SFHS Falconer – September 2018
September 2018
A Message from the Principal:
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As the new Principal of Sheboygan Falls High School, I am honored to be part of a faculty and school community with a deep commitment to challenging and supporting students on their learning paths. I am confident that together we can ensure our students will develop into intellectual, confident, and caring young adults.
Already this year, we’ve had several events and activities for both students and staff in school, along with several sporting and extracurricular events. Our new Enhancement period format includes the opportunity for students to take part in a variety of clubs/groups during the school day on Friday’s throughout the school year. Ask your child to see the new Falcon Scheduling!
As the school year continues to progress, I want to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 8 from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Registration for Parent/Teacher Conferences will open on Wednesday, September 26. A link to register will be sent via Messenger on that day. We look forward to seeing you on October 8!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
Freshman Connections!
All of our incoming 9th graders were welcomed to SFHS through the Connections Program the first day of school. The goal is for students to connect with their mentors, our school community and learn tools for success in and beyond high school.
Thank you mentors for doing such a great job!
Safety Drills Help Us Prepare
Safety drills were conducted at each of our three schools the morning of September 20th with minimal disruption to instruction. Students and staff practiced a “Shelter in Place” scenario with the support of Sheboygan County Emergency Management.  
A reminder that our District’s emergency information for families can be found on our website:
Fall Musical Information
Athletic Update
As an alumus and the new Athletic Director at Sheboygan Falls High School, one of the initiatives I wanted to emphasize for sporting events was educating our students about proper sportsmanship. I believe through experience that we have an amazingly supportive student section for many sporting events at our school. It was important for me to harness that enthusiasm and ensure that we are positively supporting our sports programs home and away to represent our school, student body, and the community with pride. I challenged students, especially the upperclassmen, to take ownership in a change of culture. After all, these students are the leaders of our school and if change was going to happen, it was going to be because of them. I am proud to say that not only has our student section increased in size and volume, but also in the positive ways they are supporting our athletic teams. I am very confident, though it may not be perfect at all times, that there has been a positive change in our school culture.
Academic & Career Planning Activities have started in Enhancement on Mondays. Ask to see your child’s CANVAS page and his/her Career Cruising!
FAFSA opens on October 1.
If you couldn’t make it to the Financial Aid Night this past Monday evening, here are surrounding area meetings you are invited to attend:
Plymouth High School: 9/24 @ 6:00 p.m.
Howards Grove High: 10/3 @ 6:00 p.m.
Kohler High School: 10/17 @ 6:00 p.m.
Girls STEM Day
Concussion Facts
Upcoming Events
September 28 8:45-10:15 a.m.
Wisconsin Education Fair @ Lakeland University (11th & 12th graders must sign up in the Counseling Office)
October 1-5
– Homecoming Week Activities
October 6
– Homecoming Dance
October 8 4-7 p.m.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 10
PSAT Testing (Juniors sign up in the Counseling Office)
October 19
No school for students
November 1-4
Musical – see above for more information