Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

SFHS Falconer – October 2018

Wednesday, November 14th, 2018
October 2018
Homecoming 2018
A Message from the Principal:
Our school year is off to a great start! We are excited about the academic progress we have made, our new Enhancement period format, and the exciting events that lie ahead this school year.
It’s hard to believe, but we are almost through Quarter 1 of the 2018-19 school year. As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 1 grades to this point. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to January 18 are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
If you have questions, I encourage you to check with your son or daughter about assignments, look on Infinite Campus for details, and/or contact a teacher to discuss any concerns in more depth. Also, many staff members are utilizing a new platform called Canvas to assist students in their coursework – please ask your child to see what Canvas looks like!
Thank you for your active support of your child’s learning and of Sheboygan Falls High School. Please do not hesitate to contact me or others on staff to seek support, ask questions, or share ideas.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
 Fall Athletics
Congratulations to all of the Falcon fall athletic teams on their continued hard work and continued successes. I am very proud to call Sheboygan Falls my home because of the excellent athletic and co-curricular opportunities we offer to ALL of our students in the school district. It is also great to see what an amazing job our student athletes as well as our fans do to represent our community in a positive manner. Keep up the good work! Falcon Pride!
Also, please keep in mind as the hunting and holiday seasons approach, attendance at school is extremely important to academic success and extra curricular participation. Attending school contributes to students having positive experiences in all of the outstanding classes, clubs, programs and athletics we offer at Sheboygan Falls High School.
Mr. Brian Berlin
Associate Principal/Athletic Director
Construction Trades Day
Mr. Teunissen and Mr. Krutzik took a group of high school students to the Construction Trades Career Day in Oshkosh on Wednesday, October 10th. Students engaged in a variety of activities such as pipe soldering, sheet metal, heavy equipment simulators, and fabrication. Jason Zeeveld, 1994 SFHS alum, was one of the presenters. 
Into The Woods Musical
The cast, crew, and pit are ready for a great show! 
Nov 1, 2, and 3, all shows at 7pm. Tickets available online or at the box office.
TEAM Talks Scheduled for All Juniors & Parents of Juniors
Parents – you received a letter of invitation in early October to your child’s TEAM Talk. Please call or email your child’s counselor if the day and time does not work for you.
During the conference, your child’s counselor will discuss the following items:
·Transcript review
·Progress toward graduation requirements
·Courses selected for senior year
·Future plans and goals
·Job Shadowing/Career Experiences
·College application process and timelines
·Available college, scholarship and financial aid resources
·Career Cruising (
·Any other questions you may have.
We look forward to meeting with you!!!
Upcoming Career Experience/Job Shadowing Events:
Students can experience an individual job shadow (through Career Cruising) or through a group experience:
November 6 – Lakeshore Health Care Alliance – Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center, Shoreline Conference Room – 1-4pm
Explore careers in Anesthesia/Anesthesiologist; Surgical Services/Surgical Technician: Hands on exploration using laparoscopic instruments to understand technological advancements in surgery;
November 12 – Lakeshore Health Care Alliance – Aurora Medical Center, Two Rivers, Michigan Conference Room – 1-4pm.
Explore careers in Emergency Medicine, Nursing, and Rehab (Physical and Occupational Therapy)
November 13 – Abacus Architects – 9am-12pm, max 5 students
December 7 – Sargento Plymouth – 8:30am-11:30am, MUST be grades 10, 11 or 12.
Students can choose from one of the following career area: Research & Development, Engineering, Information Technology, Marketing, Maintenance & Mechatronics, Production, Quality, Supply Chain, Finance & Accounting, Human Resources, Communications, Safety, Legal
To register to attend one of these events click here:
Learning Beyond the Classroom
Students in Mrs. Meyer’s Introduction to Health Occupations class recently visited Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice to learn about health care careers and tour this amazing facility.
Four students competed in the Lakeland University Math Meet. Congratulations to one of our juniors for his outstanding 2nd place finish!
Students from Mrs. Meyer’s Child Growth and Development class toured the Women’s Health floor of Aurora Sheboygan Memorial Medical Center to learn more about labor and delivery and related labor and delivery careers.
– Attention senior parents: Senior pictures for the 2018-19 yearbook are due by Wednesday, December 19. Either bring in a hard copy to be scanned or email a digital image to 
[email protected]
– Old SFHS yearbooks (1998-2018) are being sold at $10/book. Email 
[email protected]
 with any questions. All proceeds benefit the 2018-19 yearbook.
Upcoming Events:
November 1-3 – Musical
Into the Woods
– Showtimes are 7 p.m.
November/December – TEAM Talks with all 11th graders
November 6 – End of Quarter
November 12 – Jazz Concert 7 p.m.
November 22 & 23 – No School – Thanksgiving
December 3 – Winter Choral Concert 7 p.m
December 10 – Winter Band Concert 7 p.m.
December 24-January 1 – No School – Winter Break
National Honor Society applicants should get a letter sometime in early November on whether or not they were accepted into the honor society. If the student was accepted, the induction ceremony will be on November 26th at 6 pm. This will be in conjunction with the Spanish National Honor Society Induction.
Download Our App!
, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.


SFHS Falconer – September 2018

Friday, September 21st, 2018
September 2018
A Message from the Principal:
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As the new Principal of Sheboygan Falls High School, I am honored to be part of a faculty and school community with a deep commitment to challenging and supporting students on their learning paths. I am confident that together we can ensure our students will develop into intellectual, confident, and caring young adults.
Already this year, we’ve had several events and activities for both students and staff in school, along with several sporting and extracurricular events. Our new Enhancement period format includes the opportunity for students to take part in a variety of clubs/groups during the school day on Friday’s throughout the school year. Ask your child to see the new Falcon Scheduling!
As the school year continues to progress, I want to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 8 from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Registration for Parent/Teacher Conferences will open on Wednesday, September 26. A link to register will be sent via Messenger on that day. We look forward to seeing you on October 8!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
Freshman Connections!
All of our incoming 9th graders were welcomed to SFHS through the Connections Program the first day of school. The goal is for students to connect with their mentors, our school community and learn tools for success in and beyond high school.
Thank you mentors for doing such a great job!
Safety Drills Help Us Prepare
Safety drills were conducted at each of our three schools the morning of September 20th with minimal disruption to instruction. Students and staff practiced a “Shelter in Place” scenario with the support of Sheboygan County Emergency Management.  
A reminder that our District’s emergency information for families can be found on our website:
Fall Musical Information
Athletic Update
As an alumus and the new Athletic Director at Sheboygan Falls High School, one of the initiatives I wanted to emphasize for sporting events was educating our students about proper sportsmanship. I believe through experience that we have an amazingly supportive student section for many sporting events at our school. It was important for me to harness that enthusiasm and ensure that we are positively supporting our sports programs home and away to represent our school, student body, and the community with pride. I challenged students, especially the upperclassmen, to take ownership in a change of culture. After all, these students are the leaders of our school and if change was going to happen, it was going to be because of them. I am proud to say that not only has our student section increased in size and volume, but also in the positive ways they are supporting our athletic teams. I am very confident, though it may not be perfect at all times, that there has been a positive change in our school culture.
Academic & Career Planning Activities have started in Enhancement on Mondays. Ask to see your child’s CANVAS page and his/her Career Cruising!
FAFSA opens on October 1.
If you couldn’t make it to the Financial Aid Night this past Monday evening, here are surrounding area meetings you are invited to attend:
Plymouth High School: 9/24 @ 6:00 p.m.
Howards Grove High: 10/3 @ 6:00 p.m.
Kohler High School: 10/17 @ 6:00 p.m.
Girls STEM Day
Concussion Facts
Upcoming Events
September 28 8:45-10:15 a.m.
Wisconsin Education Fair @ Lakeland University (11th & 12th graders must sign up in the Counseling Office)
October 1-5
– Homecoming Week Activities
October 6
– Homecoming Dance
October 8 4-7 p.m.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
October 10
PSAT Testing (Juniors sign up in the Counseling Office)
October 19
No school for students
November 1-4
Musical – see above for more information


