March 13, 2025
Attention students! On Friday, March 14, we will have visitors outside the
lunchroom during lunches from Piggly Wiggly Warehouse! If you are a Senior
and going to be 18 or are 18 by June, this is a job that pays very well if
you are looking to make nice money before you head off to college, or if
you are going right into the workforce!! Please see your email to get
signed up for one or more of the college visits!
Looking for Volunteer Hours? I need some help at our youth wrestling
tournament on Saturday, March 15th. No wrestling experience/knowledge is
necessary. We will find you an easy job you can handle. Timeframe would be
from 9:00am-2:00pm. Contact Mr. Knecht via email at
[email protected].
FFA members! The next FFA meeting is March 17th at 7:00 pm in the ag shop.
We will be discussing judging contest info, officer applications, and
banquet awards!
Students! Be part of history! The 100th anniversary yearbook is available
for purchase now at The price is $55. The price will
increase to $60 on 4/12/25.
Ready to push your limits and achieve something incredible? High school
football is calling! Join us for an informational meeting on Wednesday,
March 19th, during Mr. Z’s Soar. Sign up and discover how you can grow as
an athlete and a teammate. Become part of the F.A.M.I.L.Y. and build a
legacy! Talk to Mr. Z to secure your spot or sign up during SOAR on Monday.
Attention Freshman-Junior Volleyball Players: There will be volleyball open
gyms at the High School on March 18 and 25th from 6:30 – 8:00 pm.
2025 Trap Registration is open until March 24th at noon, even though we
have started practice you can still sign-up. If you are interested, stop
out at Sheboygan Falls Conservation Club on Wednesdays 3:30-5:30 and check
it out before you register.