SFHS Falconer – October 6, 2021
October 6th, 2021


October 6, 2021
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
Our school year is off to a great start! We are excited about the academic progress we have made, the re-introduction of our Enhancement period, and for the remainder of the school year. 
It’s hard to believe, but we are about halfway through Quarter 1 of the 2021-22 school year. As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 1 grades. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to January 21 are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
If you have questions, I encourage you to check with your student about assignments, look on Infinite Campus or Canvas for details, and/or contact a teacher to discuss any concerns in more depth. 
Thank you for your active support of your student’s learning and of Sheboygan Falls High School. Please do not hesitate to contact me or others on staff to seek support, ask questions, or share ideas.
Go Falcons!
Sheboygan Falls High School
Update from Superintendent Bennin
It is October! Thank you for trusting your child(ren) to our district and staff everyday. I do not think we can thank you enough and also emphasize how important this responsibility is to us as a district. We have created a learning environment where we witness our learners and educators actively, inquisitively, and safely learning each day, despite a pandemic that is still looming. 
We thank you for your patience as we continue to balance a pandemic and also the importance for your children to be in school growing socially, emotionally, and academically. We appreciate the feedback that helps us to continually improve our practices and also the grace you offer us in these continually fluid times. 
We would also like to thank our supportive Board of Education and recognize them as this is School Board Appreciation week. As always, do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or wonderings, we are always happy to hear from you and work with you to continually improve our district and create the destination district for our county.  
With Gratitude,
Annalee Bennin 
Upcoming Events and Announcements
Upcoming Events:
October 11th ~ Picture Retakes
October 12th ~ Student / Parent Robo Riot Team Informational Meeting (See Below)
October 13th ~ PSAT Testing (8am-12pm)
October 22nd ~ No School
November 4th – 6th ~ SFHS Musical Shrek (More Information Coming Soon)
November 5th ~ Last day of 1st quarter
Yearbooks are currently $50 and can be purchased at yearbookforever.com. Note that the price will increase on November 1st. Senior parents interested in purchasing a Senior tribute can do so at yearbookforever.com. The deadline to purchase a Senior tribute is October 31st.
Homecoming 2021
Fall Athletics
NOTE: An update from the WIAA regarding spectator behavior:
A spectator removed or ejected from an interscholastic athletic competition for flagrant harassment or unsportsmanlike conduct is suspended for no less than the next competitive event. The suspension will be served in the same sport at the same level of competition that the ejection occurred at. If the sports season is complete, the penalty will be applied in the next sport or sports season.
Please conduct yourselves in a positive manner by cheering for our team and not against the visitors as well as respecting officials. There is an official shortage in the state currently, part of the reason due to spectator harassment during competition. Please be aware of your actions and the ones around you to retain officials for our kids.
Congratulations, Mr. Brunner!
Congratulations to Mr. Brunner for recently receiving three awards from the Wisconsin Association of Agricultural Educators!!! He was nominated by his Ag peers throughout the state. What an accomplishment!
October Youth and Family Resource Guide
Please see HERE or click the banner below for October Youth and Family opportunities.
Reminder: Masks on the Bus
A reminder that, as federally mandated, masks are required on the bus. Please remind your bus-riders that they should bring / wear a mask. While the bus drivers do have some extras, the supply is running low! Thank you for your cooperation!
From the Nurses …
Thank you to families keeping sick / symptomatic students home. We continue to ask you to monitor your child(ren) each morning and keep them home if they have symptoms.  If your child has a cough or two other symptoms combined, they will need a negative COVID test (or doctor’s note) in order to return prior to their 10 days of isolation. Messages that are left with questions about keeping your kids home may not be answered until the afternoon. While waiting, it is in your best interest to schedule a test / doctor appointment, and you can always cancel if deemed unnecessary.
Testing: this year we are accepting rapid tests. Send a picture of the home test kit once completed and email it to a nurse prior to returning: [email protected] and/or [email protected]
Alternatively, places you can go for testing: 
  1. Call your Primary Care Provider and ask if they test in the office
  2. CVS.com
  3. Walgreens.com
  4. Prevea.com
  5. Home test kits sold at CVS / Walgreens / Walmart (recommend calling for availability)
  6. National Guard testing on Wednesdays at the Falls ADRC (note that this is available TODAY until 6:00)


SFHS Falconer – April 29, 2021
April 29th, 2021


April 29, 2021
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As the year winds down, I have been reflecting on how different this year has been for our students and staff. I’m amazed at how resilient our students are and how they have risen to all of the changes and challenges that they encountered this school year. I’m so proud of our staff who have redesigned their curriculum and classes to meet the many needs of our in person and virtual learners. 
Despite the challenges, our students are continuing to do great work! Some examples include:
  • All 9th and 10 grade students recently completed ACT Aspire and Forward (10th grade only) state testing. 
  • Seniors in English 12 presented their Senior Projects in the Senior Showcase. 
  • Spring sports are back in action! 
With the remaining five weeks of school, please encourage your student(s) to finish the school year on a positive note. Help us ensure classroom success for the remainder of the school year by assisting your student with their day-to-day academic work and checking progress in Infinite Campus. As always, we thank you for your support and encouragement! 
Go Falcons!
Sheboygan Falls High School
Upcoming Dates and Information
Upcoming Events:
April 30 – No School, Teacher In-Service
May 5 – AP English Literature Exam
May 11 – AP Psychology Exam
May 12 – AP English Language Exam
May 12 – Spring Choir Concert
May 19 – Senior Recognition Night
May 24 – AP Calculus Exam
May 25 – Last Day of Classes for Seniors
May 26 – Senior Class Activity
May 27 – Graduation Rehearsal 8:00 a.m.
May 28 – No School
May 31 – No School
June 2-4 – Final Exams (9th-11th Graders)
June 4 – Last Day of School
June 6 – Graduation
Senior Recognition Night – Invitations for this event will be mailed out by May 10th. Seniors who are invited will received 2 tickets for guests.
Graduation Tickets – Tickets will be available for pick up by Seniors or Guardians on May 12th. Note that all seats were randomly selected, and each graduate will receive 4 reserved tickets.
Yearbooks – The online yearbook store will close on Friday, May 7th. We have a limited supply so order your yearbook to remember this historic year ASAP! Order online at yearbookforever.com.
Academic & Career Planning Activities
Adulting 101: 11th & 12th Graders:
For Academic and Career Planning activities in April and May, all juniors and seniors have the opportunity to learn more about typical things an adult needs to know. For a total of five weeks, students have been participating and will continue to participate in our virtual Adulting 101 presentations every Monday during Enhancement. The presenters are from businesses in Sheboygan County. In April, these presentations included: Credit, Debt and How to Invest, Banking and Loan Basics, How to Budget your Money, and Financing Higher Education. In May, we will continue this series with General Car Maintenance, Taxes, and Insurance. Students are required to attend at least two sessions over 5 weeks and complete a brief reflection of what they learned, but can choose to attend a session each week.
Explore Your Future: 10th Graders
All sophomores are participating in virtual Explore Your Future presentations through the Sheboygan County Chamber. All 10th graders took a personality assessment and watched a video on how personality type can correlate with careers. They will also be watching videos from local businesses regarding career opportunities.
Senior Showcase
Congratulations to all of the Seniors who presented their Senior Project!
Congratulations State Champs!
Congratulations to the 20-21 SFHS Dance Team on their second consecutive state championship!!!
Human Growth & Development
Advisory Committee Meeting
Wisconsin Statute 118.019 states that school districts that offer human growth and development must have an advisory committee appointed by the school board and composed of parents, teachers, school administrators, pupils, health care professionals, members of the clergy and other residents of the school district to advise on the design and implementation of the human growth and development curriculum and to review the curriculum. Although not included in the current statute, to keep the Human Growth and Development curriculum current, a regular review of the curriculum is recommended at least every three years.
Community and staff members are invited to the advisory meeting on May 10, 2021, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the library at Sheboygan Falls High School.
Community and staff members interested in participating should contact Director of Instruction Mary Lofy Blahnik at District Office 920-467-7893 or email [email protected]
2021-2022 Open Enrollment
The inter-district public school Open Enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside or to remain in their current district in the event that they move out of the district before the start of the 2021-2022 school year (Moving? See HERE for more information on remaining in District through the school year). Open Enrollment will allow student(s) to continue attending school in the School District of Sheboygan Falls. Please call Mara Nack at 920-467-7893 for additional information or check the Department of Public Instruction Website at: https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment (also check the 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Regular Application Period Brochure).
There is no tuition cost for students participating in the Open Enrollment program, but parents are responsible for transporting their student(s) to and from school.
The open enrollment period for the 2021-2022 school year is from February 1, 2021 until 4:00 p.m., April 30, 2021.  
Applications must be done on the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) website at https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. A link to this site will also be available on the school web site during the application period at: www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us. The DPI website will be active from February 1, 2021 until 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2021.  
If you anticipate a possible move out of the School District of Sheboygan Falls, please complete the Open Enrollment application as soon as possible. You have the right to cancel your application at any time and are not bound to enrollment. If you are currently attending under a Tuition Waiver, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment application for the upcoming school year.


