Regular Meeting Minutes – February 20, 2012




FEBRUARY 20, 2012

6:30 P.M.


Community Open Forum:  6:30 – 6:45 P.M.


This regularly scheduled meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of Sheboygan Falls was held on Monday evening, February 20, 2012, in the High School Library at Sheboygan Falls High School.  Board President, John Mauer, called the meeting to order at 6:33 P.M.


Present:           Mr. John Mauer, President

Mr. Tom Bigler, Vice President

Mrs. Victoria Bramstedt, Clerk

Mrs. Sandy Seifert, Clerk Pro-Tem

Mr. Peter Geise

Mrs. Linda Adams

Mrs. Julie Hahn, Board Secretary
Absent:            Mr. Christopher Lacey, Treasurer


Roll call was taken with 6 board members present.


M/S/Geise/Seifert to approve the agenda as printed with the exception of moving item # 8 and #9, 2 presentations, below item #5.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bigler/Seifert to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2012 Regular Board Meeting and the January 23, 2012, February 2, 2012 and February 16, 2012, Special Board Meetings, as printed.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Bramstedt/Bigler to approve the accounts for January, 2012, as prepared.  Motion Carried Unanimously.  Expenditures for January, 2012, were $1,993,598.32.  Receipts for January, 2012, were $3,922,114.52.


Middle School Teachers, Mr. Stone, Business Education teacher, and Mrs. Hittman, 5th grade teacher, shared their experience with 5th and 8th grade students at the Junior Achievement financial literacy events, Biz Town and Finance Park.

The K-12 Physical education department, Paul Houwers, Doug Johnson, Jennifer Traas, Deb Federer, Matthew Pfister, Chuck Baranek, and Cindy Dorn, presented to the board an overview of their curriculum and its importance.  Following the presentation was a question/answer period.


Administrative Reports:


District/Jean Born:  Met today and items discussed were the choice charter bill, school accountability progress into legislation, non-renewal date deadline which has been moved to May 15th, and the open enrollment window which has been extended until April 30th.  The Public Health Department recently reported back that our district had an excellent review.


Luke Goral, High School Principal; Meloney Markofski, Middle School Principal; Kellie Manning, Elementary School Principal; Ann Roy, Director of Special Education and Pupil Services; Mary Lofy, Director of Instruction, Mary Blaha, Director of Business Services, and Aaron May, Associate Principal/Athletic Director, gave their monthly reports to the Board.


Committee Reports:


Personnel/Bramstedt/Seifert/Adams: Discussion in executive session before and after the meeting tonight.


Public Relations/Adams/Seifert/Geise: Have been working with a facilitator and have a document ready for the proposal of a message/brand model.

Policy/Lacey/Mauer:  Will address later in the meeting.


Finance/Bigler/Geise:  Meeting tomorrow morning.


Facilities/Bigler/Bramstedt/Mauer: March 8th meeting of the full board, with the community invited.


Rec Board/Lacey:  Nothing to report.


CESA #7/Bigler: Nothing to report.


WASB/Seifert/Adams:  Nothing to report.


Legislative/Born: Addressed above.


Sheboygan Falls School Foundation/Geise:  Have not met.

M/S/Geise/Bigler to approve the overnight trip with Falcon Academy students and instructors, Jason Peters and Mike Kobelsky, to Shawano Lake on May 15th-May 18, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.

M/S/Seifert/Adams to approve the overnight trip for the Close-Up Club and instructor, Amanda Roethle, to travel to Washington, D.C., on March 4 – 9, 2012.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Bryan Hansen, Recreation and Aquatic Director, had a request from adults from the community that currently use our gym space on Wednesday evenings to expand that to include Sunday mornings in the MS gym.  They would continue to pay an entrance fee for usage and one of our HS physical education teachers would be in charge of collecting this fee at no cost to the district.  The MS gym is available during that time.  M/S/Geise/Adams to approve the request as presented. Motion Carried Unanimously.


At last month’s board meeting, Jean Born informed the board of a new state law which would involve high school graduation physical education credit requirement change.  The physical education staff presented tonight on their K-12 curriculum and the importance of it.  This is a chance for the Board to further discuss the state law change to the Physical Education requirements and their position on it.


M/S/Geise/Bramstedt to approve the first reading and waive the second reading of the revised NEOLA Policy 8510: Wellness, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


M/S/Geise/Bramstedt to approve the first reading of NEOLA Policy updates- Section 1, as presented.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Under Act 114, school boards must determine the number of available spaces for regular and special education open enrollment students.  Preliminary numbers were presented to the board for initial discussion.  The approval of the available spaces will be necessary at the March board meeting.

M/S/Adams/Seifert to approve that the rollover of contracts be postponed until June by which time the personnel committee will have developed a protocol and timeline for the rollover process.  Mauer/No, Adams, Yes, Bramstedt/No, Geise/No, Bigler/No, Seifert/No.  Motion Did Not Carry.


M/S/Bramstedt/Geise to rollover the administrative contracts for the additional year and develop a protocol to further address the implications of our budgetary needs.  Mauer/No, Adams/No, Bramstedt/Yes, Geise/Yes, Bigler/Yes, Seifert/No.  Motion Did Not Carry.


M/S/Seifert/Geise to adjourn.  Motion Carried Unanimously.


Adjournment @ 9:45 P.M.


Minutes taken by Julie M. Hahn, Board Secretary


Approved by the Board of Education on March 19, 2012


Victoria Bramstedt, Board Clerk