SFHS Falconer – May 2018

Friday, May 18th, 2018
May 2018
Principal’s Message:
Parents of SFHS,
It is that time of year – please encourage your child to finish the school year strong! I always tell students, “Don’t ruin 16 good weeks on 2 bad ones.” 
I have had the great privilege of being Associate Principal and Principal in the School District of Sheboygan Falls for the past 10 years. I would like to thank each of you for your support in creating a positive learning environment for students.
I will carry many great memories with me and cherish the relationships. Thank you!
Luke Goral
Senior Showcase
On Wednesday, April 25th, the Seniors in Ms. Stahlkopf’s and Mr. Ford’s English 12 classes participated in the Senior Showcase. These Seniors presented the culmination of months of hard work to their parents, teachers, classmates, and the community. The Senior Project is a multi-step project aimed at solving a problem the students see. Everything from fishing line that tangles too easy to informing people about the problems with testing cosmetics on animals were explored. Students researched the problem: its history, its causes, and its effects and presented this information in a research style paper. They then explored how to solve the problem. The solutions ranged from awareness websites and informative classes to actual physical objects. The prototype solutions were presented to classmates, critique was received and evaluated, changes were made, and the final solution presented at the various booths around the High School.
SFHS Art Show 2018
CAPP Biology Bacterial Plasmid DNA Lab
This video shows our CAPP Biology students performing a Microbiology Laboratory at Lakeland University. Our students learned how to perform “mini-prep” protocols to extract and purify the plasmid pRS316 DNA from E-coli bacteria. They also performed restriction digests to cut the pRS316 DNA at specific sequences; agarose gel electrophoresis to visualize the DNA fragments by length; and analyzed the data to create a map of the plasmid DNA.
Chamber’s Breakfast and Bagels held at SFHS
Sheboygan Falls Chamber Main Street recently held their Breakfast and Bagels Meeting at SFHS. Our Culinary 3 students and Ms. Woodworth provided the meal. Both band students, under the direction of Mr. Beekhuizen, and choir students, under the direction of Mr. Wojciehowski, entertained our local business representatives. Thank you to all involved!
Sheboygan Falls High School is back in the game at NEWSPA through UW-Oshkosh! Our quarterly magazine publication , The Talon, took 3rd overall, which is great for it being our first year doing this type of publication! Students also took home all awards for our online newspaper. Overall, students also took home 18 awards in various divisions. Congratulations!
Pizza Cutter Project
Mr. Berlin’s and Mr. Hughes’s STEM Geometry students went through the engineering and design process to design an ergonomic pizza cutter. Students used Solidworks to complete their virtual design, then download the file to one of the rapid prototyping machines to produce the handle along with the CNC plasma machine to cut the stainless steel blade and neck. Working in collaboration with Mrs. Meyer, Culinary Arts I students put the cutters to the test with pizzas they made during class.  
Wisconsin Statewide Parent Educator Initiative (WSPEI)
Training Opportunities for
Families of Children with Disabilities
What is Parents in Partnership?
Parents in Partnership (PIP) is a statewide program which deepens the ability of families and educators to improve outcomes for students with disabilities. PIP is a leadership development training for parents who have children with disabilities ages 6-14 that takes place over five weekend sessions during the year.
What is Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment?
Youth in Partnership with Parents for Empowerment (YiPPE) is an opportunity for youth with disabilities (ages 14-21) and their parents to learn about the transition process in a unique way.
Summer Hours for Counseling Office/School Counselors
A School Counselor will be available on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 8:30 – 11:30 a.m. and 12:30 – 3:00 p.m. If you have questions regarding your child’s academic and career planning, please email your counselor to make a appointment.
We will be doing schedule changes starting on registration day, July 31.
Ms. Jarosch
(Last names A-K)
Mr. Koepsell
(Last names L-Z)
Upcoming Events
May 18
Project Grill Unveil @ 4 p.m.
May 18
Jazz in the Park @ 5 p.m.
May 25 & 28
No School
May 29
Last School Day for
May 30
Senior Trip – Buses load @ 8:30 a.m., Departure @ 9:00 a.m.
May 31
Graduation Practice – All Seniors in auditorium @ 7:55 a.m.
June 3
Graduation @ 1:30 p.m.
June 7
Last day of school – 9-11th grade students are dismissed @ 11:15 a.m.
June 11
Summer School Begins (PE, Health, Credit Recovery)
July 31
Registration for 2018-19 9:30 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
More information will be coming!


SFHS Falconer – April 2018

Monday, April 16th, 2018
 April 2018
SFHS Band Trip to Colorado
A Message from Mr. Goral about PROM
A Message from Mr. Goral
The PROM experience can quickly be overshadowed by tragedy with one mistake or bad choice.  Parents talk with your teens, listen to how they feel. Talk about any potential worries or fears, along with what they’re most looking forward to. 
Tips For a Safe Prom:
1. Communicate expectations 
2. Set and maintain curfews
3. Have, know and stick to the plan
Special Note:
Due to the forecast, April 13 prom is being postponed until next Saturday, April 20. Further details pertaining to the rescheduling will be shared on Monday. The safety of our students is our number one priority.
Job Fair on April 18
Job Fair for 11th & 12th Graders
Is your child looking for summer employment or a full time job for after high school? This is the opportunity!

We will be taking a bus to UW-Sheboygan on April 18 for a job fair that includes over 65 area employers. Students must register and sign up in the counseling office.