SFHS Falconer – March 25, 2021
March 26th, 2021


March 25, 2021
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As we approach the end of the 3rd Quarter, I would like to send a thank you to the SFHS school community for their support. We would not have the success that we enjoy here if it weren’t for supportive parents and families. I also need to make you aware of what is coming up during the last quarter of the school year. We will be having our state-mandated ACT Aspire and Forward testing throughout the month of April for our 9th and 10th graders. For more information on testing and testing dates, please refer to the IC Messenger you received on April 18regarding the specific test dates for your child. We have already completed the 11th grade testing, the ACT, in early March.
It is extremely important that our students participate fully in the testing process. The state requires 95% participation for us to be considered a passing school. The data is also very important for our teachers to be able to reflect and make changes where necessary. If you could make the next few months free of interruptions, that would help us out considerably. We really appreciate your help in getting through this very busy time of the year.
Please also help us ensure classroom success for the remainder of the school year by encouraging your student with their day-to-day academic work. As always, we thank you for your support and encouragement! 
Go Falcons!
Sheboygan Falls High School
A Message from Superintendent Bennin
As you may have heard, the CDC released new updates last week around operational strategies for K-12 schools. The Wisconsin Department of Health has also adopted the CDC updated guidance. 
Due to our District’s ongoing dedication to mitigating the spread through practices such as wearing facial coverings, sanitizing our hands, physically distancing when possible, and additional cleaning strategies, we are able to safely adjust some of our practices for contact tracing and physical distancing using the new guidelines.  
Masks will continue to be worn by students and staff at school. If/When the Governor’s Emergency Order is lifted (currently expires 4.5.21), we will continue to mask under BOE policy Dress and Grooming (po5511). 
If your family travels for Spring break, or at any time, please continue to monitor for symptoms and keep your child home if symptomatic. Contact either Nurse Lisa Hackbarth or Nurse Amber Silva for the next best steps. In addition, you can find the decision tree HERE.
THANK YOU for all your efforts to get us to this point in the school year and to FINISH STRONG! It has been the efforts of each of us that has kept each other safe and learning in person.  
Make it a great day!
Annalee Bennin
Upcoming Dates and Information
We have the opportunity to welcome back Lakeshore Community Health Care for our School Dental Program. They will be arriving on campus the week of April 19, 2021. This is a cost effective and convenient way to keep your children’s gums and teeth healthy and clean. You must pre-register your child. Contact your school Nurse with any questions!
Lisa Hackbarth BSN, RN 920-467-7880 ext. 4232   
Amber Silva BSN,RN 920-467-7820 ext. 5102
Yearbooks are still available! There is a limited supply left, so be sure to order your yearbook soon! Yearbooks can be ordered at yearbookforever.com. Contact Ms. Enright at [email protected] with any questions.
Academic & Career Planning (ACP) Information from Your Counselors:
Adulting 101 – This past week, all juniors and seniors chose at least 2 virtual presentations that showcase information that is important to know as an adult in our society. These presentations will be every Monday in April during Enhancement and will include presentation on Taxes, General Car Maintenance, Budgeting, Credit/Debt & Investing, Insurance and Financing Higher Education.
SFHS Credentials: April 9 is the deadline for seniors to verify SFHS Credentials with their counselor. For more information on SFHS Credentials, click here or seniors can access this information and checklist on their ACP Canvas Page.
Explore Your Future: All Sophomores will be participating in a virtual career event the week of April 12 during Enhancement – more information to come!
Xello: Parents – ask to see your child’s Xello page to investigate more about careers and everything we have done this year with Academic and Career Planning (ACP)!
The Addams Family
Congratulations to everyone involved with the Addams Family Musical this year! What a great performance!
FBLA is State Bound
FBLA is State Bound! Three students from the Management Information Systems Team have qualified during Phase 1 of State Testing to compete as finalists! They will create a presentation, record and submit to the judges. Virtual state is April 12. Well done, Team!
Winter Athletics
Date Set for Required Human Growth & Development Advisory Committee Meeting
Wisconsin Statute 118.019 states that school districts that offer human growth and development must have an advisory committee appointed by the school board and composed of parents, teachers, school administrators, pupils, health care professionals, members of the clergy and other residents of the school district to advise on the design and implementation of the human growth and development curriculum and to review the curriculum. Although not included in the current statute, to keep the Human Growth and Development curriculum current, a regular review of the curriculum is recommended at least every three years.
Community and staff members are invited to the advisory meeting on May 10, 2021, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm in the library at Sheboygan Falls High School.
Community and staff members interested in participating should contact Director of Instruction Mary Lofy Blahnik at District Office 920-467-7893 or email [email protected]
2021-2022 Open Enrollment
The inter-district public school Open Enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside or to remain in their current district in the event that they move out of the district before the start of the 2021-2022 school year (Moving? See HERE for more information on remaining in District through the school year). Open Enrollment will allow student(s) to continue attending school in the School District of Sheboygan Falls. Please call Mara Nack at 920-467-7893 for additional information or check the Department of Public Instruction Website at: https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment (also check the 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Regular Application Period Brochure).
There is no tuition cost for students participating in the Open Enrollment program, but parents are responsible for transporting their student(s) to and from school.
The open enrollment period for the 2021-2022 school year is from February 1, 2021 until 4:00 p.m., April 30, 2021.  
Applications must be done on the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) website at https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. A link to this site will also be available on the school web site during the application period at: www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us. The DPI website will be active from February 1, 2021 until 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2021.  
If you anticipate a possible move out of the School District of Sheboygan Falls, please complete the Open Enrollment application as soon as possible. You have the right to cancel your application at any time and are not bound to enrollment. If you are currently attending under a Tuition Waiver, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment application for the upcoming school year.


