SFES Communicator – January 2019
January 2019
4K Open House
Incoming 4K Open House night is February 12th from 5:00-6:30 pm. Please see the detailed letter regarding open house night. We look forward to seeing you there!
Drop off and Pick-up Procedures
Dear Families,
We have completed our first successful semester of the 2018-2019 school year.  We are very appreciative of your continuous support and collaboration. We are fortunate to have new families enroll in our school district on a weekly basis. This is a prime opportunity to review drop-off and pick-up procedures. Please read through the procedures in their entirety as some may be new and some may be a refresher. 
Lynn Bub, Principal of Sheboygan Falls Elementary
Shelley Hyde, Associate Principal of Sheboygan Falls Elementary
Principal for a Day
One lucky student will be Principal for the Day on February 6th. Thank you Friends of Falcon Families PTO group for this opportunity. This lucky student had his name picked after a winter fundraiser and will participate in some fun Principal activities! Falcon Families hopes to offer this fundraiser again. Watch for some fun pictures of our day next month.
ES and MS Partnerships
Because of the proximity of our two schools, several partnerships are forming with elementary and middle school classes.
During the month of December, 4K classes did an art collaboration project with Mrs. Fischer’s 8th grade class. The 4K students drew a self-portrait, and the 8th graders used the self-portraits to create an amazing piece of art for the 4K children to keep.
In First grade, students spend time with their 7th grade math buddies working on math together.
We look forward to new partnerships forming on our campus!
Head Lice Prevention Tips:
“Once a Week, Take a Peek”
  • Make checking for head lice part of a weekly routine.
  • During your child’s bath or shower, use conditioner. Brush hair first to remove tangles.
  • Carefully comb the hair when your child has a wet head. It is easier to spot lice with wet hair. If using a lice comb, you can also check the comb for lice or eggs.
  • Examine the scalp for eggs or nits near the hair shaft. Nits are firmly attached and do not shake off as other debris does.
  • Once you establish this routine, it will be easier to detect lice should it occur. Lice treated earlier are easier to treat.
  • If your child has long hair, keep secured back in ponytails, braids, or a bun.
  • Teach your child not to share hair accessories, hats, hoodies, etc. with others.
  • If you find lice, DO NOT PANIC! Your child will handle it better with a calm parent.
  • Head lice is not a sign of being dirty or sick, lice prefer clean hair.
  • You can get rid of lice with proper treatment.
  • Lice do not carry disease or spread disease.
  • All lice cases discussed with the school nurse or classroom teacher is confidential information.
  • Sheboygan Falls School District does not exclude children from school because of lice or nits.
Meet the Counselors
Greetings from Mrs. Humski and Mrs. Lorge!
Hello, from Sheboygan Falls Elementary School Counselors. We wanted to introduce ourselves and share some information about our School Counseling Program. The Sheboygan Falls School District Comprehensive School Counseling Program adheres to the philosophy that the school counseling program is an essential and integral part of the overall education process. 
This program supports, facilitates and encourages classroom instruction and student achievement. Our counseling program is proactive and preventive in its focus. More specifically, our mission is to maximize the potential of all students, helping them to become caring, capable, connected, and confident members of society. The program addresses the personal/social, educational and career needs of all students.  The program’s ultimate goal is for students to graduate with the competencies necessary to be able to make self-directed, realistic and responsible decisions and to be successful contributors to society.
Mrs. Humski (Grades 4K-2), left and
Mrs. Lorge (Grades 3-5), right
WSCA Announces Program of Promise Award Winners
Milwaukee, WI. – This year, ten school counseling programs met/exceeded the requirements for Program of Promise award and will receive their awards at the annual Wisconsin School Counselor Association (WSCA) conference in Madison, WI on February 7, 2019.
The Program of Promise award is the highest recognition that a comprehensive school counseling program can receive from WSCA. School counselors submit a Wisconsin School Counseling Program Accountability Report (WSCPAR) highlighting their data driven program, student results in the career, academic, and social emotional domains, and school climate and safety. The peer reviewed WSCPAR must meet and exceed stringent content standards for award consideration. WSCPAR’s are reviewed once per year by a panel of school counseling professionals with the next submission deadline being October 15, 2019.
“Completing and submitting a WSCPAR to WSCA shows a commitment to advancing, creating, and maintaining a comprehensive and data driven school counseling program,” said Stacey Miller, WSCPAR Coordinator. “Meeting and exceeding the standards for the Program of Promise award grants recognition in front of your colleagues.”
read more
Free and Reduced
You can apply anytime through out the school year for Free and Reduced. You can find the applications
under the parent portal or on the web page under forms for families.
IF you qualify for free & reduced you are able to get breakfast FREE at all three schools.
Upcoming Events:
Feb. 12 4K Open House 5:00pm – 6:30pm
Feb 18-20 Dental Visits
Mar. 7 Optional Parent Teacher Conferences 4:00pm – 7:30pm
Download Our App!
, the School District of Sheboygan Falls mobile app, is your link to vital information, news, and updates while on the go. Easily navigate through current news and events or check out the latest updates on social media like Facebook and Twitter. Quickly retrieve contact information, social media posts, lunch menus, and more! It’s your school district available at your fingertips.