SFES Communicator – October 6, 2021


October 6, 2021
Message from the Principals
Welcome Back!
It feels great to be back in session for the 21-22 school year. We are excited for a great year of academic, social and enrichment learning, and hope you are, too.
On Thursday, November 4th and Tuesday, November 9th, families will have the opportunity to participate in parent / teacher conferences. For this school year, families will have the option to choose to meet with their child’s teacher either via phone conference, Google Meet, or face-to-face. Communication regarding how to sign-up will be sent out via Infinite Campus. Please feel free to contact the Elementary Echool office for further information or with questions as conferences approach.
Lynn Bub, SFES Principal
Dave Pieters, SFES Associate Principal
Welcome Mr. Pieters!
I hope this update finds you all well and enjoying our fabulous Wisconsin weather. We have had a great start to our school year, students and staff are back in the swing of things. For me, it has been great getting to know the students in and out of the classroom. I have had many opportunities to build connections with students while enjoying some fun outside at recess. The staff at SFES have been so welcoming to all of those that are new and returning to the building. It has made my transition to a new building and role quite pleasant. We have done a lot of work to have this smooth start, but our work isn’t done and we will continue to build connections while we help our students grow. Please don’t hesitate to reach out.
Thank you,
Dave Pieters
Update from Superintendent Bennin
It is October! Thank you for trusting your child(ren) to our district and staff everyday. I do not think we can thank you enough and also emphasize how important this responsibility is to us as a district. We have created a learning environment where we witness our learners and educators actively, inquisitively, and safely learning each day, despite a pandemic that is still looming. 
We thank you for your patience as we continue to balance a pandemic and also the importance for your children to be in school growing socially, emotionally, and academically. We appreciate the feedback that helps us to continually improve our practices and also the grace you offer us in these continually fluid times. 
We would also like to thank our supportive Board of Education and recognize them as this is School Board Appreciation week. As always, do not hesitate to reach out if you have questions or wonderings, we are always happy to hear from you and work with you to continually improve our district and create the destination district for our county.  
With Gratitude,
Annalee Bennin 
Did you know that SFES offers digital announcements every week? Check them out HERE or by clicking the banndr below. Our announcement page has great resources for students and families, including Rec Department activities, family-friendly community events, information on services available to families, and upcoming school dates. Thank you to Mrs. Henney in the school office for updating this important page!
Watch for it! There will be a Charleston Wrap flier coming home this week from our Falcon Families (PTO) group. Orders can be placed online and shipped right to you (early Holiday shopping?). This fundraiser will be active October 11th-25th.
Fire Safety Week
Special thanks to our own Sheboygan Falls Fire Department for visiting us during Fire Safety Month. Our firefighters even stayed for lunch and recess (and jump roping fun), which our students thoroughly enjoy!
Does your family have a meeting spot in case you need to evacuate quickly? Have you checked the batteries in your fire alarms and carbon monoxide detectors? Taking a moment to talk about fire safety helps us all stay safe!
October Youth and Family Resource Guide
Pumpkins & Poses
Please see HERE or click the banner below for October Youth and Family opportunities.
PUMPKINS & POSES: KLorraine Wellness Studio is hosting Pumpkins & Poses on Saturday, October 23. This festive event will allow children to express their creativity through pumpkin painting and move with intention during a Halloween themed yoga class. You can find more info HERE.
End of October School Celebrations
In an effort to balance our academic routines with important social and cultural opportunities for our students, we’d like to share information on our end of October classroom celebration plans. We hope this helps your family to plan and enjoy some exciting social milestones in your elementary child’s experience. 
Please see the attached letter HERE for more information.
Basketball for Grades 3-8
Did you know that the Rec Department offers youth basketball programs starting in 3rd grade? They do!
More information on the youth basketball programs for 3rd through 8th grade can be found HERE.
Reminder: Masks on the Bus
A reminder that, as federally mandated, masks are required on the bus. Please remind your bus-riders that they should bring / wear a mask. While the bus drivers do have some extras, the supply is running low! Thank you for your cooperation!
From the Nurses …
Thank you to families keeping sick / symptomatic students home. We continue to ask you to monitor your child(ren) each morning and keep them home if they have symptoms.  If your child has a cough or two other symptoms combined, they will need a negative COVID test (or doctor’s note) in order to return prior to their 10 days of isolation. Messages that are left with questions about keeping your kids home may not be answered until the afternoon. While waiting, it is in your best interest to schedule a test / doctor appointment, and you can always cancel if deemed unnecessary.
Testing: this year we are accepting rapid tests. Send a picture of the home test kit once completed and email it to a nurse prior to returning: [email protected] and/or [email protected]
Alternatively, places you can go for testing: 
  1. Call your Primary Care Provider and ask if they test in the office
  2. CVS.com
  3. Walgreens.com
  4. Prevea.com
  5. Home test kits sold at CVS / Walgreens / Walmart (recommend calling for availability)
  6. National Guard testing on Wednesdays at the Falls ADRC (note that this is available TODAY until 6:00)