SFHS Falconer – February 5, 2021
February 5th, 2021


February 5, 2021
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
We are full swing into the 3rd Quarter and Semester II at SFHS. I encourage parents and students to take some time to discuss how the new semester has been going and make some goals to finish this quarter and semester strong. Late or missing homework can be a huge deterrent to success—now is the time to make sure our students stay on top of their work and do not get behind. 
We are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 3 grades to this point in Infinite Campus. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to June 4 (May 25 for Seniors) are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
On a related note, I would like to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, February 22 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please look at the Upcoming Dates and Information section below for how to register for conferences. We look forward to working together for your child’s success.
Go Falcons!  
Sheboygan Falls High School
A Message from Our Nurses
With cough and cold season upon us, we’d like to review what are considered COVID symptoms and therefore require your child to stay home:
ONE of the following: cough, trouble breathing, or loss of taste/smell
TWO of the following: congestion, sore throat, fever, headache, body aches, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fatigue
We are asking that adults being tested for COVID to please have their children stay home, even if they are not showing symptoms, until test results are received.
Siblings of children being tested should also stay home.
If you are unsure if you or your child needs to be tested, PLEASE keep all household members home until you speak with a school nurse or your family physician.
Help us stay open, by keeping your sick child(ren) home.
Please work with a School Nurse who will help you determine what day it is safe for your child(ren) to return to school.
Amber Silva, BSN RN (920) 467-7820 x 5102  
Lisa Hackbarth, BSN RN (920) 467-7880x 4232
Upcoming Dates and Information
February 15
Any interested 10th and 11th graders – Virtual Youth Apprentice Information Night from 5:30 – 7:30. Click here to register.
February 22
Virtual Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for February 22 from 4-7 p.m. Please click here to sign up.
February 26
No School for Students
March 5
Scholarship deadline for seniors is March 5th. Any seniors interested in applying for the Herbert V. Kohler or Ruth DeYoung Kohler Scholarship, the deadlines are quickly approaching – February 12th for HVK and March 1st for RDK. Click here to view list.
March 9
ACT Testing for all 11th graders at SFHS/Virtual Learning Day for 9, 10, and 12 graders.
March 11, 12, & 13 @ 7 p.m.
Musical – The Addams Family
The live audience will be limited to the family of the student in the cast, crew, and pit. A livestream will be available. 
Yearbooks are available while supplies last! Order one here.
State Testing Information for Grades 9, 10, & 11
Prom 2021
As the situation involving Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to evolve, Sheboygan Falls High School has been closely monitoring our local data and working with Sheboygan County Health Department. The health and safety of our students and chaperones will always be our number one priority. As you are aware, all matters pertaining to COVID-19 are very fluid, sometimes changing daily. 
We continue to remain hopeful of holding in-person events during the spring. We will continue to monitor and intend to communicate a final decision regarding Prom 2021 by March 1, 2021. As always, we appreciate your patience and understanding.
You Can Make a Difference!
Blood & Bone Marrow Drive
Blood and bone marrow are in high demand with patients often waiting for these transfusions even when the need is dire! YOU can make a difference!  
Blood Drive / Bone Marrow Drive
Friday, March 5, 2021
The Bull at Pinehurst Farms
The Manor, One Long Drive, Sheboygan Falls
1:00-6:00 pm
Please use this LINK to sign up for an appointment – note that after school times are currently being held for our district and will be open to the public soon. Grab your appointment time now!
For anyone who wishes to be added to the Bone Marrow National Registry but is not able to attend the Blood Drive, there is also a virtual bone marrow swab drive happening. Click HERE to find out how you can participate. 
How Fast is Your Internet?
DPI is collaborating with Measurement Lab (M-Lab) to collect data on internet connection speeds across Wisconsin. DPI will use M-Lab’s internet speed test data to create detailed reports and to provide maps of internet speeds across the state. These reports can help the Governor’s Task Force on Broadband Access and other broadband task groups target initiatives to improve internet speeds and performance.
You can help add to this data by testing your internet connection speeds. The URL to link to is https://speed.measurementlab.net/#/. Please take the speed test SEVERAL TIMES–the more Wisconsin data there is the more accurate picture we have about internet connection speeds across the state.
Winter Athletics
2021-2022 Open Enrollment
The inter-district public school Open Enrollment program allows parents to apply for their children to attend public school in a school district other than the one in which they reside or to remain in their current district in the event that they move out of the district before the start of the 2021-2022 school year (Moving? See HERE for more information on remaining in District through the school year). Open Enrollment will allow student(s) to continue attending school in the School District of Sheboygan Falls. Please call Mara Nack at 920-467-7893 for additional information or check the Department of Public Instruction Website at: https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment (also check the 2021-2022 Open Enrollment Regular Application Period Brochure).
There is no tuition cost for students participating in the Open Enrollment program, but parents are responsible for transporting their student(s) to and from school.
The open enrollment period for the 2021-2022 school year is from February 1, 2021 until 4:00 p.m., April 30, 2021.  
Applications must be done on the DPI (Department of Public Instruction) website at https://dpi.wi.gov/open-enrollment. A link to this site will also be available on the school web site during the application period at: www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us. The DPI website will be active from February 1, 2021 until 4:00 p.m. on April 30, 2021.  
If you anticipate a possible move out of the School District of Sheboygan Falls, please complete the Open Enrollment application as soon as possible. You have the right to cancel your application at any time and are not bound to enrollment. If you are currently attending under a Tuition Waiver, you will need to complete an Open Enrollment application for the upcoming school year.
Key Club Food Drive
SFHS Key Club held a food drive at the school as a competition between all of the homerooms. There were 231 items collected and donated to the Sheboygan County Food B. The winning class was Mr. Henney’s homeroom. Thanks to all who donated!
Seeking Substitute Teachers
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is actively seeking substitute teachers for immediate placement in classrooms.
In order to keep schools open for face to face learning, the District is seeking anyone with a teaching license or a bachelor’s degree to assist in filling open positions. Emergency licenses or permits may be granted to qualified applicants. You do not need a teaching license to substitute, as a bachelor’s degree qualifies you to be a substitute teacher.
For more information, please click here.


SFHS Falconer – December 11, 2020
December 14th, 2020


December 11, 2020
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
We hope you had a restful and rejuvenating Thanksgiving and November. As the spirit of the holiday season is upon us, the SFHS would like to wish all of you a joyous and healthy December. I would like to say thank you to our students, parents, and community members for all of their support during these unprecedented times.
While we have just four weeks of classes until Semester I ends, we want to encourage all students to remain engaged every day. It is very important that students maintain an instructional routine to maximize their learning. Course content is progressing and it is imperative for students to keep up with their school work. Parents, please be sure to periodically check your child’s progress on Infinite Campus and/or through Canvas. 
We at SFHS wish each and every one of you a safe and fulfilling holiday season. Thank you for your continued support of our mission of educating our next generation. 
Go Falcons!  
Sheboygan Falls High School
Reminder: School Calendar Changes for December
A reminder that the Board of Education made changes to the school calendar to allow our staff additional in-service days and time as they balance in-person, virtual and hybrid learning. Please adjust your family calendars accordingly. 
December 21 – in-service for staff, no school for students
December 22 – no school for staff or students
January 4 – return to school
Lunch Order Form for the Week of December 21
Even though students will be on vacation, our Nutrition Team will still be preparing free meals for all students.
If you are interested in getting meals for the week of December 21, please fill out this form (https://forms.gle/3mTunATch1Ybk2Pu9).
Meals will be available for pick up on December 21 in two location/times:
1) the FRONT drive of the middle school on Monday, Dec 21 from 10am to 11am, 
2) the FRONT drive of the high school on Monday, Dec 21 from 3 to 4 pm.
This order form is due noon on TUESDAY, December 15 for meals to be picked up on December 21.
PLEASE NOTE: You must complete one form per child.  
There will be no meal distribution on December 28. We will resume meal distribution on January 4.
COVID Exposure and Quarantining
Wondering what the newly released recommendations from the CDC and the Sheboygan County Health Department mean for quarantining and how long to quarantine in general in cases of COVID exposure? Click HERE for guidance.
In addition, in case you missed it, HERE is a message from Superintendent Annalee Bennin, on the updated guidelines and what they mean for the School District.
All families received a letter from Superintendent Bennin on December 10 regarding our District status and CDC/Sheboygan County Health Department updates. It is important that you read here.
Fall / Winter Athletics
Academic & Career Planning (ACP) Updates
State Testing Information – Parents, please click here for tentative dates for upcoming state testing for grades 9-11.
Local Scholarships – Seniors can start applying for local scholarships starting December 14. Mr. Koepsell will be presenting the application procedures to all senior English classes December 14 and 15.
Virtual Job Shadows Available – Any student can investigate a variety of career opportunities through Inspire Sheboygan County. All virtual job shadows are recorded. As long as your child is registered, he/she will receive the recording of the job shadow.
Spreading Some Holiday Cheer
In case you missed the Main Street Memories parade on Saturday, December 5, here are some videos of the SFHS drumline and brass ensemble.
Youth & Family Resource Opportunities
December 2020
Check out these December Youth and Family Resources HERE
From Our School Nurses
Midterm for Quarter 2
Friday, December 11 is our midterm for Quarter 2. Please check your child’s grades in Infinite Campus as the will be updated and posted Friday.
January A/B Day Calendar
Please note that the first day of finals is usually an adjusted schedule (one final exam held that day). It will be an adjusted “B” day schedule (1/20).
Seeking Substitute Teachers
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is actively seeking substitute teachers for immediate placement in classrooms.
In order to keep schools open for face to face learning, the District is seeking anyone with a teaching license or a bachelor’s degree to assist in filling open positions. Emergency licenses or permits may be granted to qualified applicants. You do not need a teaching license to substitute, as a bachelor’s degree qualifies you to be a substitute teacher.
For more information, please click here.


SFHS Falconer – October 30, 2020
October 30th, 2020


October 30, 2020
Dear Students and Families,
Even though COVID-19 has required us to make significant changes to the way we operate, our school year is off to a great start! It’s hard to believe, but we are almost through Quarter 1 of the 2020-2021 school year. As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 1 grades to this point. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, grades at any point prior to January 22 are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
If you have questions, I encourage you to check with your son or daughter about assignments, look on Infinite Campus or Canvas for details, and/or contact a teacher to discuss any concerns in more depth. 
Thank you for your active support of your child’s learning and of Sheboygan Falls High School. Please do not hesitate to contact me or others on staff to seek support, ask questions, or share ideas.
Go Falcons!  
Sheboygan Falls High School
School Calendar Changes for November and December
The Board of Education met this week and made changes to the school calendar to allow our staff additional in-service days and time as they balance in-person, virtual and hybrid learning. Please adjust your family calendars accordingly. Your child(ren) have been working hard and hopefully enjoy the time. As always, reading is one of the fundamental stepping stones to learning. Encourage your child to spend time with a favorite book on these days. The District will seek feedback about additional days, if needed, for the second semester.
November 13 – in-service for staff, no school for students
November 25 – no school for staff or students
December 21 – in-service for staff, no school for students
December 22 – no school for staff or students
Click here for the revised November A/B Schedule at SFHS.
Fall Athletics
National Merit Semifinalist
Sheboygan Falls High School senior Josh DeRuyter has been named as a Semifinalist for the National Merit Scholarship Program. 
The National Merit Scholarship Corporation (NMSC) announced the names of approximately 16,000 Semifinalists in the 66th annual National Merit Scholarship Program. These academically talented high school seniors have an opportunity to continue in the competition for some 7,600 National Merit Scholarships worth more than $30 million that will be offered next spring. To be considered for a Merit Scholarship® award, Semifinalists must fulfill several requirements to advance to the Finalist level of the competition. Over 90% of the Semifinalists are expected to attain Finalist standing, and more than half of the Finalists will win a National Merit Scholarship, earning the Merit Scholar® title. 
Over 1.5 million juniors in approximately 21,000 high schools entered the 2021 National Merit Scholarship Program by taking the 2019 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®), which served as an initial screen of program entrants. The nationwide pool of Semifinalists, representing less than 1% of US high school seniors, includes the highest-scoring entrants in each state. 
Isolate? Quarantine?
Whether to isolate or quarantine can be confusing, the below assists in explaining the differences.
Sheboygan Country School Superintendent and
Health Department Communication
The Sheboygan County school superintendents, in conjunction with the health department, recently sent a communication to all school families imploring them to follow health and safety guidelines in order to maintain in-person instruction in our schools. As we contact trace, we have found that the cases enter our schools and are contracted outside of our buildings. We have been able to move swiftly and accurately to minimize spread, and are asking for our family and community help. We are all in this together and want our current learning model of in-person learning to be sustained. The letter is shared again here.  
Case in School Letters
As of this week, we will no longer send the Case in School letters via Infinite Campus, as our families have indicated “letter fatigue.” We have instead started a “tracker” on our website. This is updated weekly so that families can be informed of positive cases as well as the number of quarantined students each week. The tracker can be found in the right navigation area on this page: https://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/district/covid-19 .
This tracker will be updated each Friday by our district nurses.   Note that close contacts will continue to receive communication directly from the school and county health department.
Connections Freshman Transition
It seems so long ago that we welcomed our freshmen to a new school year! It may have looked different this year, but the Connections Program was ready to help to make a smooth transition.
Homecoming 2020
Homecoming looked different this year, but from plaid day to dress up day to Falcon pride day to watching a virtual pep rally – we didn’t lose our school spirit!
GREAT NEWS! Free Breakfast and Lunch
for the rest of the school year!
We notified our families in September that free meals for ALL students were available until the end of December for both virtual and in-person students.
We have recently been notified that this has been extended until the end of the school year, unless federal funding runs out. Please watch the video to learn more. Students’ accounts will reflect that students received the meals with a no charged indicated. The only exception is when students choose ala carte items.
Seeking Substitute Teachers
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is actively seeking substitute teachers for immediate placement in classrooms.
In order to keep schools open for face to face learning, the District is seeking anyone with a teaching license or a bachelor’s degree to assist in filling open positions. Emergency licenses or permits may be granted to qualified applicants. You do not need a teaching license to substitute, as a bachelor’s degree qualifies you to be a substitute teacher.
For more information, please click here.


