Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

SFHS Falconer – April 2017

Tuesday, April 11th, 2017
April 2017

Close Up Club Tours the Capitol


For the second time in the past three years, we have presented the AAA PROMise program to our 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students.
AAA PROMise aims to reduce the number of youth under the age of 21 injured or killed in alcohol or drug-related car crashes, with an emphasis on prom through graduation season which is typically when many crashes occur.
AAA PROMise asks teens to make the responsible decisions:  never to get behind the wheel impaired and to make sure their friends do the same.
Through AAA PROMise, teens and their parents are encouraged to openly communicate about the dangers of underage drinking, drug use and impaired driving.
During our school assembly, we shared several teen-related statistics with the students. Students also viewed a video in which real accident victims and survivors
shared their stories pertaining to alcohol or drug related accidents. We then give students the opportunity to take the pledge by signing the pledge board (see picture below).
Please talk to your child about the dangers of underage driving, drug use and impaired driving and how he/she can be safe. Articles:
Luke Goral
High School Principal
State Testing is Here!

Upcoming Assessments for SFHS:
  • Grade 9 – Aspire Testing
  • Grade 10 – Aspire Testing & Forward Testing
For a more detailed explanation of testing and upcoming dates of these assessments, please click on:  State Testing Spring 2017
 What Happened @ SFHS in March 2017?

Physics & Earth/Space Science students visited the UW-Fox Valley Campus.
Students visited the Barlow Planetarium and the Weis Earth Science Museum.
Mrs. Hasler’s Pre-calculus students participating in a lab that introduced them to the trigonometric functions. They will relate the happenings in this lab to the trig functions they study.

News from the Associate Principal/Athletic Director
I invite you to read the linked article based on the mindfulness needed to appropriately use social media: Managing Social Media Stress with Mindfulness

Chemistry Water Filtration Lab

MilliporeSigma Chemical Company come to Ms. Clark’s Chemistry classes this week to do a water filtration inquiry lab. Students were given simple materials and activated charcoal and had to take water that had food coloring, bleach, and kitchen spices in it with the goal of making it clear and safe to drink by the end of the hour. They tested their water at the end of class and many accomplished the goal!

Save the Date!!!

The registration date for the 2017-18 school year has been set for July 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.Please note that registration is just ONE day this summer and will take place at the high school.  Registration notifications, forms, and payments will all be done through Infinite Campus and convenience fees are waived during July and August.  If online registration and fee payment are completed prior to this date, the only thing that will have to done at registration will be to have your student photographed and pick up schedules/teacher assignments.
Students unable to attend registration days will be able to make up photos in September after school starts.
FBLA at State Leadership Conference

Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) is celebrating its 75th Anniversary and SFHS FBLA members traveled to Appleton, WI to compete at the State Leadership Conference. The two day conference had workshops and tours for members to attend to increase their business knowledge as well as compete in business events. While at the conference, members were able to make connections with business leaders while touring of facilities like Timber Rattler Stadium, VF Outdoors and Houdini Museum, to name a few. Also at the conference, students were able to raise money for the March of Dimes through a Miracle Minute and participate in a March of Dimes Walk. Students who place in the top four of their event have earned the right to compete at National Leadership Conference. This year’s National Leadership Conference is being held in Anaheim, CA on June 29 – July 2.
Nurse Health Tip: Tanning Booths

The World Health Organization (WHO) has labeled tanning beds as a high-level cancer causing agent. This puts them with tobacco use as a public health threat. The WHO found that people who used tanning beds before the age of 30 were 75% more likely to develop melanoma- the deadliest form of skin cancer. To look tanned at prom choose a self tanner over visiting a tanning booth.

Adventure Experiences!

The Adventure Experience classes had a unique opportunity when the Sheboygan County Dive and Rescue team came in to present an important water safety lesson (first picture). Students then had a chance to experience what is is like to scuba dive (second picture).
Kids in the Adventure Experience classes and Adventure Club went laser tagging in Milwaukee (third picture).

Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
For information on students’ Academic and Careering Planning, please click here.
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Health Care Open House – Is your child interested in Dental Assistant, Nursing, Medical Assistant, or CNA? Attend the open house at LTC on April 18 from 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:  Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.
From the School Nurses: April Tidbit Times
Open Enrollment Notice

Please click here for Open Enrollment information for the School District of Sheboygan Falls.

Beginning the Community Conversation about Mental Health and Wellness

A Community Conversation was held in early March to open lines of communication with interested community members about mental health and wellness.

On Monday March 6, the District hosted “Think Haus,” an initiative of Lakeland University to engage in community conversations. The evening’s topic was mental health and wellness and the importance of information and community involvement in finding support for those affected. The event was held at the Sheboygan Falls Memorial Library and was open to the public.

Christie Gause-Bemis, a Department of Public Instruction education consultant, spoke with an interested crowd of approximately 30 community members. Ann Roy, director of student services, co-presented. Gause-Bemis underscored the importance of community involvement.

As more and more school districts and communities become increasingly aware of the need for more mental health services, the District is seeking to be proactive and open up lines of communication as it seeks community collaboration.
To guide its efforts, amongst other things, the District completed the State of Wisconsin’s Mental Health Assessment of the District.  Using the results, a core committee of staff members, working with Ann Roy, have identified five core priorities for the District, including:
1. Help all staff learn more about mental health, including mental illness and wellness.
2. Identify and “map” system-wide resources that exist to address mental health issues.
3. Provide opportunities for all students to learn more about mental health.
4. Implement mental health wellness curriculum.
5. Develop a clear and consistent referral process, including referral to outside resources.
Roy also presented to the Board of Education earlier in April about this topic. Roy presented these priorities and other detailed information to the Board of Education about the mental health issues affecting the schools. She explained the actions that have been taken already and discussed possible future actions. The presentation was intended to provide the Board with an in-depth look at this issue as the District plans its next steps.

Learn More

School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – March 2017

Thursday, March 2nd, 2017
March 2017
Students of the Month
SFHS, in conjunction with the Sheboygan Falls Kiwanis club, is excited to recognize a senior student of the month.

The student selection is based on a student’s community service, work ethic pertaining to their academics, co-curricular activities, leadership, overall good student and an example in class/good attitude.

Our first two well deserving recipients for the month of January and February are:

January – Megan Austreng
Megan is this year’s Key Club President and has done an excellent job in working to energize the club. She has logged over 200 hours of community service. Her leadership and work ethic have benefited the club, our community and school greatly. She is an excellent student and involved in sound and lighting, FFA, National Honors Society, Community Service Club, Key Club, Wrestling Statistician and much more. Megan’s plans include completing a double major in Writing and Psychology with a minor in Gender and Ethnic Studies.

February – Aaron Rathke
Aaron has logged over 100 hours of community service through Boy Scouts, Habitat for Humanity and volunteer work at the library. He is an excellent student and involved in Youth Apprenticeship, soccer, student council, Spanish National Honors Society, National Honors Society, and Robotics. Aaron’s leadership is evident through being our Senior Class VP, Captain of CAD design, Senior Patrol Leader and an Eagle Scout. Aaron’s plan is to become an engineer.

Luke Goral
High School Principal
State Testing is Here!

Upcoming Assessments for SFHS:
  • Grade 9 – Aspire Testing
  • Grade 10 – Aspire Testing, Forward Testing, & Civics Testing
  • Grade 11- ACT and ACT WorkKeys
For a more detailed explanation of testing and upcoming dates of these exams, please go to:  State Testing Spring 2017
 What Happened @ SFHS in February 2017?

Science 9
Freshman Science took a field trip to the Spaceport in Sheboygan and experienced what it takes to be an astronaut as well as the rigors of space travel. Students also had an opportunity to learn from hands-on materials as well as observe some space equipment. This  was an excellent conclusion to our Space Science Unit!
Pre-Calculus students are learning about linear speed and angular speed in their Trigonometry Unit.  They are making “Trig Whips” to help them understand what these speeds represent.
Adventure Experience
The Adventure Experience classes were able to enjoy a few days of skiing with the little snow we still had remaining. Unfortunately the trip to Maywood had to get cancelled due to the warm weather and rain.

Athletics Update from Mr. Beschta
Please consider the following when encouraging your student to be an active participant in extra-curricular activities:  (Mayo Clinic study)
  • Children who specialize in single sport account for 50 percent of overuse injuries in young athletes according to pediatric orthopedic specialists.
  • A study by Ohio State University found that children who specialized early in a single sport led to higher rates of adult physical inactivity.  Those who commit to one sport at a young age are often the first to quit, and suffer a lifetime of consequences both mentally and physically.
  • In a study of 1,200 youth athletes, Dr. Neeru Jayanthi of Loyola University found that early specialization in a single sport is one of the strongest predictors of injury.  Athletes in the study who specialized were 70 to 93 percent more likely to be injured than children who played multiple sports.
  • Children who specialize early are at a far greater risk for burnout due to stress, decreased motivation, and lack of enjoyment.
  • Early sports specialization in female adolescents is associated with increased risk of anterior knee pain disorders including PFP, Osgood Schlatter, and Sinding Larsen-Johansson compared to multi-sport athletes, and may lead to higher rates of future ACL tears.

Encourage your student to be active, pursue multiple activities, and improve his/her abilities, both mentally and physically, by pursuing numerous activities and challenges!   Visit this link!

Senior Nights

Basketball Seniors
Wrestling Seniors
Dance Team Seniors
Robotics in Full Swing

CAPP Psychology Students Make Stress Balls to Relax

Course Payment Due

AP Testing – AP testing will be coming up in early May. The cost is $93 per test, checks made out to the School District of Sheboygan Falls. The deadline to turn in the payment to the counseling office is March 3, 2017. Mr. Koepsell visited all AP classes in early February with information on how to register.

Donors Choose Project

Mr. Lehto used the website to raise funds for the READ 180 classroom. With the funds raised, he purchased some comfy furniture for students.

Spring Newsletter

The District Office will be sending out a district-wide newsletter to our community.  It includes stories about how we deliver on our mission, vision and commitments. In addition, it includes middle school construction updates.  In case you do not receive it in your mailbox at your residence, you can also check it out online at the district website:

Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:   Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.
From the School Nurses:  Can sleep make your children smarter?
Open Enrollment Notice

Please click here for Open Enrollment information for the School District of Sheboygan Falls.
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – February 2017

Monday, February 6th, 2017
February 2017
Gearing up for the Future
With 2017-2018 class registration starting this week, it is time to review our course catalog with your child and discuss future goals and possible career paths. Encourage your son/daughter to try a new elective to broaden their experiences. Who knows, a new experience may ignite a passion and a career path. Students that are involved are successful!
Luke Goral
High School Principal
State Testing is Coming Soon!

Upcoming Assessments for SFHS:
  • Grade 9 – Aspire Testing
  • Grade 10 – Aspire Testing, Forward Testing, & Civics Testing
  • Grade 11- ACT and ACT WorkKeys
For a more detailed explanation of testing and upcoming dates of these exams, please go to:  State Testing Spring 2017
 What Happened @ SFHS in January 2017?

SFHS Pep Band combined with eighth grade band to provide great music for a January girls’ basketball game!
Robotics has begun to prepare for competition in March. Learn more about the team by finding them on Facebook page “Robo Riot – Team 3418.”
Senior Picture Time.
The Seniors donned their senior t-shirts for the group picture for the yearbook.
Click here to learn more about the yearbook and newspaper work being done by our students in Media Studies course.

Athletics Update from Mr. Beschta
As the winter months continue and the new semester starts, it is extremely important that students

stay committed to attending school every day. Data supports that attendance directly affects a student’s ability to succeed, both academically and behaviorally, in school. There are many outstanding clubs, organizations, and athletic programs for students to participate in throughout the school year. Extracurricular programs are particularly structured to make a difference in improving a student’s outlook on attendance and attendance habits. In addition to providing enjoyable experiences and great instruction, extracurricular coaches and/or leaders can help schools partner with parents and build academic, behavioral, and social skills, as well as a build a commitment to attending school every day.

Ninth Grade Kohler Expo

All of the ninth graders participated in our annual Kohler Expo  on January 11. The students were divided into groups and experienced nine career areas available at Kohler Company, ranging from golf operations to culinary to culinary to machinist to engineer.
Kohler employees discussed what their job entails and the education and/or training required.
Amazing Artwork by Students

The artists are in Mr. Loppnow’s Drawing and Painting course.  Their paintings are currently on display in the art gallery hallway near the cafeteria.
Resources for ACT

Looking for resources to help your junior prepare for ACT? Try these:                             ACT Prep                               ACT Prep App
Course Payments Due

AP Testing – AP testing will be coming up in early May. The cost is $93 per test, checks made out to the School District of Sheboygan Falls. The deadline to turn in the payment to the counseling office is March 3, 2017. Mr. Koepsell will be visiting all AP classes in early February with more information.
CAPP US History – If your child is enrolled in CAPP US History and is planning on taking the second semester for credit, please register your child with the $270 payment at Lakeland University’s website. Click  here to register. The deadline to register and pay is March 1, 2017.
Middle School Building Construction Update

We are making good progress on the design phase for the new middle school.

Middle School staff members have met with the architects to provide their input into the plans. Several school staff members have visited other school districts to view
new schools and gather input from those school leaders. We meet weekly with the architects to keep plans moving ahead.
The Board of Education is meeting February 6 to review the plans and provide more input. In March, based on the plans for the school, we will be selecting furnishings and equipment.

Our current timeline is:
Now-April: Architectural design
May/June-August 2018: Groundbreaking and construction
August 2018: Open new Middle School
Community Conversation
On January 23, the School District of Sheboygan Falls hosted an open Community Conversation for residents interested in learning more about how the School District will make its future decisions about the existing middle school.

Here is the  press release that you may have seen in The Falls News.
If you have any questions about the progress on the Middle School, questions about the existing middle school, or any other questions about our School District, please contact Superintendent Jean Born or any Board of Education member.  They welcome the opportunity to answer your questions.
Please stay tuned for plans about our groundbreaking, when the time comes!
Stay Updated
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 13 from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.  Registration for conferences will be available on line after January 30th.
Course Registration materials will be given to students by the end of this week (February 3). Course Registration forms are due in the HS Counseling Office by February 15. The course guide can be found online: HS Course Guide 17-18
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
Reminder to Parents:   Breakfast is served daily before school. If your family qualifies for free or reduced lunch, your child also qualifies for a free breakfast daily.
From the School Nurses:  Can sleep make your children smarter?
Open Enrollment Notice

Please click here for Open Enrollment information for the School District of Sheboygan Falls.
National School Counselor Week

The School District of Sheboygan Falls will once again be celebrating National School Counselor Week during the week of Feb. 6-10. There will be daily announcements that include stress less tips for staff and students. Everyone will be encouraged to participate in different Stress Less activities throughout the week.  Stress is something that we all experience and it is important that we remember to take care of ourselves and our mental health. Here are some things that you can do to stress less:
  1. Focus on what you can control
  2. Go for a walk
  3. Color
  4. Talk about it
  5. Breath
  6. Look for opportunities in life’s challenges
  7. Dance it out
  8. Treat yourself
  9. Reminisce about good times
  10. Ask for a hug
  11. Go to bed earlier
  12. Smile
Take some time for yourselves! Thank you for your support! ~ Sheboygan Falls High School Counseling Department
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – December 2016

Monday, December 19th, 2016
November/December 2016
Looking for something the whole family can enjoy? Vote daily for your favorite holiday creation at the 20th Annual Gingerbread Festival held at The Waelderhaus in Kohler.
Hours are Sunday-Friday 1-5 and Saturday 10-5,  from November 26 – December 30. This event is free to the public. This year’s SFHS creation is Santa’s Summer Get-Away created by high school culinary

arts students.

If you are a parent of a junior, you are aware that all11th graders will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, February 28, 2017 and the ACT WorkKeys on Wednesday, March 1, 2017(more details below in this newsletter). In an effort to help student prepare, we are dedicating every other Wednesday during Enhancement to ACT prep and strategies until the end of February. In early December, we discussed math prep and strategies and this past week we emphasized the writing portion. To provide students with tools and resources, we have developed a Google classroom for ACT Testing Strategies. Every junior and their parent/s were invited to join via email. Please take some time to either visit your student’s account or your invited access to Google classroom and encourage your child to prepare for the ACT. There are also resources available on the counseling website for 11th/12th graders under Test Prep.
How can you help your child?
  1. Help your child set a reachable goal on the ACT. All juniors received a summary sheet of their ACT Aspire results. This was also sent home in August. Look at the composite score range and set a reasonable goal. Also, look at the summary sheet to find out which of the 5 subject areas had the lowest score range and encourage extra practice in that area.
  2. Create a practice schedule for your child. There are a multitude of resources available for your child to practice from an app on his/her phone to paper and pencil practice tests. Understand what works best for your child (and what he/she will actually do) and encourage him/her to practice. If we don’t practice, we don’t get better! Practice can also help relieve test anxiety.
We have offered an incentive to your child. On each student’s ACT Aspire summary page, there is a composite range (i.e. 18-21). If your child receives a composite score at the top of his/her range (for the example it would be a 21), he/she will earn an exam exemption for second semester to be used in any course.
To Parents of 9th Graders: I am extremely excited to invite you to a career event we are hosting for 9th grade students and their parents at Sheboygan Falls High School onJanuary 11th from 8:00-10:15 am. Sheboygan Falls High School is partnering with the Kohler Company and LTC to showcase some of the great Educational and Career opportunities Sheboygan Falls, LTC and Kohler have to offer. The following 12 careerswill be showcased for the students and parents at this event.
  • Culinary
  • Culinary Support
  • Golf Operations
  • Housekeeping
  • Front Desk/Guest Services
  • Engineering Maintenance
  • Engineering Facilities
  • Electro Mechanical
  • Main Mechanical
  • Buildings and grounds
  • Production
Our goal for this event is to tie what we do as a school district to real world experiences to what LTC and Kohler have to offer in educational and career opportunities. I hope that you can find time your busy schedule to attend this event. Your support in your children’s future career choices is imperative to their success. Hope to see you on January 11th at 8:00 am.
Wishing everyone a safe, happy, and relaxing holiday season,
Luke Goral
High School Principal
State Testing is Coming Soon!

Upcoming Assessments for SFHS:
  • Grade 9 – Aspire Testing
  • Grade 10 – Aspire Testing, Forward Testing, & Civics Testing
  • Grade 11- ACT and ACT WorkKeys
For a more detailed explanation of testing and upcoming dates of these exams, please go to:  State Testing Spring 2017
Middle School Building Construction Update

As you are aware, the voters of the School District of Sheboygan Falls
overwhelmingly approved the November 8
referendum question to  build a new middle school on the site adjacent to theSheboygan Falls Elementary School.
What’s next?
Work has begun to detail plans for the new middle school. At a very high level, the general timeline for building the new middle school is:
Now-April: Architectural design
May/June-August 2018: Groundbreaking and construction
August 2018: Open new school
What happens to the existing middle school?
While the existing middle school will continue in use until the new school is opened, a critical part of that plan includes repurposing the current middle school building. First, the Board intends to offer the building for sale. If the building does not sell, it will be demolished and converted into green space. We know neighbors of the existing middle school, staff and others in the community may have questions about this process.
Therefore a Community Conversation, open to all, will be:
January 23, 2017, 6:30 p.m., Middle School Library
Topic: Process and plans for the existing Middle School
At the Community Conversation, we will share more information about the process the Board of Education will follow for the disposition of the existing Middle School and answer questions.
 What Happened @ SFHS in Nov/Dec 2016?

Halloween Dress Up

Athletics Update from Mr. Beschta
The SFHS Athletic Department would like to congratulate all of our fall athletics teams on completing successful seasons.  The football team won a second consecutive EWC championship.  The Kohler/Sheboygan Falls girls’ swimming team also won a second consecutive conference championship, which are the only championships in the
 program’s history. Boys’ soccer,
girls’ volleyball, and girls’ tennis teams finished top-three in conference competition. The cross country team sent two individual competitors to the WIAA State competition, with one finishing second overall. Great effort, Falcons!
As the holiday season nears its conclusion, please remember attendance and maintaining academic commitment are crucial to success. First semester ends the third week of January; encourage your child(ren) to be at school every day and consistently review his/her academic performance in each class.

Kids Helping Kids

Several high school students went to SFES.
We made Thanksgiving Day cards for residents of Pinehaven.
Thank you Kindergartners and teachers!
Senior Expo

Seniors had an opportunity to meet with a variety of professionals to further explore careers.