Within and Beyond the Classroom
Combining the excitement of sport with the rigors of science and technology.
We call FIRST Robotics Competition the ultimate Sport for the Mind. High-school student participants call it “the hardest fun you’ll ever have.”
Under strict rules, limited resources, and an intense six-week time limit, Robo Riot 3418 students are challenged to raise funds, design a team “brand,” hone teamwork skills, and build and program industrial-size robots to play a difficult field game against like-minded competitors. It’s as close to real-world engineering as a student can get. Volunteer professional mentors lend their time and talents to guide each team.  This year after a very slow start at 45th place the team fought back to 24th place and were picked by the 3rd ranked team. We made it to the quarterfinals into the semifinals but we just couldn’t get ownership of the switch in the semi’s so that was the end of our season.
Please visit our website.
We would like to thank our major sponsors! Kohler Co. Curt Joa Inc., Vollrath, Sargento, Sheboygan Falls School District.
The team consists of students from the following schools.  Sheboygan Falls, Plymouth, Sheboygan South, Sheboygan Lutheran, Sheboygan County Christian High, Etude Charter and Homeschool
Kiwanis Students of the Month
Congrats to our Kiwanis students of the month for March and April. The student selection is based on:
1.      Student’s community service
2.      Student academic work ethic
3.      Co-curricular activities
4.      Leadership
5.      Overall good student
6.      Makes a difference.
Both Erin and Ben are well deserving recipients!
Congratulations to one of our students who placed 1st in Show Favorite receiving the most votes and 3rd in Design and Construction at the Sheboygan County Homebuilders Association. SFHS will receive $500.00 toward the purchase of power tools to support the construction and woodworking program for Brett’s work!
Explore Your Future Experience
All 10th graders recently attended an event called Explore Your Future at Lakeshore Technical College. All students participated in sessions to learn more about their personality traits and connections to careers, work-based learning opportunities, social media best practices and how to make a good first impression.
Culinary 3
Student chefs from Culinary Arts 3 classes visited Lake Orchard Hydroponics on Lakeshore Drive in Sheboygan. Students fabricated Tilapia and toured the facility where they grow the fish and plants. They were able to take their Tilapia back to class where they prepared the fish three different ways and thought they were delicious! A big thank you to Lake Orchard for the tour and information.
FBLA at State!
SFHS attended the FBLA State Leadership Conference in La Crosse, WI with 5 students competing in 3 events. One student has advanced to the Nationals in Client Service! 
Great work, FBLA, and good luck to Sam when she competes in Baltimore this summer!
Fun Project with 5K
Several high schools students visited the kindergartners at SFES to create Easter cards that were delivered to Pine Haven Community Home.
Yearbooks from the Archives
Past Yearbooks Available
The students in the Media Studies course have found SFHS yearbooks dating back to 1932. All of these yearbooks are viewable upon request. There are an abundance of copies of yearbooks from the years 1997-2014. If you would like a free copy of one of these yearbooks, please contact the high school office by June 15, 2018.
Upcoming Events
April 14-24
– EWC Conference Art Show @ The Rahr West Musueum in Manitowoc
April 17 and 19
– ACT Aspire Testing for all 10th graders 8-11 a.m.
April 24 and 26
– ACT Aspire Testing for all 9th graders 8-11 a.m.
May 9
– Annual Art Show by SFHS Society of Fine Arts
May 9
– AP English Literature Testing 8-noon
May 14
– AP Music Theory Testing 8-noon
May 15
– AP Calculus Testing 8-noon
May 16
– AP English Language Testing 8-noon
May 23
– Senior Recognition Night
Click here for dates, times and places of sporting events


SFHS Falconer – March 2018

Thursday, March 1st, 2018
 March 2018
Career and Technical Education Month
For Career and Technical Education Month, our CTE Educators put together a showcase of the opportunities we have at Sheboygan Falls High School for our 9th-11th grade students. Our goal is to not only make our students aware of the educational opportunities in our school, but also the employment opportunities in our county.  
Luke Goral, Principal
SFHS Sno Ball Pep Rally
Sno Ball Pep Rally
Congratulations on great seasons to our boys and girls basketball, wrestling and dance teams. We are also very proud of our FBLA and FFA members and the work the Construction Concepts class is doing at the Habitat for Humanity house. Enjoy the photos from the pep assembly held on February 9.
Go Falcons!
Athletics Highlights
The Athletic Department would like to congratulate two wrestlers on their qualifying for the WIAA Division II State Wrestling Tournament, which was held at the Kohl Center in Madison on February 22-24. Scott won his first match before losing two very competitive matches, and Kaleb finished 4th in an extraordinarily difficult bracket. Great work Scott and Kaleb!
Congratulations to the Sheboygan Falls Girls and Boys Basketball teams. Girls finished their season in 3rd place in EWC standings, advanced to the second round of the WIAA tournament, and ended with a 17-7 record. 
Boys basketball continues their successful second half of their season Friday night as they host Denmark High School in a second round WIAA tournament game. 
Seniors were recently recognized at Senior night for Basketball and Dance Team. We are thankful for their leadership.
Good luck Falcons!
Jake Beschta, Associate Principal/Athletic Director
Congrats to FBLA Members!
On Saturday Feb 3, 2018, the Future Business Leaders of America club from Sheboygan Falls High School participated in the Regional Leadership Conference held at Hartford Union High School. Our FBLA club had 27 members participating in 15 different events. SFHS had 10 students qualify for State, 1st-3rd, in 5 categories. Another 11 students placed, 4th-8th. That is 21 out of 27 students that competed! Congratulations to all!
Calendar Of Events
Saturday, March 10 – HS Solo and Ensemble Festival @ New Holstein High School
Friday, March 16 – Explore Your Future for 10th graders @ LTC
March 27 – Forward Exam for 10th graders in Global Studies classes
March 29-April 2 – No School


