Coronavirus isn’t rare. In fact, seasonal coronavirus activity typically increases in Wisconsin this time of year, along with influenza and other respiratory viruses. Attention is heightened in this outbreak because it is a novel, or new, form of the virus.
“We know people are wondering what to do to protect themselves and their families from this virus. Our best advice is to follow the same steps for avoiding colds and flu, including staying home when you’re sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and frequently washing hands,” Ayers said.
People who are planning a trip to China should keep an eye on news reports and be aware of this rapidly changing situation. People who have returned from China and are feeling sick should contact their health care provider and let them know about the travel and symptoms before going to a clinic, office, or emergency room.
Because we are still in flu season and the flu is also a serious respiratory disease, we continue to encourage everyone to get a flu shot, if you are able.