SFHS Falconer – August 14, 2020
August 20th, 2020


August 14, 2020
A Responsible Return to School
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
We are less than one month away from the first day of classes, and activity on campus reflects that fact. We continue to prepare classrooms, labs, and common areas to welcome students back to school with our Responsible Return to school plan.
While the Fall of 2020 will bring back the in-person experience for our students, it is important to recognize that we are not yet back to “normal.” Our students and staff will be adjusting to a new daily schedule, smaller gatherings, physical distancing, and adherence to public health guidelines. We have the utmost confidence that our school community will come together and provide a safe and positive experience for our students. It is obvious that there are many questions on what school will look like this fall. This newsletter serves as a guide to daily life at SFHS as we begin the 2020-2021 school year.  
As always, we appreciate the patience, understanding, and support of our families and students.
First Day of School – September 1, 2020
The first day of school at SFHS will be for students in Grade 9 only in order to allow our Connections Mentors (selected students in Grades 10-12) to help transition our new students to the high school. 
All students (Grades 9-12) will report to SFHS on September 2 and follow an “A Day” schedule in our block schedule.
Student Schedules
Schedules/teacher assignments were to be released August 7. However, we are delaying this in order to address family choices in face-to-face or virtual learning. We will release schedules and teacher assignments in late August. Students will be able to request adjustments to schedules through a Google Form from the School Counselors as soon as schedules are released.
Mitigation Strategies
A variety of strategies will be incorporated based upon American Association of Pediatrics (AAP) guidance and parent/staff feedback to minimize the exposure of COVID-19:
  • Staff and students will be required to wear a facial covering while on campus that covers the nose and mouth. It is important that the covering allows for the identification of each student for security purposes. Facial coverings must adhere to school dress code rules. Accommodations will be made for students when physical, medical, or developmental needs exist.
  • Students experiencing symptoms of any illness should not attend class in person. Every reasonable effort will be made to accommodate students who miss class for health reasons.
  • Daily cleaning of all buildings and classrooms will occur. High touch points will be cleaned throughout the day.
Bus Information
Special education – Routes and lists have been identified; drivers will wear facial coverings and accommodations will be made for students who cannot wear facial coverings; a hand sanitizer dispenser will be installed in the mini-bus; harnesses are individually assigned to students and all students will have an assigned seat.
Regular education – Drivers and riders will wear facial coverings in accordance with the Governor’s order and the District’s Responsible Restart plan; riders will apply hand sanitizer upon entering the bus; riders will sit in assigned seats and siblings will share a seat; non-resident students will no longer receive transportation services.
Before School
Upon arrival to SFHS, students are expected to proceed to their first class as soon as possible.
  • Students may use their lockers or eat breakfast in the Cafeteria and are expected to maintain physical distancing.
  • Teacher classrooms will be open/supervised beginning at 7:30am.
  • Student entrances to SFHS will open and be monitored beginning at 7:15am – please plan accordingly.
  • Students arriving via bus will be dropped off and must enter at Door 2 (Cafeteria Lobby)
  • Students arriving by any other means should enter through Door 4 (Gym Lobby)
  • Exterior doors at SFHS will be clearly marked for bus riders and all others with doors labeled as one way entry or exit.
  • Breakfast will only be served before school and students must eat in the cafeteria before school.
  • Microwaves will not be available for student use at SFHS.
  • Drinking fountains/bubblers will not be operational. Students will be encouraged to bring clear water bottles from home and use the bottle fillers available throughout the building.
Daily Schedule
SFHS revised the daily schedule from a 7-period day into a 4-period “block” schedule utilizing longer time periods to conduct classes. (A larger schedule is at the bottom of this newsletter.)
  • With block scheduling, students and teachers will have fewer courses per day which reduces the number of passing times and daily student-to-student contact.
  • Each school day will alternate between an A Day schedule and B Day schedule, similar to what our students experienced in middle school. 
  • Mon/Tue/Thur/Fri – classes will consist of 3 periods of 100 minutes and 1 period of 50 minutes.
  • Wednesday – classes will consist of 3 periods of 85 minutes and 1 period of 50 minutes.
  • Block scheduling allows for a smooth transition to a hybrid or fully virtual/online environment if either becomes necessary.
  • Students will be allowed to carry a backpack during the school day.
  • Students should keep items needed for each course in their backpack.
  • Lockers will only be used before school, during lunch, and after school – please plan accordingly.
  • Students will be expected to follow physical distancing while at their locker. 
  • Students should leave their locker area once they have retrieved anything they would need or stored anything in their locker.
Passing Times
  • Most hallways will have one-way traffic with the exception of the gym lobby, cafeteria lobby and CTE wing where there will need to be two-way traffic. Signage and arrows on floors will indicate directions and “lanes” as applicable.
  • Students will not be allowed to stop at their lockers during passing time (except during lunch).
  • Physical distancing will be expected in hallways and all common areas.
During Class
  • Students will use hand sanitizer upon entering each classroom and sanitize desks/ work spaces prior to use.
  • Assigned seating will be used in each classroom to allow for contact tracing. 
  • All classrooms and other indoor spaces will be arranged to allow for maximum physical distancing.
  • In order to minimize contact, students are expected to bring the materials they will need each day (i.e. pencils, notebooks, binders, etc). If you have a need for school supplies, please email our Student Services team. SFHS School Supply List
  • Students taking PE courses will be allowed to use the locker room and change clothes for class. Lockers will be spaced out to maintain physical distancing. Students will not be allowed to utilize SFHS showers until further notice.
  • All school assemblies, concerts, etc. will need to be virtual or pre-recorded.
  • There will be no field trips (other than virtual) at least through Semester I.
  • For students who are attending the course in an online/virtual format, teachers will be live streaming each class period. Students not “attending” the live stream will be marked absent.
  • Hand sanitizer stations will be available outside each restroom.
  • Students who need to leave the classroom to use a restroom are encouraged to leave their backpack at their desk.
  • Students who use the restroom during passing time should leave their cell phone in their backpack.
  • Enhancement is an intervention/enrichment time period each day for students to complete coursework or other academic/extracurricular tasks.
  • For Quarter 1, students will not have the option of selecting their teacher/location for Enhancement as they have in the past. Students will report to their Homeroom each day for Enhancement and remain there for the duration of the class period to assist in potential contact tracing.
  • The Cafeteria and Library will be closed during Enhancement.
  • Teachers have the option to conduct virtual meetings using Google Meet with students in order to collaborate on coursework or complete any club/extracurricular activity meetings.
  • SFHS will have three lunch periods in order to reduce the number of students per lunch.
  • There will be no self-serve lines – lunches will be pre-packaged or served by staff following physical distancing guidelines.
  • Students will wear facial coverings during the transition to lunch and while in the lunch line and will be able to remove the covering when seated and eating lunch.
  • Floor decals will be utilized to assist students with seating availability and when lining up to purchase lunch items.
  • Students purchasing lunch items will use their student ID to provide touch-free checkout.
  • There will be no cash sales or deposits made while in the lunch line, all sales will need to be from their student account.
  • Students will NOT be able to purchase A La Carte items until further notice to give kitchen staff time to adjust to the new school year.
  • Students will have the option to eat in the Cafeteria or in the Gym Lobby in order to physically distance from others. Students will not be allowed to eat in the Cafeteria Lobby.
  • Microwaves will not be available for student use at SFHS.
  • To maintain physical distancing, staff will monitor restrooms during lunch so only one student goes in at a time.
  • Plexiglass dividers on tables will be used to support physical distancing during the lunch periods. 
After School
  • Students leaving via bus must exit through Door 2 (Cafeteria Lobby).
  • Students leaving by any other means should exit through Door 4 (Gym Lobby).
  • Students will be dismissed and are required to leave the building in a timely manner to allow for our cleaning crews to begin their work. Students may remain in the building only if they are working with a teacher or attending a school-sponsored activity.  
  • Students are expected to exit the school grounds by 3:05 p.m. – please plan accordingly. 
  • Students waiting for a bus are expected to wait outside in front of school under the canopy or in the Cafeteria Lobby (Door 2) while maintaining physical distancing.
  • Visitors will not be allowed into SFHS with the exception of pre-approved vendors (food supply, copy repair, etc.) until further notice.
  • Parent meetings will be held either via phone or online format.
  • Parents who need to drop off items will press the high school button and leave the items in the vestibule at Door 3. A staff member or student will then report to the vestibule to retrieve the items and speak with the parent if necessary.
Online/Virtual Learning Students
  • Classes will be live streamed for virtual students using Google Meet.
  • Virtual students will join their classes online at the regularly scheduled times and follow the schedule consistent with in-person students. Teachers will take attendance based on the student’s online presence.
  • Canvas will be the primary tool for access to daily learning activities and resources. 
  • All students in grades 9-12 will be provided a Chromebook to access materials.
  • The virtual experience may look different for hands-on activities and elective courses and may require alternative activities based on the specific materials needed to complete in-person tasks. Some activities and course offerings may not be offered virtually.
Helpful Mask Information for Parents
Wearing masks is something new for all of us. Staff will work with with students to understand why we wear masks at this time and teach some strategies for use. Here is a great article from Children’s Hospital that may be helpful at home, as well.
Athletics Update from Mr. Berlin
Welcome Back
First of all, I want to thank all of you for your continued support while we navigate through these unprecedented times. Certainly the last month or two has been unsettling times for everyone full of uncertainty and hope for the return of normal. As we face our new reality TOGETHER, I wanted to take this opportunity to provide some updates regarding our athletic department’s response to a safe return this fall.
Brian Berlin
Sheboygan Falls HIgh School Associate Principal/ Athletic Director
Summer Recap
Currently during the months of July and August I am very happy to announce that there has been a restart in athletic activity in the weight room, open gyms, football camp and contact days for all sports with effective safety protocols in place. Needless to say it has been busy, but a good busy for all of our student athletes. Some of the major off season safety protocols in place have been a proactive screening process upon arrival, mandatory physical distancing at all times, facial coverings indoors, implementation of “pods” during activity and disinfecting continuously before, during and after activity. Our number one priority during this time was to get students involved in safe school activities while not jeopardizing the status of our fall seasons.
Sports Protocols
Although there have been a lot of aspects of the fall seasons hashed out, I have to report at this point there are some things still in the works and need to be finalized before communicated out. Such things including crowd sizes, concessions, locker room use, streaming services, in season health/safety protocols and transportation to events. Since athletics are an extension of the school day, some of these protocols will mirror those put in place for the school day. Other decisions will be determined based upon input from the health department, district legal counsel, school nurses, athletic trainer, medical agencies, the WIAA, as well as conference meetings. Please stay tuned as these will be communicated out immediately once they have been finalized.
Fall Sports Update
The WIAA has also adjusted the start dates for Fall sports to allow schools to focus on school first and for the safety and best interest of the athletes and the likelihood of competitive seasons occurring. Below is a table of the Fall sports, the official start date for each and the contact information for each sport as well. Please refer to the table and feel free to contact the head coach of the sport you would wish to participate in the fall if you have not already.