SFHS Falconer – January/February 2018

Thursday, February 1st, 2018
January/February 2018
Kohler Expo A Success for Our 9th Graders
All of our 9th grade students had the opportunity to hear about 14 career areas available at Kohler Company. Some of the areas included were hospitality, business, golf management, and engineering. Thank you to the Kohler Associates for their knowledge and expertise!
Opportunities to Challenge & Support Your Student
Over the past week, we have met with all of our current 8th-11th grade students to review the registration process and available opportunities for next year. I encourage you to take time with your student to review the course guide along with your student’s Academic and Career Plan. Please help your child with course selections that will best support a future career path. We are always available to help. 
Mr. Luke Goral
Helping students on their own individualized academic and career paths is part of our mission.
ACT Testing is Around the Corner!
The ACT and ACT WorkKeys are coming up soon on February 27 and 28.
ACT Practice is available on our website.
FFA Speaking Contest
Sheboygan Falls competed at the District 27 FFA speaking contest at Kiel High School Monday, January 29. Students in the categories of the creed speaking contest and the parliamentary procedure team will be moving on to the sectional competition March 8 in Luxemburg-Casco.
Winter Sports in Full Swing!
Second semester is truly an exciting time at Sheboygan Falls High School! There are countless opportunities for students in academics, extracurricular events, and athletics. It is critical that students arrive to school on time, remain present and engaged in all of their academic courses, and be at school every day to be able to enjoy all meaningful learning, leadership, and competitive opportunities at school. Please do everything necessary to ensure your student is at school every day. Go Falcons!
Kiwanis Students of the Month
Congrats to our Kiwanis students of the month for January and Feburay. The student selection is based on:
1.      Student’s community service
2.      Student work ethic pertaining to their academics
3.      Co-curricular activities
4.      Leadership
5.      Overall good student and an example in class/good attitude
6.      Makes a difference.
Both students are well deserving recipients!
Bemis Visits Business Class
Scott Kuehn from Bemis Manufacturing visited Mr. Conklin’s Business Management Class to talk to students about different career opportunities and the core values that make Bemis a successful company in our area and worldwide.
 Stay Informed
From the School Nurses:
February Tidbit Times
Volunteer Opportunities:
Check out our GetNvolved website for volunteer opportunities in our area.
REINS is looking for volunteers – check out the website!
EWC Art Show
April 14th – 24th
Opening reception April 15th at 1pm
Calendar of Events
February 10 – Snowball Dance @ SFHS 8-11 p.m.
February 12 – HS Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for 2/12/2018 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Sign up for conferences begins on January 31st at 4:00 p.m. at  
February 12 – Course Registration Forms Due in the Counseling Office
February 16 & 19 – No School for Students
February 27 – ACT Testing for all Juniors. Classes as usual for all 9th, 10th, and 12th graders
February 28 – ACT WorkKeys Testing for all Juniors – Classes as usual for all 9th, 10th, and 12th graders.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls works hard to provide parents with up-to-date information. In fact, on our recent parent communication survey, participating parents reported a 90% satisfaction with overall district communication. We feel great about that, but don’t want to assume that everyone knows How to Connect with school. So, here is a handy info-graphic of all the ways you can stay connected with your student’s teacher, school, and district!
All K-12 Summer School classes to be held at Sheboygan Falls High School
In order to accommodate the construction on the elementary and new middle school sites, and keep students out of harm’s way during the final stages of construction, all K-12 summer school courses will be held at the high school campus. District administration is in the process of planning with teachers, office staff, and custodial staff to make the single campus experience manageable for all students. 
read more


SFHS Falconer – December 2017

Tuesday, December 19th, 2017
December 2017

Happy Holidays!
Over 75 students and staff were Secret Santas to residents of Sunny Ridge Rehabilitation Center. Thank you Secrets Santas for your generosity!

Members of the Jazz/Show Choir visit Santa!

Library is ready for the holidays!

Pep band is in the Holiday spirit!

You are invited. We are again excited to be hosting a career and post-secondary exploratory event for our 9th grade students and their parents at Sheboygan Falls High School on January 10, from 8:00-10:15 am. Sheboygan Falls High School is partnering with the Kohler Company, Lakeland  University, and Lakeshore Technical College to showcase some of the great educational and career opportunities our areas has to offer. The following 11 career areas will be showcased for the students and parents at this event: culinary, front of the house, golf management, engineering, guest services, front desk, housekeeping operations, machinist, electro-mechanical, maintenance, and customer service.

Final Exam Schedule Semester 1

Go Falcons!
Luke Goral
High School Principal

Sports Highlights

Sheboygan Falls Falcons winter athletics are in full swing. Please come support the Falcons as they work to continue their early season success.
Visit and select “Sheboygan Falls” to find all athletic schedules. Go Falcons!
Jake Beschta
Associate Principal/Athletic Director
New Academic & Career Planning Website

All of our students are working on their Academic and Career Plans. Each month, students receive brief tasks to work on during Enhancements to GEAR UP for their future. Please check out what your child is working on this month – and ask them to show you.
12th Graders: Each month, a speaker from the community will address a different topic related to life after high school. This month was: Protect your Identity
Click here to go to our website.

ACT is coming soon for 11th graders!

The ACT and ACT WorkKeys assessments will be February 27 and 28, respectively. Please check out our State Testing Information. There are a variety of ways students can prepare for taking the ACT:
  • Before school/After school Prep – Click here for upcoming dates and times
  • Apps for your phone – search ACT Prep in the app store
  • Other FREE prep sites

The Media Studies class attended Bucks Journalism Day

Intro to Business Students Explore the Hour of Code

Construction Class Works on Habitat House

Students in Construction class are helping to build the Habitat for Humanity house on Western Avenue in Sheboygan Falls.

Students installed windows just before the arrival of snow. Soon they will begin work inside the house.

Is your child interested in a HEALTH CAREER?

