APRIL 16, 2012
6:30 P.M.
Community Open Forum: 6:30 – 6:45 P.M.
This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, April 16, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School. Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:32 P.M.
Present: Mr. John Mauer, President
Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President
Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk
Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem
Mr. Peter Geise
Mrs. Linda Adams
Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent: Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer
Roll call was taken with 6 board members present.
M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve the agenda as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bigler/Adams to approve the minutes of the March 19, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the March 22, 2012 and April 12, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the accounts for March, 2012, as prepared. Motion Carried Unanimously. Expenditures for March, 2012, were $1,707,696.17. Receipts for March, 2012, were $2,503,260.77.
President John Mauer read a letter from Christopher Lacey resigning his current position from the school board.
Jill Preissner, Lakeshore Technical College Youth Apprenticeship Coordinator, presented plaques to the Youth Apprenticeship graduates of Sheboygan Falls High School. The Youth Apprentice Program at LTC provides valuable skills and work experience to high school juniors and seniors who want hands-on learning in an occupational area along with classroom instruction. Kyle Martin, mechanical design/engineering with Kohler Company, Kaylee Graf, health care/CNA with Aurora Memorial Medical Center, and Dylan Setzer, finance/banking with United One Credit Union, were Sheboygan Falls students to receive plaques.
Administrative Reports:
District/Jean Born: In the last several weeks since Legislature adjourned, Governor Walker has signed a number of important education bills into law. The foundation has leased a one acre plot on the Miley property. Bemis has donated mulch at the Miley property, has tilled the acreage, fertilized and fenced it. Bemis also donated mulch at the high school. Davis and Kuelthau will be presenting a post Act 10 seminar on Monday, April 30th from 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.
Committee Reports:
Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Nothing to report.
Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Will report on later on the agenda.
Policy/Lacey/Mauer: Will address later in the meeting.
Finance/Bigler/Geise: Nothing to report.
Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: Met on April 2nd and discussed the Facilities Planning Timeline
and the Special Board meeting with EUA and CG Schmidt set for April 12th.
Rec Board/Lacey: Nothing to report.
CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.
WASB/Seifert/Adams: Nothing to report.
Legislative/Born: Unable to attend this morning’s meeting.
Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: Still in the formative stage.
Luke Goral updated the board on the panel discussion/visits to Bemis/Rockline which our staff attended for their January professional development inservice.
M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to approve the overnight travel requested by Deb Wehrman to take 12 of her students on an overnight outdoor learning experience to Pine Ridge Campground in Waldo, May 16-18, 2012. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the travel of the high school Fishing Club to take approximately 15 students on a fishing trip to Black Bear Lodge in Red Lake, Ontario, Canada, July 6-14, 2012. The Fishing Club has been taking this same trip for many years. Motion Carried Unanimously.
The Public Relations Committee brought to the board the most recent draft of the vision/mission brand. This has been shared with the administrators and will be taken to the staff and community in the future.
M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to approve the final reading of NEOLA Policies 3125 Wisconsin Quality Educator Initiative (Number correction only), 3217, 4217, 5772, 7217 Weapons (Revised), 5200 Attendance (Revised – State Statute change), 5330 Administration of Medications/Emergency Care (Revised), 5514.02 Student Use of Service/Companion Animal (Deletion), 8210 School Calendar (Revised), 8410 School Safety and Crisis Intervention (Revised), 8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle (Revised), 9160 Public Attendance at School Events (Revised), as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Seifert/Geise to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policies 3132,4132 Vacancies (Revised), 3425, 4425 Benefits (New), 3430, 4430 Leaves of Absences (Revised), 6510 Payroll Authorization (Revised), 3120.08 Employment of Personnel for Co-Curricular/Extra-Curricular activities (Revised), 3131, 4131 Reductions in Staff (Revised), 3139, 4139 Staff Discipline (Revised), 3140, 4140 Termination, Non-Renewal and Resignation (Revised), as presented, with the following changes: clarification of number of days, being working or business days in policies #4132,#3132, and #4131, and also omit “and comprehensive”, but leave competitive, in #3425 and #4425. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the first reading of revised NEOLA Policies #5410 and #5112, as presented with the change/addition of wording and/or Director of Pupil Services added in #5410, and 5112 #C, give to five. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Bryan Hansen, Recreation and Aquatic Director, gave an annual report to the board. Overall total attendance was at an all-time high second to the 2007-2008 school year
M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve gifts to the district of $10,947.82 from the Booster Club, with gratitude and thanks. Booster Club gifts included $5000 to supplement the athletic budget, $1500 for the athletic trainer that we hire, $1500 for discus cage for track and field, $1296 for football helmet reconditioning, $275 kicking package for football, $359.85 for softball travel bags, $161.97 for softball game balls, $660 for a set of catcher’s gear for the varsity baseball and $195 for baseball tees. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, presented to the board changes to the nutrition break and lunch prices for the 2012-2013 school year. M/S/Adams/Geise to approve the changes as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.
M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the proposed changes to the 2011-2012 budget as presented by Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, discussed the 2012-2013 budget with the board.
M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the Professional Staff Handbook as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.
The board discussed the district administrator’s evaluation process. M/S/Adams/Geise to allow Sandy Seifert and Chris Lacey’s written evaluation summary to be included in the materials which the board references for this year’s evaluation, of both itself and the District Administrator, to be provided within three weeks from present date. Motion Carried Unanimously.
As this was Sandy’s last board meeting, President John Mauer thanked Sandy Seifert, on behalf of all, for her time and service to the board and School District of Sheboygan Falls.
M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to adjourn. Motion Carried Unanimously.
Adjournment @ 8:36 P.M.
Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary
Approved by the Board of Education on May 21, 2012.
Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk