Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
What a fantastic first semester that is quickly coming to a close! Final exams are right around the corner, but it is still not too late to take advantage of the time we have left. At SFHS, course grades are finalized by the teachers on Friday, January 25, 2019 – one week after the conclusion of first semester final exams.
- The school day has been adjusted for early release each day during Final Exams.
- If your child is not taking an exam, he/she is not expected to be in the building during that time period. The library and cafeteria will be open during the designated Optional Study Times (see final exam schedule for times). Please encourage your child to attend these study opportunities.
- The cafeteria will be open for breakfast before school and during the lunch hour on final exam days even though SFHS has open campus during the lunch hours.
- Please encourage your child to be fully prepared for their final exams and ensure that he/she arrives on time for all exams.
I would like to thank our students, staff, and families for a great first half of the school year. Besides all of the impressive work happening inside the classroom, we saw a lot of great achievements by our fall athletes and performing arts students. I cannot wait see what 2019 has in store for us!
Go Falcons!
Mr. Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal