SFMS Messenger – March 2017
March 2017

Growth Mindset
Growth Mindset – Why is it so important for students, teachers and parents?
Perhaps you have noticed the many signs around SFMS reminding students, teachers, and our visitors about the power of having a growth mindset.  Throughout the year, teachers and students have been engaging in frequent conversations around this topic. For example, many of us can recall during our educational years (or even in adulthood) times in which we professed that we were “not good” at something (math, music, athletics, etc.). Our mindset can dictate personal growth and we are working to change that phrase to “not good YET.” If you have determined that math is not your subject yet, over time, you start to believe it it will be. This is why our work around mindset is so important.
You never know what you can do when you start to believe in the power of yet.
Meloney Markofski, Principal 
Sheboygan Falls Middle School
“Firing Up”  Education

8th grade science
Brad Nesper and Nick Wilbert from Wisconsin Public Service explain to Ms. Huenink’s 8th grade science classes about natural gas safety, career possibilities and the flammability range of natural gas. Students enjoyed the demonstrations that focused on flammability range.
Learning beyond the book
Grade 5 Update
While winter weather has been cooling things down outside, the 5th graders have been heating things up with super-fast roller coasters. The fifth graders have looked at gravity and the engineering process over the past few weeks.  Our culminating project focused on roller coaster building.  Their goal was to create a roller coaster that had the longest and most stable ride.  Students worked on producing enough kinetic energy to get their marble to travel the whole distance of the roller coaster. Some roller coasters lasted as long as 40 seconds! This hands-on project was created out of paper, tape, and lots of creativity.

Grade 6 Update
The sixth grade class visited the Milwaukee Public Museum on Friday, February 3. In addition to viewing the Wisconsin Stargazing show, they saw the “Crossroads of Civilization” exhibit and other items related to their study of  Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, and Central and South America.

Sixth graders also had the opportunity to become experts about Chinese inventions. Each pair of students chose an invention from three different categories. After that, they researched the inventions and chose a way to present the information to their classmates. When students went through the gallery to view their classmates’ projects, they took notes so the could write an argumentative paragraph about which invention had the greatest impact.

READ 180
Mary Calkins came to talk to our Read 180 sixth graders about her family’s business – Lake Orchard Farm Aquaponics.  She shared with the students the advantages of this type of food production.  We learned that this type of farming provides pesticide-free food that is clean, sustainable, and of premium quality.  We also learned that produce can be grown locally throughout the year by using this method.
Summer School registration now online

Summer School registration is now available online. If you are unable to complete online registration, please contact the school office for paper versions of the course guide and registration form.
Nurse Notes
Preventing the Flu: Good Health Habits Can Help Stop Germs
The single best way to prevent seasonal flu is to get vaccinated each year, but good health habits like covering your cough and washing your hands often can help stop the spread of germs and prevent respiratory illnesses like the flu. Flu shots are available at the Public Health Department, your medical provider’s office, and many other areas in the community.
1. Avoid close contact.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick. When you are sick, keep your distance from others to protect them from getting sick too.
2. Stay home when you are sick.
If possible, stay home from work, school, and errands when you are sick. You will help prevent others from catching your illness.
3. Cover your mouth and nose.
Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when coughing or sneezing. It may prevent those around you from getting sick.
4. Clean your hands.
Washing your hands often will help protect you from germs. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand rub.
5. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
Germs are often spread when a person touches something that is contaminated with germs and then touches his or her eyes, nose, or mouth.
6. Practice other good health habits.
Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, manage your stress, drink plenty of fluids, and eat nutritious food.
Spring newsletter

The District Office will be sending out a district-wide newsletter to our community.  It includes stories about how we deliver on our mission, vision and commitments. In addition, it includes middle school construction updates.  In case you do not receive it in your mailbox at your residence, you can also check it out online at the district website: http://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/district/district-press-releases.cfm

March 2 –  Wrestling- Mishicot, S.F @ Two Rivers
March 7 –  Wrestling- Mishicot, Plymouth, S.F @ Two Rivers
March 9 – MS Play -7pm – MS Aud.
                  MS Play Performance for 5/6 – 1:00pm – MS Aud.
                  Wrestling- Manitowoc, New Holstein, Valders @ S.F
 March 10 –  MS Play and Art Show-7pm MS Aud.
                  MS Play Performance for 7/8 – 1pm – MS Aud.
March 11 –  MS Play and Art Show -1pm – MS Aud.
                   MS Play and Art Show 7pm- MS Aud.
March 13 –  Wrestling- Brillion, New Holstein, S.F @ Kiel
March 14 –  Parent/ Teacher Conferences 4pm- 7pm
March 16 – 6th Grade School Concert for grades 5 & 6
                Wrestling- Conference Tournament @ Manitowoc
March 17 –  NO SCHOOL for Students or Staff
March 20 –  6th Grade Choral Concert- 7pm-MS Aud.
          6th Grade Band Concert 7:30pm MS Aud.
March 25 – MS Solo and Ensembles Festival
March 27 –  8th Grade Band New Horizons Concert
April 3 – FBLA State Conference
              5th Grade Field Trip to Biz Town
April 4 –  FBLA State Conference

School District of Sheboygan Falls
Sheboygan Falls Middle School 
101 School Street, Sheboygan Falls, WI  53085  |  Phone: 920-467-7880