SFHS Falconer – January/February 2018
January/February 2018
Kohler Expo A Success for Our 9th Graders
All of our 9th grade students had the opportunity to hear about 14 career areas available at Kohler Company. Some of the areas included were hospitality, business, golf management, and engineering. Thank you to the Kohler Associates for their knowledge and expertise!
Opportunities to Challenge & Support Your Student
Over the past week, we have met with all of our current 8th-11th grade students to review the registration process and available opportunities for next year. I encourage you to take time with your student to review the course guide along with your student’s Academic and Career Plan. Please help your child with course selections that will best support a future career path. We are always available to help. 
Mr. Luke Goral
Helping students on their own individualized academic and career paths is part of our mission.
ACT Testing is Around the Corner!
The ACT and ACT WorkKeys are coming up soon on February 27 and 28.
ACT Practice is available on our website.
FFA Speaking Contest
Sheboygan Falls competed at the District 27 FFA speaking contest at Kiel High School Monday, January 29. Students in the categories of the creed speaking contest and the parliamentary procedure team will be moving on to the sectional competition March 8 in Luxemburg-Casco.
Winter Sports in Full Swing!
Second semester is truly an exciting time at Sheboygan Falls High School! There are countless opportunities for students in academics, extracurricular events, and athletics. It is critical that students arrive to school on time, remain present and engaged in all of their academic courses, and be at school every day to be able to enjoy all meaningful learning, leadership, and competitive opportunities at school. Please do everything necessary to ensure your student is at school every day. Go Falcons!
Kiwanis Students of the Month
Congrats to our Kiwanis students of the month for January and Feburay. The student selection is based on:
1.      Student’s community service
2.      Student work ethic pertaining to their academics
3.      Co-curricular activities
4.      Leadership
5.      Overall good student and an example in class/good attitude
6.      Makes a difference.
Both students are well deserving recipients!
Bemis Visits Business Class
Scott Kuehn from Bemis Manufacturing visited Mr. Conklin’s Business Management Class to talk to students about different career opportunities and the core values that make Bemis a successful company in our area and worldwide.
 Stay Informed
From the School Nurses:
February Tidbit Times
Volunteer Opportunities:
Check out our GetNvolved website for volunteer opportunities in our area.
REINS is looking for volunteers – check out the website!
EWC Art Show
April 14th – 24th
Opening reception April 15th at 1pm
Calendar of Events
February 10 – Snowball Dance @ SFHS 8-11 p.m.
February 12 – HS Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for 2/12/2018 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Sign up for conferences begins on January 31st at 4:00 p.m. at 
February 12 – Course Registration Forms Due in the Counseling Office
February 16 & 19 – No School for Students
February 27 – ACT Testing for all Juniors. Classes as usual for all 9th, 10th, and 12th graders
February 28 – ACT WorkKeys Testing for all Juniors – Classes as usual for all 9th, 10th, and 12th graders.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls works hard to provide parents with up-to-date information. In fact, on our recent parent communication survey, participating parents reported a 90% satisfaction with overall district communication. We feel great about that, but don’t want to assume that everyone knows How to Connect with school. So, here is a handy info-graphic of all the ways you can stay connected with your student’s teacher, school, and district!
All K-12 Summer School classes to be held at Sheboygan Falls High School
In order to accommodate the construction on the elementary and new middle school sites, and keep students out of harm’s way during the final stages of construction, all K-12 summer school courses will be held at the high school campus. District administration is in the process of planning with teachers, office staff, and custodial staff to make the single campus experience manageable for all students. 
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