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SFMS Messenger – December 2016

Monday, December 19th, 2016
December, 2016
Helping to Combat Child Labor
Service Learning supports students in Honduras

Each year our sixth grade Read 180 literacy class experiences a workshop entitled “Stolen Childhoods.”  This workshop focuses on the harsh reality of child labor around the world.  Our students discover that millions of children must work in order to help their families survive at the expense of an education.
Recently, we teamed up with the University of Wisconsin Whitewater Enactus Business Club that is currently working to support Linaca, Honduras in their efforts to produce sustainable agricultural methods using hydroponics. The Linaca Project was created to serve as an agricultural business program for young, Honduran men. This hydroponic pilot focuses on utilizing non-soil mediums, a greenhouse, and nutrient water to grow produce while allowing for the efficient and inexpensive growth of produce without the use of pesticides.  The hope is this will eliminate the need for young children to work in the fields to help support their family and instead allow them to attend school.
Our mission at the Sheboygan Falls School District is to challenge and support students on their own learning paths within and beyond the classroom as we are committed to innovating and supporting the whole student. This project made a connection in our own learning community and allowed us to support programs that looked to combat child labor. Our sixth graders made tea light snowmen tree decorations and cloth bracelets. We sold our crafts at the annual SFMS holiday craft fair scheduled for the first Saturday in December.  The students took pride in their efforts as many students gave up their lunch recesses to finish their cloth bracelet crafts. Students also attended the Saturday craft fair to communicate this effort to our community and to also sell their products.
The community was very impressed with the students’ knowledge and willingness to make lives better for children in Honduras as they advocated for their education. In the end, a profit of $276.28 was achieved and an impressive $93.28 of this total came from generous donations. Our learning community appreciated this experience and thank everyone for their encouragement and support.
Innovator’s Mindset

During the 2016-2017 school year, SFMS staff has been taking time to focus on fostering a

growth mindset with not only our students, but also ourselves as educators and individuals.
 On December 7th, several staff members attended a workshop on
growth mindset given by George Couros. Staff members learned about fostering a innovator’s mindset which is an extension of the growth mindset philosophy. According to Mr. Couros, “innovation is a not a skill; innovation is a mindset.” As educators, we continue everyday with our students to believe in their abilities and to develop a mindset that promotes resiliency and learns from our successes and failures.

Meloney Markofski, Principal 

Sheboygan Falls Middle School
Middle School Building Construction Update

As you are aware, the voters of the School District of Sheboygan Falls
overwhelmingly approved the November 8 referendum question to  build a new middle school
on the site adjacent to the Sheboygan Falls Elementary School.
What’s next?
Work has begun to detail plans for the new middle school. At a very high level, the general timeline for building the new middle school is:
Now-April: Architectural design
May/June-August 2018: Groundbreaking and construction
August 2018: Open new school
What happens to the existing middle school?
While the existing middle school will continue in use until the new school is opened, a critical part of that plan includes repurposing the current middle school building. First, the Board intends to offer the building for sale. If the building does not sell, it will be demolished and converted into green space. We know neighbors of the existing middle school, staff and others in the community may have questions about this process.
Therefore a Community Conversation, open to all, will be:
January 23, 2017, 6:30 p.m., Middle School Library
Topic: Process and plans for the existing Middle School
At the Community Conversation, we will share more information about the process the Board of Education will follow for the disposition of the existing Middle School and answer questions.
Changes coming to lunch in January

Coming in January to the MS, is the option for students to purchase ala carte items during lunch. All food items meet the Smart Snack criteria. Parents will be able to block the extra sales or limit the dollar amount that students can purchase. These items will be available for purhase on Tuesdays and Fridays for now.

Learning beyond the Book

The sixth graders had the opportunity to research the shaduf; an ancient device for moving water. They paired up
to create one of their own on a small scale. Afterward, they worked on their technical
writing skills by describing the steps one would follow to make a shaduf.
A big shout out to Cleveland State Bank for sponsoring Mr. Uselding’s Falcon Time use of the Banzai website!  Thank you for helping our students learn important financial literacy concepts.
Gretchen Galstad and Tony Biddle, engineers from Kohler Co., recently visited with Ms. Huenink’s 8th grade science class. They talked about civil engineering and structure building with her science students.
Trip Back in Time

The 5th graders ventured to the Sheboygan Historical Museum to take a look at the beginnings of Wisconsin’s statehood.  Students learned about important jobs during the 1800’s that helped settlers survive and begin their livelihood. To further this learning, students were able to use engage in hands-on activities that focused on being blacksmiths, mill workers, carpenters, and farmers.  Students also took a tour of an 1800’s cheese factory and barn.  This trip brought to life our social studies curriculum and writing curriculum.  Students are working to expand their knowledge on Colonization and Westward Expansion.
Note from our School Nurses
Dear Falcon Parents,
The Sheboygan Falls School District Nurses have been notified by the Health Department that there has been an increase of Pertussis in Sheboygan County. Although we do not have a case in our community, this is a good opportunity to review your immunization records and your child’s immunization records. The Center for Disease Control recommends that children, ages 11 and up (6th grade) and adults, should receive a Tdap booster. It not only gives a tetanus booster but gives a booster of acellular Pertussis.
Please read more about pertussis here:
Thank You and Have a Healthy Holiday Season,
Jessica Mattia-Barry RN,BSN and Lisa Hackbarth RN,BSN
Upcoming Events
December 20
5th Grade Winter Program- 12:00pm – MS Aud.
December 23
Preview Concert for 8th Grade students- 8am- MS Aud.
December 26 – January 2, 2017
Winter Break: NO SCHOOL
January 3
Classes Resume
January 10
7th Grade Girls Basketball @ Two Rivers
8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Two Rivers @ SFMS
January 12
7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball @ New Holstein
January 13
MS Talent Show- 6:30pm- MS Aud.
January 16
Spanish Placement Test-8th Grade
January 17
7th & 8th Grade Girls Basketball – Bye
Spanish Placement Test-8th Grade
January 19
7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Plymouth @ SFES
8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Plymouth @ SFMS
Spanish Test make-ups or snowdate
January 20
Spanish Test make-ups or snowdate
January 23
NO SCHOOL for Students/Professional Development for Staff
January 24
7th Grade Girls Basketball @ Manitowoc Washington
8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Manitowoc Washington @ SFMS
January 26
7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Kiel @ SFES
8th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Kiel @ SFMS
January 30
Freshman Curriculum Night @ HS 5:30pm
January 31
7th Grade Girls Basketball vs. Manitowoc Wilson @ SFMS
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls Middle School 
101 School Street, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085  |  Phone: 920-467-7880

SFMS Messenger – October 2016

Monday, October 31st, 2016
October, 2016
Don’t be a bystander. Do the right thing. Power in numbers. You CAN make a difference!
During the month of October, the SFMS community is working together to make a difference by focusing on the prevention of bullying and having an attitude of gratitude. Through our Make a Difference (MAD) week activities, students were focused on gratitude, kindness, and service to others.
Just a few other important reminders:
  • Please try to remember our Wellness Policy when sending snacks to school.
  • With boys basketball and girls cheer starting last week, please remember to turn in all necessary paperwork in order for your son/daughter to participate.
  • The quarter ends on November 9th.
  • The Veteran’s Day program is on November 11th at 8:30 a.m. Please feel free to join us for this community event.
Thank you for your continuous support of our school community. Ask your child about MAD week and how they made a difference at SFMS.


Meloney Markofski, Principal 

Sheboygan Falls Middle School
Come Grow with Us!

Exciting New Beginnings for fifth Grade
The fifth graders bring such excitement and energy each new school year.  In Integrated, the fifth graders are diving into their Cultural Universal projects. Each student explores a state and then, shares out the Cultural Universals for their particular state. Additionally, in math, students are currently working with two interns from the University of Oshkosh. Nicole and Abbi have been busy working with and helping students in Mrs. Scharrer’s class while learning about what it takes to be a teacher.  Finally, in science, students are busy with their Ecocolumns and the living world around them.  They are discovering that all living and non-living things depend on each other for survival.
October Happenings

Amy Lawrenz is proud of our district and wants everyone to know that Sheboygan Falls has been recognized by the USDA. See the School Nutrition News for more information.
M.A.D. week
Our 4th Annual Make-a-Difference Week was held October 24-28!  This year’s theme was “Attitude of Gratitude”.  Thank you to all
of the students and staff who
took part in activities this year, such as the door decorating contest, during the week!
author visit
Author David Falk visited SFMS on October 7. During that time, he spoke with our students about his role as an author and his book, Raising Rufus. 

The 8th grade class participated in a beach restoration project coordinated by the Alliance for the Great Lakes.  Students participated in beach cleanup, water quality testing, plant identification, and native dune grass planting. Just over 2,500 native dune plants were planted along the shore of Lake Michigan.
Students from Mrs. Cotter and Ms. Widish’s Falcon Time classes visited Pinehaven to deliver Halloween Crafts that they had made for the residents.


The Proposal 

Build a new, 125,000 square foot, 550-student, grade 5-8 middle school on district-owned property, east of the elementary school, with flexible learning spaces and classrooms providing for technology integration, collaboration for small and large groups, and adaptable spaces for a variety of educational opportunities. The plan includes a controlled, main entrance/office area for safety and a two-court gym and cafeteria/commons with a performance stage between them which will be accessible from either area.  The plan will also be ADA compliant, address on-site traffic, and provide separate bus and car drop-off areas for student safety.
Important dates for your calendar
1                      Bridging Brighter Smiles Program – p.m.
2                      Bridging Brighter Smiles Program – a.m.
3                      Boys Basketball @ Home against New Holstein
 7th grade at HS Gym/8th grade at MS Gym
5                      Lawrence Jazz Festival – HS/MS Jazz Ensembles
7                      Boys Basketball @ Kiel 7th & 8th
8                      Boys Basketball – Bye
11                    Veterans Day Program – 8:30 a.m. – MS Gym
14                    Jazz Concert – MS/HS Jazz Ensembles – 7:00 p.m. – HS Aud.
15                    Boys Basketball @ Home against Plymouth
 7th grade at ES Gym/8th grade at MS Gym
17                    Boys Basketball 8th grade @ Two Rivers /7th grade @ Home
18                    MS Music Department Fundraiser Reward Activity
21                    Forensics Tournament – SFMS
22                    Boys Basketball 8th grade @ Home/7th grade at Manitowoc Washington
24-25               Thanksgiving Break – No School
29                    Boys Basketball 8th grade @ Home/7th grade at Manitowoc Wilson
5                      6-12 Choirs Dress Rehearsal 7:55-9:45 am- HS
                        6-12 Winter Choir Concert- 7:00pm – HS Aud.
6                      7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball- Bye
8                      7th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Kiel @ SFES
  8th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Kiel @ SFMS
12                    6-12 Bands Concert-7pm HS Aud.
  6-12 Bands Dress Rehearsal- 7:55-9:45am- HS
13                    7th & 8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Plymouth
15                    7th Grade Boys Basketball vs. Manitowoc Washington @ SFMS
  8th Grade Boys Basketball @ Manitowoc Washington
20                    5th Grade Winter Program- 12:00pm – MS Aud.
23                    Preview Concert for 8th Grade students- 8am- MS Aud.


Keeping students safe & families informed: 

On the afternoon of Wednesday, October 26, the district’s safety team and Sheboygan Falls Elementary School staff conducted a small scale reunification drill. The drill involved students and families who had voluntarily agreed to take part in the practice. Students were evacuated to a reunification site while parents received an automated message about the pickup location. Once parents arrived at the site, they were required to show a photo ID and were then reunified with their children. Following the drill, Safety Team members met to debrief the experience and make plans to better the protocol in the safety plan.  Please see the link below to read the Parent Emergency Guide and become familiar with the information provided.
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls Middle School 
101 School Street, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085  |  Phone: 920-467-7880

SFMS Messenger – September 2016

Monday, September 26th, 2016
September, 2016
Sheboygan Falls Middle School is off to a great start to the school year!  Our focus this school year is on a GROWTH mindset, because brains and talent are just the start, learning comes with dedication and lots of hard work.

Meloney Markofski, Principal 

Sheboygan Falls Middle School
Come Grow with Us!

Mrs. Kaiser’s used the Engineering Design Process to create Solar Cookers. They were demonstrating their knowledge for NGSS MS-PS3-3:  designing, constructing, and testing a device that maximizes thermal energy transfer.  We also learned about the Law of Conservation of Energy, which states that energy is never lost or gained, it merely changes form (radiant energy from the sun –> thermal energy in solar cooker). Hopefully the weather cooperates for us this week to perform our tests!
Challenging and Supporting Students

Mrs. Huenink’s students had two trials to engineer the best possible container to safely drop an egg from high above the press box at the high school field.  Many eggs did not make the drop, but that’s how we learn!
During the first few weeks of school, we work on reminding students about safe procedures for hallway, recess and bus riding. School Resource Officer Hall enjoys hanging out on the playground during recess and recognizing safe behaviors.

Many of our school activities and sports are off to a great start. The best way to learn about joining new activities is to keep an eye our our daily announcements.  

The Proposal 

Build a new, 125,000 square foot, 550-student, grade 5-8 middle school on district-owned property, east of the elementary school, with flexible learning spaces and classrooms providing for technology integration, collaboration for small and large groups, and adaptable spaces for a variety of educational opportunities. The plan includes a controlled, main entrance/office area for safety and a two-court gym and cafeteria/commons with a performance stage between them which will be accessible from either area.  The plan will also be ADA compliant, address on-site traffic, and provide separate bus and car drop-off areas for student safety.
Important dates for your calendar
26                    Homecoming week starts
26                    Volleyball – Bye
29                    Volleyball @ Home against Two Rivers
                        7th grade at ES Gym/8th grade at MS Gym
  1                    Online registration begins for October 13 P/T Conferences
  3                    Volleyball @ Manitowoc Washington 7th & 8th
  6                    Volleyball Home against Kiel
                        7th grade at ES Gym/8th grade at MS Gym
7                      Author- David Fulk grades 5 & 6 MS auditorium @ 1pm
10                    6th Grade Chorus Concert – 7:00 p.m. – MS Aud.
                        6th Grade Band Concert – 7:30 p.m. – MS Aud.
                        Volleyball @ Plymouth 7th & 8th
11                    Volleyball @ Home against New Holstein
                        7th grade at ES Gym/8th grade at MS Gym
12                    Art Enrichment trip to JMKAC 10 a.m.-12
13                    Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 8:00 p.m.
14                    7th Grade School Concert for grades 5-7 – MS Aud.
17                    7th Grade Band/Chorus Concert – 7:00 p.m. – MS Aud.
                        Volleyball @ Manitowoc Wilson 7th & 8th
18                    Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:00 – 7:00 p.m.
20                    Volleyball – Bye
                        No School (Professional Development for teachers)
21                    No School
School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls Middle School 
101 School Street, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085  |  Phone: 920-467-7880

SFMS Messenger – May/June 2016

Tuesday, May 17th, 2016
Dates and Events
Monday, May 16
-6-8 Band Spring Concert Rehersal 7:55-9:45am-HS
-6-8 Bands Spring Concert-7pm -HS
Tuesday, May 17
-PlastiVan sponsored by Bemis in Huenink’s science classes
Friday, May 20
-Jazz in the Park-MS/HS Jazz – 5:00 p.m., Settlers’ Park
Thursday, May 26
-6th grade Greek/Roman Fest
Friday, May 27
Monday, May 30
Tuesday, May 31
-5th grade Band Parent Meeting-6:30pm-MS Aud
Friday, June 3
-Gr. 8 last day in building and yearbook signing
Monday, June 6
-8th grade trip
Tuesday, June 7
-LAST DAY FOR STUDENTS- Early Release- ES/11:00 MS/11:10 HS/11:15
-8th Grade Recognition HS Aud
Thursday, July 28
-District Registration and Picture Day-HS Cafeteria-11:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
Tuesday, August 2
-District Registration and Picture Day-HS Cafeteria-11:30 a.m.-6:30 p.m.
2016-2017 Open House
Open House for grades 5-8 will be held on Tuesday, August 30th from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. It will include a speaker and time for students to visit with teachers, counselors and administration.
Report It
Experience the Exceptional?
Thank you for your support.
Quick Links
All Things Official
May/June 2016

From Ms. Markofski, Principal
Dear SFMS Families,
Thank you for sharing your children with us! Each of them has brought joy and happiness to our school learning community. You should be very proud of their efforts. Please know that without your support, we could not provide the wonderful learning experiences we do each and every day with your children.
Thank you and have a safe, happy, and healthy summer!
Ms. Markofski

Save the Date – Summer Registration
Registration going ONLINE
Registration dates are listed below and be held once again at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Please note that registration will be going almost entirely online this summer. Rather than printing all forms, you will be able to complete most information online through Parent Portal in Infinite Campus prior to arriving to Registration. If you have not already set up your Portal account, you will be receiving a reminder email from Infinite Campus to prompt you to do so.  Completing this now will help you prepare for the registration process in July.
July 28 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Registration and Photos @ SFHS
August 2 11:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Registration and Photos @ SFHS

Lunch with the Principal
SFMS teachers nominated ten students per grade to have lunch with the principal as a thank you for being kind and respectful students who really make their day enjoyable!

PTO change for 2016/17
Our MS PTO is restructuring for the 2016-17 school year as an Activity Account managed through the school district. Elected officers will still organize and secure volunteers to host activities. But, there will NOT be any more face-to-face meetings. We have found that today’s families are so incredibly busy with their children and jobs that attending meetings is not really a priority anymore. Yet, if we send out an email request or video announcement, folks are willing to pitch in where and when needed. Because of this, we are going to run the group in an on-line format for the 2016-17 school year and see how it goes. Please watch for more information at Registration time.

Summer School Reminder
Sessions to be held at high school

The first summer school session will be held Mon. – Thurs., June 13 to July 1, from 8:00 a.m. to noon at the High School. This session will focus on creativity, problem solving & strategies.
The August session will allow students to get a jump start in Math and Literacy. This session will run Mon. – Fri., August 8 through August 23, also at the High School, from 8:00 a.m. to noon.

Recycle Greenhouse Project
The student’s from Mrs. Charbonneau’s enrichment class with the help of the Eco Nature Club are make creating a Greenhouse. The Eco Nature Club, a student initiated club advised by Mrs. Fiorini, began this project about 3 years ago. The Eco Nature Club researched eco-friendly greenhouse designs, collected bottles and drew up the plans for what the greenhouse would look like. Students in the enrichment class are assembling the bottles, checking the math, and assembling the greenhouse. They are hoping to have the project completed before the end of school.