SFHS Falconer – February 28, 2020
February 28th, 2020
February 28, 2020
Upcoming Events:
3 – State ACT Testing for All Juniors
6 – Local Scholarship Applications Due for Seniors by 3 p.m.
7 – EWC Solo & Ensemble Festival
16 – Forensics Meet
19-21 – Robotics Regional
20 – End of Quarter 3
23-27 – Spring Break
Crunch Time in Winter Athletics
ACT on March 3
All Juniors will be taking the ACT on Tuesday, March 3.
Students need to bring:
  1. At least two #2 pencils (not mechanical pencils)
  2. At least two black or blue pens
  3. Photo ID – can be student ID or driver’s license
  4. Calculator – be sure to put in new batteries
Students should NOT bring:
  1. Cell phone – leave it in school locker
  2. Smart watch of any kind – leave it at home or in school locker
  3. Any electronic device that beeps or makes any noise
Juniors will be bused to Acuity to take the test. Upon completion of the ACT, students are released or they can study in the HS library.
They Grow Up So Fast … 2020 Census Reminder
2020 is a census year. Please see more information HERE.
Food Service Account Restrictions
Students are able to purchase extras in addition to their regular breakfast or lunch. These extras may include a second entree, milk, juice or other snacks. We recognize that not all families wish to allow their students to make those extra purchases. You may contact the Food Service department at 920-550-5893 to request that restrictions be placed on your student’s account. Please communicate these restrictions to your student(s) so that they know your expectations. Purchases made by students will result in charges to their food service account. If your student attempts to make a purchase, the food service staff will remind the student of your restriction. The food service staff will do their best to monitor parental restriction requests; however, if a sale is made you are responsible for payment.
Share Your Voice on Special Education in WI
March 2 – 6, 2020 is online public forum commenting. The forum gives Council members the opportunity to gather input from families and school staff on the unique challenges and successes of special education in Wisconsin. The Council uses the information gathered to advise the State Superintendent on matters affecting the education of Wisconsin’s children and youth with disabilities. If you would like to participate, provide your comment in English or Spanish March 2 – 6, 2020.
Notice to Parents Moving out of the District
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-B – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.


