SFHS Falconer – May 2019
May 2019
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As our school year comes to a close, I would like to express how grateful I am to be leading such an amazing community of students, parents, and staff. It has been a great year, and I am very proud of all the achievements and accomplishments of our students. These would not be possible without your support and dedication. I can’t thank everyone enough for your endless hours of volunteering, organizing, donating and doing whatever was necessary to support our students—both at home and at school. 
I would also like to thank our hard working and caring staff members who have made a huge difference to our students. Their commitment is outstanding and our students are the beneficiaries. Thank you for providing engaging, well-rounded experiences for our students and knowing that education is about joy, wonder and fostering curiosity, along with the development of social skills so needed to succeed. For these, and a million other things, we are truly grateful.
In closing, I take this opportunity to congratulate all students of SFHS! Best wishes to our graduating seniors, whom we will truly miss. I wish you all a very happy, safe and enjoyable summer.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
Society of Fine Arts (SOFA) Art Show 2019
Once again members of the Society Of Fine Artists (SOFA) put on an annual art show exhibiting the artworks of Sheboygan Falls High School art students. Drawings, Paintings, Photos, Sculptures, and Ceramics that have been created throughout the school year were on display along with the featured retrospective displays of Senior Studio artists. With culinary students providing food and beverage and the spring band concert following, the exhibit has become a night to feature the arts of Falls.
Check out a slide show of photos from the event!
Spring Band Concert
The year in band is coming to a close, but not without a lot of activity. The month of May has come with many performances. The concert band gave a great final concert on May 8th. Many students participated in the solo and ensemble festivals. Two groups were nominated for exemplary performances; a soloist on Alto Sax and the Trumpet Choir. The jazz bands performed for the Generations concert, Lake Country Academy, the elementary school, and Jazz in the Park on May 17th. The marching band will be participating in the Memorial Day Parade and service and the band will say goodbye to our senior class at graduation on June 2nd. The students have worked very hard to be tuneful, beatful, and especially artful. As we close this year, we say goodbye to the seniors that have spent the last 7 years playing their instruments and look forward to a new group of freshmen coming up to the high school. High School summer band camp will be August 12th through the 23rd. Have a great summer!
Registration Date Set
The registration date for the 2019-2020 school year has been set for Tuesday, July 30th from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Please note that registration is just ONE day and will take place at the high school. Registration notifications, forms, and payments will all be done through Infinite Campus and convenience fees are waived during July and August.  If online registration and fee payment are completed prior to this date, the only thing that will have to be done at registration is to have your student photographed and pick up schedules/teacher assignments.
Students unable to attend registration day will be able to make up photos in September after school starts.
School Counselors will be available on this day for schedule changes and adjustments.
Spring Athletics in Full Bloom
Academic and Career Planning
School Counselors Available in Summer
Ms. Jarosch and/or Mr. Koepsell are available on Tuesdays throughout the summer (except July 2) from 8:00 – 3:00. Please email your counselor to set up an appointment. Students’ schedules will be available at registration on July 30.
Career Cruising is Now Xello
Career Cruising, the program that students currently use for career planning, will have a new name and a new look for next school year. The new program is called Xello (X has a Z sound). Xello helps students plan their own unique journey. Xello is an engaging, fun-to-use software students can access online, even from their phones. It helps them create their very own, unique roadmap for future success. Students will:
  • Build Self-knowledge: Students define their interests, skills, preferences and aspirations so they can explore the opportunities right for them.
  • Explore Options: Students learn about career possibilities and educational pathways by exploring rich engaging content and lessons.
  • Create a Plan: Students create dynamic actionable plans that outline the steps needed to achieve school, career and life goals. 
  • Learn & Reassess: As students gain experience, knowledge, and skills, they can reassess and change their plans for the future.
From our School Nurses
Upcoming Events:
May 21 – High School Performing Arts Banquet
May 22 – Senior Recognition Night
May 24 & May 27 – No school for students and staff
May 29 – Senior Class Trip
May 30 – Graduation Practice for Seniors @ 7:50 a.m.
June 2 – Graduation Ceremony @ 1:30 p.m.
June 5-7 – Final Exams for 9-11 graders
June 7 – Last day of Classes
June 10 – Summer School begins for Summer PE, Summer Health and Credit Recovery
July 30 – Registration Day