Business EXPO 2016
Over 100 seventh grade students put on their entrepreneurial caps to develop new businesses & products for the annual Seventh Grade Business Expo that was held on Friday, April 29. Booths representing 53 businesses were created, which included unique products like cake pops, animal pelt bookmarks, & “Presidential sweets.”  Students have been studying entrepreneurship through Junior Achievement classes in Social Studies.  After analyzing video commercials & print ads in language arts, students developed their own advertisements, including their storefront posters that are meant to attract customers to their booths during the Business Expo.  The students decide on a product to make & determine how many to produce for sale to fifth & sixth grade customers. Students learned work and career readiness skills such as choosing & developing a product & understanding their market in order to promote goods & services. Some businesses earned awards for Best Storefront Poster, most Unique Products, or Best Overall Display, which included packaging & extras like coordinated clothing.

READ 180 hosts Miss WISCONSIN
Miss Wisconsin Celebrates her Love of Literacy

Miss Katie Redeker was a celebrity reader for the 7th and 8th graders. She shared the book I’m Gonna Like Me which discussed the importance of having a high self esteem, and she even stayed to read one-on-one with the students during their independent reading rotation.  The students really enjoyed this experience!

Grad 8 Goes Under the Microscope
Students looking at different protist in Ms. Huenink’s science class.
School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

SFMS Messenger – April 2016

Friday, April 15th, 2016
Dates and Events
April 18
-Jazz Concert MS/HS Jazz Ensembles-7pm
-HS Aud
April 21
-Kalahari 8th grade Band Festival-
WI Dells
May 2
-PTO Meeting 6pm MS library
May 9
-6-8 Choir Dress Rehersal 7:55-9:45am-HS
-6-8 Choir Spring Concert-7pm -HS
May 13
-Student Council Dance~ 3:15-5:15
May 14
Color Run @ SFES
May 16
-6-8 Band Spring Concert Rehersal 7:55-9:45am-HS
-6-8 Bands Spring Concert-7pm -HS
May 20
-Jazz in the Park-MS/HS Jazz Ensambles- Settlers’ Park
2016-2017 Open House
Open House for grades 5-8 will be held on Tuesday, August 30th from 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM. It will include a speaker and time for students to visit with teachers, counselors and administration.
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Experience the Exceptional?
Thank you for your support.
Quick Links
All Things Official
April 2016

Earth Day Celebration – A Waste Free Lunch
SFMS will be celebrating Earth Day with a waste free lunch. As a middle school our goal will be to help reduce the amount of trash that goes into the landfill, and even work on reducing the amount of food that goes in the trash as well. This will be an entire school effort from the kitchen staff right to our students that we hope to continue after Earth Day. Menu for that day is Corn Dogs, not pre-boated (count out 6), mashed potatoes, gravy and carrots/ dip, watermelon/ mango and Dirt cake. There will not be extra containers to put ketchup and dip in. Just place the condiments on your tray with the food you’re using it on.  Click here for a few ideas to help you pack your own waste free lunch.

 Hoops, Music, Cheers and More
SFMS ROCKS, both on the court and off.  Whether a player, spectator, musician or someone else, everyone seemed to have a good time at this year’s annual student-staff basketball game.
                Go women!                              Men’s turn!            Jammin’ & Jazzin’                     Cheering Section
        Rock on                                 Keeping the beat

Band Questions Answered
Parents of 5th graders, do you have questions about how to choose an instrument, where to get an instrument, what band all entails, or just about band in general?  If so, you are not alone.  Frequently asked band questions should be a big help to you.  Check out this link today!

Tar Wars
School Nurse Mary Raml presented Tar Wars to the 5th grade classes.  Tar Wars is a tobacco-free education program for kids from the American Academy of Family Physicians. Through a variety of fun activities the students learned about the high financial and health cost of using tobacco products.  They learned that tobacco companies spend millions of dollars each day trying to get them hooked on tobacco and nicotine products.  The students received parent information to take home.

Preparing for Business Expo
Grade 7 students have been receiving advice from business people in the area through Junior Achievement as they prepare for their annual Business Expo in the Middle School gym Friday, April 29.  Shoppers are welcome anytime between 8:15 and 9:45 a.m.  Sign in at the gym lobby doors.

Musical Notes
Fifty-two SFMS musicians recently performed at the annual WSMA Solo and Ensemble Festival Saturday, March 7 at Kiel HS. Forty-three instrumental and vocal selections including solos, duets, larger like-instrument ensembles, show choir and jazz ensemble performed for adjudication. Students earned 2 starred 1st place ratings, 31 – 1st ratings, 9 – 2nd ratings, and 1 – 3rd rating. Congratulations to all of our performers!

Project-Based Learning Experience in READ 180
The READ 180 eighth graders are currently involved in a project-based learning experience.  After completing their “Creatures of the Deep” workshop, collaborative teams chose topics to extend their learning while focusing on a specific audience. Some chosen audience members include: classroom teachers, instructional aides, related studies instructors and other classrooms. As students use Google Drive to create an infographics presentation, they are challenged when considering appropriate information, vocabulary, and images. Understanding their audience’s interests, background, and in some cases, personality is key to creating an effective presentation. Through this project-based learning experience, students will exercise 21st Century skills which include: Information Literacy, Media Literacy, Communication and Collaboration, and Critical Thinking and Problem Solving.


We now have a middle school SNAC- Student Nutrition Advisory Committee. They have been meeting once a month from 2nd quarter on. These students have looked at ways to assist with input from students to kitchen, ways to improve services and food choices.

The SNAC recently did some testing with our New Seasoning Stations we have set up in each school. Students can add flavor to their vegetables, potatoes or whatever they would like without adding salt. The SNAC committee thought the number one seasoning was Garlic / Herb -it tasted great on all vegetables, rather like the seasoning on Sun Chips. Coming in number 2 was the Veggie Seasoning. It was also good on all the vegetables and had a little dill taste. It was felt that Mrs. Dash was a little strong. The boys felt we needed to offer a seasoning with a little heat, so new this coming year will be a Cajun and Sriracha seasoning.
In addition to testing seasonings, the SNAC group have planned a meal that will be used in May.
SNAC group

Food Service Request
Spring Cleaning or cleaning out some one’s home? Have old or mismatched forks & spoons? If so, send them to school! We prefer to use the “real stuff” instead of plastic for a better dining experience. We also feel this will save the landfills from all the plastic. This is part of an Earth Day recycling event.  If you have any old silverware you are willing to share with our cafeteria, it can be dropped off in the office of any of our schools.

