April 24th, 2024
A Message from the Principals
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As the year winds down, it is very important that SFHS students and parents are thinking about the future. Families, make sure that you are aware of your student’s course selections for the next school year. You should know what classes they are registered for and feel comfortable with the level of rigor in the courses selected. This is especially important for current Juniors who will be going into their Senior year. Colleges have found that students who take a more rigorous course load during their Senior year of High School get better grades as college Freshmen. If you as the parent / guardian are unsure of the classes your child has chosen, feel free to contact the Counseling Office at SFHS for that information.
Please also help us ensure classroom success for the remainder of the school year by assisting your student with their day-to-day academic work. As always, we thank you for your support and encouragement!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik, SFHS Principal
Brian Berlin, SFHS Associate Principal / Athletic Director
Facility Needs Survey
Dear Families,
Over the last several months, the Sheboygan Falls School Board has been evaluating our School District’s facility needs and has started investigating possible solutions as the next step in our long-range facility plan.
Now, we are seeking your input! We invite you to take a survey to learn more about the District’s needs, consider preliminary solutions, and contribute feedback to guide our next steps.
The survey is available from now through Monday, May 6th, 2024. It is completely anonymous and takes approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. You can take it online at http://www.sdsfsurvey.org.
If you would prefer a paper copy, you may pick one up at any of our school offices or call 920-467-7893.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] or 920-467-7893. Thank you in advance for your participation!
Zach Pethan
District Administrator
Mark Your Calendars
Wednesday, May 1st: HS Band Concert @ 7pm
Week of May 6th: Teacher Appreciation Week
Tuesday, May 7th: Meet & Greet with Mike Nikson @ 7pm (HS Auditorium)
Wednesday, May 8th: HS Choir Concert @ 7pm
Thursday, May 9th: AP Psychology Exam
Monday, May 13th: AP Calculus and AP Pre-Calculus Exams
Week of May 13th: Spring Spirit Week
Wednesday, May 15th: Senior Recognition Night
Thursday, May 16th: FBLA/Red Cross Blood Drive (9am-2pm in HS Gymnasium)
Thursday, May 16th: Project GRILL Unveiling @ Rochester Park (4pm)
Friday, May 17th: Jazz in the Park (5pm)
Friday, May 24th – Monday, May 27th: No School (Memorial Day Weekend)
Academic and Career Planning (ACP) Spotlight – APRIL:
What were students working on for their ACP in April?
9th Graders – Updated students’ careers of interest
10th Graders – Updated students’ careers of interest
11th Graders – Updated students’ careers of interest
12th Graders – Updated Workplace Resumes for Mock Interviews on May 2
Board of Education Updates
The School District of Sheboygan Falls holds its monthly regular board meetings on the third Monday of the month at 6:00 pm. Come join us on Monday, May 20th! You can find more information about upcoming meetings, your Board Members and more HERE.
Can’t make It? You can view the Board Agendas and Minutes at BoardDocs.com HERE.
Safety Update
On April 11th, we practiced a tornado drill as part of Tornado Awareness Month.
SFHS Life Lately
REMINDER: 2024-25 Open Enrollment
The inter-district public school Open Enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside or to remain in their current district in the event that they move out of the district before the start of the 2024-25 school year (Moving? See HERE for more information on remaining in the District through the school year). Open Enrollment will allow student(s) to continue attending school in the School District of Sheboygan Falls. Please call Lisa Berg at 920-467-7893 for additional information or check the Department of Public Instruction Website at: https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment (also check the 2024-25 Open Enrollment Regular Application Period Brochure).
There is no tuition cost for students participating in the Open Enrollment program, but parents are responsible for transporting their student(s) to and from school.
The open enrollment period for the 2024-25 school year is from February 5th until 4:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2024.
Applications must be done on the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) website at https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. A link to this site will also be available on the school web site during the application period at: www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us. The DPI website will be active from February 5th until 4:00 p.m. on April 30th, 2024.
If you anticipate a possible move out of the School District of Sheboygan Falls, please complete the Open Enrollment application as soon as possible. You have the right to cancel your application at any time and are not bound to enrollment. If you are currently attending under a Tuition Waiver, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment application for the upcoming school year.
A Message from the Nurses
Warmer weather brings a lot of joy, but it is also a time that many people experience cold-like symptoms due to higher pollen levels. We are already seeing a lot of students who report itchy/sore throats, runny noses, and itchy/watery eyes. The chart below can be used to help you figure out what your child is experiencing and to decide which medications will help relieve their symptoms.
Asthma symptoms are often triggered in spring as well. According to the CDC, exposure to pollen has been linked to asthma attacks and increases in hospital admissions for respiratory illness. If you are concerned about your child’s symptoms, talk to their doctor to determine treatment options.
District and Related Employment Opportunities
Looking for part-time work? Full-time work? Flexibility?
The District and Related Organizations have some great opportunities!
SCHOOL DISTRICT OPPORTUNITIES: Opportunities within the School District can be found using the below links. Note that if you are looking for flexibility, we are actively seeking Substitute Teacher positions which can be found under the Certified Positions.
Certified Positions – https://wecan.waspa.org/Employer/Vacancy/PublicCertified/3472
Assistants / Aides – https://wecan.waspa.org/Employer/Vacancy/PublicSupport/3472
BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF SHEBOYGAN COUNTY: Afterschool program fees are waived for children of parents who work at the Boys & Girls Club! If you are interested in part-time work, your child can be enrolled in the afterschool program for FREE while you work for the Club. Learn more about available opportunities or apply at www.ThePositivePlace.com/careers.