.
- As of October 25th, 2024, Wisconsin had 1,289 confirmed cases.
- Sixty counties have had at least one case since January 1, 2024.
- While cases range in age from 1 month to 82 years, just under half (46%) of the cases are individuals aged 11–18 years.
- Fifty-nine infants have been identified with pertussis and nine have been hospitalized.
- No deaths have been reported.
Getting vaccinated is the best way to protect yourself and your loved ones against whooping cough. Here are some other tips on how to protect your family from whooping cough:
- Keep babies and other people at high risk for complications from pertussis away from infected people.
- If you or a member of your household are diagnosed with pertussis, your doctor or local health department may recommend preventive antibiotics for other members of the household. This will help prevent the disease from spreading.
- Practice good hygiene to prevent the spread of all respiratory illnesses, including pertussis. To practice good hygiene you should:
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze.
- Put your used tissue in the waste basket right away.
- Cough or sneeze into your upper sleeve or elbow, not your hands, if you don’t have a tissue.
- Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
- Use an alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available.
District and Related Employment Opportunities
Looking for part-time work? Full-time work? Flexibility?
The District and Related Organizations have some great opportunities!
SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities within the School District can be found using the below links. Note that if you are looking for flexibility, we are actively seeking Substitute Teacher positions which can be found under the Certified Positions.
Certified Positions – https://wecan.waspa.org/Employer/Vacancy/PublicCertified/3472
Assistants / Aides – https://wecan.waspa.org/Employer/Vacancy/PublicSupport/3472
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SHEBOYGAN COUNTY: Afterschool program fees are waived for children of parents who work at the Boys & Girls Club! If you are interested in part-time work, your child can be enrolled in the afterschool program for FREE while you work for the Club. Learn more about available opportunities or apply at www.ThePositivePlace.com/careers.