Seize the Opportunities in HEALTH CARE
The Lakeshore Health Care Alliance (LSHCA) is again offering group sessions for hands-on educational experiences for students. The fall sessions are available online now!  The session descriptions, dates and times are currently posted online on a link through the LSHCA website at When on the LSHCA website, you will see a menu button that reads “High School Health Career Experience Events.” Click on the button, that will take you to the career experience page. Then scroll down and then follow all of the steps in order.
Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Final Exams Schedule – Jan 23-25 – Be aware – start times can be different from day to day.
For information on students’ Academic and Careering Planning (ACP), please click here.
Junior Parents – The school counselors are looking forward to meeting with you for TEAM Talks.Please check your letter for your date and time. Feel free to call or email your child’s school counselor (Ms. Jarosch A-K or Mr. Koepsell L-Z at 467-7890) if you need to reschedule.
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:  Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – October 2017

Tuesday, October 31st, 2017
October 2017

Homecoming 2017
The need for skilled trades professionals in the U.S. is growing. Between now and 2024, there will be more than 1.5 million skilled trades job openings as Baby Boomers retire, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
The Harbor Freight Tools for Schools Prize for Teaching Excellence, which recognizes outstanding instruction in the skilled trades in U.S. public high schools, awarded $510,000 to the three first-place winners and seven second-place winners.
Mr. Hughes, one of our outstanding technical education teachers, was chosen from a field of nearly 700 applicants to finish in the top 10. Mr. Hughes has developed rigorous courses and provided many opportunities for our students at Sheboygan Falls High School. By finishing in the top 10, our high school will receive a donation of $20,000 for our students in skilled trades programs.
Congrats and thanks, Mr. Hughes!
Go Falcons!
Luke Goral
High School Principal

Fall Sports Season

Congratulations to all Falcons fall athletic teams on their continued hard work and outstanding seasons! All teams finished 4th place or better in conference standings. Football, soccer, and volleyball all advanced beyond the first round of tournament play. Football won an EWC championship for the third consecutive year!  It is certainly a great time to be a Falcon! Go Falcons!
Please keep in mind, as the hunting and holiday seasons approach, that attendance at school is extremely important to academic success and extracurricular participation.  Being at school allows students to positively experience all of the outstanding classes, clubs, programs, and sports we have to offer at Sheboygan Falls High School.

Jake Beschta
Associate Principal/Athletic Director
New Academic & Career Planning Website

All of our students are working on their Academic and Career Plans. Each month, students receive brief tasks to work on during Enhancements to GEAR UP for their future. Please check out what your child is working on this month – and ask to see it!
Click here to go to our website!

High School Musical is Coming Soon
Sheboygan Falls Theater Department Presents:
High School Musical 
November 2, 3, and 4 @7:00 p.m.
Tickets are $5 for children (under 12) and seniors
                  $8 for adults
The Tickets can be purchased at the door or online at (search Sheboygan Falls).
District employees and SFHS students can receive a free ticket at the door.
 Report Cards Are Going Digital

In an effort to cut printing and mailing costs, the district will no longer be mailing report cards. Report cards will be posted to your Infinite Campus Parent Portal and you will be able to print the report card from there. The first quarter report cards will be posted no later than November 17th.  When report cards are posted, an Infinite
Campus message will go out to all parents through e-mail and your parent portal message inbox. If you need help logging into your parent portal, please call you child’s school
office for assistance.
SFES – 920.467.7820
SFMS- 920.467.7880
SFHS – 920.467.7890

Senior Symposium a Success

All 12th graders participated in the Senior Symposium on September 28. They had the opportunity to speak to a variety of representatives in their careers of interest.

SWAG Challenge for PE Students
Physical education students got to participate in the “SWAG Challenge” hosted by the National Guard and SpeedTracs. Students participated in four different exercises and competed for the best time.

Construction Class Works on Habitat House

SFHS students in the first semester Construction class are helping to build the Habitat for Humanity house on the former Maki property at 507 Western Avenue in Sheboygan Falls.

Project Grill Off to a Great Start
This school year the SFHS Project GRILL course is designing and constructing two grills. One team is sponsored by Sargento and is fabricating a grill for the Sheboygan A’s baseball stadium. The other team is sponsored by Safco/Mayline and that grill will be built for and donated to the Sheboygan County Pink Heals program.
The students’ expectations, excitement, and energy are high this year coming off of last year’s amazing grill, the Bratgriller dozer for Alliant Energy.  We proudly swept the awards at the Project GRILL
Showcase last May.
The two team leaders are poised to out-do what was accomplished last year. The teams are organized and designing has begun. The students have been busy creating resumes and cover letters, learning about finance, leadership, and brainstorming, as well as skill building projects in the shop.
Pictured is our Team Mayline Project Leader and Documentation and Marketing Leader presenting to the Pink Heals committee on the current design for their grill.

John P. Reiter, representing Knights of Columbus from Blessed Trinity Church, presented our high school with a donation check.  Funds were raised with the group’s annual Tootsie Roll sale.

Health Careers Experience
Students in Mrs. Meyer’s Introduction to Health Occupations class participated in the LakeShore Health Care Alliance career experience event held at Holy Family Hospital.