Garden to Fork
 Did you know that our school district has its own garden and hoop houses? We use the produce throughout the year on our serving lines and our culinary classes also use in their classrooms and caterings that they offer. In the High School our first few months we didn’t have to purchase much produce outside of the school district, we purchased from the garden on the grounds. This was also enjoyed in the Middle and Elementary Schools too. We also prep the produce in the summer for the freezer and are able to add to our recipes that we make during the year. The meals incorporate fresh, locally grown ingredients whenever possible. Students and parents will be able to note when we are using locally grown produce with the special notation on the menu and also noted right on the
serving line. Our students take much pride in producing Garden to Fork produce for everyone.

Color Run May 14
Early bird registration extended to April 18

The SFES Falcon Families are already getting great response on our upcoming Color Run May 14.  With that said, we have decided to extend the early bird registrations, which includes a FREE t-shirt, to Monday April 18th. The walk/run will be a 1 mile loop at the elementary school allowing families to walk the loop 1-3 times.  Color fun will be had by one and all.  If you have any further questions please contact Berta Lentz.

School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

SFMS Messenger – March 2016

Tuesday, March 1st, 2016
Dates and Events
March 1
-PTO Meeting 6pm MS library
-Wrestling Sheboygan Falls & Valders @ Kiel
March 3
-Wrestling Plymouth & New Holstein @ Sheboygan Falls
March 4
10:30-2:30 8th Grade to First Stage Theatre
March 5
-MS Solo and Ensemble Festival
-Wrestling Two Rivers & Mishicot @ Sheboygan Falls
March 8
– Wrestling Manitowoc & Sheboygan Falls @ New Holstein
March 10
-MS Play 7:00pm- MS Aud.
-MS Play Performance for 5/6- 1:00pm- MS Aud
March 11
-MS Play & Art Show-7pm -MS Aud.
-MS Play Performance for 7/8 -1:00pm- MS Aud
March 12
-MS Play & Art Show- 1pm-MS Aud
-MS Play & Art Show- 7pm-MS Aud.
March 14
-Wrestling Mishicot & Plymouth @ Sheboygan Falls
March 15
-Parent/Teacher Conferences 4pm-7pm
March 17
-Wrestling Conference Tournament at Plymouth 4pm
March 18
-Grade 6 School Concert for grades 5&6
March 21
-Grade 6 Band Concert-7:30pm- MS Aud
-Grade 6 Choral Concert- 7pm -MS Aud
March 24
March 25
March 28
April 11
-FBLA State Conference
April 12
-Grade 5 to J.A. Biz Town
-FBLA State Conference
April 18
-Jazz Concert-MS/HS Jazz Ensembles-7pm -HS Aud
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March 2016

Middle School Parent/Teacher Spring Conference
MS Parent/Teacher Conferences are scheduled for Tuesday, March 15, from 4pm-7pm. These will be scheduled online. You can go to the school website to schedule. There’s a link to this page on the Family Resources page of the web site.

Summer Learning Made Fun
Summer School Materials are Available
Summer school registration has begun. Please look for the Summer School Course Guide that was sent home in Friday folders. Summer school will occur June 13th through July 1st from 8:00 AM to 12:00 P.M. Click here for the online course guide and registration form.

National Geographic Bee 2016
CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2016 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC CHAMPION ~ NOAH W! Noah has completed the online qualification test for a chance to attend the State level bee. CONGRATULATIONS also to all of the finalists on your achievements. The school level finalists included  Alex B., Andrew K., Wayne H., Noah W., Dustin K., and Noah H.

Lion King Performances
Can You Feel the Love Tonight!  It is time for The Lion King Kids at SFMS! The dates are March 10 at 7:00 pm; March 11 at 7:00 pm and March 12 at 1:00 pm and 7:00 pm.  Tickets are $3.00 for students and seniors and $5.00 for adults.  Children under 5 are free.  There will be alternate casts, so please check with cast members to see what shows they are in.  Tickets can be purchased at the middle school office. For questions phone 467-7880.  Don’t miss this exciting event!

Community Friends
Even though Veterans Day seems far in the past, there are 2 people that we would like to thank for their service and commitment to SFMS.  Greg and Lynnette Rakun have provided the sound system for our program to honor local veteranss the past couple of years.  This is a big undertaking as it means bringing in speakers, control panel, microphones and other equipment the day before the program.  Greg works with the students on sound checks and continues to monitor every aspect of sound the day of the event.  Thank you Greg and Lynnette, for being such caring friends!

5th Grade Gets “Biz”zy
Fifth graders are busy experiencing Free Enterprise during one of Junior Achievement’s Biz Town lessons. We have been fortunate to once again have volunteer Cynthia Roeck from Cleveland State Bank teach us financial literacy. All students need to be able to write their first and last names in cursive in order to sign their checks and credit card receipts at Biz Town. Please be on the lookout for a paper announcing an opportunity to help out the fifth graders Biz Town experience as a ‘Mystery Worker’.  Our trip to Biz Town in Milwaukee is scheduled for Tuesday, April 12th. We are appreciative of the support of the fifth grade parents. This is the first year we actually have more volunteers than we are able to take along.

Read 180 “Poet-Tree”
Students in our classroom have been challenged this year to read poems, memorize them, and present them to their classmates.  This has been a great activity that encourages strong fluency and presentation skills.  Some of the students’ favorites have come from Shel Silverstein whose books include: Where the Sidewalk Ends, A Light in the Attic, Falling Up, and Every Thing On It and Jack Prelutsky’s poems from My Dog May Be a Genius and Something Big Has Been Here.  When a student has chosen to accept this challenge, they are acknowledged by a seasonal cut-out that displays their name and the poem they have memorized.  This is then displayed on our classroom “Poet-Tree.”

WPS Visits 8th Grade
Ms. Huenink’s student participates in the natural gas safety program presented by WPS.

Musical Notes

Grade 5 students had the opportunity to learn more about the wind instruments of the band at our 3rd annual “Band Demo Day for Wind Instruments”.  Local musicians shared interesting facts about their instrument as well as performed short songs for the students. The program opened and closed with a band arrangement of music from “Star Wars”. After the presentation students were able to try both woodwind and brass instruments and reflect on the experience.

MS Band and Choir students have been busy preparing for the annual Wisconsin School Music Association District Solo & Ensemble Festival. Performances are scheduled for Saturday, March 5, 2016 between 8:00 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. at Kiel High School.

