SFHS Falconer – January 2019
January 2019
Message from Mr. Krutzik, Principal
Dear SFHS Families,
Welcome to 2019 and the start of the second semester here at Sheboygan Falls High School. I hope the holiday season was an enjoyable one for all. We are back in the “full swing” of things. We continue to focus on academic achievement and creating a rigorous, appropriate learning environment for ALL of our students.
It’s hard to believe, but we are already planning for next school year. We have met with our current 8th-11th grade students to review the registration process and available opportunities for next year. 
I encourage you to take time with your student and review the SFHS Course Guide
along with your student’s Academic and Career Plan (ACP) to assist in course selections. We truly appreciate the time and effort that you put in to helping your son/daughter make the best choices for their future goals. Please know that SFHS staff is always available to assist in this process as well.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
Vaping – An Epidemic Among Teens
Images above from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
According to the CDC, current use of electronic cigarettes increased among middle and high school students from 2011 to 2018
  • Nearly 5 of every 100 middle school students (4.9%) reported in 2018 that they used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days—an increase from 0.6% in 2011.
  • Nearly 21 of every 100 high school students (20.8%) reported in 2018 that they used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days—an increase from 1.5% in 2011.
Helpful links for parents:
Vaping and Juuling has become increasingly prevalent in high schools around the nation. Please consult a licensed physician and discuss with your children the health implications involved with using these devices. Some of the already documented health risks include harmful inhalation of chemicals, brain development implications and the extremely high levels of addiction which affect our students and your children negatively on a daily basis. The implications for possessing and/or using these devices on school property include:
1) Suspension
2) Possible expulsion
3) Citation from the SFPD
For more information click here.
JuniorsACT Testing Coming Soon!
ACT Testing for all 11th graders is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20 and ACT WorkKeys is scheduled for Thursday, February 21.
Free ACT Prep Sessions: All 11th graders are invited. Choose either after school (3:05 – 3:45) or before school (7:00 – 7:40) in Mr. Ford’s room A232.
  • ACT Writing: After school February 5 & Before school February 6
  • ACT Practice Test: After school February 12 & Before school February 13
Winter Sports in Full Swing!
Second semester is truly an exciting time at Sheboygan Falls High School! There are countless opportunities for students in academics, extracurricular events, and athletics. It is critical that students arrive to school on time, remain present and engaged in all of their academic courses, and be at school every day to be able to enjoy all meaningful learning, leadership, and competitive opportunities at school. Please do everything necessary to ensure your student is at school every day. 
Congratulations to the Lady Falcon Dance Team for qualifying for the state competition the weekend of February 2nd in LaCrosse. Good Luck Ladies!
Go Falcons!
Kohler/Bemis Expo
The Kohler/Bemis Expo took place on January 9, 2019 at SFHS. All of the 9th graders participated in a round robin of 12 different careers that Kohler Company has to offer and all 10th graders heard from 14 different career areas that Bemis Manufacturing has to offer.
Congratulations to our Elk’s Student of the Month!
Read 180 students participation in a “book pass.”
On Saturday, January 4, 31 music students participated in the EWC honors band and choir festival in New Holstein.
Band at the Bucks Game
On Monday, January 7th, 84 high school band students played pregame music for the Milwaukee Bucks game. After playing during the basketball warm ups, the band took their seats to watch the Bucks defeat the Utah Jazz. One highlight was a security guard commenting, “This band is better than the Marquette band that plays here.” The 130 students, teachers, and parents had a wonderful time.
February 11
– Course Registration Forms Due in the Counseling Office 9-11 Graders
February 20
– ACT Testing @ Acuity All 11th graders
February 21
– ACT WorkKeys Testing @ Acuity All 11th graders
February 22
– No School for Students
February 25
– Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Please sign up on our website beginning February 12th.)