Regular Meeting Minutes – March 28, 2011




MARCH 28, 2011

6:30 P.M.

Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.


This scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, March 28, 2011, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:30 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary


M/S/Geise/Lacey to approve the agenda as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Adams to approve the minutes of February 21, 2011 Board Meeting as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Bigler/Geise to approve the accounts for February, 2011, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for February, 2011, were $1,545,012.67.  Receipts for February, 2011, were $3,356,232.87.


Administrative Reports:


District/Dave Wessel:  Zac Deprey, Technology Specialist, has submitted his resignation and given his two week notice.  We will be posting this position in the near future.  Dave also informed the board of a letter that he wrote today advising a parent of the procedure that needs to be followed to be put on the board agenda.


John Phelps, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; and Jean Born, Director of Instruction gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Meloney Markofski reported that Tammy Gerend, 8th Grade Science Teacher, was recently awarded the WSST (Wisconsin Society of Science Teachers) Excellence in Science Education Award.  The award is given annually to a person who has made outstanding contributions to the improvement of science education in Wisconsin.  Congratulations Tammy!


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Mauer/Bramstedt/Seifert: Met and discussed the transition of the new superintendent.


Public Relations/Seifert/Geise/Adams:  Will set up a meeting in the near future.


Policy/Bramstedt/Mauer:  Addressed in the meeting later.


Finance/Bigler/Lacey/Geise:  Nothing to report.


Facilities/Bigler/Lacey/Adams: The Community Task Force will have their last meeting March 29th.  On April 6th, Tony Klockow, Facilitator, will be reporting to the facilities committee.


Rec Board/Seifert:  Meeting held March 9th.  Please note that updated Recreation fees for programs and passes are posted online.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  Linda, Peter and Sandy attended a “Day at the Capitol” on March 16th and reported that it was very informative.  Our participants had a chance to meet with Senators Kestell and Leibham and had an opportunity to ask questions, along with other area schools.


Legislative/Wessel: Last Monday’s meeting was rescheduled to Monday, April 4th.  Tom Bigler asked that at the next meeting that Dave address the recent change in employment hours per year before requiring a contribution to WRS, Wisconsin Retirement System.  Tom would like to see that restored back to 600 hours from the new 400 hours.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise: The foundation has met and everyone in attendance has recommitted to continue their participation in the foundation.


H.S. Site Council/Bramstedt/Phelps: Met and discussed a barefoot day at school, proposed by high school student Jordyn Voland. This would be a day where students will go barefoot for the day, bring extra shoes to school, and donate their shoes to the needy.  Other topics were recycling ideas with the help of Bemis, and bullying.


M.S. Site Council/Seifert/Markofski: Met and discussed the Veterans Day program, whether or not to continue the program, and if continuing, how to make it more meaningful.  They also talked about the master schedule.


Elem. Site Council/Bigler/Manning: Discussed the Jaycees donation and decided the money would be used for playground equipment and the garden area.  Other topics included the newsletter which is done monthly and posted on the website, and  the 4th Grade students will be doing an egg hunt in April.


Jim Madden, representing the Sheboygan Falls baseball, basketball, soccer and wrestling associations, approached the board on the reduction of facility use fees from the “B Rate” to the “A Rate” when the above associations are using the gyms and fields.  The facilities committee, along with Mary Blaha, will have to look at current operating costs, do some research, and will report back to the associations in May.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to approve the contract for Jean Born as the new district superintendent.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Lacey to approve personal leave without compensation for Andrea Anderson as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Graig Stone, Middle School FBLA Advisor and Kyle Bernhoft, High School FBLA Advisor, reported on their recent event competitions.  March 26th, Middle School students placed 3rd among middle school chapters and 8th overall in our region.  February 5th, our High School students competed as a chapter at the FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) Regional Conference and 12 students qualified for the State Conference in April.  Abby Mauer, middle school student reported on her experience with FBLA, and Joe Reiter, high school student, reported on the FBLA goals, fundraisers, and what they are doing to attain those goals.  Congratulations to all of the competitors.


Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services, Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal, and middle school teaching staff, Renee Moldenhauer, Juliana Flavin, and JulieAnn Jarentowski, gave a presentation on Read 180.  This program will give students an opportunity to improve their reading skills in a shorter period of time and also address the need at an earlier stage of education.

M/S/Geise/Lacey to approve the gift of $4500 to the District from the Jaycees as presented.  $1500 will be used at each building.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the gift of $10,277 to the District from the Booster Club as presented.  The contribution will cover the baseball field fencing, bulletin board for tennis, soccer balls and nets for girl’s soccer, baseball batting helmets, and a pitching machine with cart for fast pitch softball.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to approve the final reading of NEOLA Medication Administration Policy Update as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Seifert/Bramstedt to accept to accept the retirement letters from Keith Binversie, H.S. Social Studies Teacher, Fredrick Brown, H.S. Physical Education Teacher/Recreation and Aquatic Director, William Davis, H.S. Science Teacher, Patrick Doughman, H.S. Art Teacher, Martin Gross, Computer Technology Specialist, Shelley Haas, Early Childhood Teacher, Jill Harmelink, Speech Therapist, Diane Hoerth, Elementary Art Teacher, Dawn Hogue, H.S. English Teacher, Daniel Juedes, H.S. Physical Education Teacher, Deborah Klock, Elementary Grade 2 Teacher, Bernard McKichan, H.S. World Language Teacher, Michael Schade, H.S. Special Education Teacher, Mary Schaefer, Elementary Grade 4 Teacher, Heather Schneider, Elementary Grade 3 Teacher, Janice Westphal, H.S. Mathematics Teacher, as presented.   Motion Carried Unanimously.


Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, reviewed the food service, debt service, and community service budgets.


M/S/Bramstedt/Geise to APPROVE 58 open enrollment applications received from students who are requesting to attend school in Sheboygan Falls in the 2011-2012 school year under Open Enrollment guidelines and to DENY 3 applications based on not age eligible, student currently expelled, or because the student’s special education evaluation has not taken place.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Adams/Seifert to APPROVE 67 applications received from Sheboygan Falls students who are requesting to attend school in surrounding districts in the 2011-2012 school year under Open Enrollment guidelines and to DENY 0 applications as we have received the tuition costings from the non-resident districts and they do not exceed the Open Enrollment State Aid Adjustment amount for the year and there were no expulsion records to report.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

Dave Wessel gave a short analysis and background on past open enrollment numbers and participation in open enrollment in our district.

M/S/Bramstedt/Lacey to Adjourn into Executive Session per Wis. Stats. 19.85(1)(c)(f)(e) to discuss consideration of a specific personnel request involving an employee of the School District and to develop a negotiating strategy with respect to the impact of the Budget Repair Bill on School District Collective Bargaining contracts. A roll call vote was taken. Geise/Yes, Seifert/Yes, Lacey/Yes, Mauer/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Bramstedt/Yes, Adams/Yes.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Seifert to return to open session.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Return to open session.


M/S/Bramstedt/Seifert to grant Marty Gross 1.8 years of single heath and single dental insurance at the rate that the district currently pays to the HRA, the same group that the other two administrators are in.  A roll call vote was taken. Geise/No, Seifert/Yes, Lacey/No, Mauer/Yes, Bigler/No, Bramstedt/Yes, Adams/No.  Motion Did Not Carry, 4/No, 3/Yes.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 10:57 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on April 18, 2011


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk