SFMS Messenger – Issue 1 – November 2014

Dates and Events
Nov. 13

5th Grade Field Trip to the Sheboygan Co. Museum (Miles/Powers)

Nov. 14

5th Grade Field Trip to the Sheboygan Co. Museum (Marx/Miles/Scharrer)

Nov. 17
Jazz Concert – 7:00 P.M. – High School Aud.
Nov. 21
Fundraiser Reward Activity – 3:30 to 6:30 P.M. – Middle School Gym
Nov. 27 – 28
No School Thanksgiving Break
Dec. 8
6-12 Winter Choir Concert – 7:00 P.M. – High School Aud.
Dec. 15 
6-12 Winter Band Concert – 7:00 P.M. – High School Aud.
Dec. 17
“Newsies” Encore Fieldtrip to Chicago
Dec.  19
7th Grade Business Expo
Dec. 22
5th Grade Winter Program – 12:00 P.M. – Middle School Aud.
Dec. 24 – Jan. 2
Winter Break – No School
Jan. 5
Friends of SFMS Meeting – 6:00 P.M. – Middle School Library
Jan. 16
MS Talent Show – 6:30 P.M. – Middle School Aud.
Jan. 22
End of 1st Semester
Inclement Weather
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Issue: #1 November/2014

Message from Ms. Markofski
Dear SFMS Parents,

Welcome back to a new and exciting school year. Thank you to everyone who attended our Fall parent/teacher conferences. We hope you enjoyed meeting your child’s teachers and visiting our classrooms to see where your child spends a good chunk of their day. A big thank you to SFMS PTO for providing a dinner option for families, as well as the teaching staff.
Parents have access to PowerSchool to view their child’s progress in all of his or her classes at any time. Please contact the main office if you have not yet logged in to PowerSchool. Your involvement in your child’s education sends a strong message to him or her about the importance of education. 
Last, please keep in mind that the teaching staff values open lines of communication. Please do contact them with questions, concerns, comments, etc. throughout the year. Together we can ensure they have a successful and enjoyable school year.
Meloney Markofski
SFMS Principal

School Meals are Changing – New School Meal Requirements
You may have heard that there will be new requirements for school meals. The new requirements are great
news for our students! The new requirements will help Sheboygan Falls School District build on the work we are
already doing to provide more fruits, vegetables, whole grains and healthier entrees in our school cafeterias.
Some of the new requirements include:

  • Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables
  • Reducing the sodium in meals over the next 10 years
  • Setting calorie limits for the first time
  • Increasing whole grains
  • Limiting the amount of meat/meat alternatives and grains

Additional articles of interest:

Fifth Grade is Off and Running!

We’ve figured out the big stuff:

  • Locker coms mastered – Check!
  • Understanding the block schedule rotation – Check!
  • Navigating the many halls at SFMS – Check!

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News from the Sixth Grade
Math News:
As a parent, you play a key role in their math success. Ask questions of your child in their math practice. Have them explain how they solved the problem. Taking an active role, even if math isn’t your strength, will be beneficial to your child. If you need a resource, the math textbook can be found online at www.bigideasmath.com. Students were given their login(Last name First name) and password(SFSD2014) from their math teacher.Read More about Math, Social Studies and Language Arts

Read 180 & Sheboygan Falls 

Community Resources
Officer Hall’s visit to Read 180
Officer Doug Hall, the Sheboygan Falls District’s School Resource Officer, spoke to the eighth graders about criminal investigations to activate and extend their study of the current workshop for “Crime Lab Science.”
Ms. Price sharing her experiences.

Ms. Ingrid Price, one of our food service personnel, visited the sixth graders to share her experience of becoming an American citizen. This provided the students with greater understanding for their workshop for “The New Americans.”

Nurse Notes
Healthy Snacks and Talking About Ebola

Healthy Snacks
Kids love to snack and it can be a good way of getting nutritious food into their diet. Please check out the website “85 Snack Ideas for Kids” at http://www.100daysofrealfood.com/2012/07/31/85-snacks-for-kids-and-adults/. The site offers some great idea for easy and wholesome snacks and even includes some recipes. Please consider using some of the ideas for school or afterschool snacks.

Talking to Kids About Ebola 

Talk about Ebola is all around and kids are hearing it too. If you have children or students asking questions about Ebola, here are some educational resources we’ve located explaining how Ebola is contracted, the risks of an outbreak, what is being done to treat Ebola patients, and how to talk to children about it. Here is a nicely written-for-kids article explaining Ebola in a non-scary way.

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New Technology at the Middle School
New Makerspace

There is an exciting new opportunity for middle school teachers and students to participate in interactive group oriented learning activities. A new Makerspace has been created in the former Tech Ed. room next to Ms. McCabe’s computer lab. A wireless node was dropped in the room allowing for a world of possibilities.

School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.