Regular Meeting Minutes – June 21, 2010

JUNE 21, 2010
6:30 P.M.

Community Open Forum: 6:35 P.M.

Sue Witt, High School Cheerleading Coach, and the cheerleading squad addressed the board asking that they reconsider their decision to eliminate the winter portion of cheerleading as there are now 17 students out for cheerleading. Cost is approximately $2353.

Dr. Heili addressed the board and spoke in favor of the reinstatement of Dan Juedes in the football program as an assistant coach.

This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, June 21st, 2010, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School. Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 7:10 P.M.

Present: Mr. John Mauer, President
Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President
Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk
Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer
Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem
Mr. Peter Geise
Mrs. Linda Adams
Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary

M/S/Bigler/Bramstedt to approve the agenda as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Geise to approve the minutes of the May 17, 2010 Board Meeting as printed. Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the accounts for May, 2010 as prepared. Motion Carried Unanimously. Expenditures for May 2010 were $1,645,770.63. Receipts for May, 2010 were $144,805.35.

Administrative Reports:

District/Dave Wessel: Mr. Wessel spoke on the Leadership Conference recently attended by all administration.
Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal and Jean Born, Director of Instruction, gave their monthly reports to the Board. (copies attached).

Committee Reports:

Personnel/Mauer/Bramstedt/Seifert: Bramstedt report on support staff negotiations, Mauer asked the board to set up a July 12th meeting with David Branbeck pertaining to information on HRA accounts.
Public Relations/Seifert/Geise/Adams: Seifert reports that they met today and discussed past projects, considering next year’s projects, and the Student Community Service for credit. Mauer thanked Seifert for her end of year party-help/coordination.

Policy/Mauer/Bramstedt: Bramstedt reported that they reviewed updates including GINA- Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act.

Finance/Bigler/Lacey/Geise: Bigler reports that they went over the budget.

Facilities/Bigler/Lacey/Adams: Bigler reports they met and brought the new members up to date on the facilities study. The study is an assessment of what we have and gives the board an opportunity to prioritize.

Rec Board/Seifert: Seifert reports that they went over the rec board budget and looked at areas for generating revenue.

CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.

WASB/Seifert/Adams: Seifert reported that resolution proposals were received today in the mail.

Legislative/Wessel: Seifert, Born, Blaha, Wessel, attended the Legislative Breakfast this morning at Sargento. Among topics discussed with area legislators was region wide costing – healthcare, cooperative programs, unfunded mandates, and ways to be more creative with the dollars that we have.

Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: Not met

H.S. Site Council/Bramstedt/Phelps: Not met

M.S. Site Council/Seifert/Markofski: Not met

Elem. Site Council/Bigler/Manning: Not met

Board President John Mauer discussed and appointed committee members. The draft stands as approved.

M/S/Lacey/Bigler to approve the professional contracts for the 2010-2011 school year: Lindsey Douglas, 60% FTE High School English and Derek Beekhuizen, High School Band. Motion carried unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Lacey to accept the resignation of Beth McDonald, high school English teacher, with gratitude for her service to the district. Motion carried unanimously.

M/S/Bigler/Lacey to approve as presented the 2010-2011 Events & Athletic Calendar. Motion carried unanimously.

Rebecca Charbonneau presented on her taking a group of 7th/8th grade chorus students to the Lion King in Chicago on Wednesday, October 20, 2010. The only discounts offered to groups are on the Wednesday matinee show. This is not a required field trip but feels very strongly that this is a great educational learning experience and it will be funded via fundraising.
M/S/Seifert/Bigler to approve with reluctance a Wednesday night event, the Middle School Trip to Chicago on Wednesday, October, 20, 2010. A roll call vote was taken. Geise/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Mauer/NO, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Adams/Yes.

Jean Born and Barry Ludvik presented on the possibility of expanding to on-line courses. The board would like to see some additional wording, “advocacy structure” in the policy.
M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the first reading and presentation on new NEOLA Policy-On-Line Courses/Online Learning Policy with minor changes before the final approval comes in July. Motion carried unanimously.

John Mauer left the meeting and returned during the discussion of the on-line courses.

Mary A. Blaha, Director of Business Services, gave a presentation on the 2010-2011 budget.
M/S/Geise/Seifert that the preliminary budget for the 2010-2011 school year be approved as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

M/S/Bramstedt/Geise that the General Fund Balance as of June 30, 2010 be designated for cash flow purposes. Motion carried unanimously.

Bill Foster from School Perceptions presented and highlighted significant areas of the Community Survey done this spring.

M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to approve with thanks the $300 gift to the District from the Booster Club to help defray the cost of the 2010-2011 Events/Athletic Calendar.

M/S/Bigler/Lacey to Adjourn Into Executive Session Per Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c)(e)(f) for the purpose of: (1) Consider compensation for a non-represented employee for 2010-2011, (2) Conferring with an employee of the School District regarding employment, performance evaluation, and disciplinary data related to preliminary consideration of a specific personnel issue concerning the employee and (3) Considering employment, promotion, and performance evaluation data related to an employee of the School District, impacting possible selection of the employee as the successor District Administrator. A roll call vote was taken. Geise/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Mauer/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Adams/Yes. Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Geise/Seifert to return to open session.

M/S/Bigler/Lacey to consider compensation for Len Burzynski, Facilities Manager, a salary raise of 2%, totaling $1,230.00 for 2010-2011. A roll call vote was taken. Geise/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Mauer/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Adams/Yes. Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler/ The Board moved to uphold the previous board’s decision to withhold coaching contracts from Dan Juedes. A roll call vote was taken. Geise/Yes, Seifert/Abstain, Lacey/Yes, Mauer/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Adams/Yes. Motion Carried With 6 Yes and 1 Abstain.

M/S/Bigler/Seifert to adjourn. Motion carried Unanimously.

Adjournment @ 11:50 P.M.

Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary

Approved by the Board of Education on July 26, 2010

Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk