SFMS Messenger – November 1, 2019
November 1, 2019
Calendar of Events
2 Falcon Families Vendor Fair & Book Fair, 9am-2pm, SFES Gym & Cafeteria
3 Test of the Infinite Campus Alert System
4 Forensics Tournament 3:30pm
4 Virtual Learning Family Information Night 6:30pm at SFMS
7-9 SFHS Musical, 9 to 5, 7:00pm
9 Lawrence University Jazz Festival
11 Veterans Day Program 8:30am at SFHS
12 Boys Basketball at home
12 FEU (PTO) Meeting 6:00pm
14 VLD trial night (read more below)
14 Boys Basketball – 7th at Manitowoc – 8th at home
14 FEU (PTO) Paint Night 6:00-8:00pm
15 Student Council Dance at 3:15pm
18 MS/HS Jazz Concert at SFHS 7:00pm
19 Boys Basketball at home
21 Boys Basketball at Kiel
21 Parent Vaping presentation 6:00pm at SFHS Auditorium (read more below)
22 Family Movie Night 3:30pm
28 – 29 No School (Thanksgiving Break)
Our Notification System is back to Infinite Campus
System Alert test November 3
School District of Sheboygan Falls is returning to Infinite Campus for its notification system.
The following information asks you to update your preferences in Infinite Campus to receive emergency notifications and also explains why we are making the request. 
How to update Infinite Campus preferences:
You are already part of Infinite Campus as a parent/guardian in this District. At registration, you would have selected your preferences, or settings, for receiving important notifications. However, to be sure everyone has their preferences up-to-date, please:
· Go into Infinite Campus Parent Portal and confirm that your notifications are correctly selected. Infinite Campus requires you to opt into receiving text messages, as some phone plans charge to receive texts.
· We have included a diagram below to show you how to do that.
read more
Why is the District using Infinite Campus for emergency notifications?
Earlier this school year, the district informed parents/guardians that the District was switching to a new notification system. To make the change, we asked parents/guardians to create their preferences for notifications using Campus Suite. We made that request so that we could conduct a test of the new system. Unfortunately, the test demonstrated that the service is not as reliable as we would like it to be. We first tried to work with the company, but in the end, we determined that the fix was too far down the road for us to be comfortable. We decided to go back to Infinite Campus because the reliability of an emergency notification system is extremely important.
Finding the problems BEFORE actually needing to use the system is good news, yet we realize it may be confusing or it may be an inconvenience. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. Thank you to everyone who helped us test an alternative system, and thank you also for your cooperation to update Infinite Campus.
How do I know Infinite Campus is working?
We will run one additional test of Infinite Campus alert notification on Sunday, November 3 at noon. If you do not receive the test message, please check your notification settings again. You can also call the school office on Monday for assistance. 
Virtual Learning Day Parent Session November 4
Virtual Learning Days (VLD) can be used in the event of severe weather events (e.g., wind chill, snow, flooding) and illness epidemics. The Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction piloted VLD in districts throughout the state with great success. Given the weather forecasted for the upcoming winter,
the School District of Sheboygan Falls is preparing for the use of VLD.
We are thankful for those families who recently completed the survey that was sent out to check on home Internet access. The results indicate that our students should be successful connecting their 1:1 devices or using a home computer. If this is not the case, our staff will make every attempt to make an alternative activity available. 
If you would like to learn more about VLD, please read the document linked below. We are also offering an evening session for families and their caregivers to learn more. This event will take place on Monday, November 4 from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
at the middle school commons area. In addition, on November 14, we will be assigned virtual homework for grades 1 through 8, as these students are normally not allowed to take their Chromebooks home. This should be a great opportunity for families to check connectivity with a school-issued device to your home network and report issues to their teachers.
Read the family handout for additional information.
STEM Experiences
The fifth grade STEM classes are fortunate to be learning about agriculture from Mr. Brunner, one of our SFHS teachers!
7th grade STEM students took a virtual “field trip” to look at the structure of different bridges in the world.
Mr. Bohman’s class came to the STEM lab this morning to go on a virtual field trip to support their science learning on pollination.
Vaping Presentations November 21
E-cigarette use has become an epidemic among our nation’s youth and you as the parent have an important role in addressing this issue.
Talk with Your Kids
You can influence your children’s decision about whether to use e-cigarettes. Even if you have used tobacco yourself, your children will listen if you discuss your struggles with nicotine addiction. Be clear that you don’t approve of them smoking or using e-cigarettes, and that you expect them to live tobacco-free.
A Tip Sheet for Parents
– How do I talk to my kid about this?
All Parents are invited to attend this very important free presentation:
Vaping: What Parents Should Know
Thursday, November 21 @ 6:00 p.m.
High School Auditorium
From the Nurses
The Wisconsin Department of Health Services recommends that everyone age 6 months old and older get vaccinated against the flu. The vaccine is safe and effective and can prevent long absences from school and work.
In addition, there are steps the whole family can take to prevent and stop the spread of illness. These include:
Wash your hands often with soap and water, or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer.
·         Cover your cough or sneeze with your upper sleeve, and try to avoid touching your face with your hand.
·         If you use a tissue, throw it away after one use.
·         Never share drinking cups, straws, and utensils.
·         When possible, avoid being exposed to people who are sick with flu-like symptoms.
·         Eat nutritious meals, get plenty of rest, and do not smoke.
·         Frequently clean commonly touched surfaces, like doorknobs, the refrigerator handles, your phone, and faucets.
If your child shows signs of illness, such as a high fever, cough, sneezing, or runny nose, please keep them home until 24 hours after the symptoms pass to prevent them from spreading illness to classmates and staff. You can find our policy on absences in the district handbook.
Working together, we can make this a healthy school year for everyone.
Counselors’ Corner
Our value this month is honor. Honor is letting someone know you see how valuable they really are. What are some ways you honor people in your life? 
  • This month, we will think about teachers, family members, friends, community members and leaders and how we can show them that they are important to us.
  • Martin Luther King, Gandhi, and Thomas Jefferson were those who had good reputations. Their reputation for honesty and integrity allowed them to lead and effect social change. They had the power to make a difference. It is for this reason and many more that we honor them.
  • Ever heard of the phrase “good as gold” used? For example, a substitute might say that the “students were good as gold.” This is quote simply means that the students’ actions were genuine and found valuable. Our Big Idea this month is honor, letting someone know you see how valuable they are.
  • Honor is letting someone know you see how valuable they really are. Who do you honor? What ways can you show them their value, while knowing that showing someone honor doesn’t have to cost a thing?
  • Honor is a way to make smart decisions. Showing someone honor is smart because it builds a relationship with that person. Learning about people and being able to work together with others are great ways to help you make smart decisions.
We are hiring
Job Title
: Food Service – Auxiliary Cooks
Job Title
: Playground Supervisor
How to Apply:
 An application can be downloaded from the district website,
Send application, resume, and references to:
Mrs. Amanda Pound, 2 Alfred W. Miley Avenue, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085;
From the Principal
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Thank you for attending Parent/Teacher Conferences on October 22 and 29. If you were unable to attend, feel free to reach out to your child’s teacher(s) to learn more about their academic, social, and emotional growth. Teachers regularly update Infinite Campus. This is another resource that you can access to learn more about your child’s current grade(s). If you have questions about Infinite Campus or are having difficulty logging in, please contact the office at 920-467-7880.
As you can see by the calendar of events, there is a lot happening in November at SFMS! From the student council dance to family movie night, there are several opportunities for students to participate in activities with their peers outside of the regular school day.
Middle School Principal