SFHS Falconer – February 14, 2020
February 14th, 2020
February 14, 2020
Upcoming Events:
15 – SnoBall Dance 8 – 11pm @ HS
17 – Band/Choir Concert @ 7pm
22 – Wisconsin Singers @ 7pm
24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 – 7 p.m. Sign up here!
3 – State ACT Testing for All Juniors
6 – Local Scholarship Applications Due for Seniors by 3 p.m.
7 – EWC Solo & Ensemble Festival
16 – Forensics Meet
19-21 – Robotics Regional
20 – End of Quarter 3
23-27 – Spring Break
A Night To Shine…Four high school band members welcomed kings and queens
with a trumpet fanfare. 
Snowball Week!
Above left pic: Jersey Day Dress Up
Above right pic: Snoball Court
Lower left pic: Visiting with Chip in the library
Lower right pic: Frat Boy/VSCO Girl Dress UP
Winter Pep Rally Fun – Friday of Snoball Week
ACT is Coming Up Fast!
ACT Testing for all 11th graders is scheduled for March 3.
ACT Prep is available during Enhancement on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Students can sign up on Falcon Scheduling.
Youth Apprentice Applications &
Scholarship Infomation
Any current 10th and 11th grade students who are interested in a Youth Apprenticeship for next year, the applications are due to Mr. Koepsell on Friday, March 6th. Here is the link to apply
Attention Seniors: Applications for the Local Scholarships are due to the Counseling office on Friday, March 6th. Please see Mr. Koepsell with any questions. 
LTC Night for Seniors and Parents
Notice to Parents Moving out of the District
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-B – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.
From the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
We are full swing into the 3rd Quarter and Semester II at SFHS. I encourage parents and students to take some time and discuss how the new semester has been going and make some goals to finish the year strong. Late or missing homework can be a huge deterrent to success—now is the time to make sure our students stay on top of their work and do not get behind. 
As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 3 grades to this point. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to June 5 (May 27 for Seniors) are only an indication of course progress part-way through the semester.
On a related note, I would like to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, February 24 from 4:00 – 7:00 p.m. Please register here for times to meet with your child’s teachers. We look forward to seeing you on February 24!
Go Falcons!
SFHS Principal


SFHS Falconer – January 31, 2020
January 31st, 2020
January 31, 2020
Upcoming Events:
3 – FFA Speaking Contest
4 – Club Picture Day
7 – FBLA American Red Cross Blood Drive 9am-2pm
10 – EWC Forensics Meet 3 pm
10 – Sign up opens for Parent/Teacher Conferences on February 24
15 – SnoBall Dance 8 – 11pm @ HS
17 – Band/Choir Concert @ 7pm
22 – Wisconsin Singers @ 7pm
24 – Parent/Teacher Conferences 4 – 7 p.m. Sign up here starting February 10!
28 – Local Scholarship Application Deadline for Seniors @ 3pm
3 – State ACT Testing for All Juniors
7 – EWC Solo & Ensemble Festival
16 – Forensics Meet
19-21 – Robotics Regional
20 – End of Quarter 3
23-27 – Spring Break
Winter Sports
ACP Spotlight:
Students in Algebra 2 Investigate Careers
Algebra 2 students were recently asked to investigate a career. Students researched information about the job duties, salary, schooling requirements, who/what would hire a person in this career and where and how math is used in the job. As a way to gain real world knowledge and experience most students shadowed a person working in the career field. Students also gathered relevant information through personal interviews and e-mails to adults currently working in the career. Students organized their research in the form of slides, websites or posters and presented their findings to their classmates. This project helps students recognize the many uses of math in the workplace and helps them make connections to the math they use in the classroom.
The actual project information/rubric:
RoboRiot 2020 Build Season
A Message from Our School Nurses
Coronavirus isn’t rare. In fact, seasonal coronavirus activity typically increases in Wisconsin this time of year, along with influenza and other respiratory viruses. Attention is heightened in this outbreak because it is a novel, or new, form of the virus.
“We know people are wondering what to do to protect themselves and their families from this virus. Our best advice is to follow the same steps for avoiding colds and flu, including staying home when you’re sick, covering coughs and sneezes, and frequently washing hands,” Ayers said.
People who are planning a trip to China should keep an eye on news reports and be aware of this rapidly changing situation. People who have returned from China and are feeling sick should contact their health care provider and let them know about the travel and symptoms before going to a clinic, office, or emergency room.
DHS is providing updates on 2019 novel coronavirus, including case counts, on our 
Outbreaks and Investigations webpage
. It will be updated by 2 p.m. each afternoon.
Because we are still in flu season and the flu is also a serious respiratory disease, we continue to encourage everyone to get a flu shot, if you are able.