Make A Difference
During the school’s Make a Difference activities, students will be involved in many “pay it forward” activities. As part of the fun, students are encouraged to dress up:
Monday, March 21 -Wear mismatched clothes & shoes, “I may look ridiculous today, but I’m Making a Difference!”
Tuesday, March 22 -Wear sunglasses, “Shine bright and Make a Difference!”
Wednesday, March 23-Wear your clothes inside out, “Inside & Out, I’m Dedicated to Making a Difference”

WATCH FOR  Strengthening Community. Supporting Our Heroes.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls and members of Chamber-Main Street have joined together to sponsor a community fundraiser to demonstrate support for local families who have suffered from fire tragedy and to support our firefighters for their selfless efforts to protect us all.
The School District of Sheboygan Falls Make a Difference event starts March 21 and focuses on “paying it forward” to our community. As part of Make A Difference, we may see various activities to support this effort. Local Businesses and other groups will continue the activities through July 3. Efforts are under construction as we get the word out.
Also, on March 23, Firehouse Restaurant is donating a portion of their proceeds that day to support the fundraiser. Again, more information is in the works – we will send more details soon!
School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

SFMS Messenger – February 2016

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016
Dates and Events
February 2
– Milwaukee Art Museum 8th Grade Art Students
– Girls Basketball 7th at Home; 8th at Two Rivers
February 4
-Girls Basketball 7th & 8th at New Holstein
February 9
-Girls Basketball 7th & 8th @ home vs. Kiel
February 11
-Girls Basketball 7th Home; 8th @ New Holstein
February 16
-Girls Basketball 7th @ Manitowoc Washington; 8th @ Home
February 18
-Girls Basketball 7th & 8th @ Plymouth
February 19 & 22
-No School for Students
February 23
-Wrestling Sheboygan Falls & Reedsville @ Two Rivers
February 25
-MS Band Festival Ensembles Recital-6:30pm – MS Aud.
March 1
-PTO Meeting 6pm MS library
-Wrestling Sheboygan Falls & Valders @ Kiel
March 3
-Wrestling Plymouth & New Holstein @ Sheboygan Falls
March 4
10:30-2:30 8th Grade to First Stage Theatre
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February 2016

Musical Notes
 Liz S. – flute, Keegen K. – trumpet, Rachel L. – trombone, Kevin R. – trombone, and Andrew K. – percussion will be participating in the WYBDA 2016 Youth Band on Saturday, February 6, 2016 at Lakeland College. The performance is scheduled for 4:00 p.m. and is open to the public.  As a special treat, the Lakeland College Concert Band will perform on the same concert as the Youth Band.
The Wisconsin Youth Band Directors Association (WYBDA) Youth Band is a bi-annual honors band that is offered to WYBDA-member directors and their students. The ensemble is a full concert band that consists of top musicians from throughout the state of Wisconsin.

News from the 5th Grade
After watching the movie Selma, Lord, Selma, fifth grade students in Mrs. Powers and Ms. Marx’s homerooms worked together to create pictures on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day depicting how we people of different races all fit together. The project was completed by adding a ‘frame’ of MLK, Jr. quotes.
Fifth graders in the house of Mrs. Athrop, Mrs. Meyer & Mrs. Scharrer practiced math concepts on creations in Makerspace.

 Grade 6 Happenings
Mackenzie, Ty, and Emily sport their finest for the Ugly Sweater Contest. Ty claimed first place, perhaps with the help of some clashing green shoes!
Students in Mr. Debbink’s sixth grade class studied Egyptian mummification with the help of some volunteers.

Book Clubs in Read 180 

This year in Read 180 we are offering students a chance to interact with their peers in book clubs.  Book clubs give students a chance to question, analyze, and reflect on the different texts they are reading.  The students bring discussion questions and their thoughts about the plot and characters to each meeting to really lead the discussion. Let’s see what the students have to say:
Alexis says, “Book club meetings are a fun way to communicate with others. They also help me get a better look on the story.”
Elizabeth also replied, “It means talking about the book and getting out your ideas and questions.”

Grade 8 Learning through Service
The eighth grade class is planning a service-centered learning activity in coordination with the food drive sponsored by SFMS Student Council. From January 27- February 24 we will be asking for donations from students in grades 5-8 and staff with a focus on canned goods.
On March 23, the 8th grade class will then be participating in a team building “canstruction” activity. Please see to read more about this project and see possible ideas of what the students will be building. After each Falcon Time class has built their structure, administration will judge their “canstructions.” The “canstructions” will be left up over the lunch hour so all students will be able to see what their donations helped create. Students will take down their creations, package up all the can goods, and walk them to the food pantry.

Internet Safety
One of the most important responsibilities our district has is to keep our students safe. In this day and age Internet safety is a major concern for schools and parents, so

we wanted to share the curriculum we have in place to teach students how to be safe and appropriate in the online environment.
Provided below is the SFSD K-12 online safety curriculum as well as resources for families to learn more about age appropriate Internet usage and best practices.

Nurse Notes
Parents are encouraged to access the January edition of the Tidbit Times sponsored by the local Public Health Dept. The January edition deals with the HPV vaccine and encouraging students to set New Year’s resolutions.

From the District
If you are anticipating a move out of the Sheboygan Falls District during the current school year, your student(s) can continue attending school in Sheboygan Falls.  Please contact your building office or the district office to receive a “Tuition Waiver Form”.  Completion of this form will enable your child to continue attending school in the Sheboygan Falls District even though you no longer live within the District boundaries.  Please call Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services or Julie Hahn, Administrative Assistant at 467-7893 if you have any questions regarding tuition waivers.
School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

SFMS Messenger – December 2015

Tuesday, December 15th, 2015
Dates and Events
December 15
Boys gr. 8 basketball at Manitowoc Wilson
Boys gr. 7 basketball at Home vs.Manitowoc Wilson @ MS
December 17
Team 213 Quarterly Outing- Movie & Pizza
December 21
5th gr. Winter Program 12:00 MS Auditorium
December 23
Preview Concert for 8th grade Students 8am MS Auditorium
December 24
Winter Break: NO SCHOOL until 1-4-16
January 4, 2016
Classes Resume
PTO Meeting 6pm MS library
January 8
Student Council MS Dance~ 3:15-5:15
January 11
Freshman Spanish placement testing 1st & 2nd hour
January 12
Freshmen Spanish placement testing 1st & 2nd hour
Girls Basketball- Bye
January 14
Girls Basketball 7th & 8th grade at Kiel
January 15
MS Talent Show- 6:30pm MS Auditorium
January 18
January 19
Girls Basketball 7th @ Two Rivers; 8th grade @ Home
January 21
Girls Basketball 7th & 8th grade Home vs. Plymouth
January 22
NO SCHOOL for Students/Professional Development for Staff
January 26
Girls Basketball 7th @ Manitowoc Wilson; 8th grade @ home
January 28
Girls Basketball~Bye
Inclement Weather
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December 2015

From the Principal
Happy Holidays Middle School Families! Thank you for your partnership ensuring your child is in school and doing their very best each and every day. Now, sit back and enjoy a fun-filled holiday greeting from the middle school office staff. Just click on the link below.
Ms. Markofski

Holiday Wishes from the Middle School Office

Board Seeks Community Input
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is seeking district residents to volunteer for a Facilities Advisory Committee (FAC). The role of the committee is to provide meaningful input to the Sheboygan Falls Board of Education as the Board analyzes  potential solutions for the Sheboygan Falls Middle School. The committee will also provide specific input on the district-wide, long-range capital replacement priorities. It is anticipated that the committee will meet no more than six (6) times between January and April 2016.  Read more.

