SFHS Falconer – October 2018
October 2018
Homecoming 2018
A Message from the Principal:
Our school year is off to a great start! We are excited about the academic progress we have made, our new Enhancement period format, and the exciting events that lie ahead this school year.
It’s hard to believe, but we are almost through Quarter 1 of the 2018-19 school year. As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 1 grades to this point. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to January 18 are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
If you have questions, I encourage you to check with your son or daughter about assignments, look on Infinite Campus for details, and/or contact a teacher to discuss any concerns in more depth. Also, many staff members are utilizing a new platform called Canvas to assist students in their coursework – please ask your child to see what Canvas looks like!
Thank you for your active support of your child’s learning and of Sheboygan Falls High School. Please do not hesitate to contact me or others on staff to seek support, ask questions, or share ideas.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
 Fall Athletics
Congratulations to all of the Falcon fall athletic teams on their continued hard work and continued successes. I am very proud to call Sheboygan Falls my home because of the excellent athletic and co-curricular opportunities we offer to ALL of our students in the school district. It is also great to see what an amazing job our student athletes as well as our fans do to represent our community in a positive manner. Keep up the good work! Falcon Pride!
Also, please keep in mind as the hunting and holiday seasons approach, attendance at school is extremely important to academic success and extra curricular participation. Attending school contributes to students having positive experiences in all of the outstanding classes, clubs, programs and athletics we offer at Sheboygan Falls High School.
Mr. Brian Berlin
Associate Principal/Athletic Director
Construction Trades Day
Mr. Teunissen and Mr. Krutzik took a group of high school students to the Construction Trades Career Day in Oshkosh on Wednesday, October 10th. Students engaged in a variety of activities such as pipe soldering, sheet metal, heavy equipment simulators, and fabrication. Jason Zeeveld, 1994 SFHS alum, was one of the presenters. 
Into The Woods Musical
The cast, crew, and pit are ready for a great show! 
Nov 1, 2, and 3, all shows at 7pm. Tickets available online or at the box office.
TEAM Talks Scheduled for All Juniors & Parents of Juniors
Parents – you received a letter of invitation in early October to your child’s TEAM Talk. Please call or email your child’s counselor if the day and time does not work for you.
During the conference, your child’s counselor will discuss the following items:
·Transcript review
·Progress toward graduation requirements
·Courses selected for senior year
·Future plans and goals
·Job Shadowing/Career Experiences
·College application process and timelines
·Available college, scholarship and financial aid resources
·Career Cruising (www.careercruising.com)
·Any other questions you may have.
We look forward to meeting with you!!!
Upcoming Career Experience/Job Shadowing Events:
Students can experience an individual job shadow (through Career Cruising) or through a group experience:
November 6 – Lakeshore Health Care Alliance – Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center, Shoreline Conference Room – 1-4pm
Explore careers in Anesthesia/Anesthesiologist; Surgical Services/Surgical Technician: Hands on exploration using laparoscopic instruments to understand technological advancements in surgery;
November 12 – Lakeshore Health Care Alliance – Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers, Michigan Conference Room – 1-4pm.
Explore careers in Emergency Medicine, Nursing, and Rehab (Physical and Occupational Therapy)
November 13 – Abacus Architects – 9am-12pm, max 5 students
December 7 – Sargento Plymouth – 8:30am-11:30am, MUST be grades 10, 11 or 12.
Students can choose from one of the following career area: Research & Development, Engineering, Information Technology, Marketing, Maintenance & Mechatronics, Production, Quality, Supply Chain, Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Communications, Safety, Legal
To register to attend one of these events click here:
Learning Beyond the Classroom
Students in Mrs. Meyer’s Introduction to Health Occupations class recently visited Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice to learn about health care careers and tour this amazing facility.
Four students competed in the Lakeland University Math Meet. Congratulations to one of our juniors for his outstanding 2nd place finish!
Students from Mrs. Meyer’s Child Growth and Development class toured the Women’s Health floor of Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center to learn more about labor and delivery and related labor and delivery careers.
– Attention senior parents: Senior pictures for the 2018-19 yearbook are due by Wednesday, December 19. Either bring in a hard copy to be scanned or email a digital image to 
[email protected]
– Old SFHS yearbooks (1998-2018) are being sold at $10/book. Email 
[email protected]
 with any questions. All proceeds benefit the 2018-19 yearbook.
Upcoming Events:
November 1-3 – Musical
Into the Woods
– Showtimes are 7 p.m.
November/December – TEAM Talks with all 11th graders
November 6 – End of Quarter
November 12 – Jazz Concert 7 p.m.
November 22 & 23 – No School – Thanksgiving
December 3 – Winter Choral Concert 7 p.m
December 10 – Winter Band Concert 7 p.m.
December 24-January 1 – No School – Winter Break
National Honor Society applicants should get a letter sometime in early November on whether or not they were accepted into the honor society. If the student was accepted, the induction ceremony will be on November 26th at 6 pm. This will be in conjunction with the Spanish National Honor Society Induction.
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