SFHS Falconer – January 17, 2020
January 17th, 2020
January 17, 2020
Upcoming Events:
January 17 – Last day of first semester
January 20 – No school for students
January 21 – First day of second semester
District Launches New App
We are excited to announce the launch of the “Sheboygan Falls School Dist” app by SchoolInfoApp which is now available for iOS™, Android™, and Windows™ devices. The app enables parents, students, and staff to stay connected and informed about what’s happening at the District level, as well as all three of our schools.
Families will still need to use Infinite Campus to make lunch payments and grades, as well as Canvas to view student work. Both of these applications are linked at the bottom of our new app.
More information about our app, as well as helpful hints can be found on our website:
The SFSDconnect app that was previously being used will be discontinued.
Focus on Your Future
On Wednesday, January 8, all students at the high school participated in a “Focus on Your Future” event. All freshmen and sophomores learned about a variety of careers through presentations by Kohler Company and Bemis Manufacturing. All juniors and seniors participated in “Adulting 101,” where students learned about insurance, credit, interviewing, personal branding and much more.
Notice to parents who are moving out of the district
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-B – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.
We are hiring …
School District of Sheboygan Falls is seeking applications for a weekend pool custodial position: 6 hours per weekend/Year Round. 
Duties include pool area cleaning. Starting  date: February 9, 2020
Starting pay rate: $15.21/hr.
Job applications can be found on our website:  
Applications can be sent to: Kevin Dulmes, Facilities Manager, 220 Amherst Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
What a fantastic first semester of the 2019-20 school year that is coming to a close! Final exams are completed, but there’s still time to take advantage of the time we have left. At SFHS, course grades will be finalized by the teachers on Thursday, January 23 – almost one week after the conclusion of Final Exams.
I would like to thank our students, staff, and families for a great first half of the school year. Besides all of the impressive work happening inside the classroom, we saw a lot of great achievements by our athletes and performing arts students. I cannot wait to see what the second half of the year has in store for us!
Go Falcons!
SFHS Principal


SFHS Falconer – December 16, 2019
December 16th, 2019


December 16, 2019
Upcoming Events:
December 16 @ 7 p.m. – Winter Choir Concert
December 23 – January 1 – Winter Break – No School
January 2 – School Resumes
January 8 – Career Extravaganza!!! (More information to come)
January 15-17 Final Exams
January 17 – Last day of first semester
January 20 – No school for students
January 21 – First day of second semester
Notice to parents: NHS students: You need to have at least five volunteer hours completed and recorded on the Google form by the end of the semester! That date is January 17th, 2020. You will be subject to disciplinary action if you do not have your hours in. Any questions can be directed to Mrs. Franklin at 
[email protected]
Secret Santas! Happy Holidays!!!
Students and staff adopted over 120 residents from Sunny Ridge Nursing Home for the holidays. Residents are able to make three wishes and we are thrilled and proud to make those wishes come true. Thank you to all of the Secret Santas!!!
Winter Athletics and Activities
Notice to parents who are moving out of the district
If you are anticipating a move or moving out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls. Please contact your building office, or the district office, to receive DPI Form PI-9419-B – Request for Tuition Waiver Due to Move, for the remainder of the 2019-2020 school year. Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries for the remainder of this school year. An open enrollment application or alternate open enrollment application will then need to be completed for the 2020-2021 school year and beyond. Please call Julie Hahn at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers or open enrollment.
Attendance Matters
Date Set for Required Human Growth & Development Advisory Committee Meeting
Wisconsin Statute 118.019 states that school districts that offer human growth and development must have an advisory committee appointed by the school board and composed of parents, teachers, school administrators, pupils, health care professionals, members of the clergy and other residents of the school district to advise on the design and implementation of the human growth and development curriculum and to review the curriculum. Although not included in the current statute, to keep the Human Growth and Development curriculum current, a regular review of the curriculum is recommended at least every three years.
Community and staff members are invited to the advisory meeting on January 20, 2020, from 4 to 5 pm in the District Office inside Sheboygan Falls High School. Community and staff members interested in participating should contact Director of Instruction Mary Lofy Blahnik at District Office 920-467-7893 or email
[email protected]
Kiwanis Children’s Community Christmas
The high school was very well represented last night at the Kiwanis Children’s Community Christmas held at Pine Haven. Key Club members helped during the event. Mr. Teunissen’s Woods class cut and assembled the little wood wagons.
From the Nurses
As we go into winter break, the school nurses want to share that we expect the flu season to really start to roll-in when we return in January. For those of you who like data, take a peek at the most recent WI flu data:
Please talk to your children about good handwashing and covering your coughs to prevent the spread of flu. If you haven’t gotten your flu shots, over break would be a great time!!
Search Firm Seeks Input
The School District of Sheboygan Falls Board of Education has selected McPherson & Jacobson, L.L.C., Executive Recruitment and Development to assist them in the important task of selecting superintendent candidates for the board to interview.