Smiles for Life

A new program has come to our district! Smiles 4 Life, Inc. is a non-profit organization that will be offering preventative dental services including oral screenings, cleanings, fluoride varnish applications, and dental sealants right at school for students Early Childhood through grade 12!

Smiles 4 Life held the first visit at Sheboygan Falls Middle School on Tuesday, December 8. The next scheduled visit will be Tuesday, March 1, 2016.

Forms can be found in every district school office or at the links below. Completed forms can be returned to any school office, scanned and emailed back to [email protected], or faxed to Smiles 4 Life at 262-347-4449.

More Questions? Call Smiles 4 Life at 262-896-9891, or visit us on the web at

Exploring Natural Disasters in Read 180 
The Read 180 sixth graders have been exploring natural disasters and their effects on regions and individuals.  Mr. Cody Klatt, our guest speaker, added to our knowledge by presenting information on extreme weather and photography.
The students were also involved in writing narrative paragraphs that told a personal story of when they have experienced unique weather conditions.  We focused on creating tantalizing first sentence “hooks” to draw a reader in.  Here are a few:
I remember when I was two, I experienced really harsh weather. The storm was more wind than rain. ~ Joe R.
Did you ever get that feeling of not knowing if a loved one was going to die?  Well, I did. ~ Emma A.
When I was deer hunting, it started to snow, and it became a blizzard.  I felt cold and I had a hard time seeing. ~ Jared S.
Have you ever experienced a really bad storm that caused it to hail? I felt a little scared because I was outside when it started to hail and thunder. ~ Kylie G.
I remember three weeks ago there was a severe thunderstorm at night. The thunderstorm surprised me because it came out of nowhere. ~ Jake S.

News from the 5th Grade
Fifth grade worked hard to complete their Falcon Time door decoration entries early so that they are able to participate in Poetry Palooza Dec. 11 through Dec.18. Poetry Palooza is a celebration of poetry that will be held during Falcon Time. Students partner up, collaboratively select a poem, and after lots of planning and practice, recite it expressively to their peers in a cafe-type setting while sharing a special treat. Poetry Palooza coincides with the Action Room sponsored winter/holiday poetry contest, which invites students to submit original poetry for entry in a national contest. Details on that are available on the Action Room bulletin board.

Musical Notes

Thank you to all of the students who participated in all of the December Musical Festivities.  They contributed greatly to the holiday spirit in Sheboygan Falls.

Students caroling for Mainstreet Memories.
The 50 middle school music students enjoyed the “Nutcracker” this year presented by the Milwaukee Ballet.  Thank you to Mrs. Fiorini for setting this up through the enrichment program.
Coming up in January is the Talent Show on January 15, 2016. Students can pick up a slip from the Enrichment board outside the Library.
The general music students will be working with a Master Drummer on January 19th as they make curriculum connections to their drumming unit and global studies.
Auditions for the middle school musical “The Lion King” will take place in January.  Watch the announcements for exact times and sign-ups.

Falcon Time Enrichment
This year about twenty 5th & 6th graders are participating in enrichment STEM projects & problem solving activities during Falcon time. Students have been part of engineering teams that design solutions & problem solve when faced with engineering challenges.
One of the first projects asked students to research & investigate different types of shapes including shapes contained in famous, tall structures. Students learned how shapes affect the construction & architecture of buildings. Teams of students were asked to design structures using only two shapes & three shapes on a 12 inch base.
Another small project involved students constructing a structure to hold an egg two feet above the ground using only 4 sheets of paper.
Students are presently designing parachutes centering around three different variables (type of material, length of strings and size of canopy).
In January teams of students may be designing houses to be lifted or flown using balloons, just like in the movie “UP”.

From the Counselors

Health Services Update
The nurses would like to share with you the latest TH!NK e-UPDATE.  This month has been full of tobacco prevention activities.  Community is at the very core of coalition work.  We accomplish so much together.  This holiday season let us remain grateful and hopeful that the future generation will be smoke free.  Each step we take is important.  Thank you for walking the tobacco prevention path with us!
School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

SFMS Messenger – November 2015

Friday, October 30th, 2015
Dates and Events
November 2
PTO Meeting 6pm MS library
November 3
boys basketball 7th & 8th home vs. Plymouth
Lego League 3:14-4:30
November 5
Boys Basketball Bye
Lego League 3:14-4:30
November 7
Lawrence Jazz Festival- HS/MS Jazz Ensembles
November 10
Boys Basketball 7th & 8th @ Two Rivers
Lego League 3:14-4:30
Veteran’s Day Program- 8:30 am in MS gym
November 12
Boys Basketball 7th & 8th Grades at Kiel
Lego League 3:14-4:30
November 16
Jazz Concert-MS/HS Jazz Ensembles- 7pm HS aud
November 17
Boys Basketball 7th & 8th grades Home
Lego League 3:14-4:30
November 19
Boys Basketball 7th @ Manitowoc Wilson;
8th @ Home
Lego League 3:14-4:30
November 20
Green & Gold Event
3:30-6:30 MS gym
November 23
Boys Basketball 7th at home vs. Kiel (ES)
8th home vs Kiel (MS)
November 24
Boys Basketball 7th & 8th grades at Plymouth
Lego League 3:14-4:30
November 26
Thanksgiving: NO SCHOOL
November 27
Thanksgiving Break: NO SCHOOL
December 1
Boys Basketball 7th @ Manitowoc Washington; 8th @ home
December 3
Boys Basketball~Bye
December 5
SFMS 4th Annual Craft Fair
December 7
6-12 Choirs Dress Rehearsal 7:55-9:45am HS Aud.
6-12 Winter Choir Concert 7pm HS
December 8
Boys Basketball 7th @ Two Rivers; 8th @ Home
December 14
6-12 Band Concert 7pm HS
6-12 Bands Dress Rehearsal-7:55-9:45am HS Aud.
December 15
Boys Basketball 8th @ Manitowoc Wilson
7th @ Home vs. Manitowoc Wilson @ MS
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Nov/Dec 2015

Honoring our Veterans
The students and staff of Sheboygan Falls Middle School will again be honoring local veterans at their annual Veterans Day program.  This year’s event will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 10, beginning outside at 8:30 a.m. with the traditional flag raising and gun salute. The program will continue in the school gym.  Refreshments for the veterans will follow the program in the school cafeteria.  All veterans and patriotic citizens are welcome to attend.