Is your child interested in a HEALTH CAREER?

Seize the Opportunities in HEALTH CARE
The Lakeshore Health Care Alliance (LSHCA) is again offering group sessions for hands-on educational experiences for students. The fall sessions are available online now!  The session descriptions, dates and times are currently posted online on a link through the LSHCA website at When on the LSHCA website, you will see a menu button that reads “High School Health Career Experience Events”. Click on the button, that will take you to the career experience page. Then scroll down and then follow all of the steps in order.

Is your child interested in a STEM CAREER?

Lakeshore Technical College Opportunity for Parents

A Note from the Nurses

According to the CDC, 40% of Children aged 5-17 miss 3 or more school days in a year due to illness or injury. Overall, nearly 22 million school days are lost each year due to colds alone, and 38 million school days are lost due to the flu.

To Stay healthy, parents should:
-keep your children home if they are sick
-teach your children to how to properly wash their hands
-offer children a diet rich in fruits and vegtables
-avoid caffeine and sugary foods
Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
For information on students’ Academic and Careering Planning (ACP), please click here.
Junior Parents – The school counselors are looking forward to meeting with you for TEAM Talks.Please check your letter for your date and time. Feel free to call or email your child’s school counselor (Ms. Jarosch A-K or Mr. Koepsell L-Z at 467-7890) if you need to reschedule.
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:  Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.

Date Set for Required Human Growth & Development Advisory Committee Meeting
Wisconsin Statute 118.019 states that school districts that offer human growth and development must have an advisory committee appointed by the school board and composed of parents, teachers, school administrators, pupils, health care professionals, members of the clergy and other residents of the school district to advise on the design and implementation of the human growth and development curriculum and to review the curriculum. Although not included in the current statute, to keep the Human Growth and Development curriculum current, a regular review of the curriculum is recommended at least every three years.
Community and staff members are invited to the advisory meeting onNovember 13, 2017, from 5:00 to 6:00 p.m. at the SFMS library.
Community and staff members interested in participating should contact Director of Instruction Mary Lofy Blahnik at District Office 920-467-7893 or email [email protected]
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – September 2017

Monday, September 18th, 2017
September 2017

SFHS Connections – Welcome Freshmen!

We are very excited for our students to have Chromebooks for 1 to 1 access to learning. With this learning tool, our goal is to boost 21st century skills, personalize content for our students, challenge them with complex tasks, and enhance their ability to challenge themselves.
With this opportunity comes responsibility not only for the device itself, but also for how it is used. The following link is a video that was shown to all students. It explains the device, students’ responsibilities, and the warranty for the Chromebook.
Also, I invite you to attend Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 9 from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Please register here for times to meet with your child’s teachers. I look forward to seeing you on October 9!
Go Falcons!
Luke Goral
High School Principal

Welcome Back Students!  Sheboygan Falls High School staff are excited to begin collaborating with students to create countless valuable learning experiences. Many exceptional experiences are provided every day at school!

Student attendance is critical in order for a student to be provided the quality instruction and resources necessary to achieve success this school year and beyond. The following are seven facts about school attendance provided by the national organization, Attendance Works:
  1. Absenteeism in the first month of school can predict poor attendance throughout the school year. Half the students who miss 2-4 days in September go on to miss nearly a month of school.
  2. An estimated 5 million to 7.5 million US students miss nearly a month of school each year.
  3. Absenteeism and its ill effects start early.  One in ten kindergarten and first grade students are chronically absent.  Poor attendance can influence whether children read proficiently by the end of third grade.
  4. By 6th grade, chronic absence becomes a leading indicator that a student will drop out of high school.
  5. Research shows that missing 10 percent of the school year, or about eighteen days of school, negatively affects a student’s academic performance.  That’s just two days a month!  Missing 10 percent of the school year would be considered a case of chronic absenteeism.
  6. The academic impact of missing that much school is the same whether the absences are excused or unexcused.  Suspensions also add to lost time in the classroom.
  7. When students improve their attendance rates, they improve their academic prospects and chances for graduating.

Jake Beschta

Associate Principal/Athletic Director
New Academic & Career Planning Website

September 25-29 is our Academic and Career Planning Kick-Off week with all students. You will be receiving more information that week!
 Financial Aid Planning Night

We encourage you to attend our Financial Aid Planning Night on Monday, September 18 at 6:00 p.m. in the HS Auditorium. If you cannot attend, there are several other opportunities to attend at other area high schools. These are all evening meetings.
Sheboygan Falls High School
Plymouth High School
Cedar Grove High School
Chilton High School
Kiel High School
Oostburg High School
North High School

Is your child interested in a HEALTH CAREER?

Seize the Opportunities in HEALTH CARE!!!
The Lakeshore Health Care Alliance (LSHCA) is again offering group sessions for hands-on educational experiences for students. The fall sessions are available online now!  The session descriptions, dates and times are currently posted online on a link through the LSHCA website at When on the LSHCA website, you will see a menu button that reads “High School Health Career Experience Events”. Click on the button, that will take you to the career experience page. Then scroll down and then follow all of the steps in order.

Is your child interested in a STEM CAREER?

Wanted: New and Returning FIRST Robotics Students!
Informational Meeting: Tuesday, September 19 at 6:00 p.m. in the HS Auditorium

Homecoming September 18-22

Theme: ROAD TRIP!!!
Monday:  Washington D.C – Wear red, white and blue
Tuesday:  National Park – Gear up to go hiking
Wednesday:  Hawaii – Dress in your Hawaiian attire
Thursday:  Jersey Shore – Wear your favorite jersey
Friday:  Hometown – Put on your falcon gear
Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 9th from 4 – 8 p.m.  Please sign up with the teachers you would like to meet with beginning September 29th using this link:  Parent/Teacher Registration
CAPP Course Registration Information – For students who are taking the course for credit. Due October 1, 2017.
PSAT testing for 11th graders is Wednesday, October 11. The cost is $16. Why take the PSAT? 1) It is good practice for the ACT. 2) It is the only way to qualify for the National Merit Scholar Program. Sign up in the counseling office by Friday, September 29.
For information on students’ Academic and Careering Planning (ACP), please click here.
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:  Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.
From the School Nurses: September Tidbit Times
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – May 2017

Tuesday, May 16th, 2017
May 2017

SFHS Art Show

Finish Strong!
It is the time of year to encourage all students to finish strong! The semester grades go on your child’s transcript and I hate seeing students throw away a semester of hard work by finishing the last couple of weeks poorly. The end of each year can be and extremely enjoyable and rewarding when students stay on track and focus on the end goal.
Plan Ahead!
This is a great time of year to sit down with your child and review his or her ACP (Academic and Career Plan). SFHS offers several work-based and service learning opportunities that prepare students for their futures. Sit down with your student and review these opportunities at our school counseling site. Feel free to contact your child’s school counselor or me with any questions.
Go Falcons!
Luke Goral
High School Principal
New Academic & Career Planning Website

 What Happened @ SFHS in April 2017?

Students from Mrs. Meyer’s Introduction to Education class were learning about health care careers offered at Lakeshore Technical College.
Sophomore students involved in Workbound were busy participating in mock interviews conducted by business professionals, while junior students learned about scholarship opportunities offered by Lakeland College and LTC.
The Sheboygan Falls High School FBLA would like to thank our Buffalo Wild Wings and the community for their support during a recent fund raising night at the restaurant. The funds raised will help out Network Design team compete at the National Leadership Conference in Anaheim this summer.

Science in Action!

Lakeland University had some special visitors in early May, when a Sheboygan Falls High School chemistry class conducted an experiment at LU.
Our Science 9 students had the task of building a maze out of recyclables from around their house, through which a marble would travel, then exit the maze and travel freely for 75 cm and stop in a bulls-eye type target.
MilliporeSigma has a chemistry outreach program called “Curiosity Labs”.  They worked with our CAPP Chem and Chemistry in the Community classes on a special Chemiluminescence Lab.

Save the Date

The registration date for the 2017-18 school year has been set for July 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.Please note that registration is just ONE day this summer and will take place at the high school.  Registration notifications, forms, and payments will all be done through Infinite Campus and convenience fees are waived during July and August.  If online registration and fee payment are completed prior to this date, the only thing that will have to done at registration will be to have your student photographed and pick up schedules/teacher assignments.
Students unable to attend registration days will be able to make up photos in September after school starts.


Kiwanis Students of the Month for May
The student selection is based on:
1.      Student’s community service
2.      Student work ethic
3.      Co-curricular activities
4.      Leadership
5.      Overall good student and an example in class/good attitude
6.      Makes a difference.
Menagerie Banquet
We had eight students published this year in the EWC booklet. Thank you to Mrs. Stahlkopf for advising this excellent group of student writers.

Mr. Loppnow and the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards  Winners of 2017

Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
For information on students’ Academic and Careering Planning, please click here.
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:  Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.
Prom and Graduation Season Calls for Extra Care and Need to Discuss Drunk Driving
According to Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), excessive teen drinking kills about 4,300 people each year – that’s more than all illegal drugs combined. Two out of three underage drinking deaths do not involve a vehicle. The earlier a young person begins drinking, the more likely they will become drunk drivers and alcohol dependent as an adult. And MADD notes that three out of four teens say their parents are the leading influence on their drinking choices.
MADD is encouraging parents to have conversations with their teens about the dangers of underage drinking as part of its Power of Parents program. MADD is offering an online flipbook on how to talk with teenagers about alcoholOnline resource for parents
From the School Nurses: Tidbit Times: Summer Safety
Open Enrollment Notice

Please click here for Open Enrollment information for the School District of Sheboygan Falls.

Beginning the Community Conversation about Mental Health and Wellness

A Community Conversation was held in early March to open lines of communication with interested community members about mental health and wellness.

On Monday March 6, the District hosted “Think Haus,” an initiative of Lakeland University to engage in community conversations. The evening’s topic was mental health and wellness and the importance of information and community involvement in finding support for those affected. The event was held at the Sheboygan Falls Memorial Library and was open to the public.

Learn More

School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890