A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As we settle into the day-to-day routine of another school year, I’d like to thank you for entrusting us with the responsibility of helping you educate your children. The school year is off to a busy yet productive start. Our Freshmen were welcomed as part of a fun-filled yet informational Connections Mentor Program. Students and staff were on hand to to do whatever was needed to make sure we provide the best environment possible for our newest Falcons.
Already this year, we’ve had several events and activities for both students and staff in school, along with several sporting and extracurricular events. A reminder that our Enhancement period format includes the opportunity for students to take part in a variety of clubs/groups during the school day on Fridays throughout the school year.
As the school year continues to progress, I want to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 7 from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Please register
for times to meet with your child’s teachers. We look forward to seeing you on October 7!
Go Falcons!
High School Principal
The first day of school for 9th graders at SFHS is full of activities and learning how to be successful in high school and beyond. Twenty-eight upperclassmen mentors welcomed the new freshman to school that day and spent the day getting to know them.
Welcome to our 9th graders – YOU BELONG HERE!!!
Fall Athletics in Full Swing
Academic & Career Planning (ACP)
ACP Information: Job Shadowing
Is your child interested in doing a job shadow at a nearby company? We STRONGLY encourage every student to do a job shadow – it can teach you SO much about what is out there. For more information and/or register for a job shadow, click HERE!
Reminders from our School Nurses
Please remember to make sure you communicate your children’s immunizations to your school nurses. If you are new to the district, or have a student entering 4K, 5K,or 6th grade you need to provide a copy of updated immunization records.
We also want to remind you of the district’s policy of when not to send your children to school. This information is also on the district website and in the student handbooks.
Cold/Sore Throat/Cough:
A child with a severe cold and hacking cough should remain home and rest even though they may not have a fever. If your child complains of a sore throat and has no other symptoms he/she may go to school. If white spots can be seen in the back of the throat or a fever is present, keep the child home and call your physician.
Stomach Ache/Vomiting/ Diarrhea:
Contact your doctor if your child has a stomach ache which is persistent enough to limit his/her activity. If vomiting occurs, keep your child at home until he/she can keep solid food down. A child with diarrhea should be kept home. Contact your doctor if improvement does not occur.
A fever is a warning that all is not right. NO child with a fever of 100 degrees (without fever reducing agents) should be sent to school. Do not allow your child to return to school until he/she has been fever free for 24 hours.
A rash may be the first sign of one of the many childhood’s illnesses, such as chicken pox. A rash may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area. Do not send your child with a rash to school until your physician has said it is safe to do so.
Grade 9 Club/Activity Fair 2019
Twenty clubs and activities were “on display” during Enhancement on Monday, September 30. All 9th graders were invited to learn more about the clubs at SFHS and sign up if they were interested in joining or just learning more about that club.
The goal is for every student to be involved in at least one club/activity!
From our partners
@ Healthy Sheboygan County 2020
Have your voice heard! We need your input on Sheboygan County’s gaps in accessing mental and behavioral health care. Please take a brief 2-5 minutes to complete the survey attached, and give your input on what our community’s gaps are in accessing mental health and behavioral health care. Your voice matters!
Healthy Sheboygan County 2020 values your insight, and appreciates you taking your time to complete this. Please feel free to share widely!
Dirt Kings Education Engagement Program
On September 12, SFHS hosted the Dirt Kings Late Model Tour “Education Engagement Program” with students from 4 school districts in attendance. Students learned about race car setup, maintenance, safety, and business operations. Students in attendance also received a free grandstand pass to a Saturday race in Plymouth.
Thank you to Schueffner Racing, Justin Ritchie, and the Dirt Kings Tour for putting on this fun and educational event.
Be Prepared – Emergency Test on October 6
The District has improved our parent and staff notification system in order to alert you of cancellations, emergencies, events, etc. Though you have already signed up in Infinite Campus, we need you to indicate your preferences in the new system.
To do this, simply go to the notification page on our website and use the registration code Falcon.
Six easy steps:
- Click on sign up at the bottom of the webpage. https://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/notifications
- Enter the registration code Falcon and your email or phone to get started.
- Verify using your phone or email and you will receive a verification code.
- Create a password for your account.
- Indicate if you would like to receive alerts on voice or text message, as well as email.
- Next click on “subscriptions” and confirm your demographics using the demographics tab. Go through each drop-down menu to indicate your alert preferences.
The District will be testing our messaging system at NOON on Sunday, October 6, 2019.
The test will come from the same phone number and email address you are used to. If you only receive a message in Infinite Campus inbox, please let the office know at your school that you did not receive the test message on your phone or email as you had signed up to receive.
If you have questions, please contact Network Administrator Josh Schuren,
[email protected]
Have a concern about bullying or other unsafe behavior?
The SAFE SCHOOLS ALERT system allows you to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365. Help us create a safer learning environment – to submit a tip, please use this website:
You can also find a link in three places on our website:
1) quick link in the purple bar on our home page,
2) student resources page, or
3) family resources page.
You can also download the Safe Schools Alert app using the directions below.
Girl’s STEM Day Conference Nov 2
Saturday, November 2, 2019
8 a.m. – 1:30pm
UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus
1 University Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081
Only $10 per student. Includes lunch
Click here for Schedule of Events.
Need to order a yearbook? Order online at yearbookforever.com or at school with Ms. Enright. Books are currently $50, but that price won’t last.
Senior parents: Senior Tributes for the yearbook are due Friday, October 18. If you have questions or need a new order form, contact Ms. Enright at
[email protected]
Senior parents: Senior pictures are due Friday, December 20. Bring in a hard copy or email a digital image to [email protected]
National Honor Society Information for Parents
Junior and Senior parents: The NHS (National Honor Society) applications were mailed home last week. Your student should have received one if they met the academic requirements of NHS. There are other areas to be considered besides academics. These areas are leadership, character, and service. The applications need to be handed in by October 11th, 2019 at 3:15 pm.-NO EXCEPTIONS for late applications. Decisions will be made by the end of October/beginning of November. The induction ceremony is on November 25th, 2019 at 6 pm. Any questions, please contact Michele Franklin at [email protected]
Costa Rica Trip – Summer 2019
This past June, 28 Spanish students and 4 chaperones traveled to Costa Rica to practice and learn more Spanish and to explore the culture. Students attended language classes, learned dances, took cooking lessons, stayed with families, volunteered at a school, hiked in the rainforest, swam in hot springs, saw a volcano, went zip lining and white water rafting, toured a coffee plantation, experienced how they make chocolate, took a boatride down the Sarapiquí River, saw a wide variety of animal and plant life, and yes…so much more. Everyone had a great time!
Upcoming Events:
October 7 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – Sign up here to schedule conferences.
October 15 – Last day to register for credit for CAPP courses (CAPP Pre-Calc & CAPP Biology)
October 15 – Last day to register for AP courses to take the AP test in May
October 18 – Wisconsin Education Fair @ Lakeland University – more info to come in announcements
October 25 – No school for students
November 4 – End of Quarter 1