A Glimpse at the Past
The fifth grade classes recently participated in the “Trades & Occupation of the 1860’s in Sheboygan County” program at the Sheboygan County Historical Museum.

Learning to be a cobbler

Using a draw knife and schnitzel bunk

Buying land for $1.25 an acre

Tools of the 1860’s

Sixth grade guest visitor

“Archaeologist” Marta Barkov, a member of the Russian team that found the remains of the Romanov family, visited Ms. Tetschlag’s and Mr. Debbink’s classrooms to discuss how they went about excavating the site near Yekaterinburg. She answered students’ questions about archaeology and the Russian family that was executed. The students are learning about primary artifacts.
Marta claimed to have a “twin” sister working at Sheboygan Falls Middle School, Literacy Specialist Heidi Kressin.

Making sense of decimals
Sixth graders model adding decimals using diagrams and manipulatives.

Winners of Lion’s International Peace Poster Contest
Congratulations to the seventh graders who placed first, second and third in the Lions’ Club “International Peace Poster” Contest!

Read 180 room hosts guest speakers
The Read 180 eighth graders appreciated Officer Hall’s time and talent as he discussed the work he does with criminal investigations to supplement our study of crime lab science.  We learned a career such as this requires excellent communication, observation and writing skills.
Celebrity Reader, Technology Support Specialist, Mrs. Schafer, read to the eighth graders:  Middle School, Get Me Out of Here!


Celebrity Reader, Fifth Grade Teacher, Mrs. Scharrer, read to the sixth graders: Late for School!

Eighth grade beach restoration project
On October 19 the eighth grade class worked in cooperation with the Alliance for the Great Lakes, YMCA, and community partners on a beach restoration project at Deland Park in Sheboygan.  The ultimate goal was the planting of 10,000 new plants to help with erosion and create a natural dune system. This project allowed our students to extend their learning beyond the classroom walls.
School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.

SFMS Messenger – October 2015

Thursday, October 1st, 2015
Dates and Events
October 6th
Community Conversations session at SFMS – more info in quick link below

October 9th

6th Grade Concerts – 7:00pm – MS Aud.
October 15th
Parent/Teacher Conferences
4:00 to 8:00 pm
October 16th
Book Fair –
MS Conference Room
October 19th
7th Grade Concerts – 7:00pm – MS Aud.
Book Fair –
MS Conference Room
October 20th
Parent/Teacher Conferences –
4:00 to 8:00 pm
Book Fair –
MS Conference Room
October 26th
5th Grade Field Trip -Historical Museum (Marx/Powers)
October 27th

5th Grade Field Trip -Historical Museum

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October, 2015

A Video Message From Ms. Markofski
Innovation at the Middle School

As a new school year begins we focus on the School District of Sheboygan Falls Mission, Vision and Commitments to provide for the needs of every student.
One of our commitments is to be innovative, with that in mind please click below to watch a video message created using our makerspace green screen room.

Welcome to Infinite Campus
Infinite Campus is our new Student Information System used to allow parents access to student grades and schedules. It is also used to alert parents with general announcements and emergency announcements such as snow days or school crises.
We are asking that if you have not set up your Parent Portal and checked your contact preferences, please do so using the URL link that was sent to your e-mail on Monday, September 14th.  If you did not receive the e-mail with the link, please contact the school office and they will assist you in setting up this account.  If you have already set up your parent portal account, you do not need to do anything else at this point.

Welcome Back!!!!
Students and Teachers Creating a Sense of Community

The teachers acted as “paparazzi” to photograph of our students before the first day of school.

The teachers then welcomed the students this year by having them enter on the red carpet to a presentation introducing the entire staff.

Falcon Cool Tools Raffle Winners
Teachers recently reviewed Cool Tools for behaviors in the hallways, in the cafeteria, on the bus and during safety drills.
8th Grade students practicing a bus evacuation.
Students were then entered into a raffle to win some very cool prizes.
Falcon Cool Tools Raffle Winners!!

Bully Prevention Awareness Month

Parents, please join us in celebrating Bully Prevention Awareness month by encouraging your children to follow the Falcon Way by being respectful and accepting of everyone!

Wednesday Oct. 7th: Falls is a Safe Place to be Yourself (dress different or wear mismatched clothes)Wednesday Oct. 14th: No Sweat, We Support Each Other (wear sweatpants & sweatshirts)

Wednesday Oct. 21st: Be a Team Player by Being Kind to Everybody (wear your favorite team clothes)

Wednesday Oct. 28th: Give Peace a Chance (wear “hippie clothes” tye dye shirts)

New from the Kitchen
The School Kitchens have now added a SEASON BAR -Seasonings you can add that have no MSG or Salt added to them.
Starting in October and through the year. All schools will have a day each month designated to a school wide birthday day!  We will be celebrating all birthdays in that month. But everyone eating lunch with us that day will get the birthday treat WG Rice Krispie bar.

Hands-on Project Based Learning in 5th Grade Science
Students in the 5th grade science classes are completing a project where they are creating a Terrarium. They have to make a lot of observations and predictions.

Learning about becoming a U.S. citizen

A BIG thank you to Food Service employee Ingrid Price for coming to our Read 180 room to share her experience with the naturalization process.  Her presentation helped us understand the journey one takes to become an American citizen. We are so glad she is part of our American, our Wisconsin and our Sheboygan Falls Middle School family!

Nurse Notes
Take Back Medication Day is Saturday, October 17, from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm.  This is a safe way to dispose of medications.  See flyer for locations.
School District of Sheboygan Falls Non-discrimination Statement
The School District of Sheboygan Falls does not discriminate on the basis of sex, color, race, religion, age, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation or physical, mental, emotional or learning disability.