Parents are encouraged to provide valuable input into determining the qualities of the next Superintendent. We would appreciate it if you would take time from your busy schedule to meet with the consultants on Tuesday, January 7
at 6:00 p.m. at the Sheboygan Falls Middle School Library, 2 Alfred W. Miley Avenue, Sheboygan Falls.
You input is very important to us, we hope you will attend! This meeting is open to any patron who wishes to provide input.
Dr. Brian Hanes,
Lead Consultant
McPherson & Jacobson, LLC
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
As we move further into the holiday season, I am reminded that the spirit of the season is to serve others, reach out to those in need, and better our community. There have been numerous acts of service and charity led by our students and staff that demonstrate that spirit. With the world around us caught up in the frenzy of lights, tinsel, and shopping, we have the opportunity to teach our students, by word and example, what it means to give back.
As the 2nd Quarter continues at its hurried pace, let us slow down and take a moment to honor the holidays by dedicating a few moments and a few actions to the true meaning of the season.
We at SFHS wish each and every one of you a safe and fulfilling holiday season. Thank you for your continued support of our mission of educating our next generation.  
Go Falcons!
SFHS Principal


HS Falconer – November 22, 2019
November 22nd, 2019
November 22, 2019
Upcoming Events:
November 25 – National and Spanish National Honor Society Induction Ceremony*
November 28 & 29 – Thanksgiving – No School
Dec 7 – Middle School Craft Fair to be held at SFES
December 9 @ 7 p.m. – Winter Band Concert
December 16 @ 7 p.m. – Winter Choir Concert
December 23 – January 1 – Winter Break – No School
January 2 – School Resumes
*Juniors and seniors in NHS and their parents:  Your student should have received an invitation at school if they are in NHS. Please note that this year we need every student there at 5:30 pm to take pictures before the ceremony begins. Please email me at 
[email protected] with any questions or concerns. The Spanish NHS induction is at the same time.
Kiwanis Packer Pig Roast
Members of the Key Club helped out in the serving area at the recent Kiwanis Packer Pig Roast event held at The Village at 170.
Counselors’ Corner
Youth Co-Ops Available for 2nd Semester
The co-op program through INSPIRE Sheboygan County is open to Sheboygan County juniors and seniors who are looking to explore a variety of career fields including manufacturing, engineering, automotive, healthcare, and small business entrepreneurship. The co-op experience is a minimum of 75 hours within an academic quarter. Students apply and interview for positions they are interested in and are paid an hourly wage based on industry standards. They also receive ½ credit upon successful completion of the co-op.
Any questions, please see your counselor.
If you are interested in a co-op for 2nd semester, you MUST ATTEND this informational meeting:
December 4, 2019
Sunny Ridge Nursing & Rehabilitation Center
3014 Erie Ave
Sheboygan, WI 53081
Yearbook prices will go up after winter break! Order a yearbook online at 
 or purchase them at school for $50. See Ms. Enright with questions.
All High School students participated in a presentation on the dangers and addictive qualities of vaping.
Community Service Club Members volunteer at Salvation Army Thrift Store in Sheboygan.
Science 9 Marble Maze Project
The conclusion of our unit on Newton’s Laws and Forces was assessed through a Marble Maze Project where students were required to design a maze that included directional changes, airdrops, and centripetal force. They needed to adjust their projects to land on a target made of a variety of fabrics to help understand the force of friction. It was a fun, engaging, yet nerve-wracking process! 
From the Nurses
As the cold weather is upon us and we are indoors with each other and our families please remember some important health tips. 
National Handwashing Week is December 1-7, 2019. This is so important for Infection Prevention. 
Follow these simple steps:
  • Wash or sanitize your hands upon entering the building. 
  • Always wash or sanitize your hands when dirty or before eating.
  • Do not cover you cough or sneeze with your hands.
  • Finally, remember to never touch your T zone (mucous membranes of the eyes, nose or mouth) This reduces your chances of getting sick from a respiratory or gastro-intestinal infection.
We are Hiring
Job Title: Food Service – Auxiliary Cooks
An application can be downloaded from the district website,
Send application to:
Mrs. Amy Lawrenz, 2 Alfred W. Miley Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085;
From the Principal
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Many thanks to Ashley from Your Choice to Live for her November 21 Vaping presentation. I have included some links if you are interested in additional information about vaping.
SFHS Principal


SFHS Falconer – November 1, 2019
November 1st, 2019
November 1, 2019
Upcoming Events:
November 4 – Virtual Learning Day Parent Information Session 6:30 p.m. @ SFMS
November 4 – End of Quarter 1
November 7-9 – HS Musical, 9 to 5
November 11 – Veterans Day Program @ SFHS
November 11 through 22 – Food Drive for Robo Riot
November 21 – Parent Presentation on Vaping 6:00 p.m. @ HS Auditorium
November 28 & 29 – Thanksgiving – No School
Our Notification System is back to Infinite Campus
Alert System test on November 3 at Noon
School District of Sheboygan Falls is returning to Infinite Campus for its notification system.
