SFES Communicator – October 30, 2020


October 30, 2020
School Calendar Changes for November and December
The Board of Education met this week and made changes to the school calendar to allow our staff additional in-service days and time as they balance in-person, virtual and hybrid learning. Please adjust your family calendars accordingly. Your child(ren) have been working hard and hopefully enjoy the time. As always, reading is one of the fundamental stepping stones to learning. Encourage your child to spend time with a favorite book on these days. The District will seek feedback about additional days, if needed, for the second semester.
November 13 – in-service for staff, no school for students
November 25 – no school for staff or students
December 21 – in-service for staff, no school for students
December 22 – no school for staff or students
Conferences will be virtual this school year. You should have received the conference sign-up information with the option to have a Google Meet or a phone call. Conferences are scheduled for 15 minutes. Please be mindful of the time to allow for everyone to have the opportunity to have a conference.  
Please call the office for questions and for 4K conference scheduling. Here is the link for K-4th grade conference sign-up: picktime.com/sdsf
Reminders to our Bus Riders
Our bus drivers would like to remind students to:
  • have a facial covering on before boarding the bus;
  • keep the facial covering on for the entire ride;
  • stay in the assigned seat.
Thanks for doing your part to keep the bus safe!
Sheboygan Country School Superintendent and
Health Department Communication
The Sheboygan County school superintendents, in conjunction with the health department, recently sent a communication to all school families imploring them to follow health and safety guidelines in order to maintain in-person instruction in our schools. As we contact trace, we have found that the cases enter our schools and are contracted outside of our buildings. We have been able to move swiftly and accurately to minimize spread, and are asking for our family and community help. We are all in this together and want our current learning model of in-person learning to be sustained. The letter is shared again here.  
Case in School Letters
As of this week, we will no longer send the Case in School letters via Infinite Campus, as our families have indicated “letter fatigue.” We have instead started a “tracker” on our website. This is updated weekly so that families can be informed of positive cases as well as the number of quarantined students each week. The tracker can be found in the right navigation area on this page: https://www.sheboyganfalls.k12.wi.us/district/covid-19 .
This tracker will be updated each Friday by our district nurses.   Note that close contacts will continue to receive communication directly from the school and county health department.
Virtual Learning Reminders
With the uptick in COVID cases in the county and across the state, many families have questioned the requirements if they choose to have their child learn virtually. Click HERE for the requirements for all families that choose to have their child learn virtually, along with helpful information for making a decision for your family.
Isolate? Quarantine?
Whether to isolate or quarantine can be confusing, the below assists in explaining the differences.
Counselor Corner
RECESS NEWS! We are trying a few new things at recess to encourage students to make good choices, be kind to each other, and stay safe. 
We have an all-school incentive board posted and each class is working toward 40 recesses with positive choices. When they reach their goal, their puzzle piece is removed and our school will be one step closer to our all-school incentive!
If your child was making unexpected or unacceptable choices at recess they may receive a Recess Report (look for it on bright orange paper!). The Recess Report will be sent home so that you are aware of what has been happening at recess. Please take some time to talk to your child about how they can make better and safe choices. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the needs of your child please reach out to your child’s School Counselor. Thank you for your continued support and partnership! 
Mrs. Lorge & Mrs. Humski
Elementary School Counselors
GREAT NEWS! Free Breakfast and Lunch
for the rest of the school year!
We notified our families in September that free meals for ALL students were available until the end of December for both virtual and in-person students.
We have recently been notified that this has been extended until the end of the school year, unless federal funding runs out. Please watch the video to learn more. Students’ accounts will reflect that students received the meals with a no charged indicated. The only exception is when students choose ala carte items.
Falcon Families Update
The next Box Top Deadline is approaching on November 2nd. While most of it has gone digital there are still some traditional Box Tops floating around. Box Tops is allowing families to send those in themselves this year with the craziness that is 2020. PLEASE DO NOT SEND THEM TO SCHOOL! THIS LINK explains how to submit them. Please reach out to your school Box Tops coordinator, Jessica Montambo, with questions ([email protected]).
Seasonal Changes
Fall is in the air and so is the cooler weather. A reminder that outdoor recess happens daily when the temperature is zero degrees and above. Please make sure to send your child with proper gear. If you are not able to provide these for your child, please contact the office. We are happy to help with donations.
Seeking Substitute Teachers
The School District of Sheboygan Falls is actively seeking substitute teachers for immediate placement in classrooms.
In order to keep schools open for face to face learning, the District is seeking anyone with a teaching license or a bachelor’s degree to assist in filling open positions. Emergency licenses or permits may be granted to qualified applicants. You do not need a teaching license to substitute, as a bachelor’s degree qualifies you to be a substitute teacher.
Click here for more information.
Message from the Principals
Dear SFES Families,
As we enter a new month of school, we could not be more proud to still offer both in-person learning and virtual options to our families. Our staff and students have persevered through the new procedures, the safety updates, and flipped learning classrooms. Thank YOU for your kindness, patience, and partnership.
Lynn Bub, SFES Principal
Shelley Hyde, SFES Associate Principal