Speech Pathology
Health Care
Math Classes

Precalculus students created artistic images that are made completely of functions they have been studying in class. Sinusoids, cubics, exponentials, reciprocal, etc.
To introduce the unit on circles, Geometry Essentials students investigated the characteristics of circles through their experiences of various circle stations.
Secret Santas

Many Community Service Club and staff members were Secret Santas to over 70 residents of Sunny Ridge Nursing Home. Thank you to all who participated and made a difference in another person’s life this holiday season!
Restoration Farms Visit

A huge thanks to Debra from Restoration Gardens for working with Mr. Brunner and his students in creating holiday decor!

Show Choir at RCS

Mr. Wojo and the Show Choir students performed at RCS Empowers in Sheboygan.
Update from our School Nurses

Dear Falcon Parents,
The Sheboygan Falls School District Nurses have been notified by the Health Department that there has been an increase of Pertussis in Sheboygan County. Although we do not have a case in our community, this is a good opportunity to review your immunization records and your child’s immunization records. The Center for Disease Control recommends that children, ages 11 and up (6th grade) and adults, should receive a Tdap booster. It not only gives a tetanus booster but gives a booster of acellular Pertussis.
Please read more about pertussis here:
Thank You and Have a Healthy Holiday Season,
Jessica Mattia-Barry RN,BSN and Lisa Hackbarth RN,BSN
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Co-ops are available for juniors and seniors! Co-ops are 75-90 hour experiences (1 quarter) over a 9 week period, paid at a rate of $10/hour, open to juniors and seniors enrolled in a high school technology education course. Students and Parents must attend one of the Information Nights to be eligible. Parent Information Night Sheet and What are Co-Ops?
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
From the School Nurses: Ways Students Can Prevent the Flu.
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – October 2016

Monday, October 31st, 2016
October 2016
Grades are truly only one piece of the puzzle to being LIFE READY. Our district’s vision is for every student to reach his or her full potential and to do that we need to encourage all of our students to be well rounded and LIFE READY. Students who are LIFE READY have a growth mindset that pushes them to accept failure in order to achieve true success. Please review the following researched-based information from AASA (School Superintendent’s Association) pertaining to College and Career LIFE READY indicators.
College Ready Indicators
Students are College Ready if they meet either the academic indicators OR standardized testing benchmarks listed below.
Academic Indicators
GPA 2.8 out of 4.0 and one or more of the following academic indicators:
◼ Advanced Placement Exam (3+)
◼ Advanced Placement Course (grade of A, B or C)
◼ Dual Credit College English and/or Math (grade of A, B or C)
◼ College Developmental/Remedial English and/or Math (grade of A, B or C)
◼ Algebra II (grade of A, B or C)
Standardized Testing Benchmarks (minimum score)
◼ SAT Exam: Math (530) | Reading and Writing (480)
◼ ACT Exam: English (18) | Reading (22) | Science (23) | Math (22)
◼ College Readiness Placement Assessment (determined by post-secondary institution)
Additional Factors that Contribute to College Success
Earning As, Bs, Cs; FAFSA completion; enrollment in career pathway course sequence; college academic advising; participation in college bound bridge programs; senior year math class; completion of a math class after Algebra II.
Career Ready Indicators
Students are Career Ready if they have identified a career interest and meet two of the behavioral and experiential benchmarks listed below. In addition, students entering the military upon graduation must meet the passing scores on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) for each branch of the military.
Career Cluster Identified and two or more of the following benchmarks:
◼ 90% Attendance
◼ 25 hours of Community Service
◼ Workplace Learning Experience (job shadows, youth apprenticeships)
◼ Industry Credential (Solidworks, etc.)
◼ Dual Credit Career Pathway Course (CAPP Courses, Youth Options)
◼ Two or more organized Co-Curricular Activities
Luke Goral
High School Principal
Survey for Parents

The Sheboygan County Chamber is helping the
NEW Manufacturing Alliance distribute a survey to identify parent perceptions about manufacturing.  In light of the forward-thinking partnerships between business and education in our county, insight gained from this survey should prove extremely valuable to both schools and manufacturers. Below is the link to the October is Manufacturing Month parent survey.  Please take the the survey by November 15, 2016.

Phil Wimmler came to Mr. Brunner’s Food Production class to teach students about how to gather honey.
Please see below for more information on the musical Bye Bye Birdie and tickets
The pep band played at Senior Night for Volleyball.
Students working hard in the greenhouse for Mr. Brunner’s classes. View the article highlighting our agriculture program in the issue of Wisconsin School Garden Network
STEM students incorporating quadrilaterals, parallel and perpendicular lines into a STEM project involving batter boards.
Students had the opportunity to cast their mock ballots for the upcoming election.

Come and enjoy our student musical performance!
Tickets on sale now for the high school musical, Bye Bye Birdie.

Three shows:
November 3 at 7:00 PM

November 4 at 7:00 PM
November 5 at 7:00 PM


Several high school students worked with the 5th graders to make thank you cards for members of the SF fire and police depts, the military (Operation Gratitude), Bemis Mfg, and the employees of Pinehaven and Sharon Richardson Hospice.
SFHS students donated 1,311 items for our community food pantry. We surpassed our goal of 1,000 items. Thank you to all students, teachers (and parents) who participated.
Over 50 high school students traveled to the elementary school to help make to “cheer you up” cards for the residents of Pinehaven and Sharon Richardson.

The proposal

Build a new, 125,000 square foot, 550-student, grade 5-8 middle school on district-owned property, east of the elementary school, with flexible learning spaces and classrooms providing for technology integration, collaboration for small and large groups, and adaptable spaces for a variety of educational opportunities. The plan includes a controlled, main entrance/office area for safety and a two-court gym and cafeteria/commons with a performance stage between them which will be accessible from either area.  The plan will also be ADA compliant, address on-site traffic, and provide separate bus and car drop-off areas for student safety.


The center was created in part because of a push by the district to incorporate more hands-on, project-based learning into the curriculum, not just in the technology education area, but across all subject areas and grades.


This deepens students’  understanding of academics and develops critical thinking skills that are crucial to
preparing them for post-high school education and careers that require higher technical skills than ever before no matter what the field.

Many specials guests attended the recent grand opening event.

Keeping students safe & families informed
On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 26, the district’s safety team and Sheboygan Falls Elementary School staff conducted a small scale reunification drill. The drill involved students and families who had voluntarily agreed to take part in the practice. Students were evacuated to a reunification site while parents received an automated message about the pickup location. Once parents arrived at the site, they were required to show a photo ID and were then reunified with their children. Following the drill, Safety Team members met to debrief the experience and make plans to better the protocol in the safety plan.  Please see the link below to read the Parent Emergency Guide and become familiar with the information provided.
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Co-ops are available for juniors and seniors! Co-ops are 75-90 hour experiences (1 quarter) over a 9 week period, paid at a rate of $10/hour, open to juniors and seniors enrolled in a high school technology education course. Students and Parents must attend one of the Information Nights to be eligible. Parent Information Night Sheet and What are Co-Ops?
Is your child interested in a health care career? Check out the learning opportunities for
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
From the School Nurses: Ways Students Can Prevent the Flu.
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – September 2016

Monday, September 26th, 2016
September, 2016
We’re off to a great start to the school year at Sheboygan Falls High School. I am especially grateful for our Connections student mentors and advisers who helped our ninth graders make the transition to high school.
Be sure to join us for all that SFHS Homecoming has to offer!
Luke Goral
High School Principal

Students selected a Dr. Seuss theme for their dress-up days and activities.  The
Homecoming game is Friday, September 30th @ 7pm. The SF community is invited for a tailgate party before the game in the HS gym lobby starting at 4pm. Brats and Burgers along with sides will be for sale. There is also a torte sale in the gym lobby sponsored by the HS music dept. Hope you can join us!

The Falcon Roast Java Roost, our student-led coffee shop has opened for business!

Presenter Mike McGowen speaks with upperclassmen about starting the school year with success.

Culinary Arts students created a typical Spanish dish called Gazpacho for Spanish 3 students to taste.

Come and enjoy our student musical performance!

Tickets on sale now for the high school musical, Bye Bye Birdie.

Three shows:
November 3 & 4 at 7:00 PM and November 5 at 7:00 PM


The proposal

Build a new, 125,000 square foot, 550-student, grade 5-8 middle school on district-owned property, east of the elementary school, with flexible learning spaces and classrooms providing for technology integration, collaboration for small and large groups, and adaptable spaces for a variety of educational opportunities. The plan includes a controlled, main entrance/office area for safety and a two-court gym and cafeteria/commons with a performance stage between them which will be accessible from either area.  The plan will also be ADA compliant, address on-site traffic, and provide separate bus and car drop-off areas for student safety.
Be sure to check out daily announcements to stay on top of important dates and activities.
Important deadlines for FAFSA, college information, and ACT can be found by following the School Counselors’ Twitter Feed SF COUNSELING or checking out their website.
High School Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for October 10th from 4 pm to 8 pm. Please use our online scheduler and sign up with your teachers before October 7.
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls High School
220 Amherst Ave, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085
Phone: 920-467-7890

SFHS Falconer – May/June 2016

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
Upcoming Events
May 18 @ 7 p.m.
Spring Band Concert
May 20 @ 5 p.m.
Jazz in the Park
May 25 @ 6:30 p.m.
Senior Recognition Night
May 27 & 30
Memorial Weekend
No School
June 1
Senior Class Trip
June 2
Graduation Practice
June 3, 6 & 7           Final Exams (see schedule below)
June 5 @ 1:30 p.m.
Graduation Ceremonies
June 7
Last day of classes
July 28 @ 11:30-6:30
August 2 @ 11:30-6:30
Final Exam Schedule
Families Needed!
Inclement Weather
ACT Resources
State Testing 2016
Report It!
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Experience the Exceptional?
Issue: #11  May/June 2016
Please encourage your sons and daughters to remain focused as we near the end of the school year. The semester grade is what counts! As always, your active participation in your child’s academic career is key to his or her success. Don’t forget to visit your Infinite Campus portal to check your student’s grades. You are encouraged to contact the School Counseling Office at 467-7828 with any Infinite Campus questions and/or to request access. Our teachers, school counselors and administrators are also here to help with any questions or concerns you may have.
Summer school options will be made available before the end of the school year to students in need of credit make-up and/or academic assistance.
Please note that our graduation ceremony will be held Sunday, June 5, followed by the last days of school for freshman, sophomore, and junior students on Monday, June 6 and Tuesday, June 7. The final exam schedule link is on the left side of this newsletter. Let’s have a safe, happy and healthy end of the school year!
A message from Mr. Goral, Principal

April/May Highlights
Senior Showcase
PE class kayaking trip (left),
Walk for Autism Awareness (right).
Congratulations Mr. Born!

Summer High School Office Hours
High School Office: 

Beginning Monday, June 13, 2016, the Sheboygan Falls School Offices will make a change to the following summer hours:
Monday-Thursday: 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Friday: 7:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. (middle school closed on Fridays)
Regular office hours will resume on Monday, August 15, 2016.
Work permits can be obtained Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m.-3:30 p.m. from the high school or middle school offices.
Transcripts can be obtained Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in the high school office.
The district will not be accepting deliveries on Fridays from June 17 – August 19.
High School Counseling Office:
A school counselor will be available on Tuesdays throughout the summer from 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. You can either email to make an appointment or drop in.
Ms. Jarosch – [email protected]
Mr. Koepsell – [email protected]
Registration Dates:
July 28 & August 2 – 11:30 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. @ SFHS

Registration going ONLINE
Registration will be held once again at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Please note that registration will be going almost entirely online this summer. Rather than printing all forms, you will be able to complete most information online through Parent Portal in Infinite Campus prior to arriving to Registration. If you have not already set up your Portal account, you will be receiving a reminder email from Infinite Campus to prompt you to do so.  Completing this now will help you prepare for the registration process in July.

 State Testing
ACT Aspire Testing is here for all 9th and 10th graders. ACT Aspire assesses student college and career readiness in English, math, reading, science, and writing. Sophomores took the ACT Aspire on the mornings of May 10 & 12 and Freshmenwill take it the mornings of May 17 & 19. For more information on state testing, please see the link on the left side of this page. Results will be sent home in late summer.

WorkBound Information
Remember to return the Letter of Intent for the Workbound program if you are interested in having your daughter/son be a part of Workbound next year. Signed forms may be given to Mrs. Vickie Meyer (room E107) or put in her mailbox in the high school office. Deadline for admission to this program is the end of the school year. Space is limited, so first-come, first-served. If additional paperwork or information is needed, please contact Mrs. Meyer.

SOFA Art Show Coming May 18
The SFHS Art Club, better know as the Society Of Fine Artists (SOFA), is excited to host their first ever high school art show. The skilled works of Sheboygan Falls student artists will be on display in a public exhibit at the high school on May 18th. It will an opportunity for community members to take in a night of the arts as the showing will precede the Spring Band Concert. Doors will open at 4:00 and visitors will be welcome to peruse until the beginning of the concert at 7:00. Concert goers will be welcomed to stay for a short time after the concert as well to further view the works. Admission will be free, with SOFA donation opportunities available.