The following information asks you to update your preferences in Infinite Campus to receive emergency notifications and also explains why we are making the request. 
How to update Infinite Campus preferences:
You are already part of Infinite Campus as a parent/guardian in this District. At registration, you would have selected your preferences, or settings, for receiving important notifications. However, to be sure everyone has their preferences up-to-date, please:
· Go into Infinite Campus Parent Portal and confirm that your notifications are correctly selected. 
 Infinite Campus requires you to opt into receiving text messages, as some phone plans charge to receive texts.
· We have included a diagram below to show you how to do that.
read more
Why is the District using Infinite Campus for emergency notifications?
Earlier this school year, the district informed parents/guardians that the District was switching to a new notification system. To make the change, we asked parents/guardians to create their preferences for notifications using Campus Suite. We made that request so that we could conduct a test of the new system. Unfortunately, the test demonstrated that the service is not as reliable as we would like it to be. We first tried to work with the company, but in the end, we determined that the fix was too far down the road for us to be comfortable. We decided to go back to Infinite Campus because the reliability of an emergency notification system is extremely important.
Finding the problems BEFORE actually needing to use the system is good news, yet we realize it may be confusing or it may be an inconvenience. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you to everyone who helped us test an alternative system, and thank you also for your cooperation to update Infinite Campus.
How do I know Infinite Campus is working?
We will run one additional test of Infinite Campus
alert notification on Sunday, November 3 at noon.
If you do not receive the test message, please check your notification settings again. You can also call the school office on Monday for assistance. 
Virtual Learning Day Parent Session
November 4
Virtual Learning Days (VLD) can be used in the event of severe weather events (e.g., wind chill, snow, flooding) and illness epidemics. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction piloted VLD in districts throughout the state with great success. Given the weather forecasted for the upcoming winter, the School District of Sheboygan Falls is preparing for the use of VLD.
We are thankful for those families who recently completed the survey that was sent out to check on home Internet access. The results indicate that our students should be successful connecting their 1:1 devices or using a home computer. If this is not the case, our staff will make every attempt to make an alternative activity available. 
If you would like to learn more about VLD, please read linked information below. We are also offering an evening session for families and their caregivers to learn more. This event will take place on Monday, November 4 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
at the middle school commons area. In addition, on November 14, we will be assigned virtual homework for grades 1 through 8, as these students are normally not allowed to take their Chromebooks home. Though grades 9 through 12 are used to taking their Chromebooks home, this is a a great opportunity for families to check connectivity with a school-issued device to your home network and report issues to their teachers.
Please read the family handout for additional information.
Government & Politics
Students in Ms. Lintereur’s Government & Politics classes had the opportunity to Skype with a law professor at the University of Minnesota-Twin Cities! They got the chance to ask questions about landmark Supreme Court cases that they are studying during their Constitutional Rights & Responsibilities unit.
Many thanks to Professor Tim Johnson, who happens to be the brother of teachers John (SFHS) & Doug Johnson (SFES)!
Congratulations Seniors on a Great Fall Season!
Alert from the Technology Department
The Technology Department has reported an increase in Chromebook damage at the high school this year. Many times the damage can be correlated with a lack of using the Chromebook case. As a result, students that are observed not using their case may find that their Chromebook has been disabled until speaking with Mr. Berlin or Mr. Krutzik. We have asked students to please protect the investment that the community has made in their learning!
We are Hiring
Job Title
: Food Service – Auxiliary Cooks
An application can be downloaded from the district website,
Send application to:
Mrs. Amy Lawrenz, 2 Alfred W. Miley Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085;
Vaping Epidemic Among Teens
Across the United States, e-cigarette use, also known as vaping, is reaching epidemic proportions among teenagers. According to the American Lung Association, more than 3.6 million U.S. middle and high school students have reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. 
There are many health concerns with e-cigarette use. According to the Surgeon General’s health advisory, about one third of middle and high school students who used e-cigarettes used them as a delivery device for marijuana. Health officials are concerned about this growing trend because cannabis use among youth can adversely affect learning and memory and may impair later academic achievement and education.”
This educational presentation focuses on common devices used for vaping, substances commonly vaped such as nicotine and marijuana, and the health risks associated with vaping. Learn why health officials are so concerned about this growing trend.
A Tip Sheet for Parents
– How do I talk to my kid about this?
All Parents are invited to attend this very important free presentation:
Vaping: What Parents Should Know
Thursday, November 21 @ 6:00 p.m.
High School Auditorium
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
Our school year is off to a great start! It’s hard to believe, but we are almost through Quarter 1 of the 2019-20 school year. As a result, we are asking you to make note of your child’s Quarter 1 grades to this point. At Sheboygan Falls High School, final grades and credits are only recorded at the end of each semester. Therefore, the grades at any point prior to January 17 are only an indication of course progress
part-way through the semester.
If you have questions, I encourage you to check with your son or daughter about assignments, look on Infinite Campus, Canvas, and/or contact a teacher to discuss any concerns in more depth.
Thank you for your active support of your child’s learning and of Sheboygan Falls High School. Please do not hesitate to contact me or others on staff to seek support, ask questions, or share ideas.
Go Falcons!
High School Principal


SFHS Falconer – October 16, 2019
October 21st, 2019


October 16, 2019
Upcoming Events:
October 18 – Wisconsin Education Fair @ Lakeland University
October 25 – No school for students
November 4 – End of Quarter 1
November 7-9 – HS Musical
November 11 – Veterans Day Program @ SFHS
November 21 – Parent Presentation on Vaping 6:00 p.m. HS Auditorium
Vaping Epidemic Among Teens
E-cigarette use has become an epidemic among our nation’s youth and you as the parent have an important role in addressing this issue.
Talk with Your Kids
You can influence your children’s decision about whether to use e-cigarettes. Even if you have used tobacco yourself, your children will listen if you discuss your struggles with nicotine addiction. Be clear that you don’t approve of them smoking or using e-cigarettes, and that you expect them to live tobacco-free.
A Tip Sheet for Parents
– How do I talk to my kid about this?
All Parents are invited to attend this very important free presentation:
Vaping: What Parents Should Know
Thursday, November 21 @ 6:00 p.m.
High School Auditorium
SFHS Musical Opens November 7
9 to 5 The Musical, with music and lyrics by Dolly Parton and book by Patricia Resnick, is based on the 1980 hit movie.
When: November 7, 8, and 9 at 7:00 pm 
How to buy tickets: Tickets can be purchased online- showtix4u.com  (search Sheboygan Falls)
Adults $8 online $10 at the door. 
Students, Seniors, and military – $5 online and at the door
SFHS students – free at the door 
Health Care Careers
Students in Mrs. Meyer’s Introduction to Health Occupations class learned about various health care careers while touring the Sharon S. Richardson Community Hospice Center.
Counselors’ Corner
Xello: The Career Matchmaker
Career Cruising is now called Xello! This past Monday, all students 9-12 started working on Xello to take the Career Matchmaker. This tool gives suggestions of careers based on students’ interests. Ask your child to see his/her matching careers!


SFHS Falconer – October 1, 2019
October 2nd, 2019


October 1, 2019
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As we settle into the day-to-day routine of another school year, I’d like to thank you for entrusting us with the responsibility of helping you educate your children. The school year is off to a busy yet productive start. Our Freshmen were welcomed as part of a fun-filled yet informational Connections Mentor Program. Students and staff were on hand to to do whatever was needed to make sure we provide the best environment possible for our newest Falcons.
Already this year, we’ve had several events and activities for both students and staff in school, along with several sporting and extracurricular events. A reminder that our Enhancement period format includes the opportunity for students to take part in a variety of clubs/groups during the school day on Fridays throughout the school year.  
As the school year continues to progress, I want to invite you to our Parent/Teacher Conferences on Monday, October 7 from 4:00 – 8:00 p.m. Please register
for times to meet with your child’s teachers. We look forward to seeing you on October 7!
Go Falcons!
High School Principal
First Day Connections
The first day of school for 9th graders at SFHS is full of activities and learning how to be successful in high school and beyond. Twenty-eight upperclassmen mentors welcomed the new freshman to school that day and spent the day getting to know them.
Welcome to our 9th graders – YOU BELONG HERE!!!
Fall Athletics in Full Swing
Homecoming 2019
Academic & Career Planning (ACP)
ACP Information: Job Shadowing
Is your child interested in doing a job shadow at a nearby company? We STRONGLY encourage every student to do a job shadow – it can teach you SO much about what is out there. For more information and/or register for a job shadow, click HERE!
Reminders from our School Nurses
Please remember to make sure you communicate your children’s immunizations to your school nurses. If you are new to the district, or have a student entering 4K, 5K,or 6th grade you need to provide a copy of updated immunization records. 
We also want to remind you of the district’s policy of when not to send your children to school. This information is also on the district website and in the student handbooks.
Cold/Sore Throat/Cough:
A child with a severe cold and hacking cough should remain home and rest even though they may not have a fever. If your child complains of a sore throat and has no other symptoms he/she may go to school. If white spots can be seen in the back of the throat or a fever is present, keep the child home and call your physician.
Stomach Ache/Vomiting/ Diarrhea:
Contact your doctor if your child has a stomach ache which is persistent enough to limit his/her activity. If vomiting occurs, keep your child at home until he/she can keep solid food down. A child with diarrhea should be kept home. Contact your doctor if improvement does not occur.
A fever is a warning that all is not right. NO child with a fever of 100 degrees (without fever reducing agents) should be sent to school. Do not allow your child to return to school until he/she has been fever free for 24 hours.
A rash may be the first sign of one of the many childhood’s illnesses, such as chicken pox. A rash may cover the entire body or may appear in only one area. Do not send your child with a rash to school until your physician has said it is safe to do so.
