SFHS Falconer – May 2018
May 2018
Principal’s Message:
Parents of SFHS,
It is that time of year – please encourage your child to finish the school year strong! I always tell students, “Don’t ruin 16 good weeks on 2 bad ones.” 
I have had the great privilege of being Associate Principal and Principal in the School District of Sheboygan Falls for the past 10 years. I would like to thank each of you for your support in creating a positive learning environment for students.
I will carry many great memories with me and cherish the relationships. Thank you!
Luke Goral
Senior Showcase
On Wednesday, April 25th, the Seniors in Ms. Stahlkopf’s and Mr. Ford’s English 12 classes participated in the Senior Showcase. These Seniors presented the culmination of months of hard work to their parents, teachers, classmates, and the community. The Senior Project is a multi-step project aimed at solving a problem the students see. Everything from fishing line that tangles too easy to informing people about the problems with testing cosmetics on animals were explored. Students researched the problem: its history, its causes, and its effects and presented this information in a research style paper. They then explored how to solve the problem. The solutions ranged from awareness websites and informative classes to actual physical objects. The prototype solutions were presented to classmates, critique was received and evaluated, changes were made, and the final solution presented at the various booths around the High School.
SFHS Art Show 2018
CAPP Biology Bacterial Plasmid DNA Lab
This video shows our CAPP Biology students performing a Microbiology Laboratory at Lakeland University. Our students learned how to perform “mini-prep” protocols to extract and purify the plasmid pRS316 DNA from E-coli bacteria. They also performed restriction digests to cut the pRS316 DNA at specific sequences; agarose gel electrophoresis to visualize the DNA fragments by length; and analyzed the data to create a map of the plasmid DNA.
Chamber’s Breakfast and Bagels held at SFHS
Sheboygan Falls Chamber Main Street recently held their Breakfast and Bagels Meeting at SFHS. Our Culinary 3 students and Ms. Woodworth provided the meal. Both band students, under the direction of Mr. Beekhuizen, and choir students, under the direction of Mr. Wojciehowski, entertained our local business representatives. Thank you to all involved!
Sheboygan Falls High School is back in the game at NEWSPA through UW-Oshkosh! Our quarterly magazine publication , The Talon, took 3rd overall, which is great for it being our first year doing this type of publication! Students also took home all awards for our online newspaper. Overall, students also took home 18 awards in various divisions. Congratulations!
Pizza Cutter Project
Mr. Berlin’s and Mr. Hughes’s STEM Geometry students went through the engineering and design process to design an ergonomic pizza cutter. Students used Solidworks to complete their virtual design, then download the file to one of the rapid prototyping machines to produce the handle along with the CNC plasma machine to cut the stainless steel blade and neck. Working in collaboration with Mrs. Meyer, Culinary Arts I students put the cutters to the test with pizzas they made during class.  
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI)
Training Opportunities for
Families of Children with Disabilities
What is Parents in Partnership?
Parents in Partnership (PIP) is a statewide program which deepens the ability of families and educators to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. PIP is a leadership development training for parents who have children with disabilities ages 6-14 that takes place over five weekend sessions during the year.
What is Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment?
Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment (YiPPE) is an opportunity for youth with disabilities (ages 14-21) and their parents to learn about the transition process in a unique way.
Summer Hours for Counseling Office/School Counselors
A School Counselor will be available on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. If you have questions regarding your child’s academic and career planning, please email your counselor to make a appointment.
We will be doing schedule changes starting on registration day, July 31.
Ms. Jarosch
(Last names A-K)
Mr. Koepsell
(Last names L-Z)
Upcoming Events
May 18
Project Grill Unveil @ 4 p.m.
May 18
Jazz in the Park @ 5 p.m.
May 25 & 28
No School
May 29
Last School Day for
May 30
Senior Trip – Buses load @ 8:30 a.m., Departure @ 9:00 a.m.
May 31
Graduation Practice – All Seniors in auditorium @ 7:55 a.m.
June 3
Graduation @ 1:30 p.m.
June 7
Last day of school – 9-11th grade students are dismissed @ 11:15 a.m.
June 11
Summer School Begins (PE, Health, Credit Recovery)
July 31
Registration for 2018-19 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
More information will be coming!