SFHS Falconer – February 14, 2020
February 14, 2020
Upcoming Events:
15 – SnoBall Dance 8 – 11pm @ HS
17 – Band/Choir Concert @ 7pm
22 – Wisconsin Singers @ 7pm
24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 – 7 p.m. Sign up here!
3 – State ACT Testing for All Juniors
6 – Local Scholarship Applications Due for Seniors by 3 p.m.
7 – EWC Solo & Ensemble Festival
16 – Forensics Meet
19-21 – Robotics Regional
20 – End of Quarter 3
23-27 – Spring Break
A Night To Shine…Four high school band members welcomed kings and queens
with a trumpet fanfare. 
Snowball Week!
Above left pic: Jersey Day Dress Up
Above right pic: Snoball Court
Lower left pic: Visiting with Chip in the library
Lower right pic: Frat Boy/VSCO Girl Dress UP
Winter Pep Rally Fun – Friday of Snoball Week
ACT is Coming Up Fast!
ACT Testing for all 11th graders is scheduled for March 3.
ACT Prep is available during Enhancement on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students can sign up on Falcon Scheduling.
Youth Apprentice Applications &
Scholarship Infomation
Any current 10th and 11th grade students who are interested in a Youth Apprenticeship for next year, the applications are due to Mr. Koepsell on Friday, March 6th. Here is the link to apply
Attention Seniors: Applications for the Local Scholarships are due to the Counseling office on Friday, March 6th. Please see Mr. Koepsell with any questions. 
LTC Night for Seniors and Parents
Notice to Parents Moving out of the District
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-B – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.
From the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
We are full swing into the 3rd Quarter and Semester II at SFHS. I encourage parents and students to take some time and discuss how the new semester has been going and make some goals to finish the year strong. Late or missing homework can be a huge deterrent to success—now is the time to make sure our students stay on top of their work and do not get behind. 
As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 3 grades to this point. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to June 5 (May 27 for Seniors) are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
On a related note, I would like to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, February 24 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please register here for times to meet with your child’s teachers. We look forward to seeing you on February 24!
Go Falcons!
SFHS Principal