Athletic Department News…
The athletic department would like to thank the Booster Club for donating over $25,000 to purchase equipment and pay for competition fees needed for athletics! The Booster Club continues to provide opportunities and resources for our student-athletes that our athletic budget is not always capable of providing. Please support the Booster Club by becoming an active member! Email at[email protected] for further details. As the school year quickly comes to an end, please remember the importance of school attendance. There are many excellent opportunities and learning experiences provided to students during the May and early June. Preparation for semester exams has already begun. Concerts, banquets, awards ceremonies, extracurricular events, and athletic events occur almost on a nightly basis. Students must be in attendance to experience these great opportunities and experience success both in academics and participation in extracurricular events.
If you are anticipating a move out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student(s) can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office or the district office to receive a “Tuition Waiver Form”. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries. Please call Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services or Julie Hahn, Administrative Assistant at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers.
The Board of Education is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students in the District. The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student program and activities.
The Board is also committed to equal employment opportunity in its employment policies and practices as they relate to students. The Board’s policies pertaining to employment practices can be found in Policy 1422, Policy 3122, and Policy 4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity.
The Board designates the following individuals to serve as the District’s “Compliance Officers”:Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7893, [email protected] and Luke Goral, High School Principal, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7890, [email protected].

SFHS Falconer – April 2016

Friday, April 15th, 2016
Upcoming Events
April 2
Start of 4th quarter
April 12 & 14
Forward Testing – All Sophomores
April 16
April 18 @ 7:00
Jazz Concert
April 21
HS Band Festival @ Lakeland University
April 27 @ 4:00
Senior Showcase
May 4 @ 8 a.m.
AP English Literature Exam in HS Library
May 5 @ 8 a.m.
AP Calculus Exam in HS Library
May 7
State Solo & Ensemble Festival
May 10 & 12
ACT Aspire Testing for 10th graders
May 11 @ 8 a.m.
AP English Language Exam in HS Library
Spring Choir Concert @ 7 p.m.
May 17 & 19
ACT Aspire Testing for 9th graders
May 18 @ 7 p.m.
Spring Band Concert
Inclement Weather
ACT Resources
State Testing 2016
Report It!
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Experience the Exceptional?
Issue: #10  April 2016

A message from Mr. Luke Goral, High School Principal
AAA PROMise and Sheboygan Falls High School aims to reduce the number of youth under the age of 21 killed in alcohol or drug-related car crashes, with an emphasis on prom through graduation season. This is typically when many crashes occur.
AAA PROMise and Sheboygan Falls High School asks teens to not drink alcohol or take drugs and to make the adult decision not to drive after alcohol or drug use or get in a car with someone driving impaired.
Through AAA PROMise, teens and their parents are encouraged to openly communicate about the dangers of underage drinking, drug use and impaired driving. For more information on the AAA PROMise program, please visit
On Wednesday, April 13, there was an all school assembly to watch the AAA PROMise presentation which highlights individuals that made a bad decision when they were in high school, how it has and will affect their lives forever. After this presentation students were asked to make the AAA promise by signing the pledge.
  • I promise not to drink alcohol or take drugs.
  • I promise not to drive impaired.
  • I promise not to let my friends drive impaired.
  • I promise my parents I will get home safely.
All students that sign the pledge before prom night ends will be put into a drawing with the opportunity to win one of five $20 chamber bucks gift certificates or a one year AAA membership. This drawing will take place the Monday after prom.

March Highlights


The pep band played for warm ups at the Bucks game.


The faculty and student basketball game.


The Varsity Golf Team (left) and Make A Difference Week – HS students went to the elementary and middle schools to work on community projects. (above right and below)

English 12 Senior Project Showcase
English 12 students will present their senior projects in anopen fair setting Wednesday, April 27 in the Sheboygan Falls High School cafeteria and nearby areas from 4:00-7:00 pm. Students chose a topic mid year, one that resonated with them personally, and they have been working on it ever since. First students did research to learn more, they interviewed an expert who could tell them what books and articles could not, and now they are in the design phase of their project, where they hope to address a problem or a need that exists.
A project-based learning model was used to develop this portion of the English 12 curriculum, which is now in its fifth year. Students further develop their general language and communication skills, and they also learn about important workplace habits of mind. The senior project, which will eventually make up a portion of each student’s ePortfolio, has the potential to create pathways for future success, as students are not only showing what they know but also what they can do.

Each student will personally invite his or her family to share in the celebration, and English 12 teachers hope everyone reading this article will mark their calendars for the Senior Showcase event.

The event is open to the public and all are invited to attend. Refreshments will be served.

 Smiles 4 Life Program
Smiles 4 Life, Inc. is a Wisconsin based nonprofit organization that provides access to quality, preventative oral care and education for students pre-K through 12th grade. They provide: Oral Screenings, Cleanings, Fluoride Varnish, and Dental Sealants. More questions? Call Smiles 4 Life at 262-896-9891 or visit their website at

 State Testing
ACT Aspire Testing is coming up for all 9th and 10th graders. ACT Aspire assesses student readiness in English, math, reading, science, and writing in the context of college and career readiness. 10th graders will be taking the ACT Aspire on the mornings of May 10 & 12 and 9th graders will take it the mornings of May 17 & 19. For more information on state testing, please see the link on the left side of this page.

Health Careers Summer Camp
Northeastern Wisconsin Area Health Education Center is sponsoring TWO Health Careers Summer Camp for students entering 10th through 12th grades. One camp is in the Lakeshore Area and the other camp is in the Fox Valley Area. This unique program is available through the collaboration of NEWAHEC, the Lakeshore Health Care Alliance and the Fox Valley Health Care Alliance.

Fox Valley Area Camp June 26 – June 30.
Lakeshore (Manitowoc) Area Camp July 10 – July 14.

The camp participants are introduced to a variety of health professions available for them to pursue. The camp allows the student to experience first-hand the challenges, opportunities and rewards of health professions. Students will reside on UW-Oshkosh Campus for the Fox Valley camp or Silver Lake College Campus for the Lakeshore area camp. The campers will participate in activities facilitated by health professions students, instructors and health care professionals.

This camp is open to any 10th – 12th grade student from the NEWAHEC service area: Door, Kewaunee, Brown, Outagamie, Calumet, Winnebago, Manitowoc, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac,
Washington, Green Lake, Waupaca, Waushara and Ozaukee counties, these students must be entering high school the fall of 2016.

All meals, lodging expense, and other program costs are provided by NEWAHEC funding and the sponsoring health care systems. A $100.00 non-refundable confirmation fee is due upon acceptance to this camp. Financial assistance is available if needed. Chaperones will be on-site at all times.
Students may apply to both camps to increase admittance chances however; they will only be able to attend one of the camps if chosen. This years camp applications are online! Please go to the NEWAHEC website at to get to the link. Please read all of the online directions. If you have any further questions you may contact the camp director Brenda Birringer from the NEWAHEC office at (920) 652-0238 or by email at [email protected].

APPLICATION DEADLINE DATES are MAY 4th for Fox Valley and MAY 6th for Lakeshore!

SOFA Art Show Coming May 18
The SFHS Art Club, better know as the Society Of Fine Artists (SOFA), is excited to host their first ever high school art show. The skilled works of Sheboygan Falls student artists will be on display in a public exhibit at the high school on May 18th. It will an opportunity for community members to take in a night of the arts as the showing will precede the Spring Band Concert. Doors will open at 4:00 and visitors will be welcome to peruse until the beginning of the concert at 7:00. Concert goers will be welcomed to stay for a short time after the concert as well to further view the works. Admission will be free, with SOFA donation opportunities available.

FBLA students competing at the Regional Leadership Conference in February. Students will be completing at the State Competition in April. Congratulations!!!

SFHS Athletic News
Spring athletics, despite the unpredictable Wisconsin weather, are off and running!  Please come and support our 149 student athletes participating in golf, soccer, softball, tennis, and track & field. Log on to for schedules, cancellations, and rescheduled events.
As weather continues to improve as we approach May and the final month of school, please remember that school attendance is CRUCIAL toward student academic success. Summer is just around the corner; encourage your student(s) to finish the school year strongly by attending school every day to experience the many exceptional learning experiences happening at Sheboygan Falls High School.

From the Food Service Department…
Silverware: Spring Cleaning or cleaning out some one’s home? Have old or mismatched forks & spoons? Send them to school! We prefer to use the “real stuff” instead of plastic for a better
dining experience. We also feel this will save the landfills from all the plastic this is in part of an Earth Day recycling event. You can drop in the office of any of our schools.
Garden to Fork…
Did you know that our school district has its own garden and hoop houses? We use the produce throughout the year on our serving lines and our culinary classes also use in their classrooms and caterings that they offer. In the High School our first few months we didn’t have to purchase much produce outside of the school district, we purchased from the garden on the grounds. This was also enjoyed in the Middle and Elementary Schools too. We also prep the produce in the summer for the freezer and are able to add to our recipes that we make during the year. The meals incorporate fresh, locally grown ingredients whenever possible. Students and parents will be able to note when we are using locally grown produce with the special notation on the menu and also noted right on the serving line. Our students take much pride in producing Garden to Fork produce for everyone.

Color Run May 14
Early Registration deadline extended to April 18

The SFES Falcon Families are already getting great response on our upcoming Color Run May 14.  With that said, we have decided to extend the early bird registrations, which includes a FREE t-shirt, to Monday April 18th.  The walk/run will be a 1 mile loop at the elementary school allowing families to walk the loop 1-3 times.  Color fun will be had by one and all.  If you have any further questions please contact Berta Lentz.

If you are anticipating a move out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student(s) can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office or the district office to receive a “Tuition Waiver Form”. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries. Please call Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services or Julie Hahn, Administrative Assistant at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers.
The Board of Education is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students in the District. The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student program and activities.
The Board is also committed to equal employment opportunity in its employment policies and practices as they relate to students. The Board’s policies pertaining to employment practices can be found in Policy 1422, Policy 3122, and Policy 4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity.
The Board designates the following individuals to serve as the District’s “Compliance Officers”:Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7893, [email protected] and Luke Goral, High School Principal, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7890, [email protected].

SFHS Falconer – March 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
March 1
State ACT Testing All Juniors
March 2
State ACT WorkKeys Testing All Juniors
March 2
Civics Exam Testing All Sophomores
March 21-23
Make A Difference Week
March 24-28
Easter Break – No school
April 1
End of 3rd quarter
Inclement Weather
ACT Resources
State Testing 2016
Community Conversations
Report It!
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Experience the Exceptional?
Issue: #9  March 2016
A message from Mr. Luke Goral, High School Principal
Please keep these upcoming items on your radar!
  • End of 3rd quarter is April 1. Contact teachers anytime for updates of your student’s progress.
  • Make a Difference Week is March 21 through the 23. Stay tuned for information and events.
  • Freshman team talks are starting on March 8. Please calendar your assigned date and time. Contact the HS Counseling office with any questions.
  • We are excited to be moving forward with the implementation of the Laude Grading System beginning with the class of 2019. Stay tuned for upcoming informational sessions.


February Highlights


Congratulations to our Dance Team on their 3rd Place win at State!


The Pops Concert was inspiring!


Business & Bagels Chamber Event was held here at SFHS. Our Culinary students provided breakfast and our choir sang.

Scott Kuehn from Bemis Manufacturing accepted LTC’s Top Tech award for their continued support of our students and schools. 

 Smiles 4 Life Program
Smiles 4 Life, Inc. is a Wisconsin based nonprofit organization that provides access to quality, preventative oral care and education for students pre-K through 12th grade. They provide: Oral Screenings, Cleanings, Fluoride Varnish, and Dental Sealants. More questions? Call Smiles 4 Life at 262-896-9891 or visit their website at

 State Testing
State Testing for our students has begun. Juniors completed the ACT and the ACT WorkKeys on March 1 and 2. Sophomores completed the Civics Exam on March 2. The Forward Exam for Sophomores and the ACT Aspire Exam for Freshmen and Sophomores is coming up. Please check out the State Testing 2016 link on the left side of the page for more details.

Freshman TEAM Talks Starting Soon!
Grade 9 TEAM TALKS (Individual Planning Conferences) are scheduled in March and April at SFHS. These conferences are unlike traditional parent/teacher conferences. The focus is on each student’s personal and social growth, his or her educational and personal goals for this year and beyond, and four year planning. We will also be discussing each student’s resources for career development, extra-curricular and community involvement.
Parent(s) are a key member of the conference team. Conferencing gives parents and students the opportunity to discuss talents, interests, academic performance, and future goals in a positive atmosphere and to begin to develop a high school plan. Please check the letter that was sent home for your date and time. We look forward to meeting with you!

Valentine’s Decorations
Several high school students had the opportunity to work with kindergarten students to make Valentine’s Day decorations for patients at Sharon S. Richardson Hospice. Thank you to all of the wonderful kindergartners and their teachers!

Ski & Snowboard Club Trip
The Ski and Snowboard Club and the Outdoor Adventure Club took a trip to Granite Peak in Wausau with the extra time off at the end of February. The students spent two days testing out their skill on the different ski hills. Some of the students were brand new to the outdoor activities of skiing and snowboarding, while others were pros. Needless to say, the overnight trip created some good laughs and memories for everyone involved.

SFHS Athletic News

The winter athletics season has come to a very successful conclusion. The dance team finished third at the state dance competition in La Crosse, which is the best finish in the program’s history. The wrestling team won the Sheboygan Falls Regional, and five wrestlers advanced to the individual state tournament in Madison. Girls’ basketball finished the season with a winning record and won a home regional game before losing in the second round of the state tournament to an excellent Wrightstown team. Boys’ basketball finished second in the conference and will host at least one state tournament game. Exceptional things are certainly happening in Falcons athletics!

The spring athletics season is just a few weeks away. Please pay close attention to the schedules provided at the following link,, to ensure you are aware of practice and games locations and start-times.
Go Falcons!

Make a Difference
During the school’s Make a Difference activities March 21-23, students will be involved in many “pay it forward” activities. As part of the fun, students will also be encouraged to dress up on with themes that will be announced later this month.
Strengthening Community. Supporting Our Heroes.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls and members of Chamber-Main Street have joined together to sponsor a community fundraiser to demonstrate support for local families who have suffered from fire tragedy and to support our firefighters for their selfless efforts to protect us all.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls Make a Difference event starts March 21 and focuses on “paying it forward” to our community. As part of Make A Difference, we may see various activities to support this effort. Local Businesses and other groups will continue the activities through July 3. Efforts are under construction as we get the word out.
Also, on March 23, Firehouse Restaurant is donating a portion of their proceeds that day to support the fundraiser. Again, more information is in the works – we will send more details soon!
If you are anticipating a move out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student(s) can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office or the district office to receive a “Tuition Waiver Form”. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries. Please call Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services or Julie Hahn, Administrative Assistant at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers.
The Board of Education is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students in the District. The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student program and activities.
The Board is also committed to equal employment opportunity in its employment policies and practices as they relate to students. The Board’s policies pertaining to employment practices can be found in Policy 1422, Policy 3122, and Policy 4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity.
The Board designates the following individuals to serve as the District’s “Compliance Officers”:Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7893, [email protected] and Luke Goral, High School Principal, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7890, [email protected].

SFHS Falconer – February 2016

Monday, February 1st, 2016
Dates and Events
February 1-5
National School Counseling Week
February 6
National ACT Testing @ SFHS
February 6
8:00 p.m.
Wisconsin Singers
February 13             8:00 – 11:00 p.m.
Snowball Dance @ SFHS
February 15
4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Parent/Teacher Conferences
February 19
No School Students & Staff
February 22
No School Students
February 29 @ 3:15
Local Scholarship Deadline for Seniors
March 1
State ACT Testing All Juniors
March 2
State ACT WorkKeys Testing All Juniors
Inclement Weather
ACT Resources
State Testing 2016
Community Conversations
Report It!
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Experience the Exceptional?
Issue: #8  February 2016
A message from Mr. Luke Goral, High School Principal
New Year’s Resolutions! 
A fresh year, a fresh semester and some fresh goal setting. What a great opportunity to set some exciting goals for yourself and show your children how to do the same. Children learn by example and what better example can you set than by showing them how to set goals?
Sit with your child and write your goals together. Write down not only the goal itself, but also why it’s important and what it will mean when it is achieved. Work on the goal with your child – but don’t take over! Make sure that your child can sense your interest and support.
You can also support your child by attending our next parent/teacher conference which is scheduled for February 15. I encourage you to bring your child with you to conferences.
Let’s have a great second semester!
SFHS Kohler Expo 2016
On Tuesday, January 12, 2016, all freshmen participated in the second annual Kohler Company Career Expo at Sheboygan Falls High School. The purpose of the event is to inform 9th graders of a variety of career options that are available at Kohler Co. and in Sheboygan County, including LTC Youth Apprenticeships.

 Smiles 4 Life Program
Smiles 4 Life, Inc. is a Wisconsin based nonprofit organization that provides access to quality, preventative oral care and education for students pre-K through 12th grade. They provide: Oral Screenings, Cleanings, Fluoride Varnish, and Dental Sealants. More questions? Call Smiles 4 Life at 262-896-9891 or visit their website at

Holiday Decorations 
Several high school students had the opportunity to work with kindergarten students to make decorations for patients who were at Memorial Hospital during Christmas. Thank you to all of the wonderful kindergartners and their teachers!

 ACT & ACT WorkKeys Testing is March 1 & 2
A reminder to parents of juniors that all 11th graders will be taking the ACT and ACT WorkKeys on March 1st and 2nd respectively. You will be receiving a letter soon with more details. There is ACT Prep available and more information about each test on the Counseling Website:

Change Can Be Hard…
The change to a new semester can be challenging for students. Here are some tips for helping your child to stress less from Psychology Today:
  1. Get some sleep – teens should get 9 hours of sleep a night
  2. Focus on your strengths – what is your teen good at doing? Whatever they enjoy will help relax them and help manage stress
  3. Exercise – encourage your teen to do activities with friends – biking, jogging, walking, rollerblading, etc – great stress busters!
  4. Do thing that make you happy – have your teen post a list of 3-5 things that bring them joy – try to do one every day!
  5. Talk to someone – when teens let others in, it helps to alleviate stress – talk to a trusted adult, teacher, counselor

Wisconsin Singers @ SFHS
Wisconsin Singers are coming to Sheboygan Falls on Saturday, February 6th.  The show will include a performance by are very own high school Jazz/Show Choir as well as alumnae Diana Dorn. 

SFHS Athletic News
Sheboygan Falls High School winter athletics are quickly approaching tournament season. The boys’ basketball team has been playing very well as they enter the last month of their season. The girls’ basketball team is two weeks away from tournament play; the girls will continue to look to finish the season strong as they look to possibly host a first-round game. 
The Falcon wrestling team will compete at WIAA Regionals Saturday, February 13th, at Sheboygan Falls High School. With a regional victory, the team would then qualify for the team WIAA Sectional. Our dance team competes Saturday, January 30th at the Regional competition; with a top-six finish, they would qualify for the State competition! Best of luck to all teams as they continue to do an outstanding job representing our school and community.  Go Falcons!

Internet Safety
Keeping Our Students Safe

One of the most important responsibilities our district has is to keep our students safe. In this day and age Internet safety is a major concern for schools and parents, so we wanted to share the curriculum we have in place to teach students how to be safe and appropriate in the online environment. 
Provided below is the SFSD K-12 online safety curriculum as well as resources for families to learn more about age appropriate Internet usage and best practices.

Attendance Reminder
As we begin the second half of the school year, it is a good time to review our attendance policy, specifically related to pre-arranged absences. Please keep in mind that experience
has shown that a pattern of regular attendance is essential to school success. This is true regardless of the reason for an absence. When classes are missed, they cannot be made up in the same manner as when a student is present for class discussion. The school seeks the active cooperation of student and parent in striving for the highest possible level of attendance. School Board Policy, in accordance with Wisconsin state statures on Compulsory School Attendance Law, requires regular school attendance, but allows legal excuses for absence for personal illness. Every attempt should be made to schedule vacations and appointments outside of the school day.

If you are anticipating a move out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student(s) can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office or the district office to receive a “Tuition Waiver Form”. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries. Please call Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services or Julie Hahn, Administrative Assistant at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers.
The Board of Education is committed to providing an equal educational opportunity for all students in the District. The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including transgender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability (“Protected Classes”) in any of its student program and activities.
The Board is also committed to equal employment opportunity in its employment policies and practices as they relate to students. The Board’s policies pertaining to employment practices can be found in Policy 1422, Policy 3122, and Policy 4122 – Nondiscrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity.
The Board designates the following individuals to serve as the District’s “Compliance Officers”:Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7893, [email protected] and Luke Goral, High School Principal, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085, 920-467-7890, [email protected].