Grade 9 Club/Activity Fair 2019
Twenty clubs and activities were “on display” during Enhancement on Monday, September 30. All 9th graders were invited to learn more about the clubs at SFHS and sign up if they were interested in joining or just learning more about that club.
The goal is for every student to be involved in at least one club/activity!
From our partners
@ Healthy Sheboygan County 2020
Have your voice heard! We need your input on Sheboygan County’s gaps in accessing mental and behavioral health care. Please take a brief 2-5 minutes to complete the survey attached, and give your input on what our community’s gaps are in accessing mental health and behavioral health care. Your voice matters!
Healthy Sheboygan County 2020 values your insight, and appreciates you taking your time to complete this. Please feel free to share widely!
Dirt Kings Education Engagement Program
On September 12, SFHS hosted the Dirt Kings Late Model Tour “Education Engagement Program” with students from 4 school districts in attendance. Students learned about race car setup, maintenance, safety, and business operations. Students in attendance also received a free grandstand pass to a Saturday race in Plymouth.
Thank you to Schueffner Racing, Justin Ritchie, and the Dirt Kings Tour for putting on this fun and educational event.
Be Prepared – Emergency Test on October 6
The District has improved our parent and staff notification system in order to alert you of cancellations, emergencies, events, etc.  Though you have already signed up in Infinite Campus, we need you to indicate your preferences in the new system.
To do this, simply go to the notification page on our website and use the registration code Falcon.
Six easy steps: 
  1. Click on sign up at the bottom of the webpage. https://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/notifications
  2. Enter the registration code Falcon and your email or phone to get started.
  3. Verify using your phone or email and you will receive a verification code.
  4. Create a password for your account.
  5. Indicate if you would like to receive alerts on voice or text message, as well as email.
  6. Next click on “subscriptions” and confirm your demographics using the demographics tab. Go through each drop-down menu to indicate your alert preferences. 
The District will be testing our messaging system at NOON on Sunday, October 6, 2019.
The test will come from the same phone number and email address you are used to. If you only receive a message in Infinite Campus inbox, please let the office know at your school that you did not receive the test message on your phone or email as you had signed up to receive.
If you have questions, please contact Network Administrator Josh Schuren,
[email protected]
Safe Schools Alert
Have a concern about bullying or other unsafe behavior?
The SAFE SCHOOLS ALERT system allows you to quickly, easily, and anonymously report safety concerns to school officials 24/7/365. Help us create a safer learning environment – to submit a tip, please use this website:
You can also find a link in three places on our website:
1) quick link in the purple bar on our home page,
2) student resources page, or
3) family resources page.
You can also download the Safe Schools Alert app using the directions below.
Girl’s STEM Day Conference Nov 2
Saturday, November 2, 2019
8 a.m. – 1:30pm
UW-Green Bay, Sheboygan Campus
1 University Drive, Sheboygan, WI 53081
Only $10 per student. Includes lunch
Click here for Schedule of Events.
Yearbook Information
 Need to order a yearbook? Order online at yearbookforever.com or at school with Ms. Enright.  Books are currently $50, but that price won’t last.
Senior parents: Senior Tributes for the yearbook are due Friday, October 18. If you have questions or need a new order form, contact Ms. Enright at 
[email protected]
Senior parents: Senior pictures are due Friday, December 20. Bring in a hard copy or email a digital image to [email protected]
National Honor Society Information for Parents
Junior and Senior parents: The NHS (National Honor Society) applications were mailed home last week. Your student should have received one if they met the academic requirements of NHS. There are other areas to be considered besides academics. These areas are leadership, character, and service. The applications need to be handed in by October 11th, 2019 at 3:15 pm.-NO EXCEPTIONS for late applications. Decisions will be made by the end of October/beginning of November. The induction ceremony is on November 25th, 2019 at 6 pm. Any questions, please contact Michele Franklin at [email protected]
Costa Rica Trip – Summer 2019
This past June, 28 Spanish students and 4 chaperones traveled to Costa Rica to practice and learn more Spanish and to explore the culture. Students attended language classes, learned dances, took cooking lessons, stayed with families, volunteered at a school, hiked in the rainforest, swam in hot springs, saw a volcano, went zip lining and white water rafting, toured a coffee plantation, experienced how they make chocolate, took a boatride down the Sarapiquí River, saw a wide variety of animal and plant life, and yes…so much more. Everyone had a great time!
Upcoming Events:
October 7 – Parent/Teacher Conferences – Sign up here to schedule conferences.
October 15 – Last day to register for credit for CAPP courses (CAPP Pre-Calc & CAPP Biology)
October 15 – Last day to register for AP courses to take the AP test in May
October 18 – Wisconsin Education Fair @ Lakeland University – more info to come in announcements
October 25 – No school for students
November 4 – End of Quarter 1


SFHS Falconer – May 2019
May 16th, 2019
May 2019
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As our school year comes to a close, I would like to express how grateful I am to be leading such an amazing community of students, parents, and staff. It has been a great year, and I am very proud of all the achievements and accomplishments of our students. These would not be possible without your support and dedication. I can’t thank everyone enough for your endless hours of volunteering, organizing, donating and doing whatever was necessary to support our students—both at home and at school. 
