SFHS Falconer – December 2018

December 2018
Congratulations to new Spanish National Honor Society Members!
Congratulations to new National Honor Society Members!
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
What a fantastic first semester that is quickly coming to a close! Final exams are right around the corner, but it is still not too late to take advantage of the time we have left. At SFHS, course grades are finalized by the teachers on Friday, January 25, 2019 – one week after the conclusion of first semester final exams.
The Final Exam schedule for Semester 1 has been completed with the following clarifications:
  • The school day has been adjusted for early release each day during Final Exams.
  • If your child is not taking an exam, he/she is not expected to be in the building during that time period. The library and cafeteria will be open during the designated Optional Study Times (see final exam schedule for times). Please encourage your child to attend these study opportunities.
  • The cafeteria will be open for breakfast before school and during the lunch hour on final exam days even though SFHS has open campus during the lunch hours. 
  • Please encourage your child to be fully prepared for their final exams and ensure that he/she arrives on time for all exams.
I would like to thank our students, staff, and families for a great first half of the school year. Besides all of the impressive work happening inside the classroom, we saw a lot of great achievements by our fall athletes and performing arts students. I cannot wait see what 2019 has in store for us!
Go Falcons!
Mr. Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
 Winter Athletics
Congratulations to Lori Much for receiving the WADA Service Award for her outstanding service and generous contributions to our school district’s athletic department.
 Sheboygan Falls Falcons winter athletics (wrestling, basketball, and dance) are in full swing. Please come support the Falcons as they work to continue their early season success.  
Visit easternwisconsinconference.org
 and select “Sheboygan Falls” to find all athletic schedules. Go Falcons!
Mr. Brian Berlin
Associate Principal/Athletic Director
 Learning Beyond the Classroom
Senior Symposium 2018
The 2018 Senior Symposium was held on November 8th in the cafeteria. Students took advantage of this opportunity to learn from professionals in the careers that students are interested in. This year, the students invited professionals with a professional business letter that they had to write as part of the English 12 class.
CAPP Chemistry in Action!
CAPP Chem students went on a field trip to Lakeland University. Students were investigating replacement (metathesis) reactions to produce their own solubilities chart and activity series. 
It was a very successful experience!
Tuition Waiver
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-A – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2018-2019 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2019-2020 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.
Academic and Career Planning (ACP)
ACP Updates
All of our Academic and Career Planning activities for each grade level are available on Canvas. All parents have access to their child’s account and can observe what your child is working on in the classroom.
Click here to learn more about how to access your child’s Canvas Pages
– look for the Canvas Observer Icons.
What is each grade level doing?
9th grade
– Students are creating short and long term academic and career SMART goals.
10th grade
– Students are completing a personality survey and registering for Explore Your Future, a career workshop in March
11th grade
– Students are working on ACT prep. The ACT is coming up on February 20 and ACT WorkKeys is February 21.
12th grade
– Students are working on Life Readiness Skills- managing stress and budget.
Check out the Canvas Pages for more info!
Upcoming Events
December 22-January 1 – Winter Break
January 9 – Kohler & Bemis Expo for all 9th and 10th graders 8-10 a.m.
January 16-18 – Final Exams
February 4 @ 5:45 p.m. Youth Apprentice
Parent/Student Information Night @ SFHS Auditorium (for current 10th-11th graders)
February 20 – ACT Testing @ Acuity
February 21 – ACT WorkKeys Testing @ Acuity
Download Our App!
, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.