I would also like to thank our hard working and caring staff members who have made a huge difference to our students. Their commitment is outstanding and our students are the beneficiaries. Thank you for providing engaging, well-rounded experiences for our students and knowing that education is about joy, wonder and fostering curiosity, along with the development of social skills so needed to succeed. For these, and a million other things, we are truly grateful.
In closing, I take this opportunity to congratulate all students of SFHS! Best wishes to our graduating seniors, whom we will truly miss. I wish you all a very happy, safe and enjoyable summer.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
Society of Fine Arts (SOFA) Art Show 2019
Once again members of the Society Of Fine Artists (SOFA) put on an annual art show exhibiting the artworks of Sheboygan Falls High School art students. Drawings, Paintings, Photos, Sculptures, and Ceramics that have been created throughout the school year were on display along with the featured retrospective displays of Senior Studio artists. With culinary students providing food and beverage and the spring band concert following, the exhibit has become a night to feature the arts of Falls.
Check out a slide show of photos from the event!
Spring Band Concert
The year in band is coming to a close, but not without a lot of activity. The month of May has come with many performances. The concert band gave a great final concert on May 8th. Many students participated in the solo and ensemble festivals. Two groups were nominated for exemplary performances; a soloist on Alto Sax and the Trumpet Choir. The jazz bands performed for the Generations concert, Lake Country Academy, the elementary school, and Jazz in the Park on May 17th. The marching band will be participating in the Memorial Day Parade and service and the band will say goodbye to our senior class at graduation on June 2nd. The students have worked very hard to be tuneful, beatful, and especially artful. As we close this year, we say goodbye to the seniors that have spent the last 7 years playing their instruments and look forward to a new group of freshmen coming up to the high school. High School summer band camp will be August 12th through the 23rd. Have a great summer!
Registration Date Set
The registration date for the 2019-2020 school year has been set for Tuesday, July 30th from 9:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Please note that registration is just ONE day and will take place at the high school. Registration notifications, forms, and payments will all be done through Infinite Campus and convenience fees are waived during July and August.  If online registration and fee payment are completed prior to this date, the only thing that will have to be done at registration is to have your student photographed and pick up schedules/teacher assignments.
Students unable to attend registration day will be able to make up photos in September after school starts.
School Counselors will be available on this day for schedule changes and adjustments.
Spring Athletics in Full Bloom
Academic and Career Planning
School Counselors Available in Summer
Ms. Jarosch and/or Mr. Koepsell are available on Tuesdays throughout the summer (except July 2) from 8:00 – 3:00. Please email your counselor to set up an appointment. Students’ schedules will be available at registration on July 30.
Career Cruising is Now Xello
Career Cruising, the program that students currently use for career planning, will have a new name and a new look for next school year. The new program is called Xello (X has a Z sound). Xello helps students plan their own unique journey. Xello is an engaging, fun-to-use software students can access online, even from their phones. It helps them create their very own, unique roadmap for future success. Students will:
  • Build Self-knowledge: Students define their interests, skills, preferences and aspirations so they can explore the opportunities right for them.
  • Explore Options: Students learn about career possibilities and educational pathways by exploring rich engaging content and lessons.
  • Create a Plan: Students create dynamic actionable plans that outline the steps needed to achieve school, career and life goals. 
  • Learn & Reassess: As students gain experience, knowledge, and skills, they can reassess and change their plans for the future.
From our School Nurses
Upcoming Events:
May 21 – High School Performing Arts Banquet
May 22 – Senior Recognition Night
May 24 & May 27 – No school for students and staff
May 29 – Senior Class Trip
May 30 – Graduation Practice for Seniors @ 7:50 a.m.
June 2 – Graduation Ceremony @ 1:30 p.m.
June 5-7 – Final Exams for 9-11 graders
June 7 – Last day of Classes
June 10 – Summer School begins for Summer PE, Summer Health and Credit Recovery
July 30 – Registration Day


SFHS Falconer – April 2019
April 16th, 2019
April 2019
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
The start of the fourth quarter always makes me stop and think, “What happened to the year?” This school year is no exception. It has been a great year from my perspective. The students that attend Sheboygan Falls High School and the adults that work here make SFHS truly a great place to be!
As the year winds down, there are two important reminders for parents and students. First, on April 16 and 18, our 10th graders will be taking their ACT Aspire tests. The 9th graders will be taking these exams on April 23 and 25. These assessments are part of the state of Wisconsin’s required standardized testing. Please make sure your student(s) are in school those days and encourage them to do their best.
Second, it is very important that SFHS students and parents are thinking about the future. Parents, make sure you are aware of your son/daughter’s course selections for next school year. You should know what classes they are registered for and feel comfortable with the level of rigor in the courses selected. This is especially important for current juniors who will be going into their senior year. Colleges have found that students who take a more rigorous course load during their senior year of high school are better prepared as college freshmen. If you as the parent/guardian are unsure of the classes your child has chosen, feel free to contact Student Services at SFHS for that information.
Please also help us ensure classroom success for the remainder of the school year by assisting your student with their day-to-day academic work. As always, we thank you for your support and encouragement!
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
English 12 Students Participated in Mock Interviews
All students in English 12 participated in mock interviews with over 20 representatives from a variety of area businesses. Students prepped for this incredible experience by discussing interview etiquette, preparing resumes, learning how to “brand” themselves, and demonstrating their communication and soft skills. Feedback from the interviewers was extremely positive showing that students are prepared for whatever their next steps may be. Thank you to all interviewers!
Spring Athletics
The spring sports season is in full swing with lots of opportunities to come watch the Falcon student athletes in action. Come support your Falcon sports teams!!! GO Falcons!!!
Please note that attendance is always crucial to student success and is mandatory for student participation in co-curricular activities.
FBLA Competes at State
Sheboygan Falls High School FBLA competed in 4 events at the Wisconsin FBLA State Leadership Conference in Green Bay. Four students earned 8th place for Parliamentary Procedure and two students earned 7th place for
Management Information Systems. Congratulations!
Distracted Driving Presentation
Sheboygan Falls High School teamed up with AT&T, AAA and the Wisconsin State Patrol as part of the It Can Wait® campaign to remind students that smartphone activity can – and should – wait until after driving.
Many thanks for this awesome presentation to our 9-12 students!
To learn more about the It Can Wait campaign and to take the pledge, please visit www.ItCanWait.com.
Close Up Club Members Visit the
State Capitol
Members of the Close Up Club traveled to Madison to tour the capitol building and also met with two SFHS alumni who work in the Governor’s office.
Forensics Team went to State
Congratulations to our students who competed at the state level this past weekend. Below are the results:
2 – Golds – perfect score of 25
6 – Silvers
3 – Bronze
Announcements for Parents:
It’s not too late to buy a yearbook! Yearbooks can be purchased online or at school for just $55.00
Is your child taking an AP coursenext year? Please click here to find out important information for next year’s AP courses (AP English Literature, AP English Language, AP Psychology, AP Calculus).
The next National ACT date is June 8, 2019 at SFHS. If your child would like to take the test on this date, there is a fee and he/she will have to register. The deadline to
register is May 3.
National Honor Society will be sponsoring another bake sale for scholarship funds the week of May 13 – May 17. Everything will be homemade and sold for $1. Please support the bake sale!
Upcoming Events:
April 16 & 18 –
ACT Aspire Testing
for all 10th Graders
April 19 – No school for students and staff
April 22 – Jazz Concert MS/HS @ HS auditorium
April 23 & 25 –
ACT Aspire Testing
for all 9th Graders
May 4 – State Solo/Ensemble @ Cardinal Stritch University
May 8 – AP English Literature Exam
May 9 – AP Psychology Exam
May 14 – AP Calculus AB Exam
May 15 – AP English Language Exam


SFHS Falconer – February 2019
March 4th, 2019
February 2019
A Message from the Principal
Dear SFHS Falcon Families,
As we approach the end of the 3rd Quarter, I would like to send a thank you to the SFHS school community for their support. We would not have the success that we enjoy here if it weren’t for supportive parents and families.
I also need to make you aware of what is coming up during the last quarter of the school year. We will be having our state-mandated ACT Aspire testing throughout the month of April for our 9th and 10th graders. For more information on testing and testing dates, click here. We have already completed the 11th grade testing, the ACT and ACT WorkKeys in February, and are thankful for the excellent attendance on those testing days.
It is extremely important that our students participate fully in the testing process. The state requires 95% participation for us to be considered a passing school. The data is also very important for our teachers to be able to reflect and make changes where necessary. If you could make the next few weeks free of interruptions, that would help us out considerably. We really appreciate your help in getting through this very busy time of the year.
Please also help us ensure classroom success for the remainder of the school year by assisting your student with their day-to-day academic work. As always, we thank you for your support and encouragement.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
Two days of testing & some fun!
The junior class took the ACT and ACT WorkKeys tests in mid-February at Acuity Insurance in Sheboygan. After testing, students were treated to a great lunch, a tour of the building, and found out about hot jobs at Acuity. They were also able to ride the Charity Wheel. Thank you to Acuity for your generous hospitality!
Congratulations to Students in Winter Athletics, Forensics and Roboriot!
CPR Course for A & P
Bellin Health visited Mr. Jagow’s Anatomy and Physiology class to give them a hands-on experience of the medical field. Students were given a crash course in CPR, extracted fluid from stomachs, experienced ultrasound techniques, and did a virtual dissection. 
Adventure Experience Class at Maywood Enjoying the Ski Trails!
CAD 2 Students Earn Certification
Congratulations to these CAD 2 students that passed their industry certification 3 hour exam. They are now Certified Solidworks Mechanical Design Associates.
FBLA Competition
Sheboygan Falls High School FBLA competed at Waupun High School at the FBLA Regional Conference. We had 39 out of 46 members competing and 11 will be eligible to participate at FBLA State Conference in Green Bay in April.
YA Info Night
Youth Apprentice Information Night was held at SFHS in February. For more information on Youth Apprentice, click here.
Badminton Tournaments
Badminton Club was recently formed at SFHS. Students and staff participate in friendly competition. The next date of competition is March 14. Have your child get a partner and sign up in the Counseling Office!
Upcoming Events
March 2 – Solo/Ensemble @ SFHS
March 5 – Mock Interviews – Seniors in English 12 only
March 13 – Explore Your Future @ LTC All 10th graders – parent letter
March 20 – Senior Showcase – Seniors in English 12
March 22 – End of 3rd Quarter
March 25-29 – Spring Break No School
From the Nurses – TidBit Times March


SFHS Falconer – January 2019
February 4th, 2019
January 2019
Message from Mr. Krutzik, Principal
Dear SFHS Families,
Welcome to 2019 and the start of the second semester here at Sheboygan Falls High School. I hope the holiday season was an enjoyable one for all. We are back in the “full swing” of things. We continue to focus on academic achievement and creating a rigorous, appropriate learning environment for ALL of our students.
It’s hard to believe, but we are already planning for next school year. We have met with our current 8th-11th grade students to review the registration process and available opportunities for next year. 
I encourage you to take time with your student and review the SFHS Course Guide
along with your student’s Academic and Career Plan (ACP) to assist in course selections. We truly appreciate the time and effort that you put in to helping your son/daughter make the best choices for their future goals. Please know that SFHS staff is always available to assist in this process as well.
Go Falcons!
Kevin Krutzik
High School Principal
Vaping – An Epidemic Among Teens
Images above from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA)
According to the CDC, current use of electronic cigarettes increased among middle and high school students from 2011 to 2018
  • Nearly 5 of every 100 middle school students (4.9%) reported in 2018 that they used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days—an increase from 0.6% in 2011.
  • Nearly 21 of every 100 high school students (20.8%) reported in 2018 that they used electronic cigarettes in the past 30 days—an increase from 1.5% in 2011.
Helpful links for parents:
Vaping and Juuling has become increasingly prevalent in high schools around the nation. Please consult a licensed physician and discuss with your children the health implications involved with using these devices. Some of the already documented health risks include harmful inhalation of chemicals, brain development implications and the extremely high levels of addiction which affect our students and your children negatively on a daily basis. The implications for possessing and/or using these devices on school property include:
1) Suspension
2) Possible expulsion
3) Citation from the SFPD
For more information click here.
JuniorsACT Testing Coming Soon!
ACT Testing for all 11th graders is scheduled for Wednesday, February 20 and ACT WorkKeys is scheduled for Thursday, February 21.
Free ACT Prep Sessions: All 11th graders are invited. Choose either after school (3:05 – 3:45) or before school (7:00 – 7:40) in Mr. Ford’s room A232.
  • ACT Writing: After school February 5 & Before school February 6
  • ACT Practice Test: After school February 12 & Before school February 13
Winter Sports in Full Swing!
Second semester is truly an exciting time at Sheboygan Falls High School! There are countless opportunities for students in academics, extracurricular events, and athletics. It is critical that students arrive to school on time, remain present and engaged in all of their academic courses, and be at school every day to be able to enjoy all meaningful learning, leadership, and competitive opportunities at school. Please do everything necessary to ensure your student is at school every day. 
Congratulations to the Lady Falcon Dance Team for qualifying for the state competition the weekend of February 2nd in LaCrosse. Good Luck Ladies!
Go Falcons!
Kohler/Bemis Expo
The Kohler/Bemis Expo took place on January 9, 2019 at SFHS. All of the 9th graders participated in a round robin of 12 different careers that Kohler Company has to offer and all 10th graders heard from 14 different career areas that Bemis Manufacturing has to offer.
Congratulations to our Elk’s Student of the Month!
Read 180 students participation in a “book pass.”
On Saturday, January 4, 31 music students participated in the EWC honors band and choir festival in New Holstein.
Band at the Bucks Game
On Monday, January 7th, 84 high school band students played pregame music for the Milwaukee Bucks game. After playing during the basketball warm ups, the band took their seats to watch the Bucks defeat the Utah Jazz. One highlight was a security guard commenting, “This band is better than the Marquette band that plays here.” The 130 students, teachers, and parents had a wonderful time.
February 11
– Course Registration Forms Due in the Counseling Office 9-11 Graders
February 20
– ACT Testing @ Acuity All 11th graders
February 21
– ACT WorkKeys Testing @ Acuity All 11th graders
February 22
– No School for Students
February 25
– Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Please sign